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A simple implementation of the untyped lambda calculus as an exercise.

This implementation lacks many features necessary to be useful, for example let bindings, built-in functions, binding free variables, or a good REPL. This project purely exists as an exercise and is not intended for general use. I will make useful programming languages in the future, but this is not one of them.


Type in your expression at the prompt: >> . The result of the evaluation of that expression will then be printed out. Exit the prompt with Ctrl-C (or however else you kill a program in your terminal).

Bound variables will be printed followed by a number representing the number of binders between it and its definition for disambiguation.

Differences from the traditional lambda calculus

This version of the lambda calculus is completely compatible with the traditional lambda calculus, but features a few extensions.

Nullary applications

In any binary application (f x), the f is a function and the x is a variable. Applications are left-associative, meaning (f x y) equals ((f x) y). Any term x may be expanded to an application (id x). Working backwards, we have (f x y) equals (((id f) x) y). Thus we may reasonably say that () = id and thus that (f x y) equals (((() f) x) y), and that (x) equals (() x), which reduces to just x.

Nullary functions and generalized eta reductions

We can apply a similar argument to the function syntax. (\x y z. E) is the same as (\x.(\y.(\z.E))) because lambda is right-associative. Any term x may be eta-expanded into a lambda (\y. ((() x) y)). Working backwards, we have (\x. (() x)) eta-reducing to (). Therefore, the identity function eta-reduces to just ().

Again similarly we have the nulladic lambda syntax (\.E) which trivially beta-reduces to E.

I also take any series of ordered applications (\v v1 v2 ... vn. v:n v2:(n-1) ... v(n-1):1 vn:0) to eta-reduce to () (including () itself and, trivially, (\x. x)).

Nullary functions


>> (\D F I. D (F I)) (\x. x x) (\f. f (f y)) (\x. x)
y y
>> (\T f x. T (T (T (T T))) f x) (\f x. f (f x)) (\x. x) y
>> \x. \y. y x
\x. \y. y:0 x:1


  • Variables are alphanumeric, beginning with a letter.
  • Applications are left-associative, and parentheses are not necessary.
  • Lambdas are represented by \, bind as far right as possible, and parentheses are not necessary.


  • Variables: x, abc, D, fooBar, f10
  • Applications: (\x. x x) y, a b, ((g f) y)
  • Lambdas: \x. N, \x y. y, (\x. f x)