shadertoy-shaders/path_march 2021-12-14.frag

442 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// See the descriptions for these in `project`. They're only relevant if you zoom out.
// "FOV", poorly-defined. affects *zoom*.
#define FOV (1.5)
#define SAMPLES 1
// The maximum number of steps a ray can take during marching before giving up
// and colliding with nothing. This prevents scenes from taking infinite time to render.
#define MAX_STEPS 300
// The maximum distance a ray can travel before we give up and just say it collides
// with nothing. This helps prevent the background from appearing warped by the foreground
// due to rays which march close to a foreground object run out of steps before
// reaching their destination when slightly farther rays do reach their target.
#define MAX_DIST 50.
// The minimum distance between two points before they are considered the same point.
// Setting a minimum distance prevents graphical glitches when ray marching parallel
// to a surface, where the ray does not intersect an object, but comes close enough
// that the march becomes so slow that it fails to reach its actual destination.
#define MIN_DIST (0.001953125/256.)
// The distance between samples when estimating a surface's normal.
// How far away from the source to start marching a scatter ray, to prevent accidental collision.
// Only march this much of MIN_DIST at a time to account for imprecision in the distance
// calculations. Chosen by experimentation.
#ifndef SAMPLES
#define SAMPLES 1
#define NAN sqrt(-1.)
#define INF (1./0.)
// stolen from iq:
// oldschool rand() from Visual Studio
#if 1
int seed = 1;
void srand(int s ) { seed = s; }
int rand(void) { seed = seed*0x343fd+0x269ec3; return (seed>>16)&32767; }
float frand(void) { return float(rand())/32767.0; }
// this isn't copied from iq. it's unclear which version is faster.
float seed = 0.;
void srand(int s) { seed = mod(float(s), 256. * 256.)/256.; }
float frand(void) {
float x, y;
x = modf(seed, y);
seed += 1./256.;
x *= 256.;
return texelFetch(iChannel0, ivec2(int(x), int(y)),0).r;
// hash to initialize the random sequence (copied from Hugo Elias)
int hash( int n )
n = (n << 13) ^ n;
return n * (n * n * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589;
void initRandoms(vec2 fragCoord) {
ivec2 q = ivec2(fragCoord);
srand( hash(q.x+hash(q.y+hash(iFrame))));
// end stolen from iq
float time;
/// The amount of outgoing light reflected is related to the angle of the
/// incoming light and the normal of the surface. The naive approach is
/// to divide the outgoing light by `dot(norm, dir)`, but by preferentially
/// sampling points according to their weight, we achieve the same effect
/// but with more information per-sample on average.
// by fizzer via IQ:
vec3 cosine_direction(vec3 norm) {
float u = frand();
float v = frand();
float a = 6.2831853 * v;
u = 2.0*u - 1.0;
return normalize(norm + vec3(sqrt(1.0 - u*u)*vec2(cos(a), sin(a)), u));
// end by fizzer
float dist_light(vec3 pos) {
float l1 = distance(pos, vec3(1.5, 1.2, 7.)) - 0.7;
float l2 = distance(pos, vec3(-1.2, 0.5, 5.0)) - 0.5;
return min(l1, l2);
float dist_floor(vec3 pos) {
return pos.y + 1.0;
// The distance from a point to the nearest object in the scene.
float dist(vec3 pos) {
vec3 sphere_pos = vec3(0., -0.15, 8.);
vec3 neg_pos = sphere_pos + .7*vec3(sin(time), 0., cos(time));
float sphere = distance(pos, sphere_pos) - 1.;
float sphere2 = distance(pos, neg_pos) - 0.5;
float plane = dist_floor(pos);
return min(dist_light(pos), min(max(sphere, -sphere2), plane));
/// Approximate the distance to the nearest object along a ray
/// using our signed distance function (`dist`).
float march1(vec3 origin, vec3 direction, float magic) {
float total_dist = 0.;
float delta = magic >= MIN_DIST ? magic / IMPRECISION_FACTOR : dist(origin);
for (int steps = 0; steps < MAX_STEPS && total_dist < MAX_DIST && delta >= MIN_DIST; steps++) {
total_dist += delta * IMPRECISION_FACTOR;
vec3 pos = origin + direction * total_dist;
delta = dist(pos);
return delta < MIN_DIST ? total_dist : INF;
vec3 intersect1(vec3 origin, vec3 direction, float magic) {
return origin + direction*march1(origin, direction, magic);
vec3 intersect2(vec3 origin, vec3 direction, float magic) {
float total_dist = 0.;
float delta = magic >= MIN_DIST ? magic / IMPRECISION_FACTOR : dist(origin);
vec3 pos = origin;
for (int steps = 0; steps < MAX_STEPS && total_dist < MAX_DIST && delta >= MIN_DIST; steps++) {
pos += direction * delta * IMPRECISION_FACTOR;
delta = dist(pos);
total_dist = distance(origin, pos);
return delta < MIN_DIST ? pos : vec3(INF);
float march2(vec3 origin, vec3 direction, float magic) {
return distance(origin, intersect2(origin, direction, magic));
#define MARCH_ALG 1
float march(vec3 origin, vec3 direction, float magic) {
return march1(origin, direction, magic);
return march2(origin, direction, magic);
/// Intersect with an object in the scene by ray marching.
vec3 intersect(vec3 origin, vec3 direction, float magic) {
return intersect1(origin, direction, magic);
return intersect2(origin, direction, magic);
float march(vec3 origin, vec3 direction) {
return march(origin, direction, 0.);
vec3 intersect(vec3 pos, vec3 dir) {
return intersect(pos, dir, 0.);
// Estimate the angle from the nearest surface to a point.
vec3 normal(vec3 pos) {
vec2 delta = vec2(NORMAL_DELTA, 0.);
vec3 dq = (dist(pos) - vec3(
dist(pos - delta.xyy),
dist(pos - delta.yxy),
dist(pos - delta.yyx)
)); // alternate version: divide by /delta.x, but skip the normalize
return normalize(dq);
struct LightSample {
// Position of point of interest
vec3 position;
// Angle of incoming light
vec3 incoming;
// Angle of outgoing light
vec3 outgoing;
} light_samples[LIGHT_SAMPLES];
/// Choose which direction to cast the next ray, depending on the
/// surface normal, material, and angle of incoming light.
/// This distribution *must be weighted by importance*! In particular,
/// by the angle between the incoming and outgoing rays, and by the BRDF;
/// if the BRDF would evenly reject all wavelengths, it should instead probabilistically
/// choose to *not* scatter by emitting a NaN direction so we can stop unnecessarily
/// bouncing our paths around.
vec3 scatter(vec3 pos, vec3 dir) {
if (dist_floor(pos) <= MIN_DIST && frand() < 0.25) {
vec3 norm = normal(pos);
vec3 refl = 2.*dot(dir, norm)*norm - dir;
return refl;
if (frand() < 0.4) {
vec3 norm = normal(pos);
vec3 refl = 2.*dot(dir, norm)*norm - dir;
return normalize(cosine_direction(refl) + norm);
return cosine_direction(normal(pos));
/// Choose how much light to reflect based on the bidirectional reflectance distribution function,
/// then add light according to the matterial's emittance. These are fundamentally separate concepts,
/// but they're combined into this function so we have to sample the material only once instead of twice.
void brdf_emit(inout vec3 color, in int sample_i) {
LightSample samp = light_samples[sample_i];
if (dist_light(samp.position) <= MIN_DIST) {
color += vec3(0.9) * dot(samp.outgoing, normal(samp.position));
} else if (dist_floor(samp.position) <= MIN_DIST) {
color.r *= 0.3;
color.g *= 0.2;
color.b *= 0.9;
//color += vec3(0., 0., 0.01);
} else { *= 0.3;
//color += vec3(0.004, 0., 0.);
vec4 light(vec3 pos, vec3 dir) {
#if 1
int sample_i = 0;
for (; sample_i < LIGHT_SAMPLES; sample_i++) {
pos = intersect(pos, dir, SCATTER_MAGIC);
// We've stuck in the void forever!
if (any(isinf(pos))) break;
vec3 neg_incoming = scatter(pos, -dir);
vec3 outgoing = -dir;
// The surface is darkening itself by simply choosing not to sample.
// This is going to be worse on a per-sample basis for most materials,
// but it averages out, and massively saves performance by letting us quit
// recursing.
if (any(isnan(neg_incoming))) break;
light_samples[sample_i] = LightSample(pos, -neg_incoming, outgoing);
dir = neg_incoming;
if (sample_i == 0) return vec4(0.);
vec3 color = vec3(0.);
for (; sample_i >= 0; sample_i--) {
brdf_emit(color, sample_i);
return vec4(color, 1.);
#elif 0
// debug intersection location
pos = intersect(pos, dir);
if (any(isinf(pos))) return vec4(0.);
return vec4(pos, 1.);
#elif 0
// debug ray marching
float dist = march(pos, dir);
return (vec4(vec3(dist), 1.) - 0.) / 10.;
#elif 0
// debug ray marching algorithms
float dist = distance(march1(pos, dir, 0.), march2(pos, dir, 0.));
return vec4(vec3(dist), 1.);
#elif 0
// debug normals
pos = intersect(pos, dir);
vec3 norm = normal(pos);
return vec4(abs(norm), 1.);
#elif 0
// debug scattering
pos = intersect(pos, dir);
return vec4(abs(scatter(pos)), 1.);
// debug scatter magic
pos = intersect(pos, dir);
vec3 o = pos;
vec3 scat = scatter(pos);
pos = intersect1(o, scat, SCATTER_MAGIC)/10.;
pos = vec3(distance(pos, intersect2(o, scat, SCATTER_MAGIC)/10.));
//pos = vec3(march(pos, scat, SCATTER_MAGIC))/10.;
return vec4(pos, 1.);
/// Project a coordinate on the unit circle onto the unit hemisphere.
/// This is used for curvilinear perspective.
vec3 project(vec2 coord) {
// The sign of the direction we're facing. 1 is forward, -1 is backward.
float dir = 1.;
// This projection only supports coordinates within the unit circle
// and only projects into the unit hemisphere. Ideally we'd want
// some sort of extension which takes points outside the unit circle
// and projects them somewhere behind you (with the point at infinity
// being directly behind you), but I haven't come up with any reasonable
// extension of this perspective system which behaves in that manner.
// What we can do instead is *tile* the projection so that adjacent projections
// are a mirrored projection of the unit hemisphere *behind* you.
// This is a logical extension because the projection becomes continuous
// along the x and y axis (you're just looking around in perfect circles),
// and it allows you to view the entire space. The main problem to this approach
// is that all of the space between the tiled circles is still undefined,
// but this is still the best solution which I'm aware of.
coord -= 1.;
coord = mod(coord + 2., 4.) - 1.;
if (coord.x > 1.) {
coord.x = 1. - (coord.x - 1.);
dir = -dir;
if (coord.y > 1.) {
coord.y = 1. - (coord.y - 1.);
dir = -dir;
float z = dir*sqrt(1. - coord.x*coord.x - coord.y*coord.y);
// We can "define" the remaining undefined region of the screen
// by clamping it to the nearest unit circle. This is sometimes
// better than nothing, though it can also be a lot worse because
// we still have to actually *render* all of those pixels.
if (isnan(z)) {
coord = normalize(coord);
z = 0.;
return vec3(coord, z);
/// Return the camera's position and direction.
vec3 camera(inout vec3 e) {
// camera direction (forward vector)
vec3 d = vec3(0., 0., 1.);
// point projection relative to direction
// this really needs to be simplified,
// but I don't know the math to understand how to do it.
vec3 up = vec3(0., 1., 0.);
//vec3 x = cross(up, d);
vec3 x = vec3(d.z, 0., -d.x);
//vec3 y = cross(d, x);
vec3 y = vec3(-d.y*d.x, d.z*d.z+d.x*d.x, -d.y*d.z);
mat3 rot = mat3(
x.x, y.x, d.x,
x.y, y.y, d.y,
x.z, y.z, d.z
e = normalize(rot * e);
// camera position
return vec3(0., 0., 0.);
/*e = vec3(
e.x*d.z - e.y*d.y*d.x + d.x,
e.y*(d.z*d.z+d.x*d.x) + d.y,
-e.x*d.x - e.y*d.y*d.z + d.z
e = normalize(e);*/
/// Map pixel coordinate (from 0,0 to resolution) onto the coordinate system
/// *we* use to represent the screen (from (-1, -1) to (1, 1) with a square
/// aspect ratio).
vec2 screen2square(vec2 screen) {
// Map rectangular screen into square coordinate space.
vec2 square = ((screen / iResolution.xy) - 0.5) * 2.;
// Adjust for aspect ratio to get square coordinates.
if (iResolution.x > iResolution.y) {
return vec2(square.x, square.y * iResolution.y / iResolution.x);
} else {
return vec2(square.x * iResolution.x / iResolution.y, square.y);
vec4 colorPixel(vec2 fragCoord) {
vec2 uv = screen2square(fragCoord) * 1.;
uv /= FOV;
vec3 eye = project(uv);
if (any(isnan(eye))) {
// The projection is undefined at this pixel coordinate (see `project`);
// don't bother rendering it, and return 100% transparent black to indicate that
// we didn't render it.
return vec4(NAN);
vec3 pos = camera(eye);
return light(pos, eye);
/// Convert from linear RGB to sRGB color space.
vec3 linear2srgb(vec3 linear_rgb) {
// I believe the first version is technically more accurate,
// but the difference is usually negligable in practice.
#if 1
// copied from somewhere on the internet
bvec3 cutoff = lessThan(linear_rgb, vec3(0.0031308));
vec3 higher = vec3(1.055)*pow(linear_rgb, vec3(1.0/2.4)) - vec3(0.055);
vec3 lower = linear_rgb * vec3(12.92);
return mix(higher, lower, cutoff);
// end copied from somewhere on the internet
return pow(linear_rgb, vec3(1./2.2));
void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, vec2 fragCoord) {
// Sample a bunch of times around the pixel and return the average.
vec4 color = vec4(0.);
for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLES; i++) {
vec2 uv = fragCoord + vec2(frand(), frand()) - 0.5;
// Add noise to time for temporal antialiasing.
time = iTime + frand() * iTimeDelta;
vec4 samp = colorPixel(uv);
// We failed to render a sample at this location.
if (any(isnan(samp))) continue;
color += samp;
color /= float(SAMPLES);
color = clamp(vec4(0.), color, vec4(1.));
fragColor = vec4(linear2srgb(color.rgb), color.a);