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#lang racket
;; /robots.txt specifies how web crawlers should access your website
;; see www.robotstxt.org
; Generate a robots.txt field
(define (robots-field name (body '()))
(define robots-field-base (string-append name ":"))
(if (null? body) robots-field-base
(string-append robots-field-base " " body)))
; Generate a user agent line
(define (robots-ua (name "*"))
(robots-field "User-agent" name))
; Generate a bunch of Disallow lines from a list of urls
(define (robots-disallow list)
(if (empty? list) (robots-field "Disallow")
(map list (lambda (url)
(robots-field "Disallow" url))))))
; Map into and unwrap an optional value: if x present, f x, else d
(define (when-present d f x)
(if (null? x) d
(apply f x)))
; Forbid specific urls to a specific bot by user agent
(define (robots-forbidbot bot disallows)
(robots-ua bot)
(robots-disallow disallows)))
; Blocks format: (cons (list of global blocks) (list of (cons bot-ua (list of urls))))
(define (robots-config (blocks '())
#:crawl-delay (crawl-delay 10) ; How frequently a bot should access your site-- poorly specified
#:host (host '()) ; The canonical domain for your website
#:sitemap (sitemap '())) ; Your sitemap.xml
(define (field-when-present name value)
(when-present "" ((curry robots-field) name) value))
(define block-lists
(when-present ""
([cons global rest]
; First we have the global disallow rules
(robots-disallow global)
; then a list of the disallow rules for individual bots
(map (match-lambda
([cons bot urls]
(robots-forbidbot bot urls))) rest)))))
(robots-field "Crawl-delay" (number->string crawl-delay))
(field-when-present "Sitemap" sitemap)
(field-when-present "Host" host)))