Lots of refactors using recursion-schemes, plus hacky code cleanup.

A side-effect of this refactoring was that I got `traceEval` for free!
James T. Martin 2021-03-15 23:56:52 -07:00
parent 1321c7f54e
commit 4541f30f46
Signed by: james
GPG Key ID: 4B7F3DA9351E577C
6 changed files with 238 additions and 142 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module Main where
module Main (main) where
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import Data.Text.IO qualified as TIO
import LambdaCalculus (eval)
import LambdaCalculus.Parser (parseExpression)
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)

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@ -14,16 +14,24 @@ extra-source-files:
- BlockArguments
- FlexibleContexts
- ImportQualifiedPost
- LambdaCase
- OverloadedStrings
- PatternSynonyms
- ViewPatterns
# Required for use of recursion-schemes
- DeriveFoldable
- DeriveFunctor
- DeriveTraversable
- TemplateHaskell
- TypeFamilies
- base >= 4.14 && < 5
- mtl >= 2.2 && < 3
- parsec >= 3.1 && < 4
- recursion-schemes >= 5.2 && < 6
- text >= 1.2 && < 2
- text-show >= 3.9 && < 4
- unordered-containers >= 0.2.13 && < 0.3
@ -42,6 +50,7 @@ library:
# Less stupid warnings, but I still don't care
- -Wno-unused-do-bind
- -Wno-all-missed-specialisations
- -Wno-missing-local-signatures
# Explicit import lists are generally a good thing, but I don't want them
# in certain cases (e.g. importing my own modules, task-specific modules like the parser).
- -Wno-missing-import-lists

src/Data/Stream.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
module Data.Stream (Stream (Cons), filter, fromList) where
import Data.Functor.Foldable (Base, Corecursive, Recursive, embed, project, ana)
import Prelude hiding (filter, head, tail)
data Stream a = Cons a (Stream a)
type instance Base (Stream a) = (,) a
instance Recursive (Stream a) where
project (Cons x xs) = (x, xs)
instance Corecursive (Stream a) where
embed (x, xs) = Cons x xs
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> Stream a -> Stream a
filter p = ana \case
Cons x xs
| p x -> (x, xs)
| otherwise -> project xs
fromList :: [a] -> Stream a
fromList = ana coalg
coalg (x : xs) = (x, xs)
coalg [] = error "Attempted to turn finite list into stream"

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@ -1,106 +1,156 @@
module LambdaCalculus
( module LambdaCalculus.Expression
, eval
, eval, traceEval
) where
import Control.Monad.State (State, evalState, modify', state, put, gets)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError, ExceptT, throwError, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, State, evalState, modify', state, put, gets)
import Control.Monad.Writer (runWriterT, tell)
import Data.Functor.Foldable (cata, para, project, embed)
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import Data.HashSet qualified as HS
import Data.Stream (Stream)
import Data.Stream qualified as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Void (Void, absurd)
import LambdaCalculus.Continuation
import LambdaCalculus.Expression (Expression (..), foldExpr)
import LambdaCalculus.Expression (Expression (..), ExpressionF (..))
-- | Free variables are variables which are present in an expression but not bound by any abstraction.
freeVariables :: Expression -> HashSet Text
freeVariables = foldExpr HS.singleton HS.union HS.delete
freeVariables = cata \case
VariableF name -> HS.singleton name
ApplicationF e1 e2 -> HS.union e1 e2
AbstractionF n e -> HS.delete n e
ContinuationF e -> HS.delete "!" e
quickHack :: Expression -> Expression
quickHack (Continuation name body) = Abstraction name body
quickHack e = e
-- | Bound variables are variables which are bound by any form of abstraction in an expression.
boundVariables :: Expression -> HashSet Text
boundVariables = cata \case
VariableF _ -> HS.empty
ApplicationF e1 e2 -> HS.union e1 e2
AbstractionF n e -> HS.insert n e
ContinuationF e -> HS.insert "!" e
-- | Variables that occur anywhere in an experession, bound or free.
usedVariables :: Expression -> HashSet Text
usedVariables x = HS.union (freeVariables x) (boundVariables x)
-- | Generate a stream of new variables which are not in the set of provided variables.
freshVariables :: HashSet Text -> Stream Text
freshVariables ctx = S.filter (not . flip HS.member ctx) $ S.fromList $ fmap T.pack $ (:) <$> ['a'..'z'] <*> map show [0 :: Int ..]
-- | Create a new variable which is not used anywhere else.
fresh :: State (Stream Text) Text
fresh = state project
-- | Substitution is the process of replacing all free occurrences of a variable in one expression with another expression.
substitute :: Text -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression
substitute var1 value unmodified@(Variable var2)
| var1 == var2 = value
| otherwise = unmodified
substitute var value (Application ef ex)
= Application (substitute var value ef) (substitute var value ex)
substitute var1 value unmodified@(quickHack -> Abstraction var2 body)
| var1 == var2 = unmodified
| otherwise = constructor var2' $ substitute var1 value $ alphaConvert var2 var2' body
substitute var val = unsafeSubstitute var val . alphaConvert (usedVariables val)
-- | Rename the bound variables in `e` so they do not overlap any variables used in `ctx`.
-- This is used as part of substitution when substituting `val` with free variables `ctx` into `e`,
-- because it prevents any of the binders in `e` from accidentally capturing a free variable in `ctx`.
alphaConvert :: HashSet Text -> Expression -> Expression
alphaConvert ctx e_ = evalState (rename e_) $ freshVariables $ HS.union (usedVariables e_) ctx
constructor = case unmodified of
Abstraction _ _ -> Abstraction
Continuation _ _ -> Continuation
_ -> error "impossible"
rename :: Expression -> State (Stream Text) Expression
rename = cata \case
VariableF var -> pure $ Variable var
ApplicationF ef ex -> Application <$> ef <*> ex
ContinuationF e -> Continuation <$> e
AbstractionF n e
| HS.member n ctx -> do
n' <- fresh
Abstraction n' . unsafeSubstitute n (Variable n') <$> e
| otherwise -> Abstraction n <$> e
var2' :: Text
var2' = escapeName (freeVariables value) var2
alphaConvert :: Text -> Text -> Expression -> Expression
alphaConvert oldName newName expr = substitute oldName (Variable newName) expr
-- | Generate a new name which isn't present in the set, based on the old name.
escapeName :: HashSet Text -> Text -> Text
escapeName env name = fromJust $ find (not . free) names
where names :: [Text]
names = name : map (`T.snoc` '\'') names
free :: Text -> Bool
free = (`HS.member` env)
substitute _ _ _ = error "impossible"
type EvaluatorM a = State Continuation a
type Evaluator = Expression -> EvaluatorM Expression
-- | Substitution with the assumption that no free variables in the value are bound in the expression.
unsafeSubstitute :: Text -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression
unsafeSubstitute var val = para \case
| VariableF var2 <- e', var == var2 -> val
| ApplicationF (_, ef) (_, ex) <- e' -> Application ef ex
| ContinuationF (_, e) <- e', var /= "!" -> Continuation e
| AbstractionF var2 (_, e) <- e', var /= var2 -> Abstraction var2 e
| otherwise -> embed $ fmap fst e'
isReducible :: Expression -> Bool
isReducible (Application (quickHack -> (Abstraction _ _)) _) = True
isReducible (Application (Variable "callcc") _) = True
isReducible (Application ef ex) = isReducible ef || isReducible ex
isReducible _ = False
isReducible = snd . cata \case
ApplicationF ctr args -> eliminator ctr [args]
VariableF "callcc" -> constructor
AbstractionF _ _ -> constructor
ContinuationF _ -> constructor
VariableF _ -> constant
-- | Constants are irreducible in any context.
constant = (False, False)
-- | Constructors are reducible if an eliminator is applied to them.
constructor = (True, False)
-- | Eliminators are reducible if they are applied to a constructor or their arguments are reducible.
eliminator ctr args = (False, fst ctr || snd ctr || any snd args)
push :: ContinuationCrumb -> EvaluatorM ()
push :: MonadState Continuation m => ContinuationCrumb -> m ()
push c = modify' (c :)
pop :: EvaluatorM (Maybe ContinuationCrumb)
pop :: MonadState Continuation m => m (Maybe ContinuationCrumb)
pop = state \case
[] -> (Nothing, [])
(crumb:k) -> (Just crumb, k)
ret :: Expression -> EvaluatorM Expression
ret e = pop >>= maybe (pure e) (evaluator . continue1 e)
ret :: (MonadError Expression m, MonadState Continuation m) => Expression -> m Expression
ret e = pop >>= maybe (throwError e) (pure . continue1 e)
-- | Iteratively perform an action forever (or at least until it performs a control flow effect).
iterateM_ :: Monad m => (a -> m a) -> a -> m b
iterateM_ m = m' where m' x = m x >>= m'
fromLeft :: Either a Void -> a
fromLeft (Left x) = x
fromLeft (Right x) = absurd x
-- | Iteratively call an action until it 'throws' a return value.
loop :: Monad m => (a -> ExceptT b m a) -> a -> m b
loop f = fmap fromLeft . runExceptT . iterateM_ f
-- | A call-by-value expression evaluator.
evaluator :: Evaluator
evaluator unmodified@(Application ef ex)
evaluatorStep :: (MonadError Expression m, MonadState Continuation m) => Expression -> m Expression
evaluatorStep = \case
unmodified@(Application ef ex)
-- First reduce the argument...
| isReducible ex = do
| isReducible ex -> do
push (AppliedTo ef)
evaluator ex
pure ex
-- then reduce the function...
| isReducible ef = do
| isReducible ef -> do
push (ApplyTo ex)
evaluator ef
| otherwise = case ef of
pure ef
| otherwise -> case ef of
-- perform beta reduction if possible...
Abstraction name body ->
evaluator $ substitute name ex body
pure $ substitute name ex body
-- perform continuation calls if possible...
Continuation name body -> do
Continuation body -> do
put []
evaluator $ substitute name ex body
pure $ substitute "!" ex body
-- capture the current continuation if requested...
Variable "callcc" -> do
-- Don't worry about variable capture here for now.
k <- gets $ continue (Variable "!")
evaluator (Application ex (Continuation "!" k))
pure $ Application ex (Continuation k)
-- otherwise the value is irreducible and we can continue evaluation.
_ -> ret unmodified
-- Neither abstractions nor variables are reducible.
evaluator e = ret e
-- Neither abstractions nor variables are reducible.
e -> ret e
eval :: Expression -> Expression
eval = flip evalState [] . evaluator
eval = flip evalState [] . loop evaluatorStep
traceEval :: Expression -> (Expression, [Expression])
traceEval = flip evalState [] . runWriterT . loop \e -> do
-- You can also use `gets (continue e)` to print the *entire* expression each step.
-- This is a trade-off because it becomes much harder to pick out what changed from the rest of the expression.
tell [e]
evaluatorStep e

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
module LambdaCalculus.Expression
( Expression (..), foldExpr
( Expression (..), ExpressionF (..)
, ast2expr, expr2ast
, pattern Lets, pattern Abstractions, pattern Applications
, viewLet, viewAbstraction, viewApplication
, basicShow
) where
-- The definition of Expression is in its own file because:
@ -14,13 +13,16 @@ module LambdaCalculus.Expression
-- * I don't want to clutter the module focusing on the actual evaluation
-- with all of these irrelevant conversion operators.
import Data.Bifunctor (first, second)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Functor.Foldable (ana, cata)
import Data.Functor.Foldable.TH (makeBaseFunctor)
import Data.List (foldl1')
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)), fromList, toList)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import LambdaCalculus.Parser.AbstractSyntax (AbstractSyntax)
import LambdaCalculus.Parser.AbstractSyntax qualified as AST
import TextShow (Builder, fromText, TextShow, showb, showt)
import TextShow (TextShow, showb, showt)
data Expression
= Variable Text
@ -33,37 +35,22 @@ data Expression
-- deleting the current continuation.
-- Continuations do not have any corresponding surface-level syntax.
| Continuation Text Expression
| Continuation Expression
deriving Eq
foldExpr :: (Text -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> (Text -> a -> a) -> Expression -> a
foldExpr varf appf absf = foldExpr'
foldExpr' (Variable name) = varf name
foldExpr' (Application ef ex) = appf (foldExpr' ef) (foldExpr' ex)
foldExpr' (Abstraction name body) = absf name (foldExpr' body)
-- This isn't technically correct, but it's good enough for every place I use this.
-- I'll figure out a proper solution later, or possibly just rip out this function.
foldExpr' (Continuation name body) = absf name (foldExpr' body)
-- | A naive implementation of 'show', which does not take advantage of any syntactic sugar
-- and always emits optional parentheses.
basicShow :: Expression -> Builder
basicShow (Variable var) = fromText var
basicShow (Application ef ex) = "(" <> showb ef <> " " <> showb ex <> ")"
basicShow (Abstraction var body) = "" <> fromText var <> ". " <> showb body <> ")"
basicShow (Continuation var body) = "" <> fromText var <> ". " <> showb body <> ")"
makeBaseFunctor ''Expression
-- | Convert from an abstract syntax tree to an expression.
ast2expr :: AbstractSyntax -> Expression
ast2expr (AST.Variable name) = Variable name
ast2expr (AST.Application (x :| [])) = ast2expr x
ast2expr (AST.Application xs) = foldl1 Application $ map ast2expr (toList xs)
ast2expr (AST.Abstraction names body) = foldr Abstraction (ast2expr body) names
ast2expr (AST.Let defs body) = foldr (uncurry letExpr . second ast2expr) (ast2expr body) defs
letExpr :: Text -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression
letExpr name val body' = Application (Abstraction name body') val
ast2expr = cata \case
AST.VariableF name -> Variable name
AST.ApplicationF es -> case es of
x :| [] -> x
xs -> foldl1' Application (toList xs)
AST.AbstractionF names body -> foldr Abstraction body (toList names)
AST.LetF defs body ->
let letExpr name val body' = Application (Abstraction name body') val
in foldr (uncurry letExpr) body defs
-- | View nested applications of abstractions as a list.
pattern Lets :: [(Text, Expression)] -> Expression -> Expression
@ -88,18 +75,19 @@ pattern Applications exprs <- (viewApplication -> exprs@(_:_:_))
{-# COMPLETE Abstractions, Applications, Continuation, Variable :: Expression #-}
viewApplication :: Expression -> [Expression]
viewApplication (Application ef ex) = ex : viewApplication ef
viewApplication (Application ef ex) = viewApplication ef ++ [ex]
viewApplication x = [x]
-- | Convert from an expression to an abstract syntax tree.
-- This function will use let, and applications and abstractions of multiple values when possible.
expr2ast :: Expression -> AbstractSyntax
expr2ast (Lets defs body) = AST.Let (fromList $ map (second expr2ast) defs) $ expr2ast body
expr2ast (Abstractions names body) = AST.Abstraction (fromList names) $ expr2ast body
expr2ast (Applications exprs) = AST.Application $ fromList $ map expr2ast $ reverse exprs
expr2ast (Variable name) = AST.Variable name
expr2ast (Continuation _ body) = AST.Abstraction ("!" :| []) (expr2ast body)
expr2ast = ana \case
Lets defs body -> AST.LetF (fromList defs) body
Abstractions names body -> AST.AbstractionF (fromList names) body
Applications exprs -> AST.ApplicationF $ fromList exprs
Continuation body -> AST.AbstractionF ("!" :| []) body
Variable name -> AST.VariableF name
instance TextShow Expression where
showb = showb . expr2ast

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@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
module LambdaCalculus.Parser.AbstractSyntax
( AbstractSyntax (..), Definition, Identifier
( AbstractSyntax (..), AbstractSyntaxF (..), Definition, Identifier
) where
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)), fromList, toList)
import Data.Functor.Base (NonEmptyF (NonEmptyF))
import Data.Functor.Foldable (cata)
import Data.Functor.Foldable.TH (makeBaseFunctor)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty, toList)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import TextShow (Builder, TextShow, showb, showt, toText, fromText)
@ -38,36 +40,57 @@ data AbstractSyntax
type Definition = (Identifier, AbstractSyntax)
type Identifier = Text
makeBaseFunctor ''AbstractSyntax
-- I'm surprised this isn't in base somewhere.
unsnoc :: NonEmpty a -> ([a], a)
unsnoc (x :| []) = ([], x)
unsnoc (x :| xs) = first (x :) (unsnoc (fromList xs))
unsnoc = cata \case
NonEmptyF x' Nothing -> ([], x')
NonEmptyF x (Just (xs, x')) -> (x : xs, x')
data SyntaxType
-- | Ambiguous syntax is not necessarily finite and not guaranteed to consume any input.
= Ambiguous
-- | Block syntax is not necessarily finite but is guaranteed to consume input.
| Block
-- | Unambiguous syntax is finite and guaranteed to consume input.
| Finite
type Tagged a = (SyntaxType, a)
tag :: SyntaxType -> a -> Tagged a
tag = (,)
group :: Builder -> Builder
group x = "(" <> x <> ")"
-- | An unambiguous context has a marked beginning and end.
unambiguous :: Tagged Builder -> Builder
unambiguous (_, t) = t
-- | A final context has a marked end but no marked beginning,
-- so we provide a grouper when a beginning marker is necessary.
final :: Tagged Builder -> Builder
final (Ambiguous, t) = group t
final (_, t) = t
-- | An ambiguous context has neither a marked end nor marked beginning,
-- so we provide a grouper when an ending marker is necessary.
ambiguous :: Tagged Builder -> Builder
ambiguous (Finite, t) = t
ambiguous (_, t) = group t
instance TextShow AbstractSyntax where
showb = unambiguous
-- Parentheses are often optional to the parser, but not in every context.
-- The `unambigous` printer is used in contexts where parentheses are optional, and does not include them;
-- the `ambiguous` printer is used when omitting parentheses could result in an incorrect parse.
unambiguous, ambiguous :: AbstractSyntax -> Builder
unambiguous (Variable name) = fromText name
unambiguous (Application (unsnoc -> (es, final))) = foldr (\e es' -> ambiguous e <> " " <> es') final' es
final' = case final of
Application _ -> ambiguous final
_ -> unambiguous final
unambiguous (Abstraction names body) = "λ" <> names' <> ". " <> unambiguous body
where names' = fromText (T.intercalate " " $ toList names)
unambiguous (Let defs body) = "let " <> defs' <> " in " <> unambiguous body
defs' = fromText (T.intercalate "; " $ map (toText . showDef) $ toList defs)
showDef :: Definition -> Builder
showb = snd . cata \case
VariableF name -> tag Finite $ fromText name
ApplicationF (unsnoc -> (es, efinal)) -> tag Ambiguous $ foldr (\e es' -> ambiguous e <> " " <> es') (final efinal) es
AbstractionF names body -> tag Block $
let names' = fromText (T.intercalate " " $ toList names)
in "λ" <> names' <> ". " <> unambiguous body
LetF defs body -> tag Block $
showDef (name, val) = fromText name <> " = " <> unambiguous val
-- | Adds a grouper if omitting it could result in ambiguous syntax.)
ambiguous e@(Variable _) = unambiguous e
ambiguous e = "(" <> unambiguous e <> ")"
defs' = fromText (T.intercalate "; " $ map (toText . showDef) $ toList defs)
in "let " <> defs' <> " in " <> unambiguous body
instance Show AbstractSyntax where
show = T.unpack . showt