(Path March v4) Split stuff (esp. settings) into common.frag

James T. Martin 2021-12-18 19:36:44 -08:00
parent 69ea1d05cd
commit 12b4129fb0
Signed by: james
GPG Key ID: 4B7F3DA9351E577C
4 changed files with 803 additions and 555 deletions

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@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
//////// ================================
//////// SETTINGS: Settings
//////// ================================
//////// Most of the interesting code and settings are in Buffer A.
//////// This file consists only of postprocessing.
// The dithering looks *fantastic*. Honestly, at 1440p it makes even
// 3 bits per color channel look *very* convincing. As far as I'm aware
// there are no downsides to leaving it enabled. It would probably help
// reduce color banding and improve color clarity in general.
// The number of available colors *per channel*.
const uint DITHER_COLORS = uint(1<<8);
// The size of the Bayer matrix is 2^DITHER_BASE, so e.g. 4 is a 16x16 matrix.
// This can't be larger than 16 because dithering is implemented using a 16-bit bit hack.
const uint DITHER_BASE = uint(16);
// Artifically restrict the colors to those specified in DITHER_COLORS.
// If you set DITHER_COLORS to 6 or so and enable DITHER_NEAREST then screenshot
// and convert the image to a GIF* using an appropriate conversion tool,
// it will look exactly the same as it looks on your screen.
// This was the motivating reason for adding dithering, and it looks amazing.
// * I pronounce it "yif". Fite me.
//////// ================================
//////// IMPL: Implementation
//////// ================================
/// Convert a color from linear RGB to the sRGB color space.
vec3 linear2srgb(vec3 color);
vec4 dither(uvec2 coord, vec4 color);
vec4 nearest_color(vec4 color);
void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord) {
vec2 uv = fragCoord/iResolution.xy;
uvec2 coord = uvec2(fragCoord); // for dithering
vec4 color = texture(iChannel0, uv);
color.rgb = linear2srgb(color.rgb);
color = dither(coord, color);
color = nearest_color(color);
fragColor = color;
//////// --------------------------------
//////// DITHER: Ordered dithering
//////// --------------------------------
//////// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordered_dithering
const uint DITHER_SIZE = uint(1)<<DITHER_BASE;
vec4 nearest_color(vec4 color) {
return floor(color * float(DITHER_COLORS)) / float(DITHER_COLORS);
uint bit_reverse(uint x) {
uint hi = uint(1 << BIT_WIDTH-uint(1));
uint lo = uint(1);
for (uint i = uint(0); i < BIT_WIDTH/uint(2); i++) {
uint bit_hi = x & hi;
uint bit_lo = x & lo;
x &= ~hi & ~lo;
if (bit_hi > uint(0)) x |= lo;
if (bit_lo > uint(0)) x |= hi;
hi >>= 1;
lo >>= 1;
return x;
uint bit_interleave(uint x, uint y) {
uint mask = uint(1) << BIT_WIDTH-uint(1);
uint acc = uint(0);
for (uint i = uint(0); i < BIT_WIDTH; i++) {
acc |= (x & mask) << uint(2)*i + uint(1);
acc |= (y & mask) << uint(2)*i;
mask >>= 1;
return acc;
float bayer(uvec2 coord) {
// magic bitwise formula from Wikipedia
uint magic = bit_reverse(bit_interleave(coord.x ^ coord.y, coord.x));
return float(magic+uint(1)) / (float(DITHER_SIZE)*float(DITHER_SIZE)) - 0.5;
vec4 dither(uvec2 coord, vec4 color) {
if (DITHER_SIZE < uint(2)) return color;
coord %= DITHER_SIZE;
vec4 bias = vec4(
bayer(uvec2(uint(DITHER_SIZE) - coord.x - uint(1), coord.y)),
bayer(uvec2(coord.x, uint(DITHER_SIZE) - coord.y - uint(1))),
bayer(uvec2(uint(DITHER_SIZE) - coord.x - uint(1), uint(DITHER_SIZE) - coord.y - uint(1)))
return color + (bias / float(DITHER_COLORS));
//////// ================================
//////// VENDOR: Vendored code
//////// ================================
//// AUTHOR: unknown
vec3 linear2srgb(vec3 linear_rgb) {
// I believe the first version is technically more accurate,
// but the difference is usually negligable in practice.
#if 1
// copied from somewhere on the internet
bvec3 cutoff = lessThan(linear_rgb, vec3(0.0031308));
vec3 higher = vec3(1.055)*pow(linear_rgb, vec3(1.0/2.4)) - vec3(0.055);
vec3 lower = linear_rgb * vec3(12.92);
return mix(higher, lower, cutoff);
// end copied from somewhere on the internet
return pow(linear_rgb, vec3(1./2.2));

View File

@ -1,300 +1,7 @@
//////// ================================ //////// ================================
//////// SETTINGS: Settings //////// SETTINGS
//////// ================================ //////// ================================
//////// Check the Common tab for settings.
// If you don't feel like tweaking settings, try one of these presets:
// 0: Maximize FPS at the cost of image quality. (DEFAULT)
// 1: A balance between image quality and FPS.
// 2: Just render a pretty static image.
// 3: Demonstrate off the weird tiling render feature.
// The user settings below will override whatever preset you use.
#define PRESET 0
//////// --------------------------------
//////// User settings
//////// --------------------------------
//////// Tweak these according to your preferences and the power of your graphics card.
//////// Comment out a setting to restore it to its default value.
//// Sample settings
// The number of color samples taken per pixel. Increasing this has a dramatic effect on
// image quality, reducing graininess and preventing overly-bright pixels ("fireflies").
// However, how much GPU power you need to render a frame scales linearly with
// the number of samples.
//#define SAMPLES 1
// The maximum number of times light can reflect or scatter before it is extinguished.
//#define PATH_SEGMENTS 14
// If a pixel color is too bright for fit in sRGB, there are two ways to handle it:
// 1. Clamp the pixel within the limits of sRGB, resulting in (near-)maximum
// brightness at the cost of the color's saturation. (If it's too bright, it'll
// become entirely white.)
// 2. Reduce the brightness of the color until it fits within sRGB, preserving
// the color's saturation, but losing even *more* brightness.
// Correction for saturation generally looks better, but isn't usually necessary
// for more than five or so samples (because the bright pixels will average out
// with the dark pixels and fall back within sRGB), so this is *on* by default
// with 1-2 samples and *off* by default with 5+ samples.
//// Perspective settings
// This shader natively uses a square (circular?) aspect ratio. With ASPECT_RATIO_CROP
// enabled, if you use a wide aspect ratio, the frame will have its height
// cropped so that the image can take up the full width of the screen.
// This setting affects how far you zoom in on the scene.
// Greater values = more zoom. Fractional values zoom out. Negative values mirror the scene.
//#define FOV 1.5
// Camera position and angle. (Feel free to reference `time` here.)
//#define CAMERA_POS vec3(0.)
// (Don't worry, we call `normalize` for you.
//#define CAMERA_DIR vec3(0., 0., 1.)
/// TILE_PERSPECTIVE and CLAMP_PERSPECTIVE are only relevant if you zoom out
/// (e.g. an FOV < ~1.15). For more information on how and why these settings
/// behave the way they do, see their extended descriptions in the `project` function.
// Points on the screen >1 or <-1 show the portion of the scene *behind* you,
// mirrored so that the edges of each adjacent tile lines up (e.g. tiles above
// and below are mirrored vertically, to the left and right horizontally).
// This tiling is infinite. You might want to combine this with an IMAGE_OFFSET of
// (-1, 0) so that you can see two whole hemispheres instead of one whole hemisphere
// and two halves on opposite sides.
// Points on the screen outside of the unit circle (within a tile) are clamped
// to the nearest point on the unit circle. This doesn't look very good, but
// might be preferable to just rendering black?
// Slide the image around on the screen. Each time is `2x2` centered on the
// origin, so an offset of e.g. (2,0) with TILE_PERSPECTIVE enabled
// will show you the portion of the scene *behind* you.
//#define IMAGE_OFFSET vec2(0., 0.)
//// Simulation settings
// The maximum number of steps a ray can take during marching before giving up
// and colliding with nothing. This prevents scenes from taking infinite time to render.
//#define MAX_STEPS 200
// The maximum distance a ray can travel before we give up and just say it collides
// with nothing. This helps prevent the background from appearing warped by the foreground
// due to rays which march close to a foreground object run out of steps before
// reaching their destination when slightly farther rays do reach their target.
//#define MAX_DIST 20.
// Average the color across frames by storing them in the buffer.
// This is like supersampling, but across frames instead of within a pixel,
// which lets you render with thousands of samples without crashing.
// It's strongly advised that you enable FREEZE_TIME when this is enabled!
// This uses iFrame, so if you want to enable this, make sure you hit the
// "reset time" function or things will get screwed up.
//#define AVERAGE_FRAMES 1
// Set a time in seconds. The simulation will be frozen at this point in time every frame.
// Comment this out to allow time to pass normally.
//#define FREEZE_TIME 2.75
// Loop time over an interval of this duration, beginning at FREEZE_TIME,
// or 0, if FREEZE_TIME is not set.
//#define LOOP_TIME 0.
// Set the maximum duration of temporal antialiasing (i.e. how much time
// motion blur smears across). Note that this is a *maximum* time, and motion
// blur will never be greater than the duration of a frame. That said, when rendering
// a still image with FREEZE_TIME you probably want this set to 0., and if you're
// stuttering a lot, the large variance in frame times can make objects in the image
// appear to jerk back and forth, so this probably shouldn't be any higher
// than (the reciprocal of) your average framerate. Comment this out to
// remove any cap on the amount of motion blur.
//#define MAX_TAA_DIFF (1./30.)
//////// --------------------------------
//////// Internal settings
//////// --------------------------------
//////// If you're just viewing the shader, you shouldn't usually need to tweak these.
// The minimum distance between two points before they are considered the same point.
// Setting lower values increases the sharpness of the image at the cost of performance
// and rounding errors at objects very far from 0.
// Ray marching halves the distance to the surface of an object each iteration, but the
// end goal of ray marching is to pass slightly *inside* the object. Setting a minimum
// distance prevents zeno's paradox. This also serves as a optimization
// because the number of steps increases logarithmically as you decrease the minimum distance.
// Chosen to be 2^(-9), or about ~2mm, because that's the largest you can set it before
// the quality of the image is significantly effected. You can set it as low as about
// 2^(-19) before things begin to break. It's good to experiment with both high and low
// values to help find bugs in the numerical precision of the light simulation.
// If you have precision bugs, the simulation ends up getting affected pretty dramatically
// by changes to MIN_DIST, whereas a numerically stable simulation is not affected much at all.
// I expect that a minimum distance of 2^(-9) would work until about 10km from the origin
// with 32-bit floating point before starting to break down, but I have not tested it.
//#define MIN_DIST (0.001953125)
// The distance between samples when estimating a surface's normal. Smaller values result
// in more precise calculations, but are more sensitive to numerical imprecision.
// This should probably be less than MIN_DIST.
//#define NORMAL_DELTA (MIN_DIST/4.)
// Only march this much of MIN_DIST at a time to account for imprecision in the distance
// calculations. Chosen by experimentation. If you have to set this low, that often means
// that there's a bug somewhere (e.g. you forgot to call `normalize`).
// Right now, the simulation is numerically stable and I don't have to use it at all!
// But I often find that it's necessary to set this to around ~0.92 when debugging
// numerical issues.
//////// --------------------------------
//////// Default settings & presets
//////// --------------------------------
//////// So you can restore a setting to its default value by commenting it out.
#ifndef PRESET
#define PRESET 0
//// PRESET 1
#if PRESET == 1
#ifndef SAMPLES
#define SAMPLES 6
#define PATH_SEGMENTS 16
#ifndef MAX_TAA_DIFF
#define MAX_TAA_DIFF (1./30.)
//// PRESET 2
#elif PRESET == 2
#define PATH_SEGMENTS 16
#ifndef MAX_STEPS
#define MAX_STEPS 300
#ifndef MAX_DIST
#define MAX_DIST 100.
#ifndef MIN_DIST
#define MIN_DIST (0.001953125/256.)
#ifndef MAX_TAA_DIFF
#define MAX_TAA_DIFF 0.
#define FREEZE_TIME 2.75
//// PRESET 3
#elif PRESET == 3
#ifndef FOV
#define FOV 0.5
#define IMAGE_OFFSET vec2(0., 0.)
//// PRESET 0 (default values)
#ifndef SAMPLES
#define SAMPLES 1
#define PATH_SEGMENTS 10
#if SAMPLES > 5
#ifndef FOV
#define FOV 1.5
#ifndef CAMERA_POS
#define CAMERA_POS vec3(0.)
#ifndef CAMERA_DIR
#define CAMERA_DIR vec3(0., 0., 1.)
#define IMAGE_OFFSET vec2(0., 0.)
#ifndef MAX_STEPS
#define MAX_STEPS 200
#ifndef MAX_DIST
#define MAX_DIST 20.
// FREEZE_TIME, LOOP_TIME, and MAX_TAA_DIFF are *undefined* by default.
#ifndef MIN_DIST
#define MIN_DIST (0.001953125/8.)
//////// ================================ //////// ================================
//////// DOCS: Declarations & documentation //////// DOCS: Declarations & documentation
@ -425,22 +132,11 @@ int medium(vec3 pos);
//////// UTIL: Utility functions (e.g. random number generation) //////// UTIL: Utility functions (e.g. random number generation)
//////// -------------------------------- //////// --------------------------------
// Convenience definitions
#define INF (1./0.)
// NOTE: I used to use `sqrt(-1)`, but apparently that doesn't evaluate to NaN????
// This makes me wonder if NaN isn't portable due to constant folding or something.
#define NAN (0./0.)
#define NULL_RAY ray(vec3(0.), vec3(0.)) #define NULL_RAY ray(vec3(0.), vec3(0.))
/// Used to forcibly set the pixel color from functions. Used for debugging. /// Used to forcibly set the pixel color from functions. Used for debugging.
vec3 _bug = vec3(NAN); vec3 _bug = vec3(NAN);
/// Return a random number between 0 and 1 (with uniform distribution);
float rand();
/// Use the fragment coordinate and current frame to seed the random number generator.
void seed_randoms(vec2 fragCoord);
/// Randomly select a direction on a hemisphere facing the direction of the normal, /// Randomly select a direction on a hemisphere facing the direction of the normal,
/// with a bias toward directions close to the normal. /// with a bias toward directions close to the normal.
/// Specifically, the bias is by `dot(norm, dir)`, making this a cosine-weighted /// Specifically, the bias is by `dot(norm, dir)`, making this a cosine-weighted
@ -448,9 +144,24 @@ void seed_randoms(vec2 fragCoord);
/// rendering equation. /// rendering equation.
vec3 cosine_direction(vec3 norm); vec3 cosine_direction(vec3 norm);
// Convert between RGB and HSV. Used for SATURATION_CORRECTION. /// Create a translation + rotation matrix from a position and direction.
vec3 rgb2hsv(vec3 c); mat4 translate(vec3 pos, vec3 forward, vec3 up);
vec3 hsv2rgb(vec3 c); mat4 translate(vec3 pos, vec3 forward);
mat4 translate(vec3 pos);
/// Rotate a vector angle using a matrix.
vec3 apply_rotate(mat4 r, vec3 d);
/// Get the direction of a matrix.
/// (Get the translated direction of (0, 0, 1).)
vec3 apply_rotate(mat4 r);
/// Translate a vector position by a matrix.
vec3 apply_translate(mat4 r, vec3 p);
/// Get the position offset of a matrix.
/// (Get the translated position of (0, 0, 0).)
vec3 apply_translate(mat4 r);
//////// ================================ //////// ================================
//////// IMPL: Implementation //////// IMPL: Implementation
@ -462,7 +173,7 @@ vec3 hsv2rgb(vec3 c);
//////// -------------------------------- //////// --------------------------------
void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, vec2 fragCoord) { void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, vec2 fragCoord) {
seed_randoms(fragCoord); seed_randoms(vec3(fragCoord, float(iFrame)));
// Supersampling. Sample the color within each pixel multiple times and take the average. // Supersampling. Sample the color within each pixel multiple times and take the average.
// In raster-based rendering, this is used mostly to prevent jagged edges; // In raster-based rendering, this is used mostly to prevent jagged edges;
@ -521,33 +232,6 @@ void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, vec2 fragCoord) {
if (!any(isnan(_bug))) { color = vec4(_bug, 1.); } if (!any(isnan(_bug))) { color = vec4(_bug, 1.); }
// NOTE: it is possible for this renderer to emit colors brighter than 1.0,
// for example if you use very bright or many light sources. These colors will be
// displayed incorrectly, appearing desaturated and having their brightness
// clamped to whatever color output is supported.
// This is common in particular if you have very bright lights in a scene,
// which is sometimes necessary for objects to be clearly visible. The result
// will be you seeing flashes of over-bright white pixels where you should
// see color. One way to mitigate this is by increasing the number of samples per
// pixel; the average brightness per pixel is generally less than 1.0 when averaged
// out with the (more common) black pixels when no light source is encountered.
// Another mitigation approach is to do color correction, where instead of
// trying to preserve the brightness by clamping the RGB values and losing saturation,
// you try to preserve the saturation by scaling down the brightness until the
// full saturation of the colors is visible (or at least part of it).
// TODO: I'm sure there's a way to do this directly without having to
// convert between color spaces twice. This was just more convenient in the moment.
color.xyz = rgb2hsv(color.rgb);
color.z = min(color.z, 1.); // clamp value to 1
color.rgb = hsv2rgb(color.xyz);
//color = clamp(vec4(0.), color, vec4(1.));
vec2 uv = fragCoord/iResolution.xy; vec2 uv = fragCoord/iResolution.xy;
vec4 rest = texture(iChannel0, uv).rgba; vec4 rest = texture(iChannel0, uv).rgba;
@ -673,23 +357,9 @@ ray camera(ray r) {
// camera direction (faces forward, not up) // camera direction (faces forward, not up)
vec3 d = normalize(CAMERA_DIR); vec3 d = normalize(CAMERA_DIR);
// point projection relative to direction mat4 trans = translate(pos, d);
// TODO: this really ought to be simplified,
// but I don't know the math to understand how to do it.
vec3 up = vec3(0., 1., 0.);
//vec3 x = cross(up, d);
vec3 x = vec3(d.z, 0., -d.x);
//vec3 y = cross(d, x);
vec3 y = vec3(-d.y*d.x, d.z*d.z+d.x*d.x, -d.y*d.z);
mat3 rot = mat3( return ray(apply_translate(trans, r.pos), apply_rotate(trans, r.dir));
x.x, y.x, d.x,
x.y, y.y, d.y,
x.z, y.z, d.z
return ray(r.pos + pos, normalize(rot * r.dir));
} }
//////// -------------------------------- //////// --------------------------------
@ -839,6 +509,9 @@ transmission transmit(ray r) {
// don't bother reflecting off the lights. // don't bother reflecting off the lights.
return transmission(NULL_RAY, INF); return transmission(NULL_RAY, INF);
//return transmission(ray(np, cosine_direction(norm)), 0.); //return transmission(ray(np, cosine_direction(norm)), 0.);
case 4: // generic diffuse material
return transmission(ray(np, cosine_direction(norm)), 0.5);
} }
return transmission(ray(vec3(0.), vec3(0.)), 1.); return transmission(ray(vec3(0.), vec3(0.)), 1.);
@ -864,8 +537,13 @@ vec3 emit(ray i, ray o, vec3 color) {
switch (m) { switch (m) {
case 0: // air material case 0: // air material
if (any(isinf(o.pos))) return vec3(0.); if (any(isinf(o.pos))) {
color += sqrt(distance(i.pos, o.pos)) * 0.0005; #if SCENE == 2
return vec3(1.);
return vec3(0.);
return color; return color;
case 1: // floor material case 1: // floor material
@ -884,6 +562,9 @@ vec3 emit(ray i, ray o, vec3 color) {
color += vec3(5.) * dot(-i.dir, normal(i.pos, m)); color += vec3(5.) * dot(-i.dir, normal(i.pos, m));
return color; return color;
case 4: // generic diffuse material
return color;
} }
// unknown material // unknown material
return vec3(1., 0., 1.); return vec3(1., 0., 1.);
@ -965,28 +646,6 @@ vec3 nudge(vec3 pos, int m) {
return pos; return pos;
} }
//// Combinators for creating signed distance functions and modelling objects.
float dist_plane(vec3 p, float y) {
return distance(p.y, y);
// a plane with infinite depth
float dist_floor(vec3 p, float y) {
return p.y - y;
float dist_sphere(vec3 p, vec3 pos, float r) {
return distance(p, pos) - r;
/// Model difference/subtraction (objects in `a` but not in `b`).
float sub(float a, float b) {
return max(a, -b);
//// ////
//// Cheat and calculate distance-related stuff with globals //// Cheat and calculate distance-related stuff with globals
//// to reduce the amount of argument-passing we have to do. //// to reduce the amount of argument-passing we have to do.
@ -1079,11 +738,46 @@ void update_scene(vec3 pos, int focus) {
} }
} }
//// Combinators for creating signed distance functions and modelling objects.
float dist_plane(vec3 pos, mat4 trans) {
vec4 p1w = trans * vec4(0., 0., 0., 1.);
vec4 p2w = trans * vec4(1., 0., 0., 1.);
vec4 p3w = trans * vec4(0., 0., 1., 1.);
vec3 p1 = p1w.xyz / p1w.w;
vec3 p2 = p2w.xyz / p2w.w;
vec3 p3 = p3w.xyz / p3w.w;
vec3 n = normalize(cross(p2 - p1, p3 - p1));
vec3 rp = pos - p1;
return dot(rp, n);
// a plane with infinite depth
float dist_floor(vec3 p, float y) {
return p.y - y;
float dist_sphere(vec3 p, vec3 pos, float r) {
return distance(p, pos) - r;
/// Model difference/subtraction (objects in `a` but not in `b`).
float sub(float a, float b) {
return max(a, -b);
//// ////
//// SCENE: Objects in the scene //// SCENE: Objects in the scene
//// ////
void scene(vec3 p) { void scene(vec3 p) {
/// -------------
/// SCENE 1
/// -------------
#if SCENE == 1
// the floor // the floor
ud(1, dist_floor(p, -1.)); ud(1, dist_floor(p, -1.));
@ -1096,43 +790,73 @@ void scene(vec3 p) {
// the light sources // the light sources
ud(3, dist_sphere(p, vec3(1.5, 1.2, 7.), 0.7)); ud(3, dist_sphere(p, vec3(1.5, 1.2, 7.), 0.7));
ud(3, dist_sphere(p, vec3(-1.2, 0.5, 5.0), 0.5)); ud(3, dist_sphere(p, vec3(-1.2, 0.5, 5.0), 0.5));
/// -------------
/// SCENE 2
/// -------------
#elif SCENE == 2
/// Rotate a vector angle using a matrix.
vec3 apply_rotate(mat4 r, vec3 d) {
return normalize((r*vec4(d, 0.)).xyz);
vec3 apply_rotate(mat4 r) {
return apply_rotate(r, vec3(0., 0., 1.));
vec3 apply_translate(mat4 r, vec3 p) {
vec4 p_ = r*vec4(p, 1.);
return p_.xyz/p_.w;
vec3 apply_translate(mat4 r) {
return apply_translate(r, vec3(0.));
mat4 translate(vec3 p, vec3 z, vec3 up) {
z = normalize(z);
up = normalize(up);
vec3 x = cross(up, z);
vec3 y = cross(z, x);
// GLSL matrices are backwards!!!
// Argh, it took me *two hours* to figure out what was going wrong!!
// What's worse is that I've been bitten by this before and *forgot*. Fuck.
return mat4(
x.x, y.x, z.x, p.x,
x.y, y.y, z.y, p.y,
x.z, y.z, z.z, p.z,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.
return mat4(
x.x, x.y, x.z, 0.,
y.x, y.y, y.z, 0.,
z.x, z.y, z.z, 0.,
p.x, p.y, p.z, 1.
mat4 translate(vec3 p, vec3 z) {
return translate(p, z, vec3(0., 1., 0.));
mat4 translate(vec3 p) {
return translate(p, vec3(0., 0., 1.));
} }
//////// ================================ //////// ================================
//////// VENDOR: Vendored code //////// VENDOR: Vendored code
//////// ================================ //////// ================================
//// AUTHOR: iq
// Randoms (https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4sfGzS))
// oldschool rand() from Visual Studio
int seed = 1;
int irand(void) { seed = seed*0x343fd+0x269ec3; return (seed>>16)&32767; }
float rand(void) { return float(irand())/32767.0; }
// hash to initialize the random sequence (copied from Hugo Elias)
int hash( int n )
n = (n << 13) ^ n;
return n * (n * n * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589;
void seed_randoms(vec2 fragCoord) {
ivec2 q = ivec2(fragCoord);
seed = hash(q.x+hash(q.y+hash(iFrame)));
// HSV (https://www.shadertoy.com/view/MsS3Wc), via nmz
vec3 hsv2rgb( in vec3 c )
vec3 rgb = clamp( abs(mod(c.x*6.0+vec3(0.0,4.0,2.0),6.0)-3.0)-1.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
rgb = rgb*rgb*(3.0-2.0*rgb); // cubic smoothing
return c.z * mix( vec3(1.0), rgb, c.y);
//// ////
//// AUTHOR: fizzer, via iq: http://www.amietia.com/lambertnotangent.html //// AUTHOR: fizzer, via iq: http://www.amietia.com/lambertnotangent.html
//// ////
@ -1145,18 +869,3 @@ vec3 cosine_direction(vec3 norm) {
u = 2.0*u - 1.0; u = 2.0*u - 1.0;
return normalize(norm + vec3(sqrt(1.0 - u*u)*vec2(cos(a), sin(a)), u)); return normalize(norm + vec3(sqrt(1.0 - u*u)*vec2(cos(a), sin(a)), u));
} }
//// AUTHOR: Sam Hocevar, via nmz (http://lolengine.net/blog/2013/07/27/rgb-to-hsv-in-glsl)
vec3 rgb2hsv(vec3 c)
vec4 K = vec4(0.0, -1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0, -1.0);
vec4 p = mix(vec4(c.bg, K.wz), vec4(c.gb, K.xy), step(c.b, c.g));
vec4 q = mix(vec4(p.xyw, c.r), vec4(c.r, p.yzx), step(p.x, c.r));
float d = q.x - min(q.w, q.y);
float e = 1.0e-10;
return vec3(abs(q.z + (q.w - q.y) / (6.0 * d + e)), d / (q.x + e), q.x);

path_march v4/common.frag Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
//////// ================================
//////// SETTINGS: Settings
//////// ================================
// If you don't feel like tweaking settings, try one of these presets:
// 0: Maximize FPS at the cost of image quality. (DEFAULT)
// 1: A balance between image quality and FPS.
// 2: Just render a pretty static image.
// 3: Demonstrate off the weird tiling render feature.
// The user settings below will override whatever preset you use.
#define PRESET 2
// Scenes:
// 1: A glossy rotating orange ball with two divets and blue floor.
// 2:
#define SCENE 1
//////// --------------------------------
//////// Scene settings
//////// --------------------------------
// 0: circle around the origin
// 1: portrait
// 2: profile
// 3: 3/4
//#define SCENE2_CAMERA 0
//////// --------------------------------
//////// User settings
//////// --------------------------------
//////// Tweak these according to your preferences and the power of your graphics card.
//////// Comment out a setting to restore it to its default value.
//// ********************************
//// Sample settings
//// ********************************
// The number of color samples taken per pixel. Increasing this has a dramatic effect on
// image quality, reducing graininess and preventing overly-bright pixels ("fireflies").
// However, how much GPU power you need to render a frame scales linearly with
// the number of samples.
//#define SAMPLES 1
// The maximum number of times light can reflect or scatter before it is extinguished.
//#define PATH_SEGMENTS 14
//// ********************************
//// Postprocessing settings
//// ********************************
// If a pixel color is too bright for fit in sRGB, there are two ways to handle it:
// 1. Clamp the pixel within the limits of sRGB, resulting in (near-)maximum
// brightness at the cost of the color's saturation. (If it's too bright, it'll
// become entirely white.)
// 2. Reduce the brightness of the color until it fits within sRGB, preserving
// the color's saturation, but losing even *more* brightness.
// Correction for saturation generally looks better, but isn't usually necessary
// for more than five or so samples (because the bright pixels will average out
// with the dark pixels and fall back within sRGB).
// The dithering looks pretty good. Honestly, at 1440p it makes even
// 3 bits per color channel look *very* convincing. As far as I'm aware
// there are no downsides to leaving it enabled. It would probably help
// reduce color banding and improve color clarity in general.
//#define ENABLE_DITHER 1
// The number of available colors *per channel*.
//define DITHER_COLORS 1<<8
// The size of the Bayer matrix is 2^DITHER_BASE, so e.g. 4 is a 16x16 matrix.
// This can't be larger than 16 because dithering is implemented using a 16-bit bit hack.
//#define DITHER_BASE 16
// Artifically restrict the colors to those specified in DITHER_COLORS.
// If you set DITHER_COLORS to 6 or so and enable DITHER_NEAREST then screenshot
// and convert the image to a GIF* using an appropriate conversion tool,
// it will look exactly the same as it looks on your screen.
// This was the motivating reason for adding dithering, and it looks amazing.
// * Pronounced "yif". Fite me.
//#define DITHER_NEAREST 0
//// ********************************
//// Perspective settings
//// ********************************
// This shader natively uses a square (circular?) aspect ratio. With ASPECT_RATIO_CROP
// enabled, if you use a wide aspect ratio, the frame will have its height
// cropped so that the image can take up the full width of the screen.
// This setting affects how far you zoom in on the scene.
// Greater values = more zoom. Fractional values zoom out. Negative values mirror the scene.
//#define FOV 1.5
// Camera position and angle. (Feel free to reference `time` here.)
//#define CAMERA_POS vec3(0.)
// (Don't worry, we call `normalize` for you.
//#define CAMERA_DIR vec3(0., 0., 1.)
/// TILE_PERSPECTIVE and CLAMP_PERSPECTIVE are only relevant if you zoom out
/// (e.g. an FOV < ~1.15). For more information on how and why these settings
/// behave the way they do, see their extended descriptions in the `project` function.
// Points on the screen >1 or <-1 show the portion of the scene *behind* you,
// mirrored so that the edges of each adjacent tile lines up (e.g. tiles above
// and below are mirrored vertically, to the left and right horizontally).
// This tiling is infinite. You might want to combine this with an IMAGE_OFFSET of
// (-1, 0) so that you can see two whole hemispheres instead of one whole hemisphere
// and two halves on opposite sides.
// Points on the screen outside of the unit circle (within a tile) are clamped
// to the nearest point on the unit circle. This doesn't look very good, but
// might be preferable to just rendering black?
// Slide the image around on the screen. Each time is `2x2` centered on the
// origin, so an offset of e.g. (2,0) with TILE_PERSPECTIVE enabled
// will show you the portion of the scene *behind* you.
//#define IMAGE_OFFSET vec2(0., 0.)
//// ********************************
//// Simulation settings
//// ********************************
// The maximum number of steps a ray can take during marching before giving up
// and colliding with nothing. This prevents scenes from taking infinite time to render.
//#define MAX_STEPS 200
// The maximum distance a ray can travel before we give up and just say it collides
// with nothing. This helps prevent the background from appearing warped by the foreground
// due to rays which march close to a foreground object run out of steps before
// reaching their destination when slightly farther rays do reach their target.
//#define MAX_DIST 20.
// Average the color across frames by storing them in the buffer.
// This is like supersampling, but across frames instead of within a pixel,
// which lets you render with thousands of samples without crashing.
// It's strongly advised that you enable FREEZE_TIME when this is enabled!
// This uses iFrame, so if you want to enable this, make sure you hit the
// "reset time" function or things will get screwed up.
//#define AVERAGE_FRAMES 1
// Set a time in seconds. The simulation will be frozen at this point in time every frame.
// Comment this out to allow time to pass normally.
//#define FREEZE_TIME 2.75
// Loop time over an interval of this duration, beginning at FREEZE_TIME,
// or 0, if FREEZE_TIME is not set.
//#define LOOP_TIME 0.
// Set the maximum duration of temporal antialiasing (i.e. how much time
// motion blur smears across). Note that this is a *maximum* time, and motion
// blur will never be greater than the duration of a frame. That said, when rendering
// a still image with FREEZE_TIME you probably want this set to 0., and if you're
// stuttering a lot, the large variance in frame times can make objects in the image
// appear to jerk back and forth, so this probably shouldn't be any higher
// than (the reciprocal of) your average framerate. Comment this out to
// remove any cap on the amount of motion blur.
//#define MAX_TAA_DIFF (1./30.)
//////// --------------------------------
//////// Internal settings
//////// --------------------------------
//////// If you're just viewing the shader, you shouldn't usually need to tweak these.
// The minimum distance between two points before they are considered the same point.
// Setting lower values increases the sharpness of the image at the cost of performance
// and rounding errors at objects very far from 0.
// Ray marching halves the distance to the surface of an object each iteration, but the
// end goal of ray marching is to pass slightly *inside* the object. Setting a minimum
// distance prevents zeno's paradox. This also serves as a optimization
// because the number of steps increases logarithmically as you decrease the minimum distance.
// Chosen to be 2^(-9), or about ~2mm, because that's the largest you can set it before
// the quality of the image is significantly effected. You can set it as low as about
// 2^(-19) before things begin to break. It's good to experiment with both high and low
// values to help find bugs in the numerical precision of the light simulation.
// If you have precision bugs, the simulation ends up getting affected pretty dramatically
// by changes to MIN_DIST, whereas a numerically stable simulation is not affected much at all.
// I expect that a minimum distance of 2^(-9) would work until about 10km from the origin
// with 32-bit floating point before starting to break down, but I have not tested it.
//#define MIN_DIST (0.001953125)
// The distance between samples when estimating a surface's normal. Smaller values result
// in more precise calculations, but are more sensitive to numerical imprecision.
// This should probably be less than MIN_DIST.
//#define NORMAL_DELTA (MIN_DIST/4.)
// Only march this much of MIN_DIST at a time to account for imprecision in the distance
// calculations. Chosen by experimentation. If you have to set this low, that often means
// that there's a bug somewhere (e.g. you forgot to call `normalize`).
// Right now, the simulation is numerically stable and I don't have to use it at all!
// But I often find that it's necessary to set this to around ~0.92 when debugging
// numerical issues.
//////// --------------------------------
//////// Default settings & presets
//////// --------------------------------
//////// So you can restore a setting to its default value by commenting it out.
#ifndef PRESET
#define PRESET 0
#ifndef SCENE
#define SCENE 2
//// ********************************
//// Scene 2
//// ********************************
#if SCENE == 2
#define SCENE2_CAMERA 1
#ifndef FOV
#define FOV 1.2
#if SCENE2_CAMERA == 1
#ifndef CAMERA_POS
#define CAMERA_POS vec3(0., -0.1, -0.5)
#ifndef CAMERA_DIR
#define CAMERA_DIR vec3(0., 0., 1.)
#elif SCENE2_CAMERA == 2
#ifndef CAMERA_POS
#define CAMERA_POS vec3(0.5, -0.1, 0.0)
#ifndef CAMERA_DIR
#define CAMERA_DIR vec3(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
#elif SCENE2_CAMERA == 3
#ifndef CAMERA_POS
#define CAMERA_POS vec3(-sqrt(0.5/4.), -0.1, -sqrt(0.5/4.))
#ifndef CAMERA_DIR
#define CAMERA_DIR vec3(sqrt(0.5), 0., sqrt(0.5))
#ifndef CAMERA_POS
#define CAMERA_POS vec3(sin(-time)*0.5, -0.1, cos(-time)*0.5)
#ifndef CAMERA_DIR
#define CAMERA_DIR vec3(-sin(-time), 0., -cos(-time))
//// ********************************
//// Preset 1
//// ********************************
#if PRESET == 1
#ifndef SAMPLES
#define SAMPLES 6
#define PATH_SEGMENTS 16
#ifndef MAX_TAA_DIFF
#define MAX_TAA_DIFF (1./30.)
//// ********************************
//// Preset 2
//// ********************************
#elif PRESET == 2
#define PATH_SEGMENTS 10
#ifndef MAX_STEPS
#define MAX_STEPS 300
#ifndef MAX_DIST
#define MAX_DIST 50.
#ifndef MIN_DIST
#define MIN_DIST (0.001953125/128.)
#ifndef MAX_TAA_DIFF
#define MAX_TAA_DIFF 0.
#if SCENE == 1
#define FREEZE_TIME 2.75
#elif SCENE == 2
#define FREEZE_TIME 2.3
#define FREEZE_TIME 0.
//// ********************************
//// Preset 3
//// ********************************
#elif PRESET == 3
#ifndef FOV
#define FOV 0.5
#define IMAGE_OFFSET vec2(0., 0.)
//// ********************************
//// Preset 0 (defaults)
//// ********************************
#ifndef SAMPLES
#define SAMPLES 1
#define PATH_SEGMENTS 10
#define DITHER_BASE 16
#define DITHER_COLORS (1<<8)
#ifndef FOV
#define FOV 1.5
#ifndef CAMERA_POS
#define CAMERA_POS vec3(0.)
#ifndef CAMERA_DIR
#define CAMERA_DIR vec3(0., 0., 1.)
#define IMAGE_OFFSET vec2(0., 0.)
#ifndef MAX_STEPS
#define MAX_STEPS 200
#ifndef MAX_DIST
#define MAX_DIST 20.
// FREEZE_TIME, LOOP_TIME, and MAX_TAA_DIFF are *undefined* by default.
#ifndef MIN_DIST
#define MIN_DIST (0.001953125/8.)
//////// ================================
//////// DOCS: Declarations & documentation
//////// ================================
/// Convert a color from linear RGB to the sRGB color space.
vec3 linear2srgb(vec3 color);
/// Convert a color from RGB (Red/Green/Blue) to HSV (Hue/Saturation/Value).
vec3 rgb2hsv(vec3 rgb);
/// Convert a color from HSV (Hue/Saturation/Value) to RGB (Red/Green/Blue).
vec3 hsv2rgb(vec3 hsv);
/// Return a random number between 0 and 1 (with uniform distribution);
float rand();
/// Use the fragment coordinate and current frame to seed the random number generator.
void seed_randoms(vec3 seed);
// Convenience definitions
#define INF (1./0.)
// NOTE: I used to use `sqrt(-1)`, but apparently that doesn't evaluate to NaN????
// This makes me wonder if NaN isn't portable due to constant folding or something.
#define NAN (0./0.)
//////// ================================
//////// VENDOR: Vendored code
//////// ================================
//// AUTHOR: unknown
vec3 linear2srgb(vec3 linear_rgb) {
// I believe the first version is technically more accurate,
// but the difference is usually negligable in practice.
#if 1
// copied from somewhere on the internet
bvec3 cutoff = lessThan(linear_rgb, vec3(0.0031308));
vec3 higher = vec3(1.055)*pow(linear_rgb, vec3(1.0/2.4)) - vec3(0.055);
vec3 lower = linear_rgb * vec3(12.92);
return mix(higher, lower, cutoff);
// end copied from somewhere on the internet
return pow(linear_rgb, vec3(1./2.2));
//// AUTHOR: Sam Hocevar (http://lolengine.net/blog/2013/07/27/rgb-to-hsv-in-glsl)
vec3 rgb2hsv(vec3 c) {
vec4 K = vec4(0.0, -1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0, -1.0);
vec4 p = mix(vec4(c.bg, K.wz), vec4(c.gb, K.xy), step(c.b, c.g));
vec4 q = mix(vec4(p.xyw, c.r), vec4(c.r, p.yzx), step(p.x, c.r));
float d = q.x - min(q.w, q.y);
float e = 1.0e-10;
return vec3(abs(q.z + (q.w - q.y) / (6.0 * d + e)), d / (q.x + e), q.x);
vec3 hsv2rgb(vec3 c) {
vec4 K = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0);
vec3 p = abs(fract(c.xxx + K.xyz) * 6.0 - K.www);
return c.z * mix(K.xxx, clamp(p - K.xxx, 0.0, 1.0), c.y);
//// AUTHOR: iq
// Randoms (https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4sfGzS))
// oldschool rand() from Visual Studio
int _seed = 1;
int irand(void) { _seed = _seed*0x343fd+0x269ec3; return (_seed>>16)&32767; }
float rand(void) { return float(irand())/32767.0; }
// hash to initialize the random sequence (copied from Hugo Elias)
int hash( int n )
n = (n << 13) ^ n;
return n * (n * n * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589;
void seed_randoms(vec3 s) {
ivec3 q = ivec3(s);
_seed = hash(q.x+hash(q.y+hash(q.z)));

path_march v4/image.frag Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
//////// ================================
//////// SETTINGS
//////// ================================
//////// Check the Common tab for settings.
//////// ================================
//////// DOCS: Declarations & documentation
//////// ================================
// Retrieve a frame from Buffer A and then apply postprocessing.
void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord);
/// Given a color which clips outside the color space (some channel is >1.0),
/// reduce the brightness (without affecting hue or saturation) until it no
/// longer clips. (The default behavior without doing this is just clipping,
/// which affects the saturation of the color dramatically, often turning colors
/// into 100% white pixels.)
vec3 correct_saturation(vec3 color);
/// Round to the nearest color in DITHER_COLORS.
vec4 nearest_color(vec4 color);
/// The length of the edge of the Bayer matrix used for dithering.
const uint DITHER_SIZE = uint(1)<<uint(DITHER_BASE);
/// Apply ordered dithering, which reduces color banding and produces the appearance
/// of more colors when in a limited color space (e.g. when making a GIF*).
vec4 dither(uvec2 coord, vec4 color);
/// Directly index into a DITHER_SIZE^2 Bayer Matrix, returning a number from -0.5 to 0.5.
float bayer(uvec2 coord);
/// The width in bits of a single coordinate into the Bayer matrix
/// for bitwise operations (log2(DITHER_SIZE) i.e. just DITHER_BASE).
const uint BIT_WIDTH = uint(DITHER_BASE);
/// Bitwise reverse the lower BIT_WIDTH bits of the integer.
/// e.g. with bit width 5, 11010 --> 01011.
uint bit_reverse(uint x);
/// Bitwise interleave two integers of length BIT_WIDTH into a single
/// 2*BIT_WIDTH integer.
/// example interleave:
/// x = 0 1 0 0 1
/// y = 1 0 0 1 1
/// ----------
/// r = 0110000111
uint bit_interleave(uint x, uint y);
//////// ================================
//////// IMPL: Implementation
//////// ================================
void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord) {
vec2 uv = fragCoord/iResolution.xy;
vec4 color = texture(iChannel0, uv);
// NOTE: it is possible for this renderer to emit colors brighter than 1.0,
// for example if you use very bright or many light sources. These colors will be
// displayed incorrectly, appearing desaturated and having their brightness
// clamped to whatever color output is supported.
// This is common in particular if you have very bright lights in a scene,
// which is sometimes necessary for objects to be clearly visible. The result
// will be you seeing flashes of over-bright white pixels where you should
// see color. One way to mitigate this is by increasing the number of samples per
// pixel; the average brightness per pixel is generally less than 1.0 when averaged
// out with the (more common) black pixels when no light source is encountered.
// Another mitigation approach is to do color correction, where instead of
// trying to preserve the brightness by clamping the RGB values and losing saturation,
// you try to preserve the saturation by scaling down the brightness until the
// full saturation of the colors is visible (or at least part of it).
color.rgb = correct_saturation(color.rgb);
// The default behavior if you don't do anything.
//color = clamp(vec4(0.), color, vec4(1.));
color.rgb = linear2srgb(color.rgb);
// Dithering after sRGB conversion is slightly worse because the bayer matrix
// is linear whereas sRGB is non-linear, but if you do it *before* conversion,
// then adjusted colors won't be *quite* close enough to nearest_color that they
// should be closest to, which creates horrible artifacts after calling
// `nearest_color` (and is just slightly wrong in general).
uvec2 coord = uvec2(fragCoord); // for dithering
color = dither(coord, color);
color = nearest_color(color);
fragColor = color;
vec3 correct_saturation(vec3 color) {
// TODO: I'm sure there's a way to do this directly without having to
// convert between color spaces twice. This was just more convenient in the moment.
// Convert to HSV so we can correct value (brightness) without affecting
// hue or saturation.
color.xyz = rgb2hsv(color.rgb);
color.z = min(color.z, 1.);
color.rgb = hsv2rgb(color.xyz);
return color;
//////// --------------------------------
//////// DITHER: Ordered dithering
//////// --------------------------------
//////// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordered_dithering
vec4 nearest_color(vec4 color) {
return floor(color * float(DITHER_COLORS)) / float(DITHER_COLORS);
vec4 dither(uvec2 coord, vec4 color) {
if (DITHER_SIZE < uint(2)) return color;
coord %= DITHER_SIZE;
vec4 bias = vec4(
bayer(uvec2(uint(DITHER_SIZE) - coord.x - uint(1), coord.y)),
bayer(uvec2(coord.x, uint(DITHER_SIZE) - coord.y - uint(1))),
bayer(uvec2(uint(DITHER_SIZE) - coord.x - uint(1), uint(DITHER_SIZE) - coord.y - uint(1)))
return color + (bias / float(DITHER_COLORS));
float bayer(uvec2 coord) {
// Magic bitwise formula from Wikipedia produces values from 0 to (DITHER_SIZE^2)-1.
uint magic = bit_reverse(bit_interleave(coord.x ^ coord.y, coord.x));
// Convert to normalized float from -0.5 to 0.5.
return float(magic+uint(1)) / (float(DITHER_SIZE)*float(DITHER_SIZE)) - 0.5;
uint bit_reverse(uint x) {
uint hi = uint(1 << BIT_WIDTH-uint(1));
uint lo = uint(1);
for (uint i = uint(0); i < BIT_WIDTH/uint(2); i++) {
uint bit_hi = x & hi;
uint bit_lo = x & lo;
x &= ~hi & ~lo;
if (bit_hi > uint(0)) x |= lo;
if (bit_lo > uint(0)) x |= hi;
hi >>= 1;
lo >>= 1;
return x;
uint bit_interleave(uint x, uint y) {
uint mask = uint(1) << BIT_WIDTH-uint(1);
uint acc = uint(0);
for (uint i = uint(0); i < BIT_WIDTH; i++) {
acc |= (x & mask) << uint(2)*i + uint(1);
acc |= (y & mask) << uint(2)*i;
mask >>= 1;
return acc;