Massive refactoring. This project is no longer "just an exercise".

* Allows for multiple representations
  * Evaluation strategies
  * Type systems.
* No longer just the untyped lambda calculus.
* No longer "just an experiment".
James T. Martin 2019-08-29 20:46:42 -07:00
parent 8ab723b803
commit 807a0cb1ee
12 changed files with 491 additions and 189 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
# untyped-lambda-calculus
A simple implementation of the untyped lambda calculus as an exercise.
# James Martin's Lambda Calculus
An implementation of various type systems and evaluation strategies
for the lambda calculus.
This implementation lacks many features necessary to be useful,
for example `let` bindings, built-in functions, binding free variables, or a good REPL.
This project purely exists as an exercise and is not intended for general use.
I will make useful programming languages in the future, but this is not one of them.
This project is a work-in-progress, and currently lacks many essential features
that would be necessary to be a useful programming language.
## Usage
Type in your expression at the prompt: `>> `.
@ -45,3 +44,69 @@ Since `\x. x` is the left identity of applications and application syntax is lef
I (syntactically) permit unary and nullary applications so that `()` is `\x. x`, and `(x)` is `x`.
On the same principle, the syntax of a lambda of no variables `\. e` is `e`.
## Roadmap
### Complete
* Type systems:
* Untyped
* Representations:
* The syntax tree
* Reverse de Bruijn
* Syntax:
* Basic syntax
* Let expressions
* Evaluation strategies:
* Lazy (call-by-name to normal form)
### In-progress
* Type systems:
* Simply typed
* Representations:
* De Bruijn
### Planned
My ultimate goal is to develop this into a programming language
that would at least theoretically be practically useful.
I intend to do a lot more than this in the long run,
but it's far enough off that I haven't nailed down the specifics yet.
* Built-ins:
* Integers
* Type systems:
* Hindley-Milner
* System F
* Representations:
* A more conservative syntax tree that would allow for better error messages
* Evaluation strategies:
* Complete laziness
* Optimal
* Syntax:
* Top-level definitions
* Type annotations
* `let*`, `letrec`
* More syntax (parsing and printing) options:
* Also allow warnings instead of errors on disabled syntax.
* Or set a preferred printing style without warnings.
* Or print in an entirely different syntax than the input!
* Disable empty `application`: `()` no longer parses (as `\x. x`).
* Forbid single-term `application`: `(x)` no longer parses as `x`.
* Disable empty `variable-list`: `λ. x` no longer parses (as just `x`).
* Disable block arguments: `f λx. x` is no longer permitted; `f (λx. x)` must be used instead.
* Except for at the top level, where an unclosed lambda is always permitted.
* Configurable `variable-list` syntax:
* Mathematics style: One-letter variable names, no variable separators.
* Computer science style: Variable names separated by commas instead of spaces.
* Configurable `λ` syntax: any one of `λ`, `\`, or `^`, as I've seen all three in use.
* Currently, either `λ` or `\` is permitted, and it is impossible to disable either.
* Disable `let` expressions.
* Disable syntactic sugar entirely (never drop parentheses).
* Pedantic mode: forbid using more parentheses than necessary.
* Pedantic whitespace (e.g. forbid ` ( a b c)`).
* Pretty-printing mode.
* Indentation-based syntax.
* Features:
* A better REPL (e.g. the ability to edit the line buffer)
* The ability to import external files
* The ability to choose the type system or evaluation strategy
* Better error messages for parsing and typechecking
* Reduction stepping

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@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
module Main where
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Data.Type.Nat (Nat (Z))
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
import UntypedLambdaCalculus (eval)
import UntypedLambdaCalculus.Parser (parseExpr)
import LambdaCalculus.Evaluation.Optimal (eval)
import LambdaCalculus.Parser (parse)
import LambdaCalculus.Representation (convert)
import LambdaCalculus.Representation.Dependent.ReverseDeBruijn (Expression)
prompt :: String -> IO String
prompt text = do
@ -12,6 +15,6 @@ prompt text = do
main :: IO ()
main = forever $ parseExpr "stdin" <$> prompt ">> " >>= \case
main = forever $ parse "stdin" <$> prompt ">> " >>= \case
Left parseError -> putStrLn $ "Parse error: " ++ show parseError
Right expr -> do print expr; print $ eval expr
Right expr -> do print expr; print $ eval (convert expr :: Expression 'Z)

jtm-lambda-calculus.cabal Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.31.2.
-- see:
-- hash: 26600940e6acf0bd4e6fbb02d188b88fd368836effa5ea0427f7a4d5cd792669
name: jtm-lambda-calculus
synopsis: Implementations of various Lambda Calculus evaluators and type systems.
description: Please see the README on GitHub at <>
category: LambdaCalculus
author: James Martin
copyright: 2019 James Martin
license: GPL-3
license-file: LICENSE
build-type: Simple
source-repository head
type: git
default-extensions: BlockArguments DataKinds DeriveFoldable DeriveFunctor DeriveTraversable FlexibleInstances FunctionalDependencies GADTs KindSignatures LambdaCase MultiParamTypeClasses PolyKinds Rank2Types TemplateHaskell TypeFamilies TypeOperators
base >=4.7 && <5
, free >=5.1 && <6
, mtl >=2.2 && <3
, parsec >=3.1 && <4
, recursion-schemes >=5.1 && <6
, unordered-containers >=0.2.10 && <0.3
default-language: Haskell2010
executable jtm-lambda-calculus-exe
main-is: Main.hs
default-extensions: BlockArguments DataKinds DeriveFoldable DeriveFunctor DeriveTraversable FlexibleInstances FunctionalDependencies GADTs KindSignatures LambdaCase MultiParamTypeClasses PolyKinds Rank2Types TemplateHaskell TypeFamilies TypeOperators
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
base >=4.7 && <5
, free >=5.1 && <6
, jtm-lambda-calculus
, mtl >=2.2 && <3
, parsec >=3.1 && <4
, recursion-schemes >=5.1 && <6
, unordered-containers >=0.2.10 && <0.3
default-language: Haskell2010

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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
name: untyped-lambda-calculus
name: jtm-lambda-calculus
github: "jamestmartin/untyped-lambda-calculus"
github: "jamestmartin/lambda-calculus"
license: GPL-3
author: "James Martin"
maintainer: ""
copyright: "2019 James Martin"
synopsis: "A simple implementation of the untyped lambda calculus as an exercise."
synopsis: "Implementations of various Lambda Calculus evaluators and type systems."
category: LambdaCalculus
description: Please see the README on GitHub at <>
description: Please see the README on GitHub at <>
@ -32,14 +32,19 @@ default-extensions:
- base >= 4.7 && < 5
# used for `recursion-schemes` histomorphisms
- free >= 5.1 && < 6
- mtl >= 2.2 && < 3
- parsec >= 3.1 && < 4
- recursion-schemes >= 5.1 && < 6
# HashSet used to hold the set of free variables
- unordered-containers >= 0.2.10 && < 0.3
source-dirs: src
main: Main.hs
source-dirs: app
@ -47,4 +52,4 @@ executables:
- -rtsopts
- -with-rtsopts=-N
- untyped-lambda-calculus
- jtm-lambda-calculus

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module LambdaCalculus.Combinators where
import LambdaCalculus.Representation (IsExpr, fromStandard)
import LambdaCalculus.Representation.Standard
-- | The `I` combinator, representing the identify function `λx. x`.
i :: IsExpr expr => expr
i = fromStandard $ Abstraction "x" $ Variable "x"

View File

@ -1,45 +1,14 @@
module UntypedLambdaCalculus where
-- | !!!IMPORTANT!!!
-- This module is a WORK IN PROGRESS.
-- It currently implements *lazy* evaluation with the reverse de bruijn syntax,
-- and my end goal is to make it support optimal evaluation,
-- but currently it is not even close.
module LambdaCalculus.Evaluation.Optimal where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Type.Nat (Nat (Z, S), SNat (SZ, SS), SNatI, Plus, snat)
-- | Expressions are parametrized by the depth of the variable bindings they may access.
-- An expression in which no variables are bound (a closed expression) is represented by `Expr 'Z`.
data Expr :: Nat -> * where
-- | The body of a lambda abstraction may reference all of the variables
-- bound in its parent, in addition to a new variable bound by the abstraction.
Lam :: Expr ('S n) -> Expr n
-- | On the other hand, any sub-expression may choose to simply ignore
-- the variable bound by the lambda expression,
-- only referencing the variables bound in its parent instead.
-- For example, in the constant function `\x. \y. x`,
-- although the innermost expression *may* access the innermost binding (`y`),
-- it instead only accesses the outer one, `x`.
-- Thus the body of the expression would be `Drop Var`.
-- Given the lack of any convention for how to write 'Drop',
-- I have chosen to write it as `?x` where `x` is the body of the drop.
Drop :: Expr n -> Expr ('S n)
-- | For this reason (see 'Drop'),
-- variables only need to access the innermost accessible binding.
-- To access outer bindings, you must first 'Drop' all of the bindings
-- in between the variable and the desired binding to access.
Var :: Expr ('S n)
-- | Function application. The left side is the function, and the right side is the argument.
App :: Expr n -> Expr n -> Expr n
-- | A free expression is a symbolic placeholder which reduces to itself.
Free :: String -> Expr 'Z
Subst :: SNat n -> Expr m -> Expr ('S (Plus n m)) -> Expr (Plus n m)
instance SNatI n => Show (Expr n) where
show expr = show' snat expr
where show' :: SNat n -> Expr n -> String
show' (SS n) Var = show n
show' SZ (Free name) = name
show' (SS n) (Drop body) = '?' : show' n body
show' n (Lam body) = "(\\" ++ show n ++ " " ++ show' (SS n) body ++ ")"
show' n (App fe xe) = "(" ++ show' n fe ++ " " ++ show' n xe ++ ")"
import Data.Type.Nat
import LambdaCalculus.Representation.Dependent.ReverseDeBruijn
-- | The meaning of expressions is defined by how they can be reduced.
-- There are three kinds of reduction: beta-reduction ('betaReduce'),
@ -52,14 +21,14 @@ instance SNatI n => Show (Expr n) where
-- or, if there is no applicable reduction rule, returns nothing.
-- The lack of an applicable reduction rule does not necessarily mean
-- that an expression is irreducible: see 'evaluate' for more information.
reduce :: Expr n -> Maybe (Expr n)
reduce :: Expression n -> Maybe (Expression n)
-- Note: there are no expressions which are reducible in multiple ways.
-- Only one of these cases can apply at once.
reduce expr = scopeReduce expr <|> substitute expr <|> betaReduce expr <|> etaReduce expr
-- | A subexpression to which a reduction step may be applied is called a "redex",
-- short for "reducible expression".
isRedex :: Expr n -> Bool
isRedex :: Expression n -> Bool
isRedex expr = isScopeRedex expr || isBetaRedex expr || isEtaRedex expr
-- | Beta reduction describes how functions behave when applied to arguments.
@ -69,9 +38,9 @@ isRedex expr = isScopeRedex expr || isBetaRedex expr || isEtaRedex expr
-- Only this rule is necessary for the lambda calculus to be turing-complete;
-- the other reductions merely define *equivalences* between expressions,
-- so that every expression has a canonical form.
betaReduce :: Expr n -> Maybe (Expr n)
betaReduce (App (Lam fe) xe) = Just $ Subst SZ xe fe
-- (^) Aside: 'App' represents function application in the lambda calculus.
betaReduce :: Expression n -> Maybe (Expression n)
betaReduce (Application (Abstraction fe) xe) = Just $ Substitution SZ xe fe
-- (^) Aside: 'Application' represents function application in the lambda calculus.
-- Haskell convention would be to name the function `f` and the argument `x`,
-- but that often collides with Haskell functions and arguments,
-- so instead I will be calling them `fe` and `xe`,
@ -79,18 +48,18 @@ betaReduce (App (Lam fe) xe) = Just $ Subst SZ xe fe
betaReduce _ = Nothing
-- TODO: Document this.
substitute :: Expr n -> Maybe (Expr n)
substitute (Subst SZ x Var) = Just x
substitute (Subst (SS _) _ Var) = Just Var
substitute (Subst SZ x (Drop body)) = Just body
substitute (Subst (SS n) x (Drop body)) = Just $ Drop $ Subst n x body
substitute (Subst n x (App fe xe)) = Just $ App (Subst n x fe) (Subst n x xe)
substitute (Subst n x (Lam body)) = Just $ Lam $ Subst (SS n) x body
substitute :: Expression n -> Maybe (Expression n)
substitute (Substitution SZ x Variable) = Just x
substitute (Substitution (SS _) _ Variable) = Just Variable
substitute (Substitution SZ x (Drop body)) = Just body
substitute (Substitution (SS n) x (Drop body)) = Just $ Drop $ Substitution n x body
substitute (Substitution n x (Application fe xe)) = Just $ Application (Substitution n x fe) (Substitution n x xe)
substitute (Substitution n x (Abstraction body)) = Just $ Abstraction $ Substitution (SS n) x body
substitute _ = Nothing
-- | A predicate determining whether a subexpression would allow a beta-reduction step.
isBetaRedex :: Expr n -> Bool
isBetaRedex (App (Lam _) _) = True
isBetaRedex :: Expression n -> Bool
isBetaRedex (Application (Abstraction _) _) = True
isBetaRedex _ = False
-- | For any expression `f`, `f` is equivalent to `\x. ?f x`, a property called "eta-equivalence".
@ -105,18 +74,18 @@ isBetaRedex _ = False
-- (from within the context of the logical system, i.e. without regard to representation).
-- In the context of functions, this would mean that two functions are equal
-- if and only if they give the same result for all arguments.
etaReduce :: Expr n -> Maybe (Expr n)
etaReduce (Lam (App (Drop fe) Var)) = Just fe
etaReduce :: Expression n -> Maybe (Expression n)
etaReduce (Abstraction (Application (Drop fe) Variable)) = Just fe
etaReduce _ = Nothing
-- | A predicate determining whether a subexpression would allow an eta-reduction step.
isEtaRedex :: Expr n -> Bool
isEtaRedex (Lam (App (Drop _) Var )) = True
isEtaRedex :: Expression n -> Bool
isEtaRedex (Abstraction (Application (Drop _) Variable )) = True
isEtaRedex _ = False
-- | Eta-expansion, the inverse of 'etaReduce'.
etaExpand :: Expr n -> Expr n
etaExpand fe = Lam $ App (Drop fe) Var
etaExpand :: Expression n -> Expression n
etaExpand fe = Abstraction $ Application (Drop fe) Variable
-- TODO: Scope conversion isn't a real conversion relationship!
-- 'scopeExpand' can only be applied a finite number of times.
@ -147,34 +116,34 @@ etaExpand fe = Lam $ App (Drop fe) Var
-- if and only if it is used in at least one of its sub-expressions.
-- Similarly to 'etaReduce', there is also define an inverse function, 'scopeExpand'.
scopeReduce :: Expr n -> Maybe (Expr n)
scopeReduce (App (Drop fe) (Drop xe)) = Just $ Drop $ App fe xe
scopeReduce :: Expression n -> Maybe (Expression n)
scopeReduce (Application (Drop fe) (Drop xe)) = Just $ Drop $ Application fe xe
-- TODO: I feel like there's a more elegant way to represent this.
-- It feels like `Lam (Drop body)` should be its own atomic unit.
-- It feels like `Abstraction (Drop body)` should be its own atomic unit.
-- Maybe I could consider a combinator-based representation,
-- where `Lam (Drop body)` is just the `K` combinator `K body`?
scopeReduce (Lam (Drop (Drop body))) = Just $ Drop $ Lam $ Drop body
-- where `Abstraction (Drop body)` is just the `K` combinator `K body`?
scopeReduce (Abstraction (Drop (Drop body))) = Just $ Drop $ Abstraction $ Drop body
scopeReduce _ = Nothing
-- | A predicate determining whether a subexpression would allow a scope-reduction step.
isScopeRedex :: Expr n -> Bool
isScopeRedex (App (Drop _) (Drop _)) = True
isScopeRedex (Lam (Drop (Drop _))) = True
isScopeRedex :: Expression n -> Bool
isScopeRedex (Application (Drop _) (Drop _)) = True
isScopeRedex (Abstraction (Drop (Drop _))) = True
isScopeRedex _ = False
-- | Scope-expansion, the left inverse of 'scopeReduce'.
scopeExpand :: Expr n -> Maybe (Expr n)
scopeExpand (Drop (App fe xe)) = Just $ App (Drop fe) (Drop xe)
scopeExpand (Drop (Lam (Drop body))) = Just $ Lam $ Drop $ Drop body
scopeExpand :: Expression n -> Maybe (Expression n)
scopeExpand (Drop (Application fe xe)) = Just $ Application (Drop fe) (Drop xe)
scopeExpand (Drop (Abstraction (Drop body))) = Just $ Abstraction $ Drop $ Drop body
scopeExpand _ = Nothing
-- | An expression is in "normal form" if it contains no redexes (see 'isRedex').
isNormal :: Expr n -> Bool
isNormal :: Expression n -> Bool
isNormal expr = not (isRedex expr) && case expr of
-- In addition to this expression not being a redex,
-- we must check that none of its subexpressions are redexes either.
App fe xe -> isNormal fe && isNormal xe
Lam e -> isNormal e
Application fe xe -> isNormal fe && isNormal xe
Abstraction e -> isNormal e
Drop e -> isNormal e
_ -> True
@ -189,7 +158,7 @@ isNormal expr = not (isRedex expr) && case expr of
-- the expression it is normalizing has a normal form.
-- I have chosen to use a normalizing reduction strategy.
eval :: Expr n -> Expr n
eval :: Expression n -> Expression n
eval expr = case reduce innerReduced of
Just e -> eval e
-- The expression didn't make any progress,
@ -200,7 +169,7 @@ eval expr = case reduce innerReduced of
Nothing -> innerReduced
where innerReduced = case expr of
-- TODO: Factor out this recursive case (from 'isNormal' too).
App fe xe -> App (eval fe) (eval xe)
Lam e -> Lam (eval e)
Application fe xe -> Application (eval fe) (eval xe)
Abstraction e -> Abstraction (eval e)
Drop e -> Drop (eval e)
x -> x

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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
module LambdaCalculus.Parser (parse) where
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Monad (void)
import Text.Parsec hiding (parse)
import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import LambdaCalculus.Representation.AbstractSyntax
-- | Parse a keyword, unambiguously not a variable name.
keyword :: String -> Parser ()
keyword kwd = try $ do
void $ string kwd
-- TODO: rephrase this in terms of `extension`
notFollowedBy alphaNum
-- | The extension of a variable name.
-- The first letter of a variable name must be a letter,
-- but the rest of the variable name may be more general.
extension :: Parser String
extension = many alphaNum
-- | A variable name, e.g. `x`, `foo`, `f2`, `fooBar27`.
name :: Parser String
name = do
notFollowedBy anyKeyword
liftA2 (:) letter extension
anyKeyword = choice $ map keyword keywords
-- | Keywords that are forbidden from use as variable names.
keywords = ["let", "in"]
-- | A variable expression.
variable :: Parser Expression
variable = Variable <$> name
-- | A lambda abstraction.
abstraction :: Parser Expression
abstraction = do
char 'λ' <|> char '\\' ; spaces
variables <- variableList ; spaces
char '.' ; spaces
body <- expression
return $ Abstraction variables body
where variableList :: Parser [String]
variableList = name `sepBy` spaces
-- | A function application.
application :: Parser Expression
application = Application <$> applicationTerm `sepEndBy` spaces
-- | An application term is any expression which consumes input,
-- i.e. anything other than an ungrouped application.
applicationTerm :: Parser Expression
applicationTerm = let_ <|> variable <|> abstraction <|> grouping
-- | An expression grouped by parentheses.
grouping :: Parser Expression
grouping = between (char '(' >> spaces) (spaces >> char ')') expression
-- | A `let` expression.
let_ :: Parser Expression
let_ = do
keyword "let" ; spaces
variable <- name ; spaces
char '=' ; spaces
value <- expression ; spaces
string "in" ; spaces
body <- expression
return $ Let variable value body
-- | Any expression.
expression :: Parser Expression
expression = application
-- | Parse a lambda calculus expression.
parse :: SourceName -> String -> Either ParseError Expression
parse = Parsec.parse (expression <* eof)

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
module LambdaCalculus.Representation where
import Data.Functor.Foldable (cata)
import Data.HashSet (HashSet, singleton, union, delete)
import LambdaCalculus.Representation.Standard
-- | `expr` is a representation of a /closed/ lambda calculus expression.
class IsExpr expr where
-- | Convert an expression to the standard representation.
toStandard :: expr -> Expression
-- | Convert an expression from the standard representation.
fromStandard :: Expression -> expr
-- | Convert an expression from one representation to another.
convert :: IsExpr repr => expr -> repr
convert = fromStandard . toStandard
-- | Retrieve the free variables in an expression.
freeVariables :: expr -> HashSet String
freeVariables = freeVariables . toStandard
instance IsExpr Expression where
toStandard = id
fromStandard = id
convert = fromStandard
freeVariables = cata \case
VariableF name -> singleton name
AbstractionF name body -> name `delete` body
ApplicationF fe xe -> fe `union` xe

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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
module LambdaCalculus.Representation.AbstractSyntax where
import Control.Comonad.Cofree (Cofree ((:<)))
import Data.Functor.Foldable (cata, histo)
import Data.Functor.Foldable.TH (makeBaseFunctor)
import Data.List (foldl1')
import LambdaCalculus.Combinators (i)
import LambdaCalculus.Representation
import qualified LambdaCalculus.Representation.Standard as Std
data Expression = Variable String
| Abstraction [String] Expression
| Application [Expression]
-- | `let name = value in body`
| Let String Expression Expression
makeBaseFunctor ''Expression
instance Show Expression where
show = histo \case
VariableF name -> name
AbstractionF names (body :< _) -> "λ" ++ unwords names ++ ". " ++ body
-- TODO: this is a weird implementation of re-grouping variables,
-- to the degree that explicit recursion would probably be more clear.
-- Clean this up!
ApplicationF exprs -> unwords $ mapExceptLast regroup regroupApplication exprs
LetF name (value :< _) (body :< _)
-> "let " ++ name ++ " = " ++ value ++ " in " ++ body
where regroup (expr :< AbstractionF _ _) = group expr
regroup (expr :< LetF _ _ _) = group expr
regroup expr = regroupApplication expr
regroupApplication (expr :< ApplicationF _) = group expr
regroupApplication (expr :< _) = expr
group str = "(" ++ str ++ ")"
-- | Map the first function to all but the last element of the list,
-- and the last function to only the last element.
mapExceptLast :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
-- TODO: express this as a paramorphism
mapExceptLast _ _ [] = []
mapExceptLast _ fLast [x] = [fLast x]
mapExceptLast f fLast (x:xs) = f x : mapExceptLast f fLast xs
instance IsExpr Expression where
toStandard = cata \case
VariableF name -> Std.Variable name
-- We could technically just use `foldl' Std.Application i exprs`,
-- since that's the justification for allowing non-binary applications in the first place,
-- but we want expressions using only binary applications
-- to still generate the same expression,
-- not just beta-equivalent expressions.
ApplicationF [] -> i
ApplicationF [expr] -> expr
ApplicationF exprs -> foldl1' Std.Application exprs
AbstractionF names body -> foldr Std.Abstraction body names
LetF name value body -> Std.Application (Std.Abstraction name body) value
-- Again with the intent of generating the canonical form for this representation,
-- we want to convert all left-nested applications into a list application;
-- similarly, we convert nested abstractions into a list of names,
-- and abstractions into `let`s when applicable.
fromStandard = histo \case
Std.VariableF name -> Variable name
-- `(\x. e) N` --> `let x = N in e`.
Std.ApplicationF (_ :< Std.AbstractionF name (body :< _)) (value :< _)
-> Let name value body
Std.ApplicationF (Application exprs :< _) (xe :< _)
-> Application $ exprs ++ [xe]
Std.ApplicationF (fe :< _) (xe :< _)
-> Application [fe, xe]
Std.AbstractionF name (Abstraction names body :< _)
-> Abstraction (name : names) body
Std.AbstractionF name (body :< _)
-> Abstraction [name] body

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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
module LambdaCalculus.Representation.Dependent.ReverseDeBruijn where
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, runReader, withReader, asks)
import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(Refl))
import Data.Type.Nat
import Data.Vec
import LambdaCalculus.Representation
import qualified LambdaCalculus.Representation.Standard as Std
-- | Expressions are parametrized by the depth of the variable bindings they may access.
-- An expression in which no variables are bound (a closed expression) is represented by `Expression 'Z`.
data Expression :: Nat -> * where
-- | The body of a lambda abstraction may reference all of the variables
-- bound in its parent, in addition to a new variable bound by the abstraction.
Abstraction :: Expression ('S n) -> Expression n
-- | On the other hand, any sub-expression may choose to simply ignore
-- the variable bound by the lambda expression,
-- only referencing the variables bound in its parent instead.
-- For example, in the constant function `\x. \y. x`,
-- although the innermost expression *may* access the innermost binding (`y`),
-- it instead only accesses the outer one, `x`.
-- Thus the body of the expression would be `Drop Variable`.
-- Given the lack of any convention for how to write 'Drop',
-- I have chosen to write it as `?x` where `x` is the body of the drop.
Drop :: Expression n -> Expression ('S n)
-- | For this reason (see 'Drop'),
-- variables only need to access the innermost accessible binding.
-- To access outer bindings, you must first 'Drop' all of the bindings
-- in between the variable and the desired binding to access.
Variable :: Expression ('S n)
-- | Function application. The left side is the function, and the right side is the argument.
Application :: Expression n -> Expression n -> Expression n
-- | A free expression is a symbolic placeholder which reduces to itself.
Free :: String -> Expression 'Z
Substitution :: SNat n -> Expression m -> Expression ('S (Plus n m)) -> Expression (Plus n m)
instance SNatI n => Show (Expression n) where
show expr = show' snat expr
where show' :: SNat n -> Expression n -> String
show' (SS n) Variable = show n
show' SZ (Free name) = name
show' (SS n) (Drop body) = '?' : show' n body
show' n (Abstraction body) = "(\\" ++ show n ++ " " ++ show' (SS n) body ++ ")"
show' n (Application fe xe) = "(" ++ show' n fe ++ " " ++ show' n xe ++ ")"
instance IsExpr (Expression 'Z) where
fromStandard expr = runReader (fromStandard' expr) VNil
where fromStandard' :: SNatI n => Std.Expression -> Reader (Vec n String) (Expression n)
-- TODO: This code is absolutely atrocious.
-- It is in dire need of cleanup.
fromStandard' (Std.Variable name) = asks $ makeVar snat SZ
where makeVar :: SNat n -> SNat m -> Vec n String -> Expression (Plus m n)
makeVar SZ m VNil = dropEm m $ Free name
makeVar (SS n) m (var ::: bound) = case plusSuc m n of
| name == var -> dropEm2 n m
| otherwise -> makeVar n (SS m) bound
dropEm :: SNat m -> Expression n -> Expression (Plus m n)
dropEm SZ e = e
dropEm (SS n) e = Drop $ dropEm n e
dropEm2 :: SNat n -> SNat m -> Expression ('S (Plus m n))
dropEm2 _ SZ = Variable
dropEm2 n (SS m) = Drop $ dropEm2 n m
fromStandard' (Std.Abstraction name body)
= fmap Abstraction $ withReader (name :::) $ fromStandard' body
fromStandard' (Std.Application fe xe)
= Application <$> fromStandard' fe <*> fromStandard' xe
-- TODO: Implement this. Important!
toStandard expr = undefined

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
module LambdaCalculus.Representation.Standard where
import Data.Functor.Foldable (cata)
import Data.Functor.Foldable.TH (makeBaseFunctor)
data Expression = Variable String
| Abstraction String Expression
| Application Expression Expression
makeBaseFunctor ''Expression
instance Show Expression where
-- For a more sophisticated printing mechanism,
-- consider converting to 'LambdaCalculus.Representation.AbstractSyntax.Expression' first.
show = cata \case
VariableF name -> name
AbstractionF name body -> "" ++ name ++ ". " ++ body ++ ")"
ApplicationF fe xe -> "(" ++ fe ++ " " ++ xe ++ ")"

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@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
module UntypedLambdaCalculus.Parser (parseExpr) where
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, runReader, withReader, asks)
import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(Refl))
import Data.Type.Nat
import Data.Vec
import Text.Parsec (SourceName, ParseError, (<|>), many, sepBy, letter, alphaNum, char, between, spaces, parse, string)
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import UntypedLambdaCalculus (Expr (Free, Var, Lam, App, Drop))
data Ast = AstVar String
| AstLam [String] Ast
| AstApp [Ast]
| AstLet String Ast Ast
-- | A variable name.
name :: Parser String
name = liftA2 (:) letter $ many alphaNum
-- | A variable expression.
var :: Parser Ast
var = AstVar <$> name
-- | Run parser between parentheses.
parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
parens = between (char '(') (char ')')
-- | A lambda expression.
lam :: Parser Ast
lam = do
vars <- between (char '\\') (char '.') $ name `sepBy` spaces
body <- app
return $ AstLam vars body
-- | An application expression.
app :: Parser Ast
app = AstApp <$> consumesInput `sepBy` spaces
let_ :: Parser Ast
let_ = do
string "let "
bound <- name
string " = "
-- we can't allow raw `app` or `lam` here
-- because they will consume the `in` as a variable.
val <- let_ <|> var <|> parens app
char ' '
string "in "
body <- app
return $ AstLet bound val body
-- | An expression, but where applications must be surrounded by parentheses,
-- | to avoid ambiguity (infinite recursion on `app` in the case where the first
-- | expression in the application is also an `app`, consuming no input).
consumesInput :: Parser Ast
consumesInput = let_ <|> var <|> lam <|> parens app
toExpr :: Ast -> Expr 'Z
toExpr ast = runReader (toExpr' ast) VNil
-- TODO: This code is absolutely atrocious.
-- It is in dire need of cleanup.
where toExpr' :: SNatI n => Ast -> Reader (Vec n String) (Expr n)
toExpr' (AstVar name) = asks $ makeVar snat SZ
where makeVar :: SNat n -> SNat m -> Vec n String -> Expr (Plus m n)
makeVar SZ m VNil = dropEm m $ Free name
makeVar (SS n) m (var ::: bound) = case plusSuc m n of
| name == var -> dropEm2 n m
| otherwise -> makeVar n (SS m) bound
toExpr' (AstApp es) = asks $ thingy id es
toExpr' (AstLam [] body) = toExpr' body
toExpr' (AstLam (name:names) body) =
fmap Lam $ withReader (name :::) $ toExpr' $ AstLam names body
toExpr' (AstLet var val body) =
App <$> toExpr' (AstLam [var] body) <*> toExpr' val
thingy :: SNatI n => (Expr n -> Expr n) -> [Ast] -> Vec n String -> Expr n
thingy f [] _ = f $ Lam Var
thingy f (e:es) bound = thingy (flip App (runReader (toExpr' e) bound) . f) es bound
dropEm :: SNat m -> Expr n -> Expr (Plus m n)
dropEm SZ e = e
dropEm (SS n) e = Drop $ dropEm n e
dropEm2 :: SNat n -> SNat m -> Expr ('S (Plus m n))
dropEm2 _ SZ = Var
dropEm2 n (SS m) = Drop $ dropEm2 n m
-- | Since applications do not require parentheses and can contain only a single item,
-- | the `app` parser is sufficient to parse any expression at all.
parseExpr :: SourceName -> String -> Either ParseError (Expr 'Z)
parseExpr sourceName code = toExpr <$> parse app sourceName code