module Page where import HtmlGen import Templates lastModified :: String lastModified = "2018-05-11" sitemap :: Sitemap sitemap = baseSitemap projectsUrl `withLastMod` lastModified `withPriority` "0.8" `withChangeFreq` "weekly" page :: Html page = simplePage "James's Projects" "James" lastModified $ article %> (h1 %>> "Projects") %> (h2 %>> "Programming") %> (p %>> "All of my active programming projects may be found on " %> (href githubUserUrl $ text "my Github page") %>> ". My most notable projects include my work-in-progress programming language " %> (href (githubQiplProjectUrl "qipl-agda") $ text "Qipl") %>> " and my contributions to " %> (href (githubUrl ++ "HazenRobotics/ftc_app") $ text "Hazen Robotics") %>> "." ) %> (h2 %>> "Audiobooks") %> (p %>> "I am currently working on recording The Grapes of Wrath for my English teacher " %>> "due to a lack of quality recordings of it. You may find that series in " %> (href (baseUrl ++ "gow/") $ text "its YouTube playlist") %>> "." )