shadertoy-shaders/ray_march 2021-05-14.frag

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Raw Normal View History

/// Settings
// Use a fixed-point calculations while ray marching
// to prevent cumulative floating-point addition error.
// I originally implemented this to fix an artifact on the shadow side of the cube,
// and it worked, but I appear to have accidentally fixed the issue
// with the floating-point version too since then.
// Neither one appears to be more performant at this point,
// but I'd lean towards using the fixed point version to avoid any more
// of the aforementioned artifacts.
// 4x supersampling
// All perspective introduces some form of distortion of the image.
// Non-curvilinear perspective preserves x/y parallel lines,
// whereas curvilinear perspective preserves the distances to objects.
// I prefer curvilinear perspective when the camera is zoomed in
// to minimize distortion.
// If you set the FOV to very high (up to 180 degrees), the scene will be
// cut off in a circle, just as a byproduct of how curvilinear perspective works.
// (It projects the surface of half the surface of a sphere around the camera onto a circle,
// whereas linear perspective projects onto a plane in front of the camera.)
// Very large view distance, making the background of the scene much nicer,
// and preventing the shadows from getting cut off.
// However, rays sailing off into infinity is very slow
// (because the ground plane is infinite, the ray march distance interval
// doesn't increase very quickly or even shrinks, meaning each ray
// that's not substantially above the horizon takes nearly MAX_STEPS),
// so this option is not recommended in combination with supersampling
// unless you're rendering a still image.
//#define LONG_VIEW
// The width of the field of view. (180 degrees / FOV)
// Larger numbers suffer from less distortion at the edges of the image,
// but make the scene appear more zoomed-in.
#define FOV 3.2
// The distance of the camera from the scene.
// The ball sails around in a circle with a distance of 5 and radius 4,
// so increasing this distance will result in the ball passing through the camera.
#define CAMERA_DISTANCE 3.99
// The minimum distance resolution used by the fixed-point ray marching algorithm
// is 1/ this number. You can get away with as low as 1024 without much noticable difference.
// You'd think a very high resolution would mean that the algorithm runs slower,
// but in practice the distance to the object halves each iteration, so
// the number of iterations is more-or-less logarithmic with regards to this number.
// The only place it's slower is when a ray passes next to the edges of an object,
// but that's what the resolution is *for*: preventing graphical artifacts at the edges of objects.
// The minimum distance from a surface that counts as a collision by the ray marching algorithm.
// Any value much lower than this breaks the algorithm due to rounding error.
#define MIN_DISTANCE 0.001
#ifdef LONG_VIEW
// The greatest view distance that I can tell makes any difference at 800x450.
// My GPU runs this at 60 FPS with supersampling disabled at 800x450.
#define MAX_STEPS 3000
// ^ the maximum number of iterations taken by ray marching
#define MAX_DISTANCE 400.
// The shortest view distance which I don't think cuts off *too* much of the stage.
// The ideal would be to get my GPU to run this at 60 FPS at 1920x1080 with supersampling,
// but so far I haven't been able to optimize it to that point,
// and I'm not sure I even *could*, with my GPU and as slow of an algorithm as ray marching.
#define MAX_STEPS 200
#define MAX_DISTANCE 20.
#define PI 3.14159
// problems to figure out: raymarching performance, numerical precision, math
// sRGB to linear RGB and vice versa
vec3 from_srgb(vec3 srgb) {
// approximation
return vec3(pow(srgb.x, 1./2.2), pow(srgb.y, 1./2.2), pow(srgb.z, 1./2.2));
vec3 from_linear(vec3 linear_rgb)
// copied from somewhere on the internet
bvec3 cutoff = lessThan(linear_rgb, vec3(0.0031308));
vec3 higher = vec3(1.055)*pow(linear_rgb, vec3(1.0/2.4)) - vec3(0.055);
vec3 lower = linear_rgb * vec3(12.92);
return mix(higher, lower, cutoff);
vec3 to_polar(vec3 cart) {
float r = length(cart);
return vec3(r, acos(cart.y / r), atan(cart.z, cart.x));
vec3 from_polar(vec3 pol) {
float xz = sin(pol.y);
return pol.x * vec3(cos(pol.z) * xz, cos(pol.y), sin(pol.z) * xz);
vec3 realign(vec3 axis, vec3 vec) {
vec3 axis_p = vec3(0., to_polar(axis).yz);
vec3 vec_p = to_polar(vec);
return from_polar(vec_p - axis_p);
// Signed distance functions of various shapes.
// These are fundamental to how ray marching works,
// but I will not be explaining how they (or ray marching) works any further.
float sdf_segment(vec3 s1, vec3 s2, vec3 p) {
// Translate relative to s1.
vec3 s1s2 = s2 - s1;
vec3 s1p = p - s1;
vec3 s_direction = normalize(s1s2);
// Distance along s nearest to p.
float h = dot(s_direction, s1p);
// Point along s nearest to p.
vec3 s1x = s_direction * clamp(h, 0., length(s1s2));
// Distance from p to x.
return distance(s1p, s1x);
float sdf_plane(mat4 trans, vec3 pos) {
vec4 p1w = trans * vec4(0., 0., 0., 1.);
vec4 p2w = trans * vec4(1., 0., 0., 1.);
vec4 p3w = trans * vec4(0., 0., 1., 1.);
vec3 p1 = / p1w.w;
vec3 p2 = / p2w.w;
vec3 p3 = / p3w.w;
vec3 n = normalize(cross(p2 - p1, p3 - p1));
vec3 rp = pos - p1;
return dot(rp, n);
float sdf_pill(vec3 s1, vec3 s2, float radius, vec3 p) {
return sdf_segment(s1, s2, p) - radius;
float sdf_sphere(vec3 sphere_pos, float sphere_radius, vec3 pos) {
return distance(pos, sphere_pos) - sphere_radius;
float sdf_cube(
mat4 trans,
vec3 pos
) {
// positive faces of cube
mat4 f1 = trans * mat4(
0., 1., 0., 0.,
1., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 1., 0.,
0.5, 0., 0., 1.
// WTF: why does this y have to be negative?
mat4 f2 = trans * mat4(
1., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 1., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 1., 0.,
0., -0.5, 0., 1.
mat4 f3 = trans * mat4(
1., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 1., 0.,
0., 1., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0.5, 1.
// signed distances from positive cube faces
float df1 = sdf_plane(f1, pos);
float df2 = sdf_plane(f2, pos);
float df3 = sdf_plane(f3, pos);
// distances between parallel cube faces
float lpf1 = length(trans * vec4(1., 0., 0., 0.));
float lpf2 = length(trans * vec4(0., 1., 0., 0.));
float lpf3 = length(trans * vec4(0., 0., 1., 0.));
// signed distances from both parallel cube faces
// * if positive, positive distance from plane
// * if negative:
// * remeasure difference from opposite face (which is +1 away)
// * if distance from opposite face is positive, then we are in the cube
// * otherwise we are outside the cube
float dpf1 = max(df1, -(df1 + lpf1));
float dpf2 = max(df2, -(df2 + lpf2));
float dpf3 = max(df3, -(df3 + lpf3));
vec3 dpfs = vec3(dpf1, dpf2, dpf3);
// if the point is outside the cube, then a point within two faces adds 0 distance;
// if the point is inside the cube, then a point within the faces does add distance.
if (all(lessThan(dpfs, vec3(0.)))) {
// the point is inside the cube.
return -length(dpfs);
return length(max(dpfs, 0.));
float df_cube_minus_sphere(mat4 trans, float sphere_radius, vec3 pos) {
// TODO: SDF for this object
float sdcube = sdf_cube(trans, pos);
if (sdcube >= MIN_DISTANCE) {
return sdcube;
// we're inside the cube
vec3 sphere_pos = (trans * vec4(0., 0., 0., 1.)).xyz;
float sdsphere = sdf_sphere(sphere_pos, sphere_radius, pos);
if (sdsphere >= MIN_DISTANCE) {
// inside the cube but outside the sphere
return 0.;
// we're inside the sphere subtracted from the cube,
// so our distance is the distance to the sphere.
return abs(sdsphere);
float distance_to_objects(out int material, vec3 pos) {
//pos = realign(vec3(1., 0., 0.), pos);
//pos = from_polar(to_polar(pos));
vec3 sphere_pos = 5.0 * vec3(sin(iTime), 0.0, cos(iTime));
float sphere_radius = 1.0;
float sphere_dist = abs(sdf_sphere(sphere_pos, 1.0, pos));
mat4 ground_trans = mat4(
1., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 1., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 1., 0.,
0., -1., 0., 1.
float ground_dist = abs(sdf_plane(ground_trans, pos));
vec3 pill_pos1 = vec3(-1.0, -0.5, 2.7);
vec3 pill_pos2 = vec3(0.4, -0.9, 2.5);
float pill_radius = 0.1;
float pill_dist = abs(sdf_pill(pill_pos1, pill_pos2, pill_radius, pos));
mat4 cube_trans = mat4(
0.6, 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0.6, 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0.6, 0.,
0.2 - 1.3 * sin(iTime/2.), 0.3 - 0.3 * cos(iTime/3.), 2.5 + 0.2 * sin((iTime+0.5)*2.), 1.
float cube_angle = iTime;
mat4 cube_rotate = mat4(
cos(cube_angle), -sin(cube_angle), 0., 0.,
sin(cube_angle), cos(cube_angle), 0., 0.,
0., 0., 1., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 1.
//float cube_dist = abs(sdf_cube(cube_trans, pos));
float cube_dist = df_cube_minus_sphere(cube_trans * cube_rotate, 0.39, pos);
// HACK: What function generalizes this pattern?
// Obviously min for the distances, but what about the materials?
if (sphere_dist < ground_dist && sphere_dist < pill_dist && sphere_dist < cube_dist) {
material = 0;
return sphere_dist;
if (ground_dist < pill_dist && ground_dist < cube_dist) {
material = 1;
return ground_dist;
if (pill_dist < cube_dist) {
material = 2;
return pill_dist;
material = 3;
return cube_dist;
vec3 material_color(int mat) {
if (mat == 0) {
return from_srgb(vec3(0.0, 0.19, 0.56));
if (mat == 1) {
return vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
if (mat == 2) {
return from_srgb(vec3(0.50, 1.00, 0.40));
if (mat == 3) {
return from_srgb(vec3(0.83, 0.69, 0.22));
return vec3(1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
float ray_march(out int mat, vec3 ray_origin, vec3 ray_direction) {
vec3 position_along_ray = ray_origin;
float dist = 1./0.;
mat = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STEPS && distance(ray_origin, position_along_ray) < MAX_DISTANCE && dist > MIN_DISTANCE; i++) {
dist = distance_to_objects(mat, position_along_ray);
position_along_ray += ray_direction * dist;
if (distance(ray_origin, position_along_ray) > MAX_DISTANCE) {
return 1.0/0.0;
return distance(ray_origin, position_along_ray);
float ray_march(out int mat, vec3 ray_origin, vec3 ray_direction) {
int travel_dist = 0;
int delta = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STEPS && delta > 0; i++) {
float dist = distance_to_objects(mat, ray_origin + ray_direction * float(travel_dist) / FIXED_POINT_RESOLUTION_F);
delta = min(int(floor(dist * FIXED_POINT_RESOLUTION_F)), FIXED_POINT_MAX_DISTANCE - travel_dist);
travel_dist += delta;
if (travel_dist >= FIXED_POINT_MAX_DISTANCE) {
return 1./0.;
return float(travel_dist) / FIXED_POINT_RESOLUTION_F;
vec3 normal(vec3 pos) {
// Magic number determined by tinkering with it until stuff worked.
vec2 delta = vec2(0.00025, 0.);
int _mat = -1;
float dist = distance_to_objects(_mat, pos);
vec3 dq = (dist - vec3(
distance_to_objects(_mat, pos - delta.xyy),
distance_to_objects(_mat, pos - delta.yxy),
distance_to_objects(_mat, pos - delta.yyx)
)) / delta.x;
return normalize(dq);
float light(vec3 pos) {
vec3 source = vec3(0.5, 1.5, -1.0);
float intensity = dot(normalize(source - pos), normal(pos));
vec3 direction = normalize(source - pos);
int _mat = -1;
// 10 is a magic number determined by experimentation.
// Anything less generates noticable artifacts due to rounding error (depending on on MIN_DISTANCE).
if (ray_march(_mat, pos + direction * (10. * MIN_DISTANCE), direction) < distance(source, pos)) {
intensity *= 0.1;
if (intensity < 0.005 && length(pos) < 1./0.) {
return 0.005;
return clamp(intensity, 0., 1.);
vec3 project_spherical(vec2 pos) {
return vec3(pos, sqrt(1.0 - pow(pos.x, 2.0) - pow(pos.y, 2.0)));
vec3 project_planar(vec2 pos) {
return normalize(vec3(pos.x, pos.y, 1.0));
// Cast a ray in a direction and figure out the color of the material.
vec3 color_ray(vec3 dir) {
int mat = -1;
vec3 pos = vec3(0.);
vec3 color = vec3(0.);
//for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
int i = 1;
float dist = ray_march(mat, vec3(0.0), dir);
pos += dir * dist;
color += material_color(mat) * light(pos) / float(i);
// dir = reflect(dir, normal(pos));
// pos += 10. * MIN_DISTANCE * dir;
return color;
vec3 color_frame(vec2 loc) {
vec3 dir = project_spherical(loc);
vec3 dir = project_planar(loc);
return color_ray(dir);
// 4x the samples means 4x better-looking edges and 4x slower.
vec3 supersample(vec2 loc, float increment) {
increment /= 2. * FOV;
vec2 d = vec2(increment, -increment);
// As far as I can tell, antialiasing algorithms usually put the samples at strange locations,
// but I neither know why nor what the actual offsets are.
return (color_frame(loc + d.xx) + color_frame(loc + d.xy) + color_frame(loc + d.yx) + color_frame(loc + d.yy)) / 4.;
void mainImage(out vec4 frag_color, in vec2 frag_coord) {
// Scale from pixel coordinates to scene coordinates.
vec2 uv = (frag_coord / iResolution.xy * 2.0) - 1.0;
vec2 loc;
// Cut off the part of the scene which doesn't fit due to the aspect ratio.
if (iResolution.x > iResolution.y) {
loc = vec2(uv.x, uv.y * iResolution.y / iResolution.x);
} else {
loc = vec2(uv.x * iResolution.x / iResolution.y, uv.y);
vec2 xy = loc / FOV;
// FIXME: 1/iResolution.x is incorrect if the scene is larger than it is tall.
vec3 color = supersample(xy, 1. / iResolution.x);
vec3 color = color_frame(xy);
int mat = -1;
//color = vec3(distance_to_objects(mat, 5. * project_spherical(xy)) / MAX_DISTANCE);
//color = vec3(ray_march(mat, vec3(0.), project_spherical(xy)) / MAX_DISTANCE);
vec3 dir = project_spherical(xy);
float dist = ray_march(mat, vec3(0.), dir);
//color = material_color(mat) * dist / MAX_DISTANCE;
//color = (normal(dist * dir) + vec3(1.0)) / 2.;
frag_color = vec4(from_linear(color), 0.0);