
237 lines
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-- | The language's abstract syntax.
-- This source code does not document the concrete syntax in any detail;
-- please refer to the language reference for more information about that.
-- This abstract syntax may include features which have not been implemented yet.
-- The abstract syntax is very forward-thinking
-- in that it's designed to accomodate for features
-- which haven't been implemented yet,
-- partly to make sure that I won't need to change it in a way
-- that will involve rewriting lots of other code when I do implement those features.
-- Plus, this serves as documentation for what the syntax /will/
-- be and why I designed it to be the way it is.
-- That means that not all of this syntax is necessarily supported by the parser,
-- and that even if it /is/, that the associated feature isn't necessarily
-- implemented by the typechecker, interpreter, or compiler.
module Ivo.Syntax.Base
( Text, NonEmpty (..)
, Scope (..), TopLevel (..), Definition (..), PublicOrPrivate (..)
, Kind, Type, Expr (..), Sig (..), Sig' (..), Lit (..)
, Pattern (..), Guard, CaseBranch (..)
, FlexibleSeparatorSyntax
) where
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Text (Text)
newtype Scope = Scope [Definition]
deriving Show
data Definition = Definition Visibility Item
-- | 'Public' is written with @pub@;
-- 'Private' indicates the abscence of an access modifier.
data Visibility = Public | Private
data Item
-- | @<name> <patterns...> = <expression>@
-- or @<name> <patterns...> <case branches>@
= Def Text [Pattern] CaseBranches
-- | @<names...> : <type>@
| Decl (NonEmpty Text) Type
-- | @open <expr> <using>? <hiding>? <renaming>?
| Open Expr (Maybe OpenUsing) (Maybe OpenHiding) (Maybe OpenRenaming)
-- | @<pat|copat> <name> <names...> = <pattern>@
| PatSyn Bool Text [Text] Pattern
-- | @<pat|copat> <names...> [: <type>]?@
| PatDecl Bool [Text] (Maybe Type)
-- | @complete <names...> [: <type>]?@
| Complete [Text] (Maybe Type)
-- | @infix <fixity> <names...>@
| FixityDecl Fixity (NonEmpty Text)
-- | @implicit <expr> [: <type>]?@
| Implicit Expr (Maybe Type)
-- | @data <expr>@
| DataStmt Expr
-- | @axiom <expr>@
| AxiomStmt Expr
-- | @axioms <scope>@
| AxiomsStmt Scope
-- | @type <type decl>@
| TypeStmt TypeDecl
-- | @types <scope>@
| TypesStmt Scope
-- | @trait <trait decl>@
| TraitStmt TraitDecl
-- | @record <record impl>@
| RecordStmt RecordImpl
deriving Show
-- | @using (pub? pat? <name>; ...)@
type OpenUsing = [(Visibility, Bool, Text)]
-- | @hiding (complete <name>+ or @pat? <name>; ...)@
type OpenHiding = [Either [Text] (Bool, Text)]
-- | @renaming (pat? <name> → pub? <fixity>? <name>; ...)@
type OpenRenaming = [(Text, Text)]
-- | @fixity <associativity>? <precedence>@
data Fixity = Fixity (Maybe Associativity) Precedence
-- | @<left|right>@
data Associativity = AssocLeft | AssocRight
-- | @<+|->?digit+[.digit+]?@
type Precedence = Text
-- | An expression which represents the type of a type.
type Kind = Type
-- | An expression which represents the type of a value.
type Type = Expr
| Complete [Text] (Maybe Type)
-- | @infix <fixity> <names...>@
| FixityDecl Fixity (NonEmpty Text)
-- | @implicit <expr> [: <type>]?@
| Implicit Expr (Maybe Type)
-- | @data <expr>@
| DataStmt Expr
-- | @axiom <expr>@
| AxiomStmt Expr
-- | @axioms <scope>@
| AxiomsStmt Scope
-- | @type <type decl>@
| TypeStmt TypeDecl
-- | @types <scope>@
| TypesStmt Scope
-- | @trait <trait decl>@
| TraitStmt TraitDecl
-- | @record <record impl>@
| RecordStmt RecordImpl
deriving Show
-- | @using (pub? pat? <name>; ...)@
type OpenUsing = [(Visibility, Bool, Text)]
-- | @hiding (complete <name>+ or @pat? <name>; ...)@
type OpenHiding = [Either [Text] (Bool, Text)]
-- | @renaming (pat? <name> → pub? <fixity>? <name>; ...)@
type OpenRenaming = [(Text, Text)]
-- | @fixity <associativity>? <precedence>@
data Fixity = Fixity (Maybe Associativity) Precedence
-- | @<left|right>@
data Associativity = AssocLeft | AssocRight
-- | @<+|->?digit+[.digit+]?@
type Precedence = Text
-- | An expression which represents the type of a type.
type Kind = Type
-- | An expression which represents the type of a value.
type Type = Expr
data Expr
= Data Expr
| Axiom Expr
-- | A signature literal. See 'ADT', 'GADT', and 'Sig' for examples.
| SigE Sig
| Mod [Either (NonEmpty Text, Kind) Text] (Maybe Type) [TopLevel]
| Access Expr Text
--- Expressions pertaining to types
| Forall (NonEmpty (Either (NonEmpty Text, Kind) Text)) Type
| Arrow [Text] Type Type
-- | Type annotations (or kind annotations; they are the same thing).
-- > foo : bar
| Ann Expr Type
| Hole
--- Expressions pertaining to values
| TypeLam (NonEmpty (Either (NonEmpty Text, Kind) Text)) Expr
| TypeApp Expr Type
| Lam [Pattern] [CaseBranch]
-- | A lambda with only one, trivial branch, e.g. @λ x y z -> e@.
-- See 'Lam'.
| LamBlock [Pattern] Expr
| App Expr (NonEmpty Expr)
| AppI Text (NonEmpty Expr)
| Let [TopLevel] Expr
| Case [Expr] [CaseBranch]
-- | A case with only one, trivial branch, e.g.
-- @case x | y of a , b | c , d → e@.
-- See 'Case'.
| CaseBlock [Expr] [Pattern] Expr
-- | Integer, string, character, and list literals.
| Lit (Lit Expr)
-- | Variables.
| Var Text
deriving Show
data Sig
= SigQs [Either (NonEmpty Text, Kind) Text] Sig'
deriving Show
data Sig'
= ADT Bool Text (Maybe Kind) [(Text, [Type])]
| GADT Text (Maybe Kind) [(NonEmpty Text, Type)]
| Sig [Either (NonEmpty Text, Type) TopLevel]
deriving Show
data Pattern
= PatVar Text (Maybe Type)
-- | @_@
| Irrelevant
-- | @!@
| Impossible
| PatApp Text [Pattern]
| PatAppI Text (NonEmpty Pattern)
-- | @<pat> ← <expr>@
| View Expr Pattern
| PatLit (Lit Pattern)
deriving Show
-- | @<pat> [| <pat> ...]? <refinements...>? [<guard>? → <expr>]?@
data CaseBranch
= Refinement [Pattern] [Expr] (NonEmpty CaseBranch)
| Guards [Pattern] (NonEmpty (Guard, Expr))
-- | A case branch without refinement or guards.
| PlainCase [Pattern] Expr
deriving Show
type Guard = [Either (Pattern, Expr) Expr]
-- | Special syntactic support for a few very important types.
data Lit r
-- | @12310@, @+1338848@, @-131@
= LitInt Integer
-- | @'a@, @'#@, @'\n@,
| LitChar Char
-- | @"And so I said, \"this language SUCKS!\""@
| LitStr Text
-- | @[ x ; y ; z ]@, @[ ]@
-- Note that to minimize the number of reserved characters,
-- (so that e.g. @[]@ can be a constructor name and not just syntax)
-- square brackets are /keywords/ and not /tokens/,
-- so e.g. in @[x ; y]@, @[x@ and @y]@ are /identifiers/.
-- You /must/ leave a space: @[ x ; y ]@.
-- This uses 'FlexibleSeparatorSyntax'.
| LitList [r]
deriving Show