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Removed a bunch of /about/ junk, fixed robots.txt sitemap link.

LijeroM 2018-05-13 08:44:32 -07:00
parent afe7308045
commit 749696e43c
3 changed files with 13 additions and 72 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import HtmlGen
import Templates
lastModified :: String
lastModified = "2018-05-11"
lastModified = "2018-05-13"
sitemap :: Sitemap
sitemap = baseSitemap aboutUrl
@ -36,75 +36,6 @@ page = simplePage "About James" "James" lastModified $
%>> "a crystal-clear alpine lake, "
%>> "or a challenging slope covered in fresh powder."
%> (h2 %>> "Hobbies" %% ("id", "hobbies"))
%> (h3 %>> "Programming")
%> (p
%>> "Obviously, I'm a programmer. "
%>> "Aside from the programming language and this website, "
%>> "I've written various games, servers for common protocols, "
%>> "other programming languages, and other things."
%> (p
%>> "I've researched operating systems and CPUs, "
%>> "learning a lot in the process, "
%>> "though I never got far in constructing either. "
%>> "However, I implement a CPU in Minecraft once."
%> (p
%>> "Speaking of Minecraft, I used to run a fairly popular server, "
%>> "based on thousands of lines of custom content. "
%>> "That said, I was eleven, and it was a.. "
%>> "learning experience, the whole way through."
%> (h3 %>> "Conlanging")
%> (p
%>> "Conlanging is the art of artificial language construction, "
%>> "at the perfect intersection of creative and technical. "
%>> "It's also given me a reasonable linguistics background."
%> (p
%>> "There's also Worldbuilding, "
%>> "immersing yourself in entire new worlds for fun and profit. "
%>> "Unfortunately it takes more time than I've had recently."
%> (h3 %>> "Music")
%> (p
%>> "Aside from being a trombonist, I have very broad tastes in music. "
%>> "I'm taking AP Music Theory so I can learn to compose my own!"
%> (h2 %>> "Things I use" %% ("id", "thingsiuse"))
%> (h3 %>> "Programming Languages")
%> (h4 %>> "Daily drivers")
%> unorderedList
[ spanTag %> bold "Haskell" %>> ", my go-to language."
, spanTag %> bold "Agda" %>> ", used for writing proof-carrying code."
, spanTag %> bold "Java" %>> ", used in Hazen Robotics."
, spanTag %> bold "HTML" %>> " and " %> bold "CSS" %>> ", for this website."
%> (h4 %>> "Occasional alternatives")
%> unorderedList
[ spanTag %> bold "Racket" %>> ", though usually I prefer Haskell."
, spanTag %> bold "Rust" %>> ", though I don't write much low-level code."
, spanTag %> bold "Forth" %>> " and " %> bold "Prolog" %>> ", interesting but impractical."
, spanTag %> bold "C#" %>> ", though I'm more likely to use Java."
%> (h3 %>> "GNU/Linux")
%> (p
%>> "I'm a satisfied user of Debian GNU/Linux and a supporter of "
%> (href "https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html" $ text "free software") %>> ". "
%>> "I enjoy the simplicity and power of " %> (href "http://xmonad.org/" $ text "xmonad") %>> ". "
%>> "Emacs is my preferred editor."
%> (h3 %>> "Let's Encrypt")
%> (p
%>> "I believe that it is important to " %> (href "https://www.eff.org/encrypt-the-web" $ text "encrypt the web") %>> ". "
%>> "This website uses strong encryption provided by " %> (href "https://letsencrypt.org/" $ text "Let's Encrypt") %>> ". "
%>> "In fact, " %> (href "https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=lijero.co&latest" $ text "this site has a perfect (A+) score") %>> " on SSL Labs."
%> (p
%>> "Relatedly, you can find the entirety of this site's source code " %> (href (githubProjectUrl "lijero.co") $ text "on GitHub") %>> ". "
%>> "The site's Nginx, DNS, and other configuration can be found in " %> (href (githubProjectUrl "lijero.co-config") $ text "another repository") %>> "."
%> (h2 %>> "Accounts" %% ("id", "accounts"))
%> (p %>> "This is intended to be the exhaustive and canonical list of my online accounts. Anything not listed here is not me.")
%> (href "https://github.com/lijerom/" githubMark)
@ -115,4 +46,8 @@ page = simplePage "About James" "James" lastModified $
%> (href "https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=%23lijero" freenodeLogo)
%> (href "https://stackexchange.com/users/10815798/james-martin" $ img "James Martin's Stack Exchange profile" "https://stackexchange.com/users/flair/10815798.png" %% accountIconClass)
%> (h2 %>> "Contact" %% ("id", "contact"))
%> (p %>> "You may email me at " %> italic "james@[this website]" %>> ". I may also be found on Freenode as " %> italic "lijero" %>> ".")
%> (p
%>> "You may email me at " %> italic "james@[this website]" %>> ". "
%>> "I may also be found on Freenode as " %> italic "lijero" %>> ". "
%>> "A PDF of my resume may be found " %> href resumeUrl (text "here") %>> "."

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
User-agent: *
Sitemap: https://lijero.co/sitemap.xml
Sitemap: https://jtmar.me/sitemap.xml

View File

@ -35,3 +35,9 @@ githubQiplUrl = githubUrl ++ "qipl/"
githubQiplProjectUrl :: String -> String
githubQiplProjectUrl name = githubQiplUrl ++ name ++ "/"
resumeUrl :: String
resumeUrl = baseUrl ++ "resume.pdf"
qiplUrl :: String
qiplUrl = "https://qipl.org"