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title: Projects
permalink: /projects/
<article id="projects">
<section id="current">
<p>This is what I'm working on right now.
<li>I co-founded and moderate <a href="https://discord.gg/4Kjt3ZE">the /r/ProgrammingLanguages Discord server</a>.
<li>I rewrote and now maintain <a href="https://proglangdesign.net">proglangdesign.net</a>, the programming language design community website.
<li>I set up and run <a href="https://github.com/proglangdesign/matrix.proglangdesign.net">matrix.proglangdesign.net</a>, a bridge between the programming language design IRC channel and Discord server via Matrix.
<li><a href="https://github.com/jamestmartin/screeps-bot-piet">screeps-bot-piet</a>,
my AI for the MMO RTS for programmers, Screeps.
<section id="previous">
Unfortunately, I had to learn to keep backups the hard way, so all of my pre-2016 code has been lost.
<li>In elementary school, I made <a href="https://scratch.mit.edu/users/zeusoflightning/">Scratch projects</a>. I've come a <em>long</em> way since then.
<li>In middle school, I ran The Mining Dead, a Fallout-themed zombie apocalypse Minecraft server. I learned Java by writing custom plugins for it.
<li>After that, I wrote an unnamed minecraft clone, with infinite procedural worlds and online multiplayer, written in C# using the Unity game engine.