
206 lines
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/// This file serves conceptually as the intermediate representation (IR)
/// of the compiler. Compared to "asm", this file is aware of stack frames,
/// control flow blocks and labels, compound types like structs and enums,
/// and register allocation.
2022-09-05 23:48:56 -07:00
#include "asm.h"
#include "format.h"
2022-09-05 23:48:56 -07:00
#include "ir.h"
#include "x86encode.h"
2022-09-05 23:48:56 -07:00
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
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#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
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#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_LABELS 256
#define MAX_FIXUPS 256
2022-09-05 23:48:56 -07:00
struct stack_frame {
uint32_t depth;
uint32_t label_depth;
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struct label {
uint32_t frame;
uint32_t argc;
symbol symbol;
2022-09-05 23:48:56 -07:00
static uint32_t stack_depth = 0;
static uint32_t stack_frame = 0;
static struct stack_frame stack_frames[MAX_STACK_FRAMES];
static uint32_t label_depth = 0;
static struct label labels[MAX_LABELS];
2022-09-05 23:48:56 -07:00
void init_ir(var* argc, var* argv, var* env) {
assert(stack_depth == 0);
// seems like this should be necessary. it really feels like there's some
// off-by-one arrows going on around here, but I can't figure it out.
x86_inst_mov_r64_r64(BP, SP);
x86_inst_add_r64_imm8(BP, 8 * 3);
*env = stack_depth++;
*argv = stack_depth++;
*argc = stack_depth++;
2022-09-05 23:48:56 -07:00
void enter(void) {
assert(stack_frame < MAX_STACK_FRAMES);
struct stack_frame frame = { stack_depth, label_depth };
stack_frames[stack_frame] = frame;
// exit label
2022-09-05 23:48:56 -07:00
void leave(var* args) {
assert(stack_frame > 0);
struct stack_frame frame = stack_frames[stack_frame - 1];
stack_depth = frame.depth;
define(frame.label_depth, args);
2022-09-05 23:48:56 -07:00
label declare(uint32_t argc) {
assert(label_depth < MAX_LABELS);
symbol sym = new_symbol();
struct label label = { stack_frame, argc, sym };
labels[label_depth] = label;
return label_depth++;
2022-09-05 23:48:56 -07:00
label declare_exit(uint32_t argc) {
label label = stack_frames[stack_frame - 1].label_depth;
labels[label].argc = argc;
return label;
void define(label l, var* args) {
struct label* label = &labels[l];
// possibly wrong. do I need to do any clean-up of the old frame here?
stack_frame = label->frame;
struct stack_frame* frame = &stack_frames[stack_frame - 1];
label_depth = frame->label_depth;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < label->argc; i++) {
args[i] = frame->depth + i;
// probably wrong. seems like I ought to create a new frame or something?
// wouldn't this make the old frame too deep?
// but on the other hand, if I enter a new frame, how do I decide when to leave it?
frame->depth += label->argc;
void load_var(reg reg, var var) {
// the stack grows downward, so the bottom of the stack, BP, points to nothing;
// subtracting 8 causes it to point to the first variable, 0.
// (each variable is 8 bytes.)
x86_inst_mov_r64_m64_disp(reg, BP, -(var * 8) - 8);
var push_var(reg reg) {
return stack_depth++;
void load_args(struct label* label, var* args) {
struct stack_frame* cur_frame = &stack_frames[stack_frame - 1];
struct stack_frame* dest_frame = &stack_frames[label->frame];
uint32_t depth_diff = cur_frame->depth - dest_frame->depth;
if (depth_diff > 0) {
// FIXME: should be immX!!!
// FIXME: this should be necessary! stack depth is never getting decreased!
//x86_inst_add_r64_imm8(SP, depth_diff);
for (uint32_t arg = 0; arg < label->argc; arg++) {
load_var(AX, args[arg]);
2022-09-05 23:48:56 -07:00
void jump(label l, var* args) {
struct label* label = &labels[l];
load_args(label, args);
2022-09-05 23:48:56 -07:00
void jump_table(size_t branches, label* labels, var index, var* args) {
assert(0); // UNIMPLEMENTED
void jump_if(label l, var cond, var* args) {
struct label* label = &labels[l];
load_var(BX, cond);
load_args(label, args);
inst_jump_if_not_zero(label->symbol, BX);
void jump_unless(label l, var cond, var* args) {
struct label* label = &labels[l];
load_var(BX, cond);
load_args(label, args);
inst_jump_if_zero(label->symbol, BX);
var lit(uint64_t lit) {
x86_inst_mov_r64_imm(AX, lit);
return stack_depth++;
var lit_string(char* str) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: string literals not yet implemented\n");
var add(var addend1, var addend2) {
load_var(AX, addend1);
load_var(BX, addend2);
x86_inst_add_r64_r64(AX, BX);
return push_var(AX);
var sub(var subtrahend, var minuend) {
// TODO: use modr/m
load_var(AX, subtrahend);
load_var(BX, minuend);
x86_inst_sub_r64_r64(AX, BX);
return push_var(AX);
// Linux system call:
var syscall(size_t argc, var* args) {
assert(argc > 0 && argc <= 7);
switch(argc) {
case 7:
load_var(R9, args[6]);
case 6:
load_var(R8, args[5]);
__attribute__ ((fallthrough));
case 5:
load_var(R10, args[4]);
__attribute__ ((fallthrough));
case 4:
load_var(DX, args[3]);
__attribute__ ((fallthrough));
case 3:
load_var(SI, args[2]);
__attribute__ ((fallthrough));
case 2:
load_var(DI, args[1]);
__attribute__ ((fallthrough));
case 1:
// the system call number, not an argument
load_var(AX, args[0]);
// NOTE: syscall clobbers rcx and r11.
return push_var(AX);
2022-09-05 23:48:56 -07:00