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module Flags where
import MonadApp
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import System.Console.GetOpt
( OptDescr (Option), ArgDescr (NoArg, OptArg, ReqArg), ArgOrder (Permute)
, getOpt, usageInfo
import System.Environment (getArgs)
data Flag
= FlagHelp
| FlagVersion
| FlagProgram String
| FlagPrintTypes (Maybe String)
| FlagTrace (Maybe String)
flagDescrs :: [OptDescr Flag]
flagDescrs =
[ Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg FlagHelp)
"Print to STDOUT this help message and exit."
, Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg FlagVersion)
"Print to STDOUT the Ivo version number and exit."
, Option ['c'] [] (ReqArg FlagProgram "FILE")
"After loading all other files, execute the `main` function of this file and exit."
, Option ['T'] ["print-types"] (OptArg FlagPrintTypes "decls|exprs|both")
"Print to STDERR the inferred types for top-level declarations and/or expressions."
, Option ['t'] ["trace"] (OptArg FlagTrace "local|global")
"Print to STDERR each evaluation step, either the analyzed portion of, or the entire, expression."
data ProgramAction
= PrintHelp
| PrintVersion
| Interpreter ProgramOpts
defaultProgramAction :: ProgramAction
defaultProgramAction = Interpreter defaultProgramOpts
data ProgramOpts = ProgramOpts
{ pInterpreterOpts :: InterpreterOpts
-- | The files which will be interpreted.
, loadFiles :: [FilePath]
-- | The file whose `main` function will be executed.
, mainFile :: Maybe FilePath
defaultProgramOpts :: ProgramOpts
defaultProgramOpts = ProgramOpts
{ pInterpreterOpts = defaultInterpreterOpts
, loadFiles = []
, mainFile = Nothing
-- | Take all the flags and files passed to the program,
-- and determine what action the program should take based on them.
foldFlags :: [Flag] -> [String] -> Either String ProgramAction
foldFlags flags files =
foldlM applyFlag (Interpreter (defaultProgramOpts { loadFiles = files })) flags
applyFlag :: ProgramAction -> Flag -> Either String ProgramAction
applyFlag PrintHelp _ = Right PrintHelp
applyFlag _ FlagHelp = Right PrintHelp
applyFlag PrintVersion _ = Right PrintVersion
applyFlag _ FlagVersion = Right PrintVersion
applyFlag (Interpreter opts) flag = Interpreter <$> applyInterpreterFlag flag
applyInterpreterFlag :: Flag -> Either String ProgramOpts
applyInterpreterFlag (FlagProgram file)
| isJust (mainFile opts) = Left "-c can only be specified once"
| otherwise = Right $ opts { mainFile = Just file }
applyInterpreterFlag (FlagPrintTypes mOpt) = case readPrintTypeOpt mOpt of
Left opt -> Left $ "unknown --print-types option: " ++ opt ++ "\n"
Right opt -> Right
opts { pInterpreterOpts = (pInterpreterOpts opts) { printTypeOpts = opt } }
applyInterpreterFlag (FlagTrace mOpt) = case readTraceOpt mOpt of
Left opt -> Left $ "unknown --trace option: " ++ opt ++ "\n"
Right opt -> Right
opts { pInterpreterOpts = (pInterpreterOpts opts) { traceOpts = opt } }
applyInterpreterFlag _ = error "Illegal flag"
readPrintTypeOpt :: Maybe String -> Either String PrintTypeOpts
readPrintTypeOpt Nothing = Right PrintDecls
readPrintTypeOpt (Just "decls") = Right PrintDecls
readPrintTypeOpt (Just "exprs") = Right PrintExprs
readPrintTypeOpt (Just "both") = Right PrintBoth
readPrintTypeOpt (Just opt) = Left opt
readTraceOpt :: Maybe String -> Either String TraceOpts
readTraceOpt Nothing = Right TraceLocal
readTraceOpt (Just "local") = Right TraceLocal
readTraceOpt (Just "global") = Right TraceGlobal
readTraceOpt (Just opt) = Left opt
-- | Given a list of arguments as raw strings, determine what the program should do.
decideAction :: [String] -> Either [String] ProgramAction
decideAction args = case getOpt Permute flagDescrs args of
(flags, files, errs) -> case foldFlags flags files of
Left err -> Left $ err : errs
Right action
| not (null errs) -> Left errs
| otherwise -> Right action
usageMessage :: String
usageMessage = usageInfo "Usage: ivo [OPTION...] [files...]" flagDescrs
-- | Read the program's arguments and decide what to do.
getAction :: IO ProgramAction
getAction = do
mAction <- decideAction <$> getArgs
case mAction of
Left errs -> ioError $ userError $ concat errs ++ usageMessage
Right action -> pure action