
57 lines
1.8 KiB

module Page where
import HtmlGen
import Templates
lastModified :: String
lastModified = "2018-09-19"
sitemap :: Sitemap
sitemap = baseSitemap projectsUrl
`withLastMod` lastModified
`withPriority` "0.8"
`withChangeFreq` "weekly"
page :: Html
page = simplePage "James's Projects" "James" lastModified $
%> (h1 %% ("id", "projects") %>> "Projects")
%> (h2 %% ("id", "programming") %>> "Programming")
%> (h3 %>> "QIPL")
%> (p
%>> "QIPL Is a Programming Language, among other things. "
%>> "It is intended to be the embodiment of my programming philosophy: "
%>> "simple sucks less. "
%>> "More information can be found on "
%> (href qiplUrl $ text "its website") %>> ". "
%> (h3 %>> "Hazen Robotics")
%> (p
%>> "I am a programmer for the Hazen Robotics team. "
%>> "All of our code can be found "
%> (href (githubUrl ++ "HazenRobotics/") $ text "our GitHub organization") %>> ". "
%> (h3 %>> "html-generator")
%> (p
%>> "This website was written using a static site generator I wrote myself. "
%>> "It's got a really, really long way to go, but you can watch it develop "
%> (href (githubProjectUrl "html-generator") $ text "on GitHub") %>> ". "
%> (p
%>> "There's also the source code for both "
%> (href (githubProjectUrl "jtmar.me") $ text "jtmar.me")
%>> " and "
%> (href (githubQiplProjectUrl "qipl.org") $ text "qipl.org")
%>> "."
%> (h3 %>> "Other Projects")
%> (p
%>> "I used to have a whole bunch of other cool projects and games "
%>> "lying around, but they've all been lost in the Great Purge, "
%>> "which I generally regard as one of the worst mistakes I've ever made. "
%> (h2 %>> "Music")
%> (p
%>> "Writing music is one of my other hobbies, but I have not yet released anything. "