Add arguments to the Ivo interpreter (and shebang support).

The supported options are `-h`, `-V`, `-t`, `-T`, and `-c`.
Additional arguments are files to be loaded.

In the process, these additional changes have been made:

* `:check` has been replaced with `:printTypes`;
  disabling typechecking is no longer possible.

* Ivo programs no longer allow top-level expressions;
  a `main` definition must be used instead.

* Traces and type information are now printed to `STDERR`.

* The interpreter code underwent /some/ cleanup,
  but more is still needed.
James T. Martin 2021-03-26 22:58:45 -07:00
parent 280096ccb6
commit b337ecb094
Signed by: james
GPG Key ID: 4B7F3DA9351E577C
8 changed files with 459 additions and 254 deletions

View File

@ -9,8 +9,11 @@ This README serves to document the language as it currently stands,
not what the language one day hopes to be.
## Using the Ivo interpreter
You may run the Ivo interpreter using `stack run`;
the interpreter does not take any arguments.
You may run the Ivo interpreter (`ivo`)
by installing it to your local path using `stack install`,
or equivalently, using `stack run [-- args...]`.
For information about `ivo`'s command line arguments, please refer to `ivo --help`
(or `stack run -- --help`).
Type in your command, definition, or expression at the prompt: `>> `.
Expressions will be typechecked, evaluated using call-by-value, and then printed.
@ -30,17 +33,13 @@ These commands are available:
The filename may contain spaces, but trailing whitespace will be trimmed.
* `:check <on/off> <always/decls/off>`:
* `:printTypes <both/decls/exprs/off>`:
* If the first argument is `on`,
then expressions will only be evaluated and definitions will only be added
only if typechecking succeeds.
Print to STDERR the inferred types of top-level declarations,
of expressions entered into the interpreters,
of both, or of neither.
* If the second argument is `always`, then inferred types will always be printed;
if it is `decls`, then only the inferred types of declarations will be printed;
otherwise, the type of expressions are never printed.'
* The default values are `on` `decls`.
This setting defaults to `off`.
* `:trace <off/local/global>`:

app/Command.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
module Command where
import MonadApp
import Data.Text (Text)
import Text.Parsec hiding (label)
import Text.Parsec.Text (Parser)
data Command
= Trace TraceOpts
| PrintType PrintTypeOpts
| Load FilePath
| Clear
commandParser :: Parser Command
commandParser = do
char ':'
clear <|> printType <|> trace <|> load
trace = Trace <$> do
try $ string "trace"
try traceOff <|> try traceLocal <|> try traceGlobal
traceOff = TraceOff <$ string "off"
traceLocal = TraceLocal <$ string "local"
traceGlobal = TraceGlobal <$ string "global"
printType = PrintType <$> do
try $ string "printType"
try printBoth <|> try printDecls <|> printExprs <|> try printOff
printBoth = PrintBoth <$ string "both"
printDecls = PrintDecls <$ string "decls"
printExprs = PrintExprs <$ string "exprs"
printOff = PrintOff <$ string "off"
load = Load <$> do
try $ string "load"
many1 (noneOf " ")
clear = Clear <$ try (string "clear")
-- | If the text is not command (i.e. starts with `:`), parse nothing;
-- otherwise, parse the command or return a parse error.
-- This allows attempting to parse a command and then falling back
-- to the expression interpreter if the input is not a command,
-- without forgetting about command parse errors.
parseCommand :: Text -> Either ParseError (Maybe Command)
parseCommand = parse ((Just <$> commandParser <* spaces <* eof) <|> pure Nothing) "input"

app/Flags.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
module Flags where
import MonadApp
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import System.Console.GetOpt
( OptDescr (Option), ArgDescr (NoArg, OptArg, ReqArg), ArgOrder (Permute)
, getOpt, usageInfo
import System.Environment (getArgs)
data Flag
= FlagHelp
| FlagVersion
| FlagProgram String
| FlagPrintTypes (Maybe String)
| FlagTrace (Maybe String)
flagDescrs :: [OptDescr Flag]
flagDescrs =
[ Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg FlagHelp)
"Print to STDOUT this help message and exit."
, Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg FlagVersion)
"Print to STDOUT the Ivo version number and exit."
, Option ['c'] [] (ReqArg FlagProgram "FILE")
"After loading all other files, execute the `main` function of this file and exit."
, Option ['T'] ["print-types"] (OptArg FlagPrintTypes "decls|exprs|both")
"Print to STDERR the inferred types for top-level declarations and/or expressions."
, Option ['t'] ["trace"] (OptArg FlagTrace "local|global")
"Print to STDERR each evaluation step, either the analyzed portion of, or the entire, expression."
data ProgramAction
= PrintHelp
| PrintVersion
| Interpreter ProgramOpts
defaultProgramAction :: ProgramAction
defaultProgramAction = Interpreter defaultProgramOpts
data ProgramOpts = ProgramOpts
{ pInterpreterOpts :: InterpreterOpts
-- | The files which will be interpreted.
, loadFiles :: [FilePath]
-- | The file whose `main` function will be executed.
, mainFile :: Maybe FilePath
defaultProgramOpts :: ProgramOpts
defaultProgramOpts = ProgramOpts
{ pInterpreterOpts = defaultInterpreterOpts
, loadFiles = []
, mainFile = Nothing
-- | Take all the flags and files passed to the program,
-- and determine what action the program should take based on them.
foldFlags :: [Flag] -> [String] -> Either String ProgramAction
foldFlags flags files =
foldlM applyFlag (Interpreter (defaultProgramOpts { loadFiles = files })) flags
applyFlag :: ProgramAction -> Flag -> Either String ProgramAction
applyFlag PrintHelp _ = Right PrintHelp
applyFlag _ FlagHelp = Right PrintHelp
applyFlag PrintVersion _ = Right PrintVersion
applyFlag _ FlagVersion = Right PrintVersion
applyFlag (Interpreter opts) flag = Interpreter <$> applyInterpreterFlag flag
applyInterpreterFlag :: Flag -> Either String ProgramOpts
applyInterpreterFlag (FlagProgram file)
| isJust (mainFile opts) = Left "-c can only be specified once"
| otherwise = Right $ opts { mainFile = Just file }
applyInterpreterFlag (FlagPrintTypes mOpt) = case readPrintTypeOpt mOpt of
Left opt -> Left $ "unknown --print-types option: " ++ opt ++ "\n"
Right opt -> Right
opts { pInterpreterOpts = (pInterpreterOpts opts) { printTypeOpts = opt } }
applyInterpreterFlag (FlagTrace mOpt) = case readTraceOpt mOpt of
Left opt -> Left $ "unknown --trace option: " ++ opt ++ "\n"
Right opt -> Right
opts { pInterpreterOpts = (pInterpreterOpts opts) { traceOpts = opt } }
applyInterpreterFlag _ = error "Illegal flag"
readPrintTypeOpt :: Maybe String -> Either String PrintTypeOpts
readPrintTypeOpt Nothing = Right PrintDecls
readPrintTypeOpt (Just "decls") = Right PrintDecls
readPrintTypeOpt (Just "exprs") = Right PrintExprs
readPrintTypeOpt (Just "both") = Right PrintBoth
readPrintTypeOpt (Just opt) = Left opt
readTraceOpt :: Maybe String -> Either String TraceOpts
readTraceOpt Nothing = Right TraceLocal
readTraceOpt (Just "local") = Right TraceLocal
readTraceOpt (Just "global") = Right TraceGlobal
readTraceOpt (Just opt) = Left opt
-- | Given a list of arguments as raw strings, determine what the program should do.
decideAction :: [String] -> Either [String] ProgramAction
decideAction args = case getOpt Permute flagDescrs args of
(flags, files, errs) -> case foldFlags flags files of
Left err -> Left $ err : errs
Right action
| not (null errs) -> Left errs
| otherwise -> Right action
usageMessage :: String
usageMessage = usageInfo "Usage: ivo [OPTION...] [files...]" flagDescrs
-- | Read the program's arguments and decide what to do.
getAction :: IO ProgramAction
getAction = do
mAction <- decideAction <$> getArgs
case mAction of
Left errs -> ioError $ userError $ concat errs ++ usageMessage
Right action -> pure action

View File

@ -1,237 +1,172 @@
module Main (main) where
import Command
import Flags
import MonadApp
import Ivo
import Control.Exception (IOException, catch)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask)
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError, ExceptT, runExceptT, throwError, liftEither)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Monad (when, zipWithM)
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError, liftEither)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Loops (whileJust_)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, StateT, evalStateT, gets, modify)
import Control.Monad.State (gets, modify')
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import System.Console.Haskeline
( InputT, runInputT, defaultSettings
, outputStrLn, getInputLine, handleInterrupt, withInterrupt
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Text (Parser)
import Data.Text.IO (readFile)
import Prelude hiding (readFile)
import System.Console.Haskeline (getInputLine)
outputTextLn :: MonadIO m => Text -> InputT m ()
outputTextLn = outputStrLn . T.unpack
main :: IO ()
main = do
action <- getAction
case action of
PrintHelp -> putStrLn usageMessage
PrintVersion -> putStrLn "Ivo"
Interpreter ProgramOpts { pInterpreterOpts, loadFiles, mainFile } -> do
-- read the file contents first so we can print errors right away
mMainContents <- mapM readArgFile mainFile
filesContents <- mapM readArgFile loadFiles
runAppM pInterpreterOpts do
-- then parse
mMain <- mapM (parseProgramHandleErrors $ fromJust mainFile) mMainContents
case mMain of
Just mainAST
| any (\(name, _, _) -> name == "main") mainAST -> pure ()
| otherwise -> throwError "File passed to `-c` does not contain a main function."
Nothing -> pure ()
-- | Immediately quit the program when interrupted
-- without performing any additional actions.
-- (Without this, it will print an extra newline for some reason.)
justDie :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => InputT m () -> InputT m ()
justDie = handleInterrupt (pure ()) . withInterrupt
files <- zipWithM parseProgramHandleErrors loadFiles filesContents
-- and only finally interpret
mapM_ loadFile files
maybe repl runProgram mMain
data AppState = AppState
{ traceOptions :: TraceOptions
, checkOptions :: CheckOptions
, definitions :: HashMap Text CheckExpr
data TraceOptions
-- | Print the entire expression in traces.
= TraceGlobal
-- | Print only the modified part of the expression in traces.
| TraceLocal
-- | Do not trace evaluation.
| TraceOff
data CheckOptions = CheckOptions
-- | Require that an expression typechecks to run it.
{ shouldTypecheck :: Bool
-- | Print the inferred type of an expressions.
, shouldPrintType :: CheckPrintOptions
data CheckPrintOptions = PrintAlways | PrintDecls | PrintOff
deriving Eq
shouldPrintTypeErrorsQ :: Bool -> CheckOptions -> Bool
shouldPrintTypeErrorsQ isDecl opts
= shouldTypecheck opts
|| shouldPrintTypeQ isDecl opts
shouldPrintTypeQ :: Bool -> CheckOptions -> Bool
shouldPrintTypeQ isDecl opts
= shouldPrintType opts == PrintAlways
|| shouldPrintType opts == PrintDecls && isDecl
defaultAppState :: AppState
defaultAppState = AppState
{ traceOptions = TraceOff
, checkOptions = CheckOptions
{ shouldTypecheck = True
, shouldPrintType = PrintDecls
, definitions = HM.empty
data Command
= Trace TraceOptions
| Check CheckOptions
| Load FilePath
| Clear
commandParser :: Parser Command
commandParser = do
char ':'
trace <|> check <|> load <|> clear
trace = Trace <$> do
try $ string "trace "
try traceOff <|> try traceLocal <|> try traceGlobal
traceOff = TraceOff <$ string "off"
traceLocal = TraceLocal <$ string "local"
traceGlobal = TraceGlobal <$ string "global"
-- | When reading the file contents of a file passed as an argument,
-- we want to print usage information and exit if the file can't be opened.
readArgFile :: FilePath -> IO Text
readArgFile file = readFile file `catch` handleException
handleException :: IOException -> IO a
handleException _ = ioError $ userError $
"Could not open file: " ++ file ++ "\n" ++ usageMessage
check = Check <$> do
try $ string "check "
tc <- (True <$ try (string "on ")) <|> (False <$ try (string "off "))
pr <- try printAlways <|> try printDecls <|> try printOff
pure $ CheckOptions tc pr
printAlways = PrintAlways <$ string "always"
printDecls = PrintDecls <$ string "decls"
printOff = PrintOff <$ string "off"
repl :: AppM ()
repl = lift $ whileJust_ (fmap T.pack <$> lift (getInputLine ">> ")) \inputText ->
handleErrors do
input <- parseCommandOrTopLevel inputText
either runCommand runTopLevel input
load = Load <$> do
try $ string "load "
filename <- many1 (noneOf " ")
pure filename
parseCommandOrTopLevel :: Text -> AppM (Either Command TopLevelAST)
parseCommandOrTopLevel input = do
mCmd <- liftParseError $ parseCommand input
case mCmd of
Nothing -> Right <$> liftParseError (parseTopLevel input)
Just cmd -> pure $ Left cmd
clear = Clear <$ try (string "clear")
parseProgramHandleErrors :: FilePath -> Text -> AppM ProgramAST
parseProgramHandleErrors filename = liftParseError . parse programParser filename
class MonadState AppState m => MonadApp m where
parsed :: Either ParseError a -> m a
typecheckDecl :: Maybe Type -> Text -> CheckExpr -> m (Maybe Scheme)
typecheckExpr :: CheckExpr -> m (Maybe Scheme)
execute :: CheckExpr -> m EvalExpr
liftParseError :: Either ParseError a -> AppM a
liftParseError result = case result of
Left err -> throwError $ T.pack $ show err
Right x -> pure x
type AppM = ExceptT Text (StateT AppState (InputT IO))
runProgram :: ProgramAST -> AppM ()
runProgram program = do
loadFile program
runDeclOrExpr (Right (Var "main"))
liftInput :: InputT IO a -> AppM a
liftInput = lift . lift
loadFile :: ProgramAST -> AppM ()
loadFile = mapM_ (\(name, ty, e) -> define name ty $ ast2check e)
instance MonadApp AppM where
parsed (Left err) = throwError $ T.pack $ show err
parsed (Right ok) = pure ok
runTopLevel :: TopLevelAST -> AppM ()
runTopLevel = mapM_ runDeclOrExpr
typecheckDecl ty = typecheck ty . Just
typecheckExpr = typecheck Nothing Nothing
runDeclOrExpr :: Either Declaration AST -> AppM ()
runDeclOrExpr (Left (name, ty, exprAST)) = do
defs <- gets definitions
let expr = substitute defs $ ast2check exprAST
_ <- typecheckDecl ty name expr
define name ty expr
runDeclOrExpr (Right exprAST) = do
defs <- gets definitions
let expr = substitute defs $ ast2check exprAST
_ <- typecheckExpr expr
value <- execute expr
liftInput $ outputTextLn $ unparseEval value
pure ()
execute checkExpr = do
defs <- gets definitions
let expr = check2eval $ substitute defs checkExpr
traceOpts <- gets traceOptions
case traceOpts of
TraceOff -> do
let value = eval expr
liftInput $ outputTextLn $ unparseEval value
pure value
TraceLocal -> do
let (value, trace) = evalTrace expr
liftInput $ mapM_ (outputTextLn . unparseEval) trace
pure value
TraceGlobal -> do
let (value, trace) = evalTraceGlobal expr
liftInput $ mapM_ (outputTextLn . unparseEval) trace
pure value
typecheckDecl :: Maybe Type -> Text -> CheckExpr -> AppM Scheme
typecheckDecl ty = typecheck ty . Just
typecheck :: Maybe Type -> Maybe Text -> CheckExpr -> AppM (Maybe Scheme)
typecheckExpr :: CheckExpr-> AppM Scheme
typecheckExpr = typecheck Nothing Nothing
typecheck :: Maybe Type -> Maybe Text -> CheckExpr -> AppM Scheme
typecheck tann decl expr = do
defs <- gets definitions
let type_ = maybe infer check tann $ substitute defs expr
checkOpts <- gets checkOptions
if shouldTypecheck checkOpts
then case type_ of
Left err -> throwError $ "Typecheck error: " <> err
Right t -> do
printType checkOpts t
pure $ Just t
else do
case type_ of
Left err ->
when (shouldPrintTypeErrorsQ isDecl checkOpts) $
liftInput $ outputStrLn $ "Typecheck error: " <> T.unpack err
Right t -> printType checkOpts t
pure Nothing
case type_ of
Left err -> throwError $ "Typecheck error: " <> err
Right t -> do
printTypeB <- gets $ shouldPrintType isDecl . interpreterOpts
when printTypeB $ outputStderrLn $ prefix <> unparseScheme t
pure t
isDecl = isJust decl
printType opts t =
when (shouldPrintTypeQ isDecl opts) $
liftInput $ outputTextLn $ prefix <> unparseScheme t
prefix = case decl of
Just name -> name <> " : "
Nothing -> ": "
define :: MonadApp m => Text -> CheckExpr -> m ()
define name expr = modify \appState ->
let expr' = substitute (definitions appState) expr
in appState { definitions = HM.insert name expr' $ definitions appState }
runDeclOrExpr :: MonadApp m => DeclOrExprAST -> m ()
runDeclOrExpr (Left (name, ty, exprAST)) = do
execute :: CheckExpr -> AppM EvalExpr
execute checkExpr = do
defs <- gets definitions
let expr = substitute defs $ ast2check exprAST
let expr = check2eval $ substitute defs checkExpr
traceOpts <- gets (traceOpts . interpreterOpts)
case traceOpts of
TraceOff -> do
let value = eval expr
pure value
TraceLocal -> do
let (value, trace) = evalTrace expr
mapM_ (outputStderrLn . unparseEval) trace
pure value
TraceGlobal -> do
let (value, trace) = evalTraceGlobal expr
mapM_ (outputStderrLn . unparseEval) trace
pure value
define :: Text -> Maybe Type -> CheckExpr -> AppM ()
define name ty expr = do
_ <- typecheckDecl ty name expr
define name expr
runDeclOrExpr (Right exprAST) = do
defs <- gets definitions
let expr = substitute defs $ ast2check exprAST
_ <- typecheckExpr expr
_ <- execute expr
pure ()
modify' \appState ->
let expr' = substitute (definitions appState) expr
in appState { definitions = HM.insert name expr' $ definitions appState }
runProgram :: MonadApp m => ProgramAST -> m ()
runProgram = mapM_ runDeclOrExpr
modifyInterpreterOpts :: (InterpreterOpts -> InterpreterOpts) -> AppM ()
modifyInterpreterOpts f =
modify' \app -> app { interpreterOpts = f (interpreterOpts app) }
runCommand :: forall m. (MonadApp m, MonadIO m, MonadError Text m) => Command -> m ()
runCommand (Trace traceOpts) = modify \app -> app { traceOptions = traceOpts }
runCommand (Check checkOpts) = modify \app -> app { checkOptions = checkOpts }
runCommand Clear = modify \app -> app { definitions = HM.empty }
runCommand :: Command -> AppM ()
runCommand (Trace traceOpts) =
modifyInterpreterOpts \opts -> opts { traceOpts }
runCommand (PrintType printTypeOpts) =
modifyInterpreterOpts \opts -> opts { printTypeOpts }
runCommand Clear = modify' \app -> app { definitions = HM.empty }
runCommand (Load filePath) = do
input <- safeReadFile
program <- parsed $ parse programParser filePath input
program <- liftParseError $ parse programParser filePath input
runProgram program
safeReadFile :: m Text
safeReadFile :: AppM Text
safeReadFile = liftEither =<< liftIO (
(Right . T.pack <$> readFile filePath)
(Right <$> readFile filePath)
`catch` handleException)
handleException :: IOException -> IO (Either Text Text)
handleException = pure . Left . T.pack . show
parseCommandOrDeclOrExpr :: MonadApp m => Text -> m (Either Command DeclOrExprAST)
parseCommandOrDeclOrExpr input = parsed $ parse commandOrDeclOrExprParser "input" input
commandOrDeclOrExprParser =
(Left <$> try commandParser) <|> (Right <$> declOrExprParser) <* spaces <* eof
main :: IO ()
main = runInputT defaultSettings $ justDie $ flip evalStateT defaultAppState $
whileJust_ (fmap T.pack <$> lift (getInputLine ">> ")) \inputText ->
handleErrors do
input <- parseCommandOrDeclOrExpr inputText
either runCommand runDeclOrExpr input
handleErrors :: ExceptT Text (StateT AppState (InputT IO)) () -> StateT AppState (InputT IO) ()
handleErrors m = do
result <- runExceptT m
case result of
Left err -> lift $ outputTextLn err
Right _ -> pure ()

app/MonadApp.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
module MonadApp where
import Ivo
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask)
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.State (StateT, evalStateT)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.IO (hPutStrLn)
import System.Console.Haskeline
( InputT, runInputT, defaultSettings
, outputStrLn, handleInterrupt, withInterrupt
import System.IO (stderr)
type AppM = ExceptT Text (StateT AppState (InputT IO))
runAppM :: InterpreterOpts -> AppM () -> IO ()
runAppM opts =
runInputT defaultSettings . justDie . flip evalStateT appState . handleErrors
appState :: AppState
appState = defaultAppState { interpreterOpts = opts }
-- | Immediately quit the program when interrupted
-- without performing any additional actions.
-- (Without this, it will print an extra newline for some reason.)
justDie :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => InputT m () -> InputT m ()
justDie = handleInterrupt (pure ()) . withInterrupt
handleErrors :: AppM () -> StateT AppState (InputT IO) ()
handleErrors m = do
result <- runExceptT m
case result of
Left err -> liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr err
Right _ -> pure ()
liftInput :: InputT IO a -> AppM a
liftInput = lift . lift
outputTextLn :: MonadIO m => Text -> InputT m ()
outputTextLn = outputStrLn . T.unpack
outputStderrLn :: Text -> AppM ()
outputStderrLn = liftIO . hPutStrLn stderr
data AppState = AppState
{ interpreterOpts :: InterpreterOpts
, definitions :: HashMap Text CheckExpr
defaultAppState :: AppState
defaultAppState = AppState
{ interpreterOpts = defaultInterpreterOpts
, definitions = mempty
data InterpreterOpts = InterpreterOpts
{ traceOpts :: TraceOpts
, printTypeOpts :: PrintTypeOpts
defaultInterpreterOpts :: InterpreterOpts
defaultInterpreterOpts = InterpreterOpts
{ traceOpts = TraceOff
, printTypeOpts = PrintOff
data TraceOpts
-- | Print the entire expression in traces.
= TraceGlobal
-- | Print only the modified part of the expression in traces.
| TraceLocal
-- | Do not trace evaluation.
| TraceOff
data PrintTypeOpts
-- | Do not print the inferred type of any expressions.
= PrintOff
-- | Print the inferred type of top-level declarations.
| PrintDecls
-- | Print the inferred type of top-level expressions.
| PrintExprs
-- | Print to STDERR the inferred types of
-- both top-level declarations and top-level expressions.
| PrintBoth
deriving Eq
shouldPrintType :: Bool -> InterpreterOpts -> Bool
shouldPrintType isDecl opts = case printTypeOpts opts of
PrintBoth -> True
PrintDecls -> isDecl
PrintExprs -> not isDecl
PrintOff -> False

examples/examples.ivo Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S ivo -c
// Create a list by iterating `f` `n` times:
letrec iterate = \f x.
{ Z -> []
@ -5,8 +6,9 @@ letrec iterate = \f x.
// Use the iterate function to count to 10:
let countTo = iterate S 1
in countTo 10;
let countToTen : [Nat] =
let countTo = iterate S 1
in countTo 10;
// Append two lists together:
letrec append = \xs ys.
@ -21,29 +23,27 @@ letrec reverse =
// Now we can reverse `"reverse"`:
reverse "reverse";
let reverseReverse : [Char] = reverse "reverse";
// Calculating `3 + 2` with the help of Church-encoded numerals:
let Sf = \n f x. f (n f x)
; plus = \x. x Sf
in plus (\f x. f (f (f x))) (\f x. f (f x)) S Z;
let threePlusTwo : Nat =
let Sf = \n f x. f (n f x)
; plus = \x. x Sf
in plus (\f x. f (f (f x))) (\f x. f (f x)) S Z;
letrec undefined = undefined;
// This expression would loop forever, but `callcc` saves the day!
S (callcc \k. undefined (k Z));
let callccSaves : Nat = S (callcc \k. undefined (k Z));
// And if it wasn't clear, this is what the `Char` constructor does:
{ Char c -> Char (S c) } 'a;
let charB : Char = { Char c -> Char (S c) } 'a;
// (it outputs `'b`)
// Here are a few expressions which don't typecheck but are handy for debugging the evaluator
// (you can run them using `:check off off`:
let D = \x. x x; F = \f. f (f y) in D (F \x. x);
// y y
let T = \f x. f (f x) in (\f x. T (T (T (T T))) f x) (\x. x) y;
// y
(\x y z. x y) y;
// λy' z. y y'
// pack all of the examples into tuples so the main function can print them
let main =
( countToTen
, ( reverseReverse
, ( callccSaves
, charB

View File

@ -12,30 +12,6 @@ description: Please see the README on GitHub at <
- BlockArguments
- ConstraintKinds
- DefaultSignatures
- EmptyCase
- EmptyDataDeriving
- FlexibleContexts
- FlexibleInstances
- ImportQualifiedPost
- InstanceSigs
- LambdaCase
- OverloadedStrings
- PatternSynonyms
- ScopedTypeVariables
- StandaloneDeriving
- ViewPatterns
# Required for use of the 'trees that grow' pattern
- MultiParamTypeClasses
- TypeFamilies
# Used by recursion-schemes when using template haskell
- DeriveFoldable
- DeriveFunctor
- DeriveTraversable
- base >= 4.14 && < 5
- monad-loops >= 0.4.3 && < 0.5
@ -45,6 +21,29 @@ dependencies:
- text >= 1.2 && < 2
- unordered-containers >= 0.2.13 && < 0.3
- BlockArguments
- ConstraintKinds
- DefaultSignatures
- DeriveFoldable
- DeriveFunctor
- DeriveTraversable
- EmptyCase
- EmptyDataDeriving
- FlexibleContexts
- FlexibleInstances
- ImportQualifiedPost
- InstanceSigs
- LambdaCase
- MultiParamTypeClasses
- NamedFieldPuns
- OverloadedStrings
- PatternSynonyms
- ScopedTypeVariables
- StandaloneDeriving
- TypeFamilies
- ViewPatterns
source-dirs: src

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module Ivo.Syntax.Parser
( ParseError, parse
, Declaration, DeclOrExprAST, ProgramAST
, parseAST, parseDeclOrExpr, parseProgram
, typeParser, schemeParser, astParser, declOrExprParser, programParser
, Declaration, TopLevelAST, ProgramAST
, parseAST, parseTopLevel, parseProgram
, typeParser, schemeParser, astParser, topLevelParser, programParser
) where
import Ivo.Syntax.Base
@ -280,17 +280,26 @@ declaration = notFollowedBy (try let_) >> (declrec <|> decl)
-- | A program is a series of declarations and expressions to execute.
type ProgramAST = [DeclOrExprAST]
type DeclOrExprAST = Either Declaration AST
type ProgramAST = [Declaration]
type TopLevelAST = [Either Declaration AST]
declOrExprParser :: Parser DeclOrExprAST
declOrExprParser = try (Left <$> declaration) <|> (Right <$> ambiguous)
topLevel :: Parser (Either Declaration AST)
topLevel = try (Left <$> declaration) <|> (Right <$> ambiguous)
topLevelParser :: Parser TopLevelAST
topLevelParser = spaces *> sepEndBy topLevel (token ';') <* eof
shebang :: Parser ()
shebang = do
try $ keyword "#!"
skipMany (noneOf "\n")
programParser :: Parser ProgramAST
programParser = spaces *> sepEndBy declOrExprParser (token ';') <* eof
programParser = shebang *> sepEndBy declaration (token ';') <* eof
parseDeclOrExpr :: Text -> Either ParseError DeclOrExprAST
parseDeclOrExpr = parse declOrExprParser "input"
parseTopLevel :: Text -> Either ParseError TopLevelAST
parseTopLevel = parse topLevelParser "input"
parseProgram :: Text -> Either ParseError ProgramAST
parseProgram = parse programParser "input"