From 92cd0b3c08bbf8b2f03b38782f0e0285d50a6872 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: LijeroM Date: Sun, 6 May 2018 20:19:34 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Content in about page, removed lorem ipsum, center titles, updates. --- about/index.hs | 97 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- index.hs | 15 +++--- res/common.css | 5 +- resume.pdf | Bin 65819 -> 65835 bytes templates/html-generator | 2 +- templates/src/Templates.hs | 2 +- 6 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-) diff --git a/about/index.hs b/about/index.hs index 0b8cf87..c63c2a2 100644 --- a/about/index.hs +++ b/about/index.hs @@ -17,11 +17,96 @@ page = simplePage "About Lijero" "Lijero" lastModified $ article %> (h1 %>> "About") %> (p - %>> "I am a programmer, musician, and hiker. I seek beauty, elegance, and cleanliness in everything I do. " - %>> "I write Agda, Haskell, and Java. I enjoy making programming languages and constructed human languages. " - %>> "This page is, like the rest of the site, obviously incomplete." + %>> "Hi! I'm James Martin, a student at Hazen High School with an insatiable love of learning. " + %>> "Right now I'm working on a " %> (href githubQiplUrl $ text "fully reversible programming language") + %>> ", and actively studying " %> (href "" $ text "homotopy type theory") %>> "." ) - %> (h2 %>> "Accounts") + %> (p + %>> "When I'm not busy with my head in some books or deep into writing some proof, " + %>> "you can find me involved in various school activities. " + %>> "I'm a member of the Hazen Marching Band, and the zero-period jazz band. " + %>> "In addition I write Java for " + %> (href "" $ text "robotics club") + %>> ". " + ) + %> (p + %>> "When the outdoors call you'll find me hiking or skiing. " + %>> "There isn't anywhere quite like a mountaintop in clear weather, " + %>> "a crystal-clear alpine lake, " + %>> "or a challenging slope covered in fresh powder." + ) + %> (h2 %>> "Hobbies") + %> (h3 %>> "Programming") + %> (p + %>> "Obviously, I'm a programmer. " + %>> "Aside from the aforementioned programming language and this website, " + %>> "I've written a Minecraft clone, platformer games, HTTP and IRC servers, " + %>> "other programming languages, and similar things." + ) + %> (p + %>> "I've researched operating systems and CPUs, " + %>> "though I never got far in implementing either. " + %>> "I sure learned a lot in the process, though! " + %>> "I did actually implement a CPU in Minecraft once, " + %>> "though I don't think that really counts." + ) + %> (p + %>> "Once upon a time I also ran a fairly popular Minecraft server, " + %>> "most gameplay features of which were custom coded. " + %>> "That said, I was eleven, which was not exactly my prime. " + ) + %> (h3 %>> "Conlanging") + %> (p + %>> "Conlanging is the art of artificial language construction. " + %>> "It's a lot of fun, because it's at the perfect intersection " + %>> "of creative and technical. " + %>> "It's also given me a reasonable linguistics background." + ) + %> (p + %>> "There's also Worldbuilding, " + %>> "immersing yourself in entire new worlds for fun and profit. " + %>> "Unfortunately I haven't had as much time recently to do this as I'd like." + ) + %> (h3 %>> "Music") + %> (p + %>> "Aside from being a trombonist, I have very broad tastes in music. " + %>> "I like everything from jazz to glitch funk to rock. " + %>> "I'm taking AP Music Theory so I can learn to compose my own!" + ) + %> (h2 %>> "Things I use") + %> (h3 %>> "Programming Languages") + %> (h4 %>> "The daily drivers") + %> unorderedList + [ spanTag %> bold "Haskell" %>> ", my go-to language." + , spanTag %> bold "Agda" %>> ", used for writing proof-carrying code." + , spanTag %> bold "Java" %>> ", used in Hazen Robotics." + , spanTag %> bold "HTML" %>> " and " %> bold "CSS" %>> ", for this website." + ] + %> (h4 %>> "Interesting alternatives") + %> unorderedList + [ spanTag %> bold "Racket" %>> ", though usually I prefer Haskell." + , spanTag %> bold "Rust" %>> ", though I don't write much low-level code." + , spanTag %> bold "Forth" %>> " and " %> bold "Prolog" %>> ", interesting but impractical." + , spanTag %> bold "C#" %>> ", though I'm more likely to use Java." + ] + %> (h3 %>> "GNU/Linux") + %> (p + %>> "I'm a satisfied user of Debian GNU/Linux and a supporter of " + %> (href "" $ text "free software") %>> ". " + %>> "I enjoy the simplicity and power of " %> (href "" $ text "xmonad") %>> ". " + %>> "Emacs is my preferred editor." + ) + %> (h3 %>> "Let's Encrypt") + %> (p + %>> "I believe that it is important to " %> (href "" $ text "encrypt the web") %>> ". " + %>> "This website uses strong encryption provided by " %> (href "" $ text "Let's Encrypt") %>> ". " + %>> "In fact, " %> (href "" $ text "this site has a perfect (A+) score") %>> " on SSL Labs." + ) + %> (p + %>> "Relatedly, you can find the entirety of this site's source code " %> (href (githubProjectUrl "") $ text "on GitHub") %>> ". " + %>> "The site's Nginx, DNS, and other configuration can be found in " %> (href (githubProjectUrl "") $ text "another repository") %>> "." + ) + %> (h2 %>> "Accounts" %% ("id", "accounts")) %> (p %>> "This is intended to be the exhaustive and canonical list of my online accounts. Anything not listed here is not me.") %> (href "" githubMark) %> (href "" linkedinLogo) @@ -30,5 +115,5 @@ page = simplePage "About Lijero" "Lijero" lastModified $ %> (href "" wikipediaLogo) %> (href "" freenodeLogo) %> (href "" $ img "James Martin's Stack Exchange profile" "" %% accountIconClass) - %> (h2 %>> "Contact") - %> (p %>> "You may email me at jtmar@[this website] for professional contact or lijero@[this website]. I may also be found on Freenode as `lijero`.") + %> (h2 %>> "Contact" %% ("id", "contact")) + %> (p %>> "You may email me at " %> italic "jtmar@[this website]" %>> " for professional contact or " %> italic "lijero@[this website]" %>> ". I may also be found on Freenode as " %> italic "lijero" %>> ".") diff --git a/index.hs b/index.hs index 3e5a9ab..e7b8185 100644 --- a/index.hs +++ b/index.hs @@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ import Templates import HtmlGen lastModified :: String -lastModified = "2018-05-05" +lastModified = "2018-05-06" sitemap :: Sitemap -sitemap = baseSitemap "" +sitemap = baseSitemap "" `withLastMod` lastModified `withPriority` "1.0" `withChangeFreq` "weekly" @@ -16,9 +16,8 @@ sitemap = baseSitemap "" page :: Html page = simplePage "Lijero" "Lijero" lastModified $ article - %> (h1 %>> "Home Page") - %> (p %>> "Sorry! This site is currently under construction.") - %> (h2 %>> "Lorem Ipsum") - %> (p %>> "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.") - %> (p %>> "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?") - %> (p %>> "At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.") + %> (h1 %>> "Home") + %> (p + %>> "Sorry! This site is currently under construction. " + %>> "However, you'll find that some of the other pages are more complete." + ) diff --git a/res/common.css b/res/common.css index b175fe1..aa24f8d 100644 --- a/res/common.css +++ b/res/common.css @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ p { } article h1 { + text-align: center; font-size: 30px; } @@ -132,10 +133,6 @@ footer { min-width: 25em; max-width: 33em; } - - article h1 { - margin-left: -20px; - } } pre { diff --git a/resume.pdf b/resume.pdf index ddb2d420bf3d4eb02661f09de01de53e6f699482..d19c67c7e5fc8eb6c9306346e0edee11ebb8d800 100644 GIT binary patch delta 2162 zcmV-&2#xoff&{CA1dt^HH#d_(^(cR>SXp!1HV}T#uh2|isENh$rj(~Two^M}Hy%rA zI@9z4B4G(O4-EnOYJPkd*abz&YV2h6BnanT-|n}3KYR1*2R|M7sT=rlG?-lvg2Z#Z zV32xa*Nfu8EFb*sd}Jk;!%^sm&IKC=iPI=i4gZ;agu}_e_uPp$@%7=+IC6jEU_2Q4 zp&LgNJblG0RaXaaJ`9~N!*S>w;&?Ll;zSQ4=Nr!4s1oiUJI!x}xZzFhX7$FpKMK5L zlqB9LO~O!1Fo?%)8sLK@?H7FmpG%?m#^K+EI&J4T{)Q{(qPjJ^^E0c@WZ*|`7$t$x z$4>&V4BQ_CZW53}v*9Fgc(#A6M8*oZC`p~^ttbk)zG7_>56*fZ+ZfMYHua)mWhtr! zo;+vOqGbzChXcQV*iYOri9n388$=1-@YVCvUAD&|yl3BmjZr4R`0s|JD2l*~ckBT5 zK4lX1E(-F?;UZ@^`s&5r{cz+v%c1Xx3`b_=41ZclcD;rT^)N`C1{Z&>Yva4p7zO^X z%$m^`C+>J7j8sgCx`K!NT}qEglZ_yHoz@?;0IU>+z%VkJ$Ij6&q~#UMP;X@oF}paA zce!m803_0I)AWB1L*HS;&~qA5w-Oy_qCtnL=hVfXz4)nFuu41`bFqT_2yuL{9np~^ zq-?o7cpmEHg&UqJ`J#Wh;~$ak7_GitY~vY zph-z!APn7{Za8_!xJ3r5a=hnKZ!!DsO$;@c=Afw5I+C}7$oGFjH<)a>e)=dCFXgD= z1yelVZ^S@GYahrJpDj@9YgFZ!&jqV+Tvxc3b9t-k)rPL2BY6X0-7`8NCn*XUKne+Y zR;~)J1BmAqlC#U9c7u$x-vq6SmY<#*uy z^P#k5@2sdRPENURgi@R|5cGTW3of>@gBF+^2cIjUv^5@a%K``mF7Rpr&+Gz^AAmFB zO{e_3Q)=IhAaSjO41DnY@2fp`-Bu|5UY*d^fD|#eT+o zg=BwlMajda8{!`LT-g>%tO|x^f<2tdYFSHFJd&*qT69fD#JnWk4;bzgz(3k>ERen> z`D?>uy*yE`lqjh{?NgWwMj46cLXmqScorB3rHT748#e__Np{zP&5sJc8&0wR3{D?3 zmTFViOUr-gPVyFLil#ujHM6`f#VZ2OkMZD0|0EEHTw=(<+&BC=WlzSouzV^OOQMe1 zQnLpTpx7^dufziFgH#0!l(kLMk-8Q}MOzYk*er=9t0>?OFX?FAHqtZ!efKk5d;+RI z0*9HP6^Orlzg*+wK{ZUvFR~Uf(nw-=)G}ntPW*p42uKy-hCMxPO-5jmxe>NjBD1C` zfG@q2eQg79R^@zUe8ypfPEMSuYV*hax^QOmCsb*%s4NQdelmdfd&tC6A2~;t;NH*L z&+-{$jeiWDt-&NxlKr}@6CSd!R85<$Q?4Z>SzWF~q090n)dEh%n-!K%wg0MpT9>uv zJnMgggvE(0)7377&!cWxDV*+?B3oL*jZ>D!;UVf*QTBeT2a5%@dX{1V%1i*hvgn^Y zP|P*Z)Mfm2Nhy6XDe1NlSC9D}FKYXU-DI8#y$x$lJU0!~b>(=nCF9BGyS za0m{s)JSV!Q%bdJRX-=}HzfesM_}Apwom^}I?i>9xYIcl1#UQZ_b4F+xE$ zIYC23L_|V1I59#qGC?&oMKVJMm``sHa0~uLP0h;K|@7EL_#(=F+wvkK{Yf* zGDA5wMMX76K3xhgOl59obZ8(kH#i`ZLG>tq9ni^gK~WTi;j>S06WtYEG#7~^x=4t= zcLnpjg7;A6bqqa?@*c{V{}_CGjaJpJrIfmArIlP9uFhitfkpu?9^ka=P#GgC72{#7fRbCD)z00ao1;w+dx$ oWOHq z>P=iPiU;$2@Q?F>lvE7Ip&vSzWEdn)BUv^4cm4qmCj;Mer{2_8hsTqD$c=-^VC;u( z98K}`HLYY_jo^G3I-iG=&^f~KbmGN{8b;1HoVk@H+&^)e-#NRbP3>m&*1A6qykwjt z-Z)LdP)RU|CvFIS+HOwz5xe=vF0E^zz}S1wp}r+4S)R-fs>kK8ay04`iF**{h~58d8?5D)8h5 zsfv~q)Eo}{&BK1;hDiisOxz$!@P;p*pYF3g4&gof4s47v2F8Co97jU~B8 z>dm?F%TbXN9DVU(@1`CGsng(u`T&=dT37g9={2nePONFe^kYPSvbuuv{ytsCM!+p> zyiA$*N&r$a&JZ11q1ZWoZG^uj8LA_#e)G$Vc%L`M0U$jMw=MeDF!UWV3_Yh|bt}*> z+Q|xio>TJ!JLh9lkcxfP<|5p<2jDr{1#09lAzCU%PZ4aqa7!~Oo;7#;Gt!-a)?m!6 zEde{iNOxi0m=02Zcba+h~8uvZfaGjYP|Q1Z|Rx_Ml}|#@ieNOEV1^2%(#s8%`fGY5`BG9PhbOTlBtr zjiKgBA7qv6k-P&U-wWMfy5suUqmZ-|elJl$KByvoIo?jn#Zmnq6 z5Oiy}eVf^Gvl07v{GQ3BQCKc%BMz+6{9^Xjh=Z88fiT0DMTVH#0N&9XjTH2W@xyF( zfrAUO5WA3nv(9R(9AuX;-=Ws}^nOXqgUlF)aKpbPC6(Bltt`2zWEG+&m*loq^wuD& zUHyPDejS}VF3fmcQRCe z(GS4C@wT7;+bgy2M!h!Oac4>KdPDux}PcV z#Z3}^fn09r2DiW4*w?4c%8m$i`m(b!rC;Bf3a7=+JB_Y;OY1Hg{A z91G>)()er3WE<2|uOur?&O4+qm&A}9&6zar(Gli5Cfe>hf^WE)5@g-QuOD%`Kb&I! zNjSZKSFu#AUirg%l*`7s_GtDgjLNCiR;=Dy+28TqPh3(IG$ zSeha;TdINt1mK5_-)mN&eX#lg17&T~D2*}&pcY2FEq9r>B$dIM-c@r>3p(a>O}kiX z8$l0Tot#m!wh*t@HDBv2W2n-Ajy}kSC>2L_}M46^E9fFps1QsTTbwejS5T=k# zoAoSdQ&?7)E5=oF-p+ndS@s`Ed0_#bs?D zv77WWp|@qtspqC)+LQfP%ktOtLff#`iXjp?^do!ymx8{#jn)hM4;>EH=pAepE#tNn zS_l>33Ub2wlh`%g7tyXsQYc#!-sNg`&;%IldiSJASZ;t{%kj|_@)i_(Ko{7qa5gCgd0BIS3iu(AWono zj-Svkl-^y@b3#epcO^ST`AoNd-~DqYh&vsSJ9oR ztQE30e{|dH#lyC+ejAxIv&WKxmi_L2UhMKEo^UU+fS+r zIy3jEyAWGYp(D9&Enc0@U;Pgj*RSQXJ_jT11TZu?G?QiY9|SNoIW)6~^ic~^K{iB1 zLN+%sK{GNzGC4spMnpnGFflVYG&V&zIYCA=J|H|nHbg~2Ha9UrGcrLkIYBW-L_$L_ zF*7(cHbpo&K}Iw_T?#KuWo~D5Xdp2+IUtikVJLqc&|7i=Q4oOP)8jH^FcKuhHAq|& z!H8=z`HzRM|EI3%YNgcGP==C=#WV_-Ltvl?4?g(eB7h+N zU?PNHgz!ss^+~rS8%MV-yQA)>9PWSl!VeZ$VkPIjlIy>^0f}`L s913M_WOH(^b diff --git a/templates/html-generator b/templates/html-generator index ee8ceac..af27fc6 160000 --- a/templates/html-generator +++ b/templates/html-generator @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit ee8ceaca33d16a07a8b1128398150daf11867c06 +Subproject commit af27fc6304ae0a6b9b70afc242bf4e0a031b88ba diff --git a/templates/src/Templates.hs b/templates/src/Templates.hs index 62e7557..ad67bcd 100644 --- a/templates/src/Templates.hs +++ b/templates/src/Templates.hs @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ basePage pageTitle authorName content = %> faviconLink %> (title %>> pageTitle) %> viewport - %> (newTag "script" %% ("async", "async") %% ("type", "text/javascript") %% ("src", resUrl ++ "common.js")) + %> (newTag "script" %% ("async", "async") %% ("src", resUrl ++ "common.js")) ) %> content