Added nullary applications and generalized eta reductions.

James T. Martin 2019-08-19 15:08:45 -07:00
parent 2e95783c3a
commit 5f87100363
3 changed files with 99 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,35 @@ Exit the prompt with `Ctrl-C` (or however else you kill a program in your termin
Bound variables will be printed followed by a number representing the number of binders
between it and its definition for disambiguation.
This is not guaranteed not to capture free variables.
## Differences from the traditional lambda calculus
This version of the lambda calculus is completely compatible
with the traditional lambda calculus, but features a few extensions.
### Nullary applications
In any binary application `(f x)`, the `f` is a function and the `x` is a variable.
Applications are left-associative, meaning `(f x y)` equals `((f x) y)`.
Any term `x` may be expanded to an application `(id x)`.
Working backwards, we have `(f x y)` equals `(((id f) x) y)`.
Thus we may reasonably say that `() = id`
and thus that `(f x y)` equals `(((() f) x) y)`,
and that `(x)` equals `(() x)`, which reduces to just `x`.
### Nullary functions and generalized eta reductions
We can apply a similar argument to the function syntax.
`(\x y z. E)` is the same as `(\x.(\y.(\z.E)))` because lambda is right-associative.
Any term `x` may be eta-expanded into a lambda `(\y. ((() x) y))`.
Working backwards, we have `(\x. (() x))` eta-reducing to `()`.
Therefore, the identity function eta-reduces to just `()`.
Again similarly we have the nulladic lambda syntax `(\.E)`
which trivially beta-reduces to `E`.
I also take any series of ordered applications
`(\v v1 v2 ... vn. v:n v2:(n-1) ... v(n-1):1 vn:0)`
to eta-reduce to `()` (including `()` itself and, trivially, `(\x. x)`).
### Nullary functions
### Examples
@ -28,7 +56,7 @@ y
## Syntax
* Variables are alphanumeric, beginning with a letter.
* Applications are left-associative, and parentheses are not necessary.
* Lambdas are represented by `\\`, bind as far right as possible, and parentheses are not necessary.
* Lambdas are represented by `\`, bind as far right as possible, and parentheses are not necessary.
### Examples
* Variables: `x`, `abc`, `D`, `fooBar`, `f10`

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@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable, MultiWayIf #-}
module UntypedLambdaCalculus (Expr (Free, Var, Lam, App), ReaderAlg, eval, cataReader) where
module UntypedLambdaCalculus (Expr (Free, Var, Lam, App, Nil), ReaderAlg, eval, cataReader) where
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, runReader, local, reader, ask)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Functor.Foldable (Base, Recursive, cata)
import Data.Functor.Foldable (Base, Recursive, cata, embed, project)
import Data.Functor.Foldable.TH (makeBaseFunctor)
import Data.Monoid (Any (Any, getAny))
-- | A lambda calculus expression where variables are identified
-- | by their distance from their binding site (De Bruijn indices).
@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ data Expr = Free String
| Var Int
| Lam String Expr
| App Expr Expr
| Nil
makeBaseFunctor ''Expr
@ -25,55 +27,75 @@ cataReader f initialState x = runReader (cata f x) initialState
instance Show Expr where
show = cataReader alg []
where alg :: ReaderAlg ExprF [String] String
alg (FreeF v) = return v
alg (VarF v) = reader (\vars -> vars !! v ++ ':' : show v)
alg (LamF v e) = do
alg (FreeF v) = return v
alg (VarF i) = reader (\vars -> vars !! i ++ ':' : show i)
alg (LamF v e) = do
body <- local (v :) e
return $ "(\\" ++ v ++ ". " ++ body ++ ")"
alg (AppF f' x') = do
f <- f'
x <- x'
return $ "(" ++ f ++ " " ++ x ++ ")"
alg NilF = return "()"
-- | Determine whether the variable bound by a lambda expression is used in its body.
-- | This is used in eta reduction, where `(\x. f x)` reduces to `f` when `x` is not bound in `f`.
-- | Is the innermost bound variable of this subexpression (`Var 0`) used in its body?
-- | For example: in `\x. a:1 x:0 b:2`, `x:0` is bound in `a:1 x:0 b:2`.
-- | On the other hand, in `\x. a:3 b:2 c:1`, it is not.
bound :: Expr -> Bool
bound = getAny . cataReader alg 0
where alg :: ReaderAlg ExprF Int Any
alg (VarF index) = reader (Any . (== index))
alg (LamF _ e) = local (+ 1) e
alg x = fold <$> sequenceA x
-- | Opposite of `bound`.
unbound :: Expr -> Bool
unbound = cataReader alg 0
where alg :: ReaderAlg ExprF Int Bool
alg (FreeF _) = return True
alg (VarF v) = reader (/= v)
alg (AppF f x) = (&&) <$> f <*> x
alg (LamF _ e) = local (+ 1) e
unbound = not . bound
-- | When we bind a new variable, we enter a new scope.
-- | Since variables are identified by their distance from their binder,
-- | we must increment them to account for the incremented distance,
-- | thus embedding them into the new expression.
embed :: Expr -> Expr
embed (Var v) = Var $ v + 1
embed (App f x) = App (embed f) (embed x)
embed x = x
liftExpr :: Int -> Expr -> Expr
liftExpr n (Var i) = Var $ i + n
liftExpr _ o@(Lam _ _) = o
liftExpr n x = embed $ fmap (liftExpr n) $ project x
subst :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
subst val = cataReader alg (0, val)
where alg :: ReaderAlg ExprF (Int, Expr) Expr
alg (FreeF x) = return $ Free x
alg (VarF x) = ask <&> \(x', value) -> if
| x == x' -> value
| x > x' -> Var $ x - 1
| otherwise -> Var x
alg (AppF f x) = App <$> f <*> x
alg (LamF v e) = Lam v <$> local (bimap (+ 1) embed) e
subst val = cataReader alg 0
where alg :: ReaderAlg ExprF Int Expr
alg (VarF i) = ask <&> \bindingDepth -> if
| i == bindingDepth -> liftExpr bindingDepth val
| i > bindingDepth -> Var $ i - 1
| otherwise -> Var i
alg (LamF v e) = Lam v <$> local (+ 1) e
alg x = embed <$> sequence x
-- | Generalized eta reduction. I (almost certainly re-)invented it myself.
etaReduce :: Expr -> Expr
-- Degenerate case
-- The identity function reduces to the syntactic identity, `Nil`.
etaReduce (Lam _ (Var 0)) = Nil
-- `\x. f x -> f` if `x` is not bound in `f`.
etaReduce o@(Lam _ (App f (Var 0)))
| unbound f = eval $ subst undefined f
| otherwise = o
-- `\x y. f y -> \x. f` if `y` is not bound in `f`;
-- the resultant term may itself be eta-reducible.
etaReduce (Lam v e'@(Lam _ _)) = case etaReduce e' of
e@(Lam _ _) -> Lam v e
e -> etaReduce $ Lam v e
etaReduce x = x
betaReduce :: Expr -> Expr
betaReduce (App f' x) = case eval f' of
Lam _ e -> eval $ subst x e
Nil -> eval x
f -> App f $ eval x
betaReduce x = x
-- | Evaluate an expression to normal form.
eval :: Expr -> Expr
eval (App f' x) = case eval f' of
-- Beta reduction.
Lam _ e -> eval $ subst x e
f -> App f (eval x)
eval o@(Lam _ (App f (Var 0)))
-- Eta reduction. We know that `0` is not bound in `f`,
-- so we can simply substitute it for undefined.
| unbound f = eval $ subst undefined f
| otherwise = o
eval a@(App _ _) = betaReduce a
eval l@(Lam _ _) = etaReduce l
eval o = o

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@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ module UntypedLambdaCalculus.Parser (parseExpr) where
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Monad.Reader (local, asks)
import Data.List (foldl1', elemIndex)
import Data.List (foldl', elemIndex)
import Data.Functor.Foldable.TH (makeBaseFunctor)
import Text.Parsec (SourceName, ParseError, (<|>), many, sepBy1, letter, alphaNum, char, between, spaces, parse)
import Text.Parsec (SourceName, ParseError, (<|>), many, sepBy, letter, alphaNum, char, between, spaces, parse)
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import UntypedLambdaCalculus (Expr (Free, Var, Lam, App), ReaderAlg, cataReader)
import UntypedLambdaCalculus (Expr (Free, Var, Lam, App, Nil), ReaderAlg, cataReader)
data Ast = AstVar String
| AstLam String Ast
| AstApp Ast Ast
| AstLam [String] Ast
| AstApp [Ast]
makeBaseFunctor ''Ast
@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ parens = between (char '(') (char ')')
-- | A lambda expression.
lam :: Parser Ast
lam = do
vars <- between (char '\\') (char '.') $ name `sepBy1` spaces
vars <- between (char '\\') (char '.') $ name `sepBy` spaces
body <- app
return $ foldr AstLam body vars
return $ AstLam vars body
-- | An application expression.
app :: Parser Ast
app = foldl1' AstApp <$> safeExpr `sepBy1` spaces
app = AstApp <$> safeExpr `sepBy` spaces
-- | An expression, but where applications must be surrounded by parentheses,
-- | to avoid ambiguity (infinite recursion on `app` in the case where the first
@ -54,8 +54,9 @@ toExpr = cataReader alg []
return $ case bindingSite of
Just index -> Var index
Nothing -> Free varName
alg (AstLamF varName body) = Lam varName <$> local (varName :) body
alg (AstAppF f x) = App <$> f <*>x
alg (AstLamF vars body) = foldr (\v e -> Lam v <$> local (v :) e) body vars
alg (AstAppF [e]) = e
alg (AstAppF es) = foldl' App Nil <$> sequenceA es
-- | Since applications do not require parentheses and can contain only a single item,
-- | the `app` parser is sufficient to parse any expression at all.