module Page where import HtmlGen import Templates lastModified :: String lastModified = "2018-09-19" sitemap :: Sitemap sitemap = baseSitemap aboutUrl `withLastMod` lastModified `withPriority` "0.8" `withChangeFreq` "monthly" page :: Html page = simplePage "About James" "James" lastModified $ article %> (h1 %>> "About") %> (h2 %>> "Hello,") %> (p %>> "I'm James Martin, a student at Hazen High School with an insatiable love of learning, " %>> "programmer, musician, and moderator of " %> (href "" $ text "/r/ProgrammingLanguages") %>> ". " %>> "Right now I'm working on my project " %> (href "" $ text "Qipl") %>> ", " %>> "which includes a compiler and bootable development environment. " %>> "I'm a moderator of " ) %> (p %>> "When I'm not busy with my head in some books or deep into writing some proof, " %>> "you can find me involved in various school activities. " %>> "I'm a member of the Hazen Marching Band, the zero-period jazz band, " %>> "Film Club, the weekly D&D meetings. " %>> "In addition I write Java for " %> (href "" $ text "robotics club") %>> ". " ) %> (p %>> "When the outdoors call you'll find me hiking or skiing. " %>> "There isn't anywhere quite like a mountaintop in clear weather, " %>> "a crystal-clear alpine lake, " %>> "or a challenging slope covered in fresh powder." ) %> (h2 %>> "Accounts" %% ("id", "accounts")) %> (p %>> "This is intended to be the exhaustive and canonical list of my online accounts. Anything not listed here is not me, or no longer active.") %> (href githubUserUrl githubMark) %> (href redditUserUrl redditLogo) %> (href youtubeUserUrl youtubeLogo) %> (href wikipediaUserUrl wikipediaLogo) %> stackexchangeProfile %> (h2 %>> "Contact" %% ("id", "contact")) %> (p %>> "You may email me at " %> italic "james@[this website]" %>> ". " %>> "I may also be found on Freenode as " %> italic "jammar" %>> ". " )