
143 lines
5.0 KiB

use alloc::alloc::GlobalAlloc;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::alloc::Layout;
use core::cell::UnsafeCell;
use uefi::table::boot::MemoryDescriptor;
// TODO: Support granularity better than pages.
// TODO: Use an allocation algorithm that isn't absolute garbage!!
/// **This allocator only supports page-level granularity.**
/// Be careful not to use it for small allocations.
pub struct StandardAllocator {
pages: UnsafeCell<Vec<u8>>,
const PAGE_SIZE: usize = 4096;
pub fn get_bit(bytes: &[u8], index: usize) -> bool {
let (byte, bit) = num_integer::div_rem(index, 8);
let mask = 0b10000000u8 >> bit;
bytes[byte] & mask > 0
pub fn set_bit(bytes: &mut [u8], index: usize, value: bool) {
let (byte, bit) = num_integer::div_rem(index, 8);
let mask = 0b10000000u8 >> bit;
if value {
bytes[byte] |= mask;
} else {
bytes[byte] &= !mask;
impl StandardAllocator {
/// Allocates a new allocator data structure sufficient
/// to use the physical memory provided in the memory map.
/// With what allocator does the allocator get allocated? The UEFI allocator.
/// This does *not* pre-populate the allocator with usage data;
/// by default, it will behave as though every page were allocated.
/// Use `populate` to fill the allocator with actual data
/// using the map that UEFI provides when you exit boot services.
pub fn new<'buf>(mmap: &mut impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = &'buf MemoryDescriptor>) -> StandardAllocator {
// Try to find the largest physical address
// and create a bitmap allowing the allocation of that much memory.
let greatest_physical_page =|d| num_integer::div_ceil(d.phys_start as usize, PAGE_SIZE) + d.page_count as usize).max()
let mut pages = Vec::with_capacity(num_integer::div_ceil(greatest_physical_page, 8));
// I can fit up to 8 pages in a byte in my bitmap.
pages.resize(num_integer::div_ceil(greatest_physical_page, 8), 0xFF);
StandardAllocator {
pages: UnsafeCell::new(pages)
pub fn populate<'buf>(&mut self, mmap: &mut impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = &'buf MemoryDescriptor>) {
let self_pages = unsafe { &mut *self.pages.get() };
// Mark all unsable memory as free for allocations.
for entry in mmap {
use uefi::table::boot::MemoryType;
if entry.ty == MemoryType::BOOT_SERVICES_CODE
|| entry.ty == MemoryType::BOOT_SERVICES_DATA
|| entry.ty == MemoryType::CONVENTIONAL {
let base = entry.phys_start as usize / PAGE_SIZE;
for offset in 0..entry.page_count as usize {
set_bit(self_pages.as_mut_slice(), base + offset, false);
// Even if the zero address is valid memory, we *definitely* don't want to allocate it.
set_bit(self_pages.as_mut_slice(), 0, true);
pub fn free(&self) -> usize {
let self_pages = unsafe { &mut *self.pages.get() };
let mut free = 0;
for page in 0..self_pages.len() * 8 {
if !get_bit(self_pages.as_slice(), page) {
free += 1;
// Not very accurate because this includes a lot of reserved/unusable memory.
pub fn used(&self) -> usize {
let free =;
// This line of code crashes QEMU for inexplicable reasons.
// I tried to figure out why and failed.
let self_pages = unsafe { &*self.pages.get() };
free - self_pages.as_slice().len() * 8
unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for StandardAllocator {
unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
let min_pages = num_integer::div_ceil(layout.size(), PAGE_SIZE);
let mut pages = None;
let self_pages = &mut *self.pages.get();
for i in 0..(self_pages.len() * 8) {
if !get_bit(&self_pages.as_slice(), i) {
pages = match pages {
Some((begin, size)) => Some((begin, size + 1)),
None => Some((i, 1)),
if pages.unwrap().1 >= min_pages {
} else {
pages = None;
if pages.is_none() || pages.unwrap().1 < min_pages {
panic!("Not enough contiguous memory!");
let (begin, size) = pages.unwrap();
let address = begin * PAGE_SIZE;
for offset in 0..size {
set_bit(self_pages.as_mut_slice(), begin + offset, true);
address as *mut u8
unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
let begin = ptr as usize / PAGE_SIZE;
let size = num_integer::div_ceil(layout.size(), PAGE_SIZE);
let self_pages = &mut *self.pages.get();
for offset in 0..size {
set_bit(self_pages.as_mut_slice(), begin + offset, false);