
69 lines
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- summary: Be civil and respectful.
- summary: If you start getting angry or frustrated, take a break!
- summary: Do not harass other players.
- summary: Do not use slurs.
- summary: Do not advertise.
- summary: Do not spam.
- summary: Avoid excessive swearing.
details: 'What is "excessive" is determined by moderator discretion.'
- summary: Be independent and mature.
- summary: This is a server intended for adults.
details: You will not be banned for being <16 per se, but acting like a child will get you banned no matter how old you are.
- summary: RTFM (Read The Field Manual).
details: Try to answer questions for yourself (e.g. with `/faq`) before asking them.
- summary: Do not whine or beg.
- summary: Do not ask moderators to cheat.
details: They don't have the ability to, anyway.
- summary: Play fairly.
- summary: Do not use hacks.
details: Hacks are the use of a client or mod designed for cheating.
- summary: Do not use exploits.
details: Exploits are the use of bugs to gain an unfair advantage (e.g. item duplication) or e.g. bypass protection plugins.
- summary: Do not use cheats.
details: Do not use x-ray resource packs or any other form of cheating.
- summary: Use your power appropriately.
details: Use moderator tools and ranks strictly for their intended purpose.
- summary: Only use authorized mods.
details: Refer to the authorized mods list to see which mods are permitted. If you'd like to use a mod not on that list, you **must ask the administrator(s)** before using it.
- summary: Stick to the game.
- summary: Keep the chat SFW.
- summary: Avoid discussing politics, religion, and the news.
details: This is not strictly forbidden, but these discussions may be shut down by moderator discretion.
- summary: Do not ask for personal information.
details: This includes real name, age, and location.
- summary: Do not share anyone else's personal information.
details: This includes their real name, age, and location.
- summary: Avoid sharing your own personal information.
details: You may share your own real name, age, or location, but not e.g. your address or phone number.
- summary: Nothing to see here.
details: The server administrator has not set an FAQ.
# Set the maximum durations for which moderators are allowed to mute or ban,
# based on their permission nodes.
# The default durations for people with permission to mute/ban, but with no specific duration permission set.
# Set this to 0 if you want to require a more specific permission be to set to allow mutes and bans.
ban: forever
mute: forever
# You will not want to leave this section here if you will not be using Wasteland's rank system,
# or don't intend to use the officer rank system for staff ranks.
mute: 3h
ban: 3h
mute: 3d
ban: 3d
mute: forever
ban: forever