Begin work using Template Haskell to automate Base functor generation.

It doesn't quite work yet, but it's a start. It'll need a rewrite to work, hence the commit.
Current known bugs:
* References to `r` do not take into account the skip pos.
* Generation of `forall r` even when r is not used.
* The `forall r` isn't placed where I want it to be.
* The code is horrifically bad.
* There are certainly other bugs I don't know about yet.
James T. Martin 2020-10-22 14:00:39 -07:00
parent eb461266b9
commit 0dd45dfd9a
Signed by: james
GPG Key ID: 4B7F3DA9351E577C
7 changed files with 180 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ cabal-version: 2.2
-- see:
-- hash: ccbe65df6ff8c44717a5cad0ce46e39a026a6e35f58b942545be94a2080cc645
-- hash: 4d5299830f70602c840afe07491da0f469a43100f9e7c8ccb7452202fe810a77
name: monoids-in-the-categoy-of-endofunctors
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ library
@ -41,7 +43,8 @@ library
default-extensions: BlockArguments ConstraintKinds DataKinds DefaultSignatures FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances FunctionalDependencies GADTs ImportQualifiedPost InstanceSigs LambdaCase MultiParamTypeClasses NoImplicitPrelude PolyKinds QuantifiedConstraints RankNTypes ScopedTypeVariables TypeApplications TypeFamilies TypeOperators
ghc-options: -Weverything -Wno-missing-export-lists -Wno-missing-import-lists -Wno-safe -Wno-missing-safe-haskell-mode
ghc-options: -Weverything -Wno-missing-export-lists -Wno-missing-import-lists -Wno-missing-safe-haskell-mode -Wno-safe -Wno-unsafe
base >=4.13 && <5
, template-haskell >=2.16 && <3
default-language: Haskell2010

View File

@ -38,11 +38,13 @@ ghc-options:
#- -Werror
- -Wno-missing-export-lists
- -Wno-missing-import-lists
- -Wno-safe
- -Wno-missing-safe-haskell-mode
- -Wno-safe
- -Wno-unsafe
- base >= 4.13 && < 5
- template-haskell >= 2.16 && < 3
source-dirs: src

View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Category.Functor.Foldable.TH where
import Data.Char (GeneralCategory (..), generalCategory)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Prelude
-- Copied from recursion-schemes
isPuncChar :: Char -> Bool
isPuncChar c = c `elem` ",;()[]{}`"
isSymbolChar :: Char -> Bool
isSymbolChar c = not (isPuncChar c) && case generalCategory c of
MathSymbol -> True
CurrencySymbol -> True
ModifierSymbol -> True
OtherSymbol -> True
DashPunctuation -> True
OtherPunctuation -> c `notElem` "'\""
ConnectorPunctuation -> c /= '_'
_ -> False
fName :: Name -> Name
fName orig = mkName (f (nameBase orig))
where f name | isInfixName name = name ++ "$"
| otherwise = name ++ "F"
isInfixName :: String -> Bool
isInfixName = all isSymbolChar
unBndr :: TyVarBndr -> Kind
unBndr (KindedTV _ k) = k
unBndr _ = error "Automatically generated variable binders should have kind annotations."
-- | For a type `MyType (a :: i) (b :: j) :: k -> l -> Type`,
-- create a base functor `MyTypeF (a :: i) (b :: j) (r :: k -> l -> Type) :: k -> l -> Type`
-- such that `Fix (MyTypeF a b) c d` is isomorphic to `MyType a b c d`.
makeBaseFunctor :: Name -> Int -> DecsQ
makeBaseFunctor refName pos = do
-- The name for the variable for instances of recursion.
recName <- newName "r"
TyConI (DataD ctx origName varBndrs kind' origCons _) <- reify refName
let newN = fName origName
let actualVars = take pos varBndrs
let kind = if pos == length varBndrs && isNothing kind'
then Nothing
else Just (foldr (\ty tys -> AppT (AppT ArrowT (unBndr ty)) tys) (fromMaybe StarT kind') (drop pos varBndrs))
-- The kind of the recursive variable should be the same as the kind of the original data type.
-- Similarly, the kind of the new datatype is the same as the kind of the old.
let recBndr = maybe (KindedTV recName StarT) (KindedTV recName) kind
pure [DataD ctx newN (actualVars ++ [recBndr]) kind (map (ForallC [recBndr] [] . makeBaseConstructor (length varBndrs - pos) origName recName (concatMap conn origCons)) origCons) []]
conn :: Con -> [Name]
conn (NormalC n _) = [n]
conn (RecC n _) = [n]
conn (InfixC _ n _) = [n]
conn (ForallC _ _ con) = conn con
conn (GadtC ns _ _) = ns
conn (RecGadtC ns _ _) = ns
makeBaseType :: Name -> Name -> [Name] -> Type -> Type
makeBaseType orig recn conns = makeBaseType'
makeBaseType' (ForallT vars ctx ty) = ForallT vars (map makeBaseType' ctx) (makeBaseType' ty)
makeBaseType' (ForallVisT vars ty) = ForallVisT vars (makeBaseType' ty)
makeBaseType' (AppT t1 t2) = AppT (makeBaseType' t1) (makeBaseType' t2)
makeBaseType' (AppKindT ty kn) = AppKindT (makeBaseType' ty) (makeBaseType' kn)
makeBaseType' (SigT ty kn) = SigT (makeBaseType' ty) (makeBaseType' kn)
makeBaseType' (VarT name) = VarT name
makeBaseType' (ConT name)
| name == orig = VarT recn
| otherwise = ConT name
makeBaseType' (PromotedT name)
| name `elem` conns = PromotedT (fName name)
| otherwise = PromotedT name
makeBaseType' (InfixT ty1 name ty2) = InfixT (makeBaseType' ty1) name (makeBaseType' ty2)
makeBaseType' (UInfixT ty1 name ty2) = UInfixT (makeBaseType' ty1) name (makeBaseType' ty2)
makeBaseType' (ParensT ty) = ParensT (makeBaseType' ty)
makeBaseType' o@(TupleT _) = o
makeBaseType' o@(UnboxedTupleT _) = o
makeBaseType' o@(UnboxedSumT _) = o
makeBaseType' ArrowT = ArrowT
makeBaseType' EqualityT = EqualityT
makeBaseType' ListT = ListT
makeBaseType' o@(PromotedTupleT _) = o
makeBaseType' PromotedNilT = PromotedNilT
makeBaseType' PromotedConsT = PromotedConsT
makeBaseType' StarT = StarT
makeBaseType' ConstraintT = ConstraintT
makeBaseType' o@(LitT _) = o
makeBaseType' WildCardT = WildCardT
makeBaseType' (ImplicitParamT s ty) = ImplicitParamT s (makeBaseType' ty)
makeBaseBangType :: Name -> Name -> [Name] -> BangType -> BangType
makeBaseBangType orig recn conns (bng, ty) = (bng, makeBaseType orig recn conns ty)
makeBaseVarBangType :: Name -> Name -> [Name] -> VarBangType -> VarBangType
makeBaseVarBangType orig recn conns (var, bng, ty) = (fName var, bng, makeBaseType orig recn conns ty)
fixGadtTy :: Int -> Name -> Name -> [Name] -> Name -> Type -> Type
fixGadtTy 0 orig recn conns name o = AppT (fixGadtTy (-1) orig recn conns name o) (VarT recn)
fixGadtTy pos orig recn conns name (AppT a b) = AppT (fixGadtTy (pos - 1) orig recn conns name a) (makeBaseType orig recn conns b)
fixGadtTy _ _ _ _ name _ = ConT (fName name)
makeBaseConstructor :: Int -> Name -> Name -> [Name] -> Con -> Con
makeBaseConstructor pos orig recn conns (NormalC name tys) = NormalC (fName name) (map (makeBaseBangType orig recn conns) tys)
makeBaseConstructor pos orig recn conns (RecC name tys) = RecC (fName name) (map (makeBaseVarBangType orig recn conns) tys)
makeBaseConstructor pos orig recn conns (InfixC ty1 name ty2) = InfixC (makeBaseBangType orig recn conns ty1) (fName name) (makeBaseBangType orig recn conns ty2)
makeBaseConstructor pos orig recn conns (ForallC vars ctx con) = ForallC vars (map (makeBaseType orig recn conns) ctx) (makeBaseConstructor pos orig recn conns con)
makeBaseConstructor pos orig recn conns (GadtC names tys ty) = GadtC (map fName names) (map (makeBaseBangType orig recn conns) tys) (fixGadtTy pos orig recn conns orig ty)
makeBaseConstructor pos orig recn conns (RecGadtC names tys ty) = RecGadtC (map fName names) (map (makeBaseVarBangType orig recn conns) tys) (fixGadtTy pos orig recn conns orig ty)

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Category.Functor.Foldable.THT where
import Category.Functor.Foldable.TH
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Category
import Category.Functor.Foldable
data N = Z | S N
makeBaseFunctor ''N 0
data Fin :: N -> Type where
FZ :: forall n. Fin ('S n)
FS :: forall n. Fin n -> Fin ('S n)
makeBaseFunctor ''Fin 0
type instance Base Fin = FinF
instance Functor Fin where
type Dom Fin = (:~:)
type Cod Fin = (->)
map Refl x = x
instance Functor (FinF r) where
type Dom (FinF r) = (:~:)
type Cod (FinF r) = (->)
map Refl x = x
instance Functor FinF where
type Dom FinF = Nat (:~:) (->)
type Cod FinF = Nat (:~:) (->)
map :: forall f g. Nat (:~:) (->) f g -> Nat (:~:) (->) (FinF f) (FinF g)
map (Nat f) = Nat \_ -> \case
(FSF r) -> FSF (f Refl r)
instance Recursive Fin where
project = Nat \_ -> \case
(FS r) -> FSF r
instance Corecursive Fin where
embed = Nat \_ -> \case
(FSF r) -> FS r
data Vec a :: N -> Type where
VZ :: Vec a 'Z
VS :: a -> Vec a n -> Vec a ('S n)
makeBaseFunctor ''Vec 0

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@ -2,12 +2,13 @@ module Data.Fin where
import Category
import Category.Functor.Foldable
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Nat
data Fin n where
data Fin :: N -> Type where
FZ :: Fin ('S n)
FS :: Fin n -> Fin ('S n)
data FinF r n where
data FinF r :: N -> Type where
FZF :: FinF r ('S n)
FSF :: r n -> FinF r ('S n)
type instance Base Fin = FinF

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Data.Nat where
import Category
import Category.Functor.Foldable
import Category.Functor.Foldable.TH
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe (Nothing, Just))
import Quantifier

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@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Nat
import Quantifier
data Vec a n where
data Vec a :: N -> Type where
VZ :: Vec a 'Z
VS :: a -> Vec a n -> Vec a ('S n)
data VecF a r n where
data VecF a r :: N -> Type where
VZF :: VecF a r 'Z
VSF :: a -> r n -> VecF a r ('S n)
type instance Base (Vec a) = (VecF a)