
607 lines
16 KiB

module Ivo.Syntax.Parser
( ParseError, parse
, programParser, replParser
) where
import Ivo.Syntax.Base
import Data.List.NonEmpty (fromList)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Prelude hiding (succ, either)
import Text.Parsec hiding (label, token, spaces, tokens, anyToken)
import Text.Parsec qualified
import Text.Parsec.Text (Parser)
-- | Parse the contents of a file containing Ivo source code,
-- with an optional shebang.
-- See 'Scope'.
programParser :: Parser Scope
programParser = do
optional shebang
-- | Parse REPL input (which consists of top-level statements and expressions).
-- See 'TopLevel' and 'Expr'.
replParser :: Parser [Either TopLevel Expr]
replParser = sepEndBy ((Left <$> topLevel) <|> (Right <$> ambiguous)) (token ";")
--- This is a very long module which does not even document the
--- syntactic constructs which it is implementing.
--- On the other hand, 'Ivo.Syntax.Base' goes into great detail'
--- about the syntax while hardly containing any actual code.
--- Thus, to assist with navigation, the order
--- in which parsers are defined in this module
--- is the same as the order in which they are described in 'Ivo.Syntax.Base'.
--- I would recommend keeping both files open at once while working on this code
--- so you can cross-reference the informal description of the syntax
--- with the parsers.
shebang :: Parser ()
shebang = label "shebang" do
try $ keyword "#!"
skipMany (noneOf "\n")
-- | 'Scope'
scope :: Parser Scope
scope = Scope <$> many (topLevel <* token ";")
topLevel, tlOpen, tlDef, tlData, tlAxiom, tlSig :: Parser TopLevel
-- | 'TopLevel'
topLevel = tlOpen <|> tlDef <|> tlData <|> tlAxiom <|> tlSig
-- | 'Open'
tlOpen = label "open statement" $
Open <$> publicOrPrivate
<*> ambiguous
<*> openUsing
<*> openHiding
<*> openRenaming
openUsing, openHiding :: Parser [(Text, Maybe (Maybe [Text]))]
openRenaming :: Parser [(Text, Text)]
openUsing = option [] do
keyword "using"
flexibleParens openId
openHiding = option [] do
keyword "hiding"
flexibleParens openId
openId = do
name <- identifier
ctrs <- optionMaybe $ openAll <|> openCtrs
pure (name, ctrs)
openRenaming = option [] do
keyword "renaming"
flexibleParens $ cobetween identifier tkArr identifier
openAll, openCtrs :: Parser (Maybe [Text])
openAll = Nothing <$ keyword ".."
openCtrs = optionMaybe $ flexibleParens identifier
-- | 'Define'
tlDef = Define <$> publicOrPrivate <*> definition
-- | 'TLData'
tlData = TLData <$> data_
-- | 'TLAxiom'
tlAxiom = TLAxiom <$> axiom
-- | 'TLSig'
tlSig = TLSig <$> sig
-- | 'PublicOrPrivate'
publicOrPrivate :: Parser PublicOrPrivate
publicOrPrivate = (Public <$ keyword "pub") <|> pure Private
-- | 'Definition'
definition :: Parser Definition
definition = label "definition" do
name <- identifier
ty <- optionMaybe typeSig
token "="
expr <- ambiguous
pure $ Definition name ty expr
ambiguous, block, finite :: Parser Expr
-- | 'Expr's which are not guaranteed to consume input before recursing.
ambiguous = label "expression" $
exAccess <|> exArrow <|> exAnn <|> exAppI <|> exApp <|> exTypeApp
-- | 'Expr's with a terminal symbol on its left.
block = label "block expression" $
exData <|> exAxiom <|> exForall <|> exTypeLam <|> exBlockLam <|>
exLet <|> exBlockCase <|> finite
-- | 'Expr's with a terminal symbol on both the left /and/ right.
finite = label "finite expression" $
exSig <|> exMod <|> exHole <|> exFiniteCase <|> exFiniteLam <|>
exLit <|> exVar <|> exGroup
exAccess, exArrow, exAnn, exAppI, exApp, exTypeApp,
exData, exAxiom, exForall, exTypeLam, exBlockLam, exFiniteLam, exLet,
exSig, exMod, exHole, exBlockCase, exFiniteCase, exLit, exVar, exGroup
:: Parser Expr
exGroup = label "parenthetical expression" $ betweenParens ambiguous
typeSig, kindSig, modSig :: Parser Type
typeSig = label "type signature" $ keyword ":" *> ambiguous
kindSig = label "kind signature" typeSig
modSig = label "signature" typeSig
-- | 'Data'
exData = Data <$> data_
data_ :: Parser Expr
data_ = label "data expression" do
keyword "data"
-- | 'Axiom'
exAxiom = Axiom <$> axiom
axiom :: Parser Expr
axiom = label "axiom expression" do
keyword "axiom"
-- | 'SigE'
exSig = SigE <$> sig
-- | 'Mod'
exMod = label "module expression" do
keyword "mod"
params <- sigParams
sig <- optionMaybe modSig
body <- flexibleBraces topLevel
pure $ Mod params sig body
-- | 'Access'
exAccess = label "field access" $ try do
expr <- block
name <- identifier
pure $ Access expr name
-- | @∷@
tkColCol :: Parser ()
tkColCol = label "" $ token "" <|> token "::"
-- | 'Forall'
exForall = label "∀ type" $ do
uncurry Forall <$> typeBinder
-- | @∀@
tkForall :: Parser ()
tkForall = label "" $ keyword "" <|> keyword "forall"
-- | Everything about @forall@ and @^@ is the same
-- except for the token and whether a type or expr
-- (which are also syntactically the same object)
-- comes next.
-- This factors out all of that stuff they have in common.
typeBinder :: Parser (NonEmpty (Either (NonEmpty Text, Kind) Text), Expr)
typeBinder = do
vars <- many1' typeBinder'
ty <- ambiguous
pure (vars, ty)
typeBinder', kindedBinder, plainBinder
:: Parser (Either (NonEmpty Text, Kind) Text)
typeBinder' = kindedBinder <|> plainBinder
kindedBinder = betweenParens $ do
names <- many1' identifier
kind <- kindSig
pure $ Left (names, kind)
plainBinder = Right <$> identifier
-- | 'Arrow'
exArrow = label "→ type" $ try do
(names, argTy) <- arrowArgs
rTy <- ambiguous
pure $ Arrow names argTy rTy
arrowArgs, namedArgs, typeArg :: Parser ([Text], Type)
arrowArgs = namedArgs <|> typeArg
namedArgs = betweenParens do
names <- many1 identifier
ty <- kindSig
pure (names, ty)
typeArg = ([],) <$> block
-- | @→@
tkArr :: Parser ()
tkArr = label "" $ keyword "" <|> keyword "->"
-- | 'Ann'
exAnn = label "annotated expression" $ try do
expr <- block
ty <- typeSig
pure $ Ann expr ty
-- | 'Hole'
exHole = label "hole" $ Hole <$ keyword "_"
-- | 'TypeLam'
exTypeLam = label "type Λ" $ do
uncurry TypeLam <$> typeBinder
-- | @Λ@
tkBigLam :: Parser ()
tkBigLam = label "Λ" $ keyword "Λ" <|> keyword "^"
-- | 'TypeApp'
exTypeApp = label "type application" $ try do
expr <- block
token "@"
arg <- ambiguous
pure $ TypeApp expr arg
-- | 'Lam' with only one undelimited case branch
exBlockLam = label "λ expression" $ try do
args <- many pattern_
body <- ambiguous
pure $ LamBlock args body
-- | 'Lam' with delimited case branches
exFiniteLam = label "λ-case expression" $ try do
simpleArgs <- many pattern_
body <- caseBranches
pure $ Lam simpleArgs body
tkLam :: Parser ()
tkLam = label "λ" $ keyword "λ" <|> keyword "\\"
-- | 'App'
exApp = label "application" $ try do
ef <- finite
exs <- many finite
exfinal <- block
pure $ App ef (snoc' exs exfinal)
-- | 'AppI'
exAppI = label "infix application" $
fail "infix expressions not yet supported"
-- | 'Let'
exLet = label "let expression" do
keyword "let"
decls <- flexibleSepBy1 (token ";") topLevel
keyword "in"
body <- ambiguous
pure $ Let decls body
-- | 'Case' with only one undelimited case branch
exBlockCase = label "case expression" $ try do
keyword "case"
exprs <- flexibleSepBy (keyword "|") ambiguous
body <- caseBranches
pure $ Case exprs body
-- | 'Case'
exFiniteCase = label "case-of expression" $ try do
keyword "case"
exprs <- flexibleSepBy1 (keyword "|") ambiguous
keyword "of"
pats <- flexibleSepBy1 (keyword "|") pattern_
body <- ambiguous
pure $ CaseBlock exprs pats body
-- | 'Lit'
exLit = label "literal" $ Lit <$> lit ambiguous
-- | 'Var'
exVar = label "variable" $ Var <$> identifier
-- | 'Sig'
sig, sigADT, sigGADT, sigSig :: Parser Sig
sig = label "signature" $ sigADT <|> sigGADT <|> sigSig
sigParams :: Parser [Either (NonEmpty Text, Kind) Text]
sigParams = label "signature parameters" $ many $ annParam <|> unannParam
annParam, unannParam :: Parser (Either (NonEmpty Text, Kind) Text)
annParam = betweenParens do
names <- many1' identifier
kind <- kindSig
pure $ Left (names, kind)
unannParam = Right <$> identifier
-- | 'ADT'
sigADT = label "adt" do
keyword "adt"
name <- identifier
params <- sigParams
kind <- optionMaybe kindSig
(codataQ, body) <- betweenBraces $
emptyData <|> emptyCodata <|> dataCtrs <|> codataElims
pure $ SigQs params $ ADT codataQ name kind body
emptyData, emptyCodata, dataCtrs, codataElims
:: Parser (Bool, [(Text, [Type])])
emptyData = try $ (False, []) <$ keyword "+"
emptyCodata = try $ (True, []) <$ keyword "&"
dataCtrs = try $ (False,) <$> flexibleSepBy1 (keyword "+") do
name <- identifier
ctrs <- many $ notFollowedBy (keyword "+") >> finite
pure (name, ctrs)
codataElims = try $ (True,) <$> flexibleSepBy1 (keyword "&") do
name <- identifier
elims <- many $ notFollowedBy (keyword "&") >> finite
pure (name, elims)
-- | 'GADT'
sigGADT = label "gadt" do
keyword "gadt"
name <- identifier
params <- sigParams
kind <- optionMaybe kindSig
ctrs <- flexibleBraces declaration
pure $ SigQs params $ GADT name kind ctrs
-- | 'Sig'
sigSig = label "sig" do
keyword "sig"
params <- sigParams
ctrs <- flexibleBraces $ (Left <$> declaration) <|> (Right <$> topLevel)
pure $ SigQs params $ Sig ctrs
declaration :: Parser (NonEmpty Text, Type)
declaration = label "declaration" $ (,) <$> many1' identifier <*> typeSig
pattern_, finitePattern, patVar, patIrr, patImp, patApp,
patAppI, patView, patLit, patGroup :: Parser Pattern
-- | 'Pattern'
pattern_ = label "pattern" $
patApp <|> patAppI <|> patView <|> finitePattern
finitePattern =
patIrr <|> patImp <|> patLit <|> patVar <|> patGroup
patGroup = betweenParens pattern_
-- | 'PatVar'
patVar = label "pattern variable" $ PatVar <$> identifier <*> optionMaybe typeSig
-- | 'Irrelevant'
patIrr = label "irrelevant pattern" $ Irrelevant <$ keyword "_"
-- | 'Impossible'
patImp = label "impossible pattern" $ Impossible <$ keyword "!"
-- | 'PatApp'
patApp = label "pattern application" $ do
name <- identifier
pats <- many1 finitePattern
pure $ PatApp name pats
-- FIXME: Implement infix pattern application
-- | 'PatAppI'
patAppI = label "infix pattern application" $
fail "infix pattern application not yet implemented"
-- | 'View'
patView = label "view pattern" $ try $ View <$> block <*> (tkArr *> pattern_)
-- | 'PatLit'
patLit = label "literal pattern" $ PatLit <$> lit pattern_
caseBranches :: Parser [CaseBranch]
caseBranches = label "case branches" $ flexibleBraces caseBranch
caseBranch :: Parser CaseBranch
caseRefinement, caseGuards, casePlain :: [Pattern] -> Parser CaseBranch
-- | 'CaseBranch'
caseBranch = label "case branch" do
pats <- many1 pattern_
caseRefinement pats <|> caseGuards pats <|> casePlain pats
-- FIXME: Implement case refinement
-- | 'Refinement'
caseRefinement pats = label "case refinement" $
fail "case refinement not implemented"
-- FIXME: Implement case guards
-- | 'Guards'
caseGuards pats = label "guard clauses" $
fail "case guards not yet implemented"
-- | 'PlainCase'
casePlain pats = do
PlainCase pats <$> ambiguous
-- FIXME: Implement guard clauses
-- | 'Guard'
guard :: Parser Guard
guard = label "guard clause" $
fail "guard clauses not yet implemented"
lit, litList :: Parser a -> Parser (Lit a)
litInt, litChar, litStr :: Parser (Lit a)
-- | 'Lit'
lit m = label "literal" $ litInt <|> litChar <|> litStr <|> litList m
-- | 'LitInt'
litInt = label "integer literal" $ LitInt . read <$> try do
sign <- optionMaybe $ char '+' <|> char '-'
digits <- many1 digit
pure $ maybe digits (: digits) sign
-- | 'LitChar'
litChar = label "character literal" $
fmap LitChar $ between (char '\'') (char '\'') $ noneOf "\\'\n"
-- | 'LitStr'
litStr = label "string literal" $ fmap (LitStr . T.pack) $
between (char '"') (char '"') $ many1 $ noneOf "\\\"\n"
-- | 'LitList'
litList m = label "list literal" $ LitList <$> flexibleBrackets m
-- | 'FlexibleSeparatorSyntax'
flexibleSepBy :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [b]
flexibleSepBy delim m = do
optional delim
sepEndBy m delim
-- | 'FlexibleSeparatorSyntax'
flexibleSepBy1 :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [b]
flexibleSepBy1 delim m = do
optional delim
sepEndBy1 m delim
flexibleParens, flexibleBrackets, flexibleBraces :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
-- | 'FlexibleSeparatorSyntax', with the @;@ separator between @(@ @)@
flexibleParens = betweenParens . flexibleSepBy (token ";")
-- | 'FlexibleSeparatorSyntax', with the @;@ separator between @[@ @]@
flexibleBrackets = betweenBrackets . flexibleSepBy (token ";")
-- | 'FlexibleSeparatorSyntax', with the @;@ separator between @{@ @}@
flexibleBraces = betweenBraces . flexibleSepBy (token ";")
--- Helper parsers which aren't explicitly specified by the AST
-- | An identifier is a sequence of characters with no token which is not a keyword.
identifier :: Parser Text
identifier = label "identifier" $ try do
notFollowedBy anyKeyword
name <- T.pack <$> (notFollowedBy anyToken *> many1 anyChar <* spaces)
if any ((`elem` keywords) . T.unpack) $ T.splitOn "_" name
then fail "identifier contained keywords"
else pure name
token :: String -> Parser ()
token tk = label tk $ string tk *> spaces
anyToken :: Parser ()
anyToken = label "any token" $ choice $ map token tokens
-- | Tokens which are reserved by syntax
-- and may not appear /anywhere/ in an identifier.
tokens :: [String]
tokens =
[ "//", "/*", "*/"
, "(", ")", "{", "}"
, ";", "", "::", "@"
, " ", "\r", "\n", "\t"
, "```"
-- | A keyword is an exact string which is not part of an identifier.
keyword :: String -> Parser ()
keyword kwd = label kwd $ do
try do
_ <- string kwd
notFollowedBy (notFollowedBy anyToken >> anyChar)
anyKeyword :: Parser ()
anyKeyword = label "any keyword" $ choice $ map keyword keywords
-- | Keywords are reserved by syntax and are not allowed to be used as identifiers
-- or as a part of a `_`-separated identifier.
-- However, they may be used as /part/ of an identifier.
keywords :: [String]
keywords =
[ "open", "using", "hiding", "renaming", "..", "pub"
, "data", "axiom", "adt", "gadt", "sig", "mod"
, "forall"
, "let", "in", "case"
, "[", "]"
, ":", "", "Λ", "^", "λ", "\\", "", "->"
, "|", "?", "!", "_", "..."
spaces :: Parser ()
spaces = label "whitespace or comments" $
Text.Parsec.spaces >> optional (try (comment >> spaces))
comment, lineComment, blockComment :: Parser ()
comment = label "comment" $ lineComment <|> blockComment
lineComment = label "line comment" $ do
_ <- try (string "//")
_ <- many1 (noneOf "\n")
pure ()
blockComment = label "block comment" $ do
_ <- try (string "/*")
_ <- many1 $ notFollowedBy (string "*/") >> anyChar
_ <- string "*/"
pure ()
-- | The opposite of `between`: ignore the middle, keep the sides
cobetween :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser c -> Parser (a, c)
cobetween a b c = do
x <- a
_ <- b
y <- c
pure (x, y)
-- the parens/brackets/braces word choice is totally meaningless
betweenParens, betweenBrackets, betweenBraces :: Parser a -> Parser a
-- | Between @(@ @)@
betweenParens = between (token "(") (token ")")
-- | Between @[@ @]@
betweenBrackets = between (keyword "[") (keyword "]")
-- | Between @{@ @}@
betweenBraces = between (keyword "{") (keyword "}")
many1' :: Parser a -> Parser (NonEmpty a)
many1' = fmap fromList . many1
snoc' :: [a] -> a -> NonEmpty a
snoc' xs x = fromList $ xs ++ [x]
label :: String -> Parser a -> Parser a
label = flip Text.Parsec.label