Make the REPL awesome with readline, declarations, commands, file loading, etc.

* Added line and block comments to the syntax
* Added `:trace`, `:clear`, `:load`, and `:check` commands to the REPL
* Added persistent declarations and a syntax for multi-expression programs

Future ideas:
* `:type` (print the type of an expression)
* `:dump` (dump all definitions to a file)
* auto-complete for commands and variable-names
* list files to load as arguments
* initial `:trace` and `:check` config as arguments
James T. Martin 2021-03-18 14:40:04 -07:00
parent 9e0754daf6
commit 036c48a902
Signed by: james
GPG Key ID: 4B7F3DA9351E577C
7 changed files with 357 additions and 101 deletions

View File

@ -5,11 +5,27 @@ using the Hindley-Milner type system, plus some builtin types, `fix`, and `callc
## Usage
Run the program using `stack run` (or run the tests with `stack test`).
Type in your expression at the prompt: `>> `. This will happen:
* the type for the expression will be inferred and then printed,
* then, regardless of whether typechecking succeeded, expression will be evaluated to normal form using the call-by-value evaluation strategy and then printed.
Type in your expression at the prompt: `>> `.
Yourexpression will be evaluated to normal form using the call-by-value evaluation strategy and then printed.
Exit the prompt with `Ctrl-c` (or equivalent).
Exit the prompt with `Ctrl-d` (or equivalent).
## Commands
Instead of entering an expression in the REPL, you may enter a command.
These commands are available:
* `:load <filename>`: Execute a program in the interpreter, importing all definitions.
* `:clear`: Clear all of your variable definitions.
* `:check <on/off> <always/decls/off>`:
* If the first argument is `off`, then expressions will be evaluated even if they do not typecheck.
* If the second argument is `always`, inferred types will always be printed.
If it is `decls`, then only declarations will have their inferred types printed.
Otherwise, the type of expressions is never printed.
* The default values are `on` `decls`.
* `:trace <off/local/global>`:
* If the argument is `local`, intermediate expressions will be printed as the evaluator evaluates them.
* If the argument is `global`, the *entire* expression will be printed each evaluator step.
* The default value is `off`.
## Syntax
The parser's error messages currently are virtually useless, so be very careful with your syntax.
@ -30,6 +46,12 @@ The parser's error messages currently are virtually useless, so be very careful
* Literals: `1234`, `[e, f, g, h]`, `'a`, `"abc"`
* Strings are represented as lists of characters.
* Type annotations: there are no type annotations; types are inferred only.
* Comments: `// line comment`, `/* block comment */`
Top-level contexts (e.g. the REPL or a source code file)
allow declarations (`let` expressions without `in ...`),
which make your definitions available for the rest of the program's execution.
You may separate multiple declarations and expressions with `;`.
## Types
Types are checked/inferred using the Hindley-Milner type inference algorithm.
@ -59,66 +81,4 @@ because they perform the side effect of modifying the current continuation,
and this is *not* valid syntax you can input into the REPL.
## Example code
Create a list by iterating `f` `n` times:
fix \iterate f x. { Z -> [] ; S n -> (x :: iterate f (f x) n) }
: ∀e. ((e -> e) -> (e -> (Nat -> [e])))
Use the iterate function to count to 10:
>> let iterate = fix \iterate f x. { Z -> [] ; S n -> (x :: iterate f (f x) n) }; countTo = iterate S 1 in countTo 10
: [Nat]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Append two lists together:
fix \append xs ys. { [] -> ys ; (x :: xs) -> (x :: append xs ys) } xs
: ∀j. ([j] -> ([j] -> [j]))
Reverse a list:
fix \reverse. { [] -> [] ; (x :: xs) -> append (reverse xs) [x] }
: ∀c1. ([c1] -> [c1])
Putting them together so we can reverse `"reverse"`:
>> let append = fix \append xs ys. { [] -> ys ; (x :: xs) -> (x :: append xs ys) } xs; reverse = fix \reverse. { [] -> [] ; (x :: xs) -> append (reverse xs) [x] } in reverse "reverse"
: [Char]
Calculating `3 + 2` with the help of Church-encoded numerals:
>> let Sf = \n f x. f (n f x); plus = \x. x Sf in plus (\f x. f (f (f x))) (\f x. f (f x)) S Z
: Nat
This expression would loop forever, but `callcc` saves the day!
>> S (callcc \k. (fix \x. x) (k Z))
: Nat
And if it wasn't clear, this is what the `Char` constructor does:
>> { Char c -> Char (S c) } 'a
: Char
Here are a few expressions which don't typecheck but are handy for debugging the evaluator:
>> let D = \x. x x; F = \f. f (f y) in D (F \x. x)
y y
>> let T = \f x. f (f x) in (\f x. T (T (T (T T))) f x) (\x. x) y
>> (\x y z. x y) y
λy' z. y y'
You can see some example code in ``.

View File

@ -1,24 +1,236 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-do-bind -Wno-monomorphism-restriction #-}
module Main (main) where
import LambdaCalculus
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Data.Text (pack)
import Data.Text.IO
import Prelude hiding (putStr, putStrLn, getLine)
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
import Control.Exception (IOException, catch)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask)
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError, ExceptT, runExceptT, throwError, liftEither)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Loops (whileJust_)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, StateT, evalStateT, gets, modify)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.Text qualified as T
import System.Console.Haskeline
( InputT, runInputT, defaultSettings
, outputStrLn, getInputLine, handleInterrupt, withInterrupt
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Text (Parser)
prompt :: Text -> IO Text
prompt text = do
putStr text
hFlush stdout
outputTextLn :: MonadIO m => Text -> InputT m ()
outputTextLn = outputStrLn . T.unpack
-- | Immediately quit the program when interrupted
-- without performing any additional actions.
-- (Without this, it will print an extra newline for some reason.)
justDie :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => InputT m () -> InputT m ()
justDie = handleInterrupt (pure ()) . withInterrupt
data AppState = AppState
{ traceOptions :: TraceOptions
, checkOptions :: CheckOptions
, definitions :: HashMap Text CheckExpr
data TraceOptions
-- | Print the entire expression in traces.
= TraceGlobal
-- | Print only the modified part of the expression in traces.
| TraceLocal
-- | Do not trace evaluation.
| TraceOff
data CheckOptions = CheckOptions
-- | Require that an expression typechecks to run it.
{ shouldTypecheck :: Bool
-- | Print the inferred type of an expressions.
, shouldPrintType :: CheckPrintOptions
data CheckPrintOptions = PrintAlways | PrintDecls | PrintOff
deriving Eq
shouldPrintTypeErrorsQ :: Bool -> CheckOptions -> Bool
shouldPrintTypeErrorsQ isDecl opts
= shouldTypecheck opts
|| shouldPrintTypeQ isDecl opts
shouldPrintTypeQ :: Bool -> CheckOptions -> Bool
shouldPrintTypeQ isDecl opts
= shouldPrintType opts == PrintAlways
|| shouldPrintType opts == PrintDecls && isDecl
defaultAppState :: AppState
defaultAppState = AppState
{ traceOptions = TraceOff
, checkOptions = CheckOptions
{ shouldTypecheck = True
, shouldPrintType = PrintDecls
, definitions = HM.empty
data Command
= Trace TraceOptions
| Check CheckOptions
| Load FilePath
| Clear
commandParser :: Parser Command
commandParser = do
char ':'
trace <|> check <|> load <|> clear
trace = Trace <$> do
try $ string "trace "
try traceOff <|> try traceLocal <|> try traceGlobal
traceOff = TraceOff <$ string "off"
traceLocal = TraceLocal <$ string "local"
traceGlobal = TraceGlobal <$ string "global"
check = Check <$> do
try $ string "check "
tc <- (True <$ try (string "on ")) <|> (False <$ try (string "off "))
pr <- try printAlways <|> try printDecls <|> try printOff
pure $ CheckOptions tc pr
printAlways = PrintAlways <$ string "always"
printDecls = PrintDecls <$ string "decls"
printOff = PrintOff <$ string "off"
load = Load <$> do
try $ string "load "
many1 anyChar
clear = Clear <$ try (string "clear")
class MonadState AppState m => MonadApp m where
parsed :: Either ParseError a -> m a
typecheckDecl :: Text -> CheckExpr -> m (Maybe Scheme)
typecheckExpr :: CheckExpr -> m (Maybe Scheme)
execute :: CheckExpr -> m EvalExpr
type AppM = ExceptT Text (StateT AppState (InputT IO))
liftInput :: InputT IO a -> AppM a
liftInput = lift . lift
instance MonadApp AppM where
parsed (Left err) = throwError $ T.pack $ show err
parsed (Right ok) = pure ok
typecheckDecl = typecheck . Just
typecheckExpr = typecheck Nothing
execute checkExpr = do
defs <- gets definitions
let expr = check2eval $ substitute defs checkExpr
traceOpts <- gets traceOptions
case traceOpts of
TraceOff -> do
let value = eval expr
liftInput $ outputTextLn $ unparseEval value
pure value
TraceLocal -> do
let (value, trace) = evalTrace expr
liftInput $ mapM_ (outputTextLn . unparseEval) trace
pure value
TraceGlobal -> do
let (value, trace) = evalTraceGlobal expr
liftInput $ mapM_ (outputTextLn . unparseEval) trace
pure value
typecheck :: Maybe Text -> CheckExpr -> AppM (Maybe Scheme)
typecheck decl expr = do
defs <- gets definitions
let type_ = infer $ substitute defs expr
checkOpts <- gets checkOptions
if shouldTypecheck checkOpts
then case type_ of
Left err -> throwError $ "Typecheck error: " <> err
Right t -> do
printType checkOpts t
pure $ Just t
else do
case type_ of
Left err ->
when (shouldPrintTypeErrorsQ isDecl checkOpts) $
liftInput $ outputStrLn $ "Typecheck error: " <> T.unpack err
Right t -> printType checkOpts t
pure Nothing
isDecl = isJust decl
printType opts t =
when (shouldPrintTypeQ isDecl opts) $
liftInput $ outputTextLn $ prefix <> unparseScheme t
prefix = case decl of
Just name -> name <> " : "
Nothing -> ": "
define :: MonadApp m => Text -> CheckExpr -> m ()
define name expr = modify \appState ->
let expr' = substitute (definitions appState) expr
in appState { definitions = HM.insert name expr' $ definitions appState }
runDeclOrExpr :: MonadApp m => DeclOrExprAST -> m ()
runDeclOrExpr (Left (name, exprAST)) = do
defs <- gets definitions
let expr = substitute defs $ ast2check exprAST
_ <- typecheckDecl name expr
define name expr
runDeclOrExpr (Right exprAST) = do
defs <- gets definitions
let expr = substitute defs $ ast2check exprAST
_ <- typecheckExpr expr
_ <- execute expr
pure ()
runProgram :: MonadApp m => ProgramAST -> m ()
runProgram = mapM_ runDeclOrExpr
runCommand :: forall m. (MonadApp m, MonadIO m, MonadError Text m) => Command -> m ()
runCommand (Trace traceOpts) = modify \app -> app { traceOptions = traceOpts }
runCommand (Check checkOpts) = modify \app -> app { checkOptions = checkOpts }
runCommand Clear = modify \app -> app { definitions = HM.empty }
runCommand (Load filePath) = do
input <- safeReadFile
program <- parsed $ parse programParser filePath input
runProgram program
safeReadFile :: m Text
safeReadFile = liftEither =<< liftIO (
(Right . T.pack <$> readFile filePath)
`catch` handleException)
handleException :: IOException -> IO (Either Text Text)
handleException = pure . Left . T.pack . show
parseCommandOrDeclOrExpr :: MonadApp m => Text -> m (Either Command DeclOrExprAST)
parseCommandOrDeclOrExpr input = parsed $ parse commandOrDeclOrExprParser "input" input
commandOrDeclOrExprParser =
(Left <$> try commandParser) <|> (Right <$> declOrExprParser) <* spaces <* eof
main :: IO ()
main = forever $ parseCheck <$> prompt ">> " >>= \case
Left parseError -> putStrLn $ "Parse error: " <> pack (show parseError)
-- TODO: Support choosing which version to use at runtime.
Right expr -> do
either putStrLn (putStrLn . (": " <>) . unparseScheme) $ infer expr
putStrLn $ unparseEval $ eval $ check2eval expr
--mapM_ (putStrLn . unparseEval) $ snd $ traceEval $ check2eval expr
main = runInputT defaultSettings $ justDie $ flip evalStateT defaultAppState $
whileJust_ (fmap T.pack <$> lift (getInputLine ">> ")) \inputText ->
handleErrors do
input <- parseCommandOrDeclOrExpr inputText
either runCommand runDeclOrExpr input
handleErrors :: ExceptT Text (StateT AppState (InputT IO)) () -> StateT AppState (InputT IO) ()
handleErrors m = do
result <- runExceptT m
case result of
Left err -> lift $ outputTextLn err
Right _ -> pure ()

31 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
// Create a list by iterating `f` `n` times:
let iterate = fix \iterate f x. { Z -> [] ; S n -> (x :: iterate f (f x) n) };
// Use the iterate function to count to 10:
let countTo = iterate S 1 in countTo 10;
// Append two lists together:
let append = fix \append xs ys. { [] -> ys ; (x :: xs) -> (x :: append xs ys) } xs;
// Reverse a list:
let reverse = fix \reverse. { [] -> [] ; (x :: xs) -> append (reverse xs) [x] };
// Now we can reverse `"reverse"`:
reverse "reverse";
// Calculating `3 + 2` with the help of Church-encoded numerals:
let Sf = \n f x. f (n f x); plus = \x. x Sf in plus (\f x. f (f (f x))) (\f x. f (f x)) S Z;
// This expression would loop forever, but `callcc` saves the day!
S (callcc \k. (fix \x. x) (k Z));
// And if it wasn't clear, this is what the `Char` constructor does:
{ Char c -> Char (S c) } 'a;
// (it outputs `'b`)
// Here are a few expressions which don't typecheck but are handy for debugging the evaluator:
let D = \x. x x; F = \f. f (f y) in D (F \x. x);
// y y
let T = \f x. f (f x) in (\f x. T (T (T (T T))) f x) (\x. x) y;
// y
(\x y z. x y) y;
// λy' z. y y'

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ default-extensions:
- base >= 4.14 && < 5
- monad-loops >= 0.4.3 && < 0.5
- mtl >= 2.2 && < 3
- parsec >= 3.1 && < 4
- recursion-schemes >= 5.2 && < 6
@ -72,6 +73,8 @@ executables:
- -with-rtsopts=-N
- jtm-lambda-calculus
- exceptions >= 0.10.4 && < 0.11
- haskeline >= 0.8 && < 1

View File

@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ module LambdaCalculus.Evaluator
, Eval, EvalExpr, EvalX, EvalXF (..)
, pattern AppFE, pattern CtrE, pattern CtrFE
, pattern ContE, pattern ContFE, pattern CallCCE, pattern CallCCFE
, eval, traceEval
, eval, evalTrace, evalTraceGlobal
) where
import LambdaCalculus.Evaluator.Base
import LambdaCalculus.Evaluator.Continuation
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError, ExceptT, throwError, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Loops (iterateM_)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, evalState, modify', state, put, gets)
import Control.Monad.Writer (runWriterT, tell)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
@ -54,10 +55,6 @@ pop = state \case
ret :: (MonadError EvalExpr m, MonadState Continuation m) => EvalExpr -> m EvalExpr
ret e = pop >>= maybe (throwError e) (pure . continue1 e)
-- | Iteratively perform an action forever (or at least until it performs a control flow effect).
iterateM_ :: Monad m => (a -> m a) -> a -> m b
iterateM_ m = m' where m' x = m x >>= m'
fromLeft :: Either a Void -> a
fromLeft (Left x) = x
fromLeft (Right x) = absurd x
@ -105,10 +102,15 @@ evaluatorStep = \case
eval :: EvalExpr -> EvalExpr
eval = flip evalState [] . loop evaluatorStep
traceEval :: EvalExpr -> (EvalExpr, [EvalExpr])
traceEval = flip evalState [] . runWriterT . loop \e -> do
-- You can also use `gets (continue e)` to print the *entire* expression each step.
-- This is a trade-off because it becomes much harder to pick out what changed from the rest of the expression.
-- | Trace each evaluation step.
evalTrace :: EvalExpr -> (EvalExpr, [EvalExpr])
evalTrace = flip evalState [] . runWriterT . loop \e -> do
tell [e]
evaluatorStep e
-- | Trace each evaluation step, including the *entire* continuation of each step.
evalTraceGlobal :: EvalExpr -> (EvalExpr, [EvalExpr])
evalTraceGlobal = flip evalState [] . runWriterT . loop \e -> do
e' <- gets (continue e)
tell [e']
evaluatorStep e

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module LambdaCalculus.Expression
, pattern FixC, pattern FixFC, pattern HoleC, pattern HoleFC
, Type (..), TypeF (..), Scheme (..), tapp
, ast2check, ast2eval, check2eval, check2ast, eval2ast
, builtins
) where
import LambdaCalculus.Evaluator.Base

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
module LambdaCalculus.Syntax.Parser
( ParseError
, parseAST
( ParseError, parse
, DeclOrExprAST, ProgramAST
, parseAST, parseDeclOrExpr, parseProgram
, astParser, declOrExprParser, programParser
) where
import LambdaCalculus.Syntax.Base
@ -8,10 +10,25 @@ import LambdaCalculus.Syntax.Base
import Data.List.NonEmpty (fromList)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Prelude hiding (succ, either)
import Text.Parsec hiding (label, token)
import Text.Parsec hiding (label, token, spaces)
import Text.Parsec qualified
import Text.Parsec.Text (Parser)
spaces :: Parser ()
spaces = Text.Parsec.spaces >> optional (try (comment >> spaces))
comment, lineComment, blockComment :: Parser ()
comment = blockComment <|> lineComment
lineComment = label "line comment" $ do
_ <- try (string "//")
_ <- many1 (noneOf "\n")
pure ()
blockComment = label "block comment" $ do
_ <- try (string "/*")
_ <- many1 $ notFollowedBy (string "*/") >> anyChar
_ <- string "*/"
pure ()
label :: String -> Parser a -> Parser a
label = flip Text.Parsec.label
@ -55,15 +72,18 @@ abstraction :: Parser AST
abstraction = label "lambda abstraction" $ Abs <$> between lambda (token '.') (many1' identifier) <*> ambiguous
where lambda = label "lambda" $ (char '\\' <|> char 'λ') *> spaces
definition :: Parser (Def Parse)
definition = do
name <- identifier
token '='
value <- ambiguous
pure (name, value)
let_ :: Parser AST
let_ = Let <$> between (keyword "let") (keyword "in") (fromList <$> definitions) <*> ambiguous
definitions :: Parser [Def Parse]
definitions = flip sepBy1 (token ';') do
name <- identifier
token '='
value <- ambiguous
pure (name, value)
definitions = sepBy1 definition (token ';')
ctr :: Parser AST
ctr = pair <|> unit <|> either <|> nat <|> list <|> str
@ -158,5 +178,32 @@ block = label "block expression" $ abstraction <|> let_ <|> finite
ambiguous :: Parser AST
ambiguous = label "any expression" $ try application <|> block
astParser :: Parser AST
astParser = ambiguous
parseAST :: Text -> Either ParseError AST
parseAST = parse (spaces *> ambiguous <* eof) "input"
type Declaration = (Text, AST)
declaration :: Parser Declaration
declaration = do
notFollowedBy (try let_)
keyword "let"
-- | A program is a series of declarations and expressions to execute.
type ProgramAST = [DeclOrExprAST]
type DeclOrExprAST = Either Declaration AST
declOrExprParser :: Parser DeclOrExprAST
declOrExprParser = try (Left <$> declaration) <|> (Right <$> ambiguous)
programParser :: Parser ProgramAST
programParser = spaces *> sepEndBy declOrExprParser (token ';') <* eof
parseDeclOrExpr :: Text -> Either ParseError DeclOrExprAST
parseDeclOrExpr = parse declOrExprParser "input"
parseProgram :: Text -> Either ParseError ProgramAST
parseProgram = parse programParser "input"