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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

module Ivo.Syntax.Parser
( ParseError, parse
, Declaration, TopLevelAST, ProgramAST
, parseAST, parseTopLevel, parseProgram
, typeParser, schemeParser, astParser, topLevelParser, programParser
) where
import Ivo.Syntax.Base
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (fromList)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Prelude hiding (succ, either)
import Text.Parsec hiding (label, token, spaces)
import Text.Parsec qualified
import Text.Parsec.Expr
import Text.Parsec.Text (Parser)
spaces :: Parser ()
spaces = Text.Parsec.spaces >> optional (try (comment >> spaces))
comment, lineComment, blockComment :: Parser ()
comment = blockComment <|> lineComment
lineComment = label "line comment" $ do
_ <- try (string "//")
_ <- many1 (noneOf "\n")
pure ()
blockComment = label "block comment" $ do
_ <- try (string "/*")
_ <- many1 $ notFollowedBy (string "*/") >> anyChar
_ <- string "*/"
pure ()
label :: String -> Parser a -> Parser a
label = flip Text.Parsec.label
token :: Char -> Parser ()
token ch = label [ch] $ char ch *> spaces
keywords :: [Text]
keywords = ["let", "in", "Left", "Right", "S", "Z", "forall", "Char", "Void", "Unit", "Nat", "Char"]
-- | A keyword is an exact string which is not part of an identifier.
keyword :: Text -> Parser ()
keyword kwd = label (T.unpack kwd) $ do
try do
_ <- string $ T.unpack kwd
notFollowedBy letter
-- | An identifier is a sequence of letters which is not a keyword.
identifier :: Parser Text
identifier = label "identifier" $ do
notFollowedBy anyKeyword
T.pack <$> (many1 letter <* spaces)
where anyKeyword = choice $ map keyword keywords
variable :: Parser AST
variable = label "variable" $ Var <$> identifier
tvariable :: Parser Type
tvariable = label "variable" $ TVar <$> identifier
many1' :: Parser a -> Parser (NonEmpty a)
many1' p = fromList <$> many1 p
many2 :: Parser a -> Parser (a, NonEmpty a)
many2 p = (,) <$> p <*> many1' p
grouping :: Parser AST
grouping = label "grouping" $ between (token '(') (token ')') ambiguous
tgrouping :: Parser Type
tgrouping = label "grouping" $ between (token '(') (token ')') tambiguous
application :: Parser AST
application = label "application" $ uncurry App <$> many2 block
tapplication :: Parser Type
tapplication = label "application" $ uncurry tapp' <$> many2 tblock
where tapp' t1 (t2 :| ts) = tapp (t1 : t2 : ts)
abstraction :: Parser AST
abstraction = label "lambda abstraction" $ Abs <$> between lambda (token '.') (many1' identifier) <*> ambiguous
where lambda = label "lambda" $ (char '\\' <|> char 'λ') *> spaces
definition :: Parser (Def Parse)
definition = label "definition" $ do
name <- identifier
token '='
value <- ambiguous
pure (name, value)
let_ :: Parser AST
let_ = label "let expression" $
Let <$> between (keyword "let") (keyword "in") definitions <*> ambiguous
definitions :: Parser (NonEmpty (Def Parse))
definitions = fromList <$> sepBy1 definition (token ';')
ctr :: Parser AST
ctr = label "data constructor" $ pair <|> unit <|> either <|> nat <|> list <|> str
unit, pairCtr, tuple, either, left, right,
zero, succ, natLit, consCtr, cons, charCtr, charLit, strLit :: Parser AST
unit = Ctr CUnit [] <$ keyword "()"
pair = pairCtr <|> tuple
pairCtr = Ctr CPair [] <$ keyword "(,)"
tuple = try $ between (token '(') (token ')') do
e1 <- ambiguous
token ','
e2 <- ambiguous
pure $ Ctr CPair [e1, e2]
either = left <|> right
left = Ctr CLeft [] <$ keyword "Left"
right = Ctr CRight [] <$ keyword "Right"
nat = zero <|> succ <|> natLit
zero = Ctr CZero [] <$ keyword "Z"
succ = Ctr CSucc [] <$ keyword "S"
natLit = (PNat . read <$> many1 digit) <* spaces
list = cons <|> consCtr <|> listLit
consCtr = Ctr CCons [] <$ keyword "(::)"
cons = try $ between (token '(') (token ')') do
e1 <- ambiguous
keyword "::"
e2 <- ambiguous
pure $ Ctr CCons [e1, e2]
listLit = fmap PList $ between (token '[') (token ']') $ sepEndBy ambiguous (token ',')
str = charCtr <|> charLit <|> strLit
charCtr = Ctr CChar [] <$ keyword "Char"
charLit = fmap PChar $ char '\'' *> anyChar <* spaces
strLit = fmap (PStr . T.pack) $ between (token '"') (token '"') $ many (noneOf "\"")
pat :: Parser (Pat Parse)
pat = label "case alternate" $ do
(c, ns) <- label "pattern" $
pair <|> unit <|> left <|> right <|> zero <|> succ <|> nil <|> cons <|> char'
keyword "->"
e <- ambiguous
pure $ Pat c ns e
pair = try $ between (token '(') (token ')') do
e1 <- identifier
token ','
e2 <- identifier
pure (CPair, [e1, e2])
unit = (CUnit, []) <$ keyword "()"
left = do
keyword "Left"
e <- identifier
pure (CLeft, [e])
right = do
keyword "Right"
e <- identifier
pure (CRight, [e])
zero = (CZero, []) <$ keyword "Z"
succ = do
keyword "S"
e <- identifier
pure (CSucc, [e])
nil = (CNil, []) <$ keyword "[]"
cons = try $ between (token '(') (token ')') do
e1 <- identifier
keyword "::"
e2 <- identifier
pure (CCons, [e1, e2])
char' = do
keyword "Char"
e <- identifier
pure (CChar, [e])
case_ :: Parser AST
case_ = label "case patterns" $ do
token '{'
pats <- sepEndBy pat (token ';')
token '}'
pure $ Case pats
ann :: Parser AST
ann = label "type annotation" $ do
e <- block
token ':'
t <- tambiguous
pure (Ann () e t)
hole :: Parser AST
hole = label "hole" $ HoleP <$ token '_'
tlist :: Parser Type
tlist = between (token '[') (token ']') $ ((TApp TList <$> tambiguous) <|> pure TList)
tinfix :: Parser Type
tinfix = buildExpressionParser ttable tblock
ttable :: [[Operator Text () Identity Type]]
ttable = [ [Infix (binop TAbs <$ arrSym) AssocRight]
, [Infix (binop TProd <$ token '*') AssocRight]
, [Infix (binop TSum <$ token '+') AssocRight]
arrSym :: Parser ()
arrSym = token '→' <|> keyword "->"
binop :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
binop c t1 t2 = TApp (TApp c t1) t2
tctr :: Parser Type
tctr = tlist <|> tunit <|> tvoid <|> tnat <|> tchar
tunit = TUnit <$ (keyword "Unit" <|> keyword "")
tvoid = TVoid <$ (keyword "Void" <|> keyword "")
tnat = TNat <$ (keyword "Nat" <|> keyword "")
tchar = TChar <$ keyword "Char"
tfinite :: Parser Type
tfinite = tvariable <|> tlist <|> tctr <|> tgrouping
tblock :: Parser Type
tblock = tfinite
tambiguous :: Parser Type
tambiguous = try tinfix <|> try tapplication <|> tblock
tforall :: Parser Scheme
tforall = do
keyword "forall" <|> token '∀'
names <- many1 (identifier <* spaces)
token '.'
ty <- tambiguous
pure $ TForall names ty
scheme :: Parser Scheme
scheme = tforall <|> (TForall [] <$> tambiguous)
-- | Guaranteed to consume a finite amount of input
finite :: Parser AST
finite = label "finite expression" $ variable <|> hole <|> ctr <|> case_ <|> grouping
-- | Guaranteed to consume input, but may continue until it reaches a terminator
block :: Parser AST
block = label "block expression" $ abstraction <|> let_ <|> finite
-- | Not guaranteed to consume input at all, may continue until it reaches a terminator
ambiguous :: Parser AST
ambiguous = label "any expression" $ try ann <|> try application <|> block
typeParser :: Parser Type
typeParser = tambiguous
schemeParser :: Parser Scheme
schemeParser = scheme
astParser :: Parser AST
astParser = ambiguous
parseAST :: Text -> Either ParseError AST
parseAST = parse (spaces *> ambiguous <* eof) "input"
type Declaration = (Text, Maybe Type, AST)
definitionAnn :: Parser Declaration
definitionAnn = do
name <- identifier
ty <- optionMaybe $ token ':' *> tambiguous
token '='
e <- ambiguous
pure (name, ty, e)
declaration :: Parser Declaration
declaration = notFollowedBy (try let_) >> do
keyword "let"
-- | A program is a series of declarations and expressions to execute.
type ProgramAST = [Declaration]
type TopLevelAST = [Either Declaration AST]
topLevel :: Parser (Either Declaration AST)
topLevel = try (Left <$> declaration) <|> (Right <$> ambiguous)
topLevelParser :: Parser TopLevelAST
topLevelParser = spaces *> sepEndBy topLevel (token ';') <* eof
shebang :: Parser ()
shebang = do
try $ keyword "#!"
skipMany (noneOf "\n")
programParser :: Parser ProgramAST
programParser = shebang *> sepEndBy declaration (token ';') <* eof
parseTopLevel :: Text -> Either ParseError TopLevelAST
parseTopLevel = parse topLevelParser "input"
parseProgram :: Text -> Either ParseError ProgramAST
parseProgram = parse programParser "input"