
243 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module LambdaCalculus.Types.Base
( Identity (..)
, Expr (..), Ctr (..), Pat, ExprF (..), PatF (..), VoidF, UnitF (..), Text
, substitute, substitute1, rename, rename1, free, bound, used
, Check, CheckExpr, CheckExprF, CheckX, CheckXF (..)
, pattern AppFC, pattern CtrC, pattern CtrFC, pattern CallCCC, pattern CallCCFC
, pattern FixC, pattern FixFC, pattern HoleC, pattern HoleFC
, Type (..), TypeF (..), Scheme (..), tapp
, Substitution, Context, Constraint
, MonoSubstitutable, substituteMono, substituteMono1
, unparseType, unparseScheme
) where
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Control.Monad.Reader (asks)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, first)
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.Functor.Foldable (embed, cata, para)
import Data.Functor.Foldable.TH (makeBaseFunctor)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..))
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.List (foldl1')
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Traversable (for)
import LambdaCalculus.Expression.Base
data Check
type CheckExpr = Expr Check
type instance AppArgs Check = CheckExpr
type instance AbsArgs Check = Text
type instance LetArgs Check = (Text, CheckExpr)
type instance CtrArgs Check = UnitF CheckExpr
type instance XExpr Check = CheckX
type CheckX = CheckXF CheckExpr
type CheckExprF = ExprF Check
type instance AppArgsF Check = Identity
type instance LetArgsF Check = DefF
type instance CtrArgsF Check = UnitF
type instance XExprF Check = CheckXF
data CheckXF r
-- | Call-with-current-continuation.
= CallCCC_
-- | A fixpoint combinator,
-- because untyped lambda calculus fixpoint combinators won't typecheck.
| FixC_
-- | A hole to ask the type inferencer about the context for debugging purposes.
| HoleC_
deriving (Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Show)
pattern CtrC :: Ctr -> CheckExpr
pattern CtrC c = Ctr c Unit
pattern CtrFC :: Ctr -> CheckExprF r
pattern CtrFC c = CtrF c Unit
pattern AppFC :: r -> r -> CheckExprF r
pattern AppFC ef ex = AppF ef (Identity ex)
pattern CallCCC :: CheckExpr
pattern CallCCC = ExprX CallCCC_
pattern CallCCFC :: CheckExprF r
pattern CallCCFC = ExprXF CallCCC_
pattern FixC :: CheckExpr
pattern FixC = ExprX FixC_
pattern FixFC :: CheckExprF r
pattern FixFC = ExprXF FixC_
pattern HoleC :: CheckExpr
pattern HoleC = ExprX HoleC_
pattern HoleFC :: CheckExprF r
pattern HoleFC = ExprXF HoleC_
{-# COMPLETE Var, App, Abs, Let, CtrC, Case, ExprX #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppF, AbsF, LetF, CtrFC, CaseF, ExprXF #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppFC, AbsF, LetF, CtrF, CaseF, ExprXF #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppFC, AbsF, LetF, CtrFC, CaseF, ExprXF #-}
{-# COMPLETE Var, App, Abs, Let, Ctr, Case, CallCCC, FixC, HoleC #-}
{-# COMPLETE Var, App, Abs, Let, CtrC, Case, CallCCC, FixC, HoleC #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppF, AbsF, LetF, CtrFC, CaseF, CallCCFC, FixFC, HoleFC #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppFC, AbsF, LetF, CtrF, CaseF, CallCCFC, FixFC, HoleFC #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppFC, AbsF, LetF, CtrFC, CaseF, CallCCFC, FixFC, HoleFC #-}
instance RecursivePhase Check where
projectAppArgs = Identity
projectLetArgs = projectDef
embedAppArgs = runIdentity
embedLetArgs = embedDef
instance Substitutable CheckExpr where
collectVars withVar withBinder = cata \case
VarF n -> withVar n
AbsF n e -> withBinder n e
LetF (Def n x) e -> x <> withBinder n e
CaseF pats -> foldMap (\(Pat _ ns e) -> foldr withBinder e ns) pats
e -> fold e
rename = runRenamer $ \badNames -> cata \case
VarF n -> asks $ Var . HM.findWithDefault n n
AbsF n e -> uncurry Abs . first runIdentity <$> replaceNames badNames (Identity n) e
LetF (Def n x) e -> do
x' <- x
(Identity n', e') <- replaceNames badNames (Identity n) e
pure $ Let (n', x') e'
CaseF ps -> Case <$> forM ps \(Pat ctr ns e) ->
uncurry (Pat ctr) <$> replaceNames badNames ns e
e -> embed <$> sequenceA e
unsafeSubstitute = runSubstituter $ para \case
VarF name -> asks $ HM.findWithDefault (Var name) name
AbsF name e -> Abs name <$> maySubstitute (Identity name) e
LetF (Def name (_, x)) e -> do
x' <- x
e' <- maySubstitute (Identity name) e
pure $ Let (name, x') e'
CaseF pats -> Case <$> for pats \(Pat ctr ns e) -> Pat ctr ns <$> maySubstitute ns e
e -> embed <$> traverse snd e
-- | A monomorphic type.
data Type
-- | Type variable.
= TVar Text
-- | Type application.
| TApp Type Type
-- | The function type.
| TAbs
-- | The product type.
| TProd
-- | The sum type.
| TSum
-- | The unit type.
| TUnit
-- | The empty type.
| TVoid
-- | The type of natural numbers.
| TNat
-- | The type of lists.
| TList
-- | The type of characters.
| TChar
deriving (Eq, Show)
makeBaseFunctor ''Type
instance Substitutable Type where
collectVars withVar _ = cata \case
TVarF n -> withVar n
t -> fold t
-- /All/ variables in a monomorphic type are free.
rename _ t = t
-- No renaming step is necessary.
substitute substs = cata \case
TVarF n -> HM.findWithDefault (TVar n) n substs
e -> embed e
unsafeSubstitute = substitute
-- | A polymorphic type.
data Scheme
-- | Universally quantified type variables.
= TForall [Text] Type
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Substitutable Scheme where
collectVars withVar withBinder (TForall names t) =
foldMap withBinder names $ collectVars withVar withBinder t
rename = runRenamer \badNames (TForall names t) ->
uncurry TForall <$> replaceNames badNames names (pure t)
-- I took a shot at implementing this but found it to be quite difficult
-- because merging the foralls is tricky.
-- It's not undoable, but it wasn't worth my further time investment
-- seeing as this function isn't currently used anywhere.
unsafeSubstitute = error "Substitution for schemes not yet implemented"
type Substitution = HashMap Text Type
type Context = HashMap Text Scheme
type Constraint = (Type, Type)
class MonoSubstitutable t where
substituteMono :: Substitution -> t -> t
substituteMono1 :: Text -> Type -> t -> t
substituteMono1 var val= substituteMono (HM.singleton var val)
instance MonoSubstitutable Type where
substituteMono = substitute
instance MonoSubstitutable Scheme where
substituteMono substs (TForall names t) =
TForall names $ substitute (foldMap HM.delete names substs) t
instance MonoSubstitutable Constraint where
substituteMono substs = bimap (substituteMono substs) (substituteMono substs)
instance MonoSubstitutable t => MonoSubstitutable [t] where
substituteMono = fmap . substituteMono
instance MonoSubstitutable t => MonoSubstitutable (HashMap a t) where
substituteMono = fmap . substituteMono
tapp :: [Type] -> Type
tapp [] = error "Empty type applications are not permitted"
tapp [t] = t
tapp ts = foldl1' TApp ts
pattern TApp2 :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
pattern TApp2 tf tx ty = TApp (TApp tf tx) ty
-- TODO: Improve these printers.
unparseType :: Type -> Text
unparseType (TVar name) = name
unparseType (TApp2 TAbs a b) = "(" <> unparseType a <> " -> " <> unparseType b <> ")"
unparseType (TApp2 TProd a b) = "(" <> unparseType a <> " * " <> unparseType b <> ")"
unparseType (TApp2 TSum a b) = "(" <> unparseType a <> " + " <> unparseType b <> ")"
unparseType (TApp TList a) = "[" <> unparseType a <> "]"
unparseType (TApp a b) = "(" <> unparseType a <> " " <> unparseType b <> ")"
unparseType TAbs = "(->)"
unparseType TProd = "(*)"
unparseType TSum = "(+)"
unparseType TUnit = ""
unparseType TVoid = ""
unparseType TNat = "Nat"
unparseType TList = "[]"
unparseType TChar = "Char"
unparseScheme :: Scheme -> Text
unparseScheme (TForall [] t) = unparseType t
unparseScheme (TForall names t) = "" <> T.unwords names <> ". " <> unparseType t