
61 lines
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module LambdaCalculus.Evaluator.Base
( Identity (..)
, Expr (..), ExprF (..), VoidF, Text
, Eval, EvalExpr, EvalExprF, EvalX, EvalXF (..)
, pattern AppFE, pattern Cont, pattern ContF, pattern CallCC, pattern CallCCF
) where
import LambdaCalculus.Expression.Base
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..))
data Eval
type EvalExpr = Expr Eval
type instance AppArgs Eval = EvalExpr
type instance AbsArgs Eval = Text
type instance LetArgs Eval = VoidF EvalExpr
type instance XExpr Eval = EvalX
type EvalX = EvalXF EvalExpr
type EvalExprF = ExprF Eval
type instance AppArgsF Eval = Identity
type instance LetArgsF Eval = VoidF
type instance XExprF Eval = EvalXF
data EvalXF r
-- | A continuation. This is identical to a lambda abstraction,
-- with the exception that it performs the side-effect of
-- deleting the current continuation.
-- Continuations do not have any corresponding surface-level syntax,
-- but may be printed like a lambda with the illegal variable `!`.
= Cont_ !r
-- | Call-with-current-continuation, an evaluator built-in function.
| CallCC_
deriving (Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Show)
instance RecursivePhase Eval where
projectAppArgs = Identity
embedAppArgs = runIdentity
pattern Cont :: EvalExpr -> EvalExpr
pattern Cont e = ExprX (Cont_ e)
pattern CallCC :: EvalExpr
pattern CallCC = ExprX CallCC_
pattern ContF :: r -> EvalExprF r
pattern ContF e = ExprXF (Cont_ e)
pattern CallCCF :: EvalExprF r
pattern CallCCF = ExprXF CallCC_
pattern AppFE :: r -> r -> EvalExprF r
pattern AppFE ef ex = AppF ef (Identity ex)
{-# COMPLETE Var, App, Abs, Let, Cont, CallCC #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppF, AbsF, LetF, ContF, CallCCF #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppFE, AbsF, LetF, ExprXF #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppFE, AbsF, LetF, ContF, CallCCF #-}