
71 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Functor.Identity where
import Functor.Base
import Functor.Bifunctor
import Functor.Compose
import Relation
import Data.Either (Either (Left, Right))
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (Identity, runIdentity))
import Data.Kind (Constraint)
import Data.Void (Void)
type LeftIdentity :: (k -> k -> k) -> Constraint
class Bifunctor f => LeftIdentity (f :: k -> k -> k) where
type UnitL f :: k
unitLI :: Object (Cod1 f) x -> Cod1 f x (f (UnitL f) x)
unitLE :: Object (Cod1 f) x -> Cod1 f (f (UnitL f) x) x
unitLI' :: (LeftIdentity f, Wide (Cod1 f)) => Cod1 f x (f (UnitL f) x)
unitLI' = unitLI id
unitLE' :: (LeftIdentity f, Wide (Cod1 f)) => Cod1 f (f (UnitL f) x) x
unitLE' = unitLE id
type RightIdentity :: (k -> k -> k) -> Constraint
class Bifunctor f => RightIdentity (f :: k -> k -> k) where
type UnitR f :: k
unitRI :: Object (Cod1 f) x -> Cod1 f x (f x (UnitR f))
unitRE :: Object (Cod1 f) x -> Cod1 f (f x (UnitR f)) x
-- TODO: unitRI', unitRE'
type LeftRightIdentity :: (k -> k -> k) -> Constraint
class (LeftIdentity f, RightIdentity f, UnitL f ~ UnitR f) => LeftRightIdentity (f :: k -> k -> k) where
type Unit f :: k
instance (LeftIdentity f, RightIdentity f, UnitL f ~ UnitR f) => LeftRightIdentity f where
type Unit f = UnitL f
instance LeftIdentity (,) where
type UnitL (,) = ()
unitLI _ x = ((), x)
unitLE _ (_, x) = x
instance LeftIdentity Either where
type UnitL Either = Void
unitLI _ x = Right x
unitLE _ (Right x) = x
unitLE _ (Left x) = case x of {}
instance LeftIdentity Compose where
type UnitL Compose = Identity
unitLI (Nat _) = Nat \_ -> Compose . Identity
unitLE (Nat _) = Nat \_ -> runIdentity . getCompose
instance RightIdentity (,) where
type UnitR (,) = ()
unitRI _ x = (x, ())
unitRE _ (x, _) = x
instance RightIdentity Either where
type UnitR Either = Void
unitRI _ x = Left x
unitRE _ (Right x) = case x of {}
unitRE _ (Left x) = x
instance RightIdentity Compose where
type UnitR Compose = Identity
unitRI (Nat _) = Nat \_ -> Compose . map Identity
unitRE (Nat _) = Nat \_ -> map runIdentity . getCompose