
134 lines
4.7 KiB

package me.jamestmartin.wasteland.ranks;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import me.jamestmartin.wasteland.Wasteland;
import me.jamestmartin.wasteland.config.WastelandConfig;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.permissions.Permission;
import org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionDefault;
public class Rank {
private final String id, abbreviation, name;
private final Optional<String> description;
private final Optional<ChatColor> color, decoration;
private final Permission permission;
private final Optional<String> predecessor;
private final boolean preferred;
public Rank(Optional<String> defaultDescription, Optional<ChatColor> defaultDecoration,
ConfigurationSection c) {
this.id = c.getName();
this.name = c.getString("name", id);
this.abbreviation = c.getString("abbreviation", name);
Optional<String> description = Optional.ofNullable(c.getString("description"));
if (!description.isPresent()) this.description = defaultDescription;
else this.description = description;
this.color = WastelandConfig.readColor(c, "color");
Optional<ChatColor> decoration = WastelandConfig.readColor(c, "decoration");
if (!decoration.isPresent()) this.decoration = defaultDecoration;
else this.decoration = decoration;
this.predecessor = Optional.ofNullable(c.getString("succeeds"));
this.preferred = c.getBoolean("preferred", true);
Map<String, Boolean> children = new HashMap<>();
if (predecessor.isPresent()) {
children.put(predecessor.get(), true);
this.permission =
new Permission("wasteland.rank." + id, description.orElse(null), PermissionDefault.FALSE, children);
public String getId() { return this.id; }
public Permission getPermission() { return this.permission; }
public String getAbbreviation() { return this.abbreviation; }
public String getFullName() { return this.name; }
public Optional<String> getDescription() { return description; }
public Optional<ChatColor> getColor() { return this.color; }
public Optional<ChatColor> getDecoration() { return this.decoration; }
public Optional<String> getPredecessor() { return this.predecessor; }
public boolean isPreferred() { return this.preferred; }
public boolean isSuccessorOf(Collection<Rank> ranks, Rank other) {
if (this == other) return false;
if (this.getId().equals(other.getId())) return false;
if (!this.getPredecessor().isPresent()) return false;
if (this.getPredecessor().get().equals(other.getId())) return true;
String predecessorId = this.getPredecessor().get();
for (Rank predecessor : ranks) {
if (predecessor.getId().equals(predecessorId))
return predecessor.isSuccessorOf(ranks, other);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Predecessor rank " + predecessorId + " not found.");
public final String getFormat() {
String color = this.color.map(ChatColor::toString).orElse("");
String decoration = this.decoration.map(ChatColor::toString).orElse("");
return color + decoration;
/** The rank abbreviation with chat formatting codes. */
public final String formatAbbreviated() {
return getFormat() + getAbbreviation();
/** The rank name with chat formatting codes. */
public final String formatFull() {
return getFormat() + getFullName();
/** `Rank Name (RankAbbr)` with chat formatting codes. */
public final String formatExtended() {
return formatFull() + ChatColor.RESET + " (" + formatAbbreviated() + ChatColor.RESET + ")";
* @param player
* @return Does the player have this rank?
public final boolean hasRank(Player player) {
return player.hasPermission(getPermission());
public String toString() {
return this.abbreviation;
public static Optional<Rank> getOfficerRank(Player player) {
Rank result = null;
for (Rank rank : Wasteland.getInstance().getSettings().officerRanks()) {
if (player.hasPermission(rank.getPermission())) result = rank;
return Optional.ofNullable(result);
public static Optional<Rank> getHighestRank(Player player) {
Optional<Rank> officerRank = getOfficerRank(player);
if (officerRank.isPresent()) return officerRank;
return EnlistedRank.getEnlistedRank(player).map(x -> (Rank) x);
public static class RankComparator implements Comparator<Rank> {
private final Collection<Rank> ranks;
public RankComparator(Collection<Rank> ranks) { this.ranks = ranks; }
public int compare(Rank a, Rank b) {
if (a == b) return 0;
if (a.getId().equals(b.getId())) return 0;
if (a.isSuccessorOf(ranks, b)) return 1;
if (b.isSuccessorOf(ranks, a)) return -1;
// incomparable
return 0;