
115 lines
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module LambdaCalculus.Evaluator
( Expr (..), Ctr (..), Pat, ExprF (..), PatF (..), VoidF, UnitF (..), Text
, Eval, EvalExpr, EvalX, EvalXF (..)
, pattern AppFE, pattern CtrE, pattern CtrFE
, pattern ContE, pattern ContFE, pattern CallCCE, pattern CallCCFE
, eval, traceEval
) where
import LambdaCalculus.Evaluator.Base
import LambdaCalculus.Evaluator.Continuation
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError, ExceptT, throwError, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, evalState, modify', state, put, gets)
import Control.Monad.Writer (runWriterT, tell)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.Void (Void, absurd)
isReducible :: EvalExpr -> Bool
-- Applications of function type constructors
isReducible (App (Abs _ _) _) = True
isReducible (App (ContE _) _) = True
isReducible (App CallCCE _) = True
-- Pattern matching of data
isReducible (App (Case _) ex) = isData ex || isReducible ex
-- Reducible subexpressions
isReducible (App ef ex) = isReducible ef || isReducible ex
isReducible _ = False
lookupPat :: Ctr -> [Pat phase] -> Pat phase
lookupPat ctr = foldr lookupCtr' (error "Constructor not found")
lookupCtr' p@(Pat ctr' _ _) p'
| ctr == ctr' = p
| otherwise = p'
isData :: EvalExpr -> Bool
isData (CtrE _) = True
isData (App ef _) = isData ef
isData _ = False
toData :: EvalExpr -> (Ctr, [EvalExpr])
toData (CtrE ctr) = (ctr, [])
toData (App ef ex) = (++ [ex]) <$> toData ef
toData _ = error "Matched expression is not data"
push :: MonadState Continuation m => ContinuationCrumb -> m ()
push c = modify' (c :)
pop :: MonadState Continuation m => m (Maybe ContinuationCrumb)
pop = state \case
[] -> (Nothing, [])
(crumb:k) -> (Just crumb, k)
ret :: (MonadError EvalExpr m, MonadState Continuation m) => EvalExpr -> m EvalExpr
ret e = pop >>= maybe (throwError e) (pure . continue1 e)
-- | Iteratively perform an action forever (or at least until it performs a control flow effect).
iterateM_ :: Monad m => (a -> m a) -> a -> m b
iterateM_ m = m' where m' x = m x >>= m'
fromLeft :: Either a Void -> a
fromLeft (Left x) = x
fromLeft (Right x) = absurd x
-- | Iteratively call an action until it 'throws' a return value.
loop :: Monad m => (a -> ExceptT b m a) -> a -> m b
loop f = fmap fromLeft . runExceptT . iterateM_ f
-- | A call-by-value expression evaluator.
evaluatorStep :: (MonadError EvalExpr m, MonadState Continuation m) => EvalExpr -> m EvalExpr
evaluatorStep = \case
unmodified@(App ef ex)
-- First reduce the argument...
| isReducible ex -> do
push (AppliedTo ef)
pure ex
-- then reduce the function...
| isReducible ef -> do
push (ApplyTo ex)
pure ef
| otherwise -> case ef of
-- perform beta reduction if possible...
Abs name body ->
pure $ substitute1 name ex body
Case pats ->
if isData ex
then do
let (ctr, xs) = toData ex
let Pat _ ns e = lookupPat ctr pats
pure $ substitute (HM.fromList $ zip ns xs) e
else ret unmodified
-- perform continuation calls if possible...
ContE body -> do
put []
pure $ substitute1 "!" ex body
-- capture the current continuation if requested...
CallCCE -> do
k <- gets $ continue (Var "!")
pure $ App ex (ContE k)
-- otherwise the value is irreducible and we can continue evaluation.
_ -> ret unmodified
-- Neither abstractions, constructors nor variables are reducible.
e -> ret e
eval :: EvalExpr -> EvalExpr
eval = flip evalState [] . loop evaluatorStep
traceEval :: EvalExpr -> (EvalExpr, [EvalExpr])
traceEval = flip evalState [] . runWriterT . loop \e -> do
-- You can also use `gets (continue e)` to print the *entire* expression each step.
-- This is a trade-off because it becomes much harder to pick out what changed from the rest of the expression.
e' <- gets (continue e)
tell [e']
evaluatorStep e