# jamestmartin.me This is the source code for my personal website, [https://jamestmartin.me](jamestmartin.me). ## Installation This project is built using [https://jekyllrb.com/](Jekyll), a static site generator. To install this website, you must first [https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/](install Jekyll). Next, install all necessary modules with `bundle exec`. To build the site, run `bundle exec jekyll build`. To rebuild the site continuously as updates are made, run `bundle exec jekyll build --watch`. The web root for the website will be `_site/`. You may point your web server there and the site will work with no additional effort. To work on the site without installing full web server, use `bundle exec jekyll serve`. ## Code Conventions All of my code is valid HTML5 and CSS3 according to ["https://html.spec.whatwg.org"](WHATWG standards) I follow the ["https://google.github.io/styleguide/htmlcssguide.html"](Google HTML/CSS Style Guide). Google recommends dropping optional tags wherever possible; I know how to write valid XHTML as well, but choose not to as per the style guide.