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module Command where
import MonadApp
import Data.Text (Text)
import Text.Parsec hiding (label)
import Text.Parsec.Text (Parser)
data Command
= Trace TraceOpts
| PrintType PrintTypeOpts
| Load FilePath
| Clear
commandParser :: Parser Command
commandParser = do
char ':'
clear <|> printType <|> trace <|> load
trace = Trace <$> do
try $ string "trace"
try traceOff <|> try traceLocal <|> try traceGlobal
traceOff = TraceOff <$ string "off"
traceLocal = TraceLocal <$ string "local"
traceGlobal = TraceGlobal <$ string "global"
printType = PrintType <$> do
try $ string "printType"
try printBoth <|> try printDecls <|> printExprs <|> try printOff
printBoth = PrintBoth <$ string "both"
printDecls = PrintDecls <$ string "decls"
printExprs = PrintExprs <$ string "exprs"
printOff = PrintOff <$ string "off"
load = Load <$> do
try $ string "load"
many1 (noneOf " ")
clear = Clear <$ try (string "clear")
-- | If the text is not command (i.e. starts with `:`), parse nothing;
-- otherwise, parse the command or return a parse error.
-- This allows attempting to parse a command and then falling back
-- to the expression interpreter if the input is not a command,
-- without forgetting about command parse errors.
parseCommand :: Text -> Either ParseError (Maybe Command)
parseCommand = parse ((Just <$> commandParser <* spaces <* eof) <|> pure Nothing) "input"