
85 lines
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module Page where
import HtmlGen
import Templates
lastModified :: String
lastModified = "2018-09-19"
sitemap :: Sitemap
sitemap = baseSitemap aboutUrl
`withLastMod` lastModified
`withPriority` "0.2"
`withChangeFreq` "monthly"
page :: Html
page = simplePage "Contact James" "James" lastModified $
%> (h1 %>> "Contact Me")
%> (h2 %>> "How " %> (newTag "em" %>> "not") %>> " to contact me")
%> (p
%>> "Contacting me is very straightforward, "
%>> "but first I must clarify how not to contact me. "
%> unorderedList
[ text "I do not use social media like Facebook or Twitter. "
, text "I do not use proprietary chats like Discord or Skype. "
, text "I do not carry a phone, so no calls or texts. "
, text "I do not accept letters, even hand-written ones."
%> (h2 %>> "How to actually contact me")
%> (h3 %>> "Email")
%> (p
%> italic "james@[this website]" %>> ". "
%> (h3 %>> "IRC")
%> (p
%>> "IRC is the only option to chat with me in real-time. "
%>> "I am exclusively on " %> bold "freenode" %>> ", "
%>> "under either "
%> italic "jammar" %>> " or " %> italic "jtmar" %>> ". "
%> (p
%> italic "#lijero" %>> " is my hangout chat. "
%>> "Feel free to invite your friends too, though do be discerning in your choices. "
%> (h4 %>> "IRC FAQ")
%> (p
%> unorderedList
[ text "How do I send images or media? You can't."
, text "How do I send emoji? You tell me ;)"
, text "Why isn't anyone responding? Be patient."
, text "How do I PM you? /query jammar"
, text "How do I join your channel? /join #lijero"
, text "Why am I named `Guest`? Because you didn't pick a unique nickname, try /nick SomeOtherName."
%> (h4 %>> "Connecting to Freenode")
%> (p
%>> "Make sure you pick a unique nickname when connecting. "
%>> "If it wasn't unique, you will be renamed to Guest1234. "
%>> "You can try again using /nick SomeOtherName. "
%> unorderedList
[ href "http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=%23lijero" $ text "link to freenode webchat #lijero"
, href "ircs://chat.freenode.net/lijero" $ text "a direct ircs link if your browser supports it"
, href "https://hexchat.github.io/" $ text "a downloadable IRC client, HexChat"
, text "For connecting via a phone, go download an app. "
%> (p
%>> "If you want to get messages people send when you're offline, "
%>> "just let me know and I can set you up with my ZNC bouncer. "
%> (h3 %>> "Reddit")
%> (p
%>> "This certainly isn't my preferred method, "
%>> "but feel free to PM "
%> (href redditUserUrl $ text "my reddit account") %>> "."
%> (h3 %>> "Voice chat")
%> (p
%>> "If you want to hear my beautiful voice, "
%>> "just let me know and I can set up Mumble or something. "
%>> "For now though, you can't voice chat with me. "