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module Ivo.Expression
( Expr (..), Ctr (..), Pat, ExprF (..), PatF (..), DefF (..), VoidF, UnitF (..), Text
, Type (..), TypeF (..), Scheme (..), tapp
, substitute, substitute1, rename, free, freeIn, bound, used
, Eval, EvalExpr, EvalX, EvalXF (..), Identity (..)
, pattern AppFE, pattern CtrE, pattern CtrFE,
pattern ContE, pattern ContFE, pattern CallCCE, pattern CallCCFE
, Parse, AST, ASTF, ASTX, ASTXF (..), NonEmptyDefFs (..), NonEmpty (..), simplify
, pattern LetFP, pattern PNat, pattern PNatF, pattern PList, pattern PListF
, pattern PChar, pattern PCharF, pattern PStr, pattern PStrF, pattern HoleP, pattern HoleFP
, Check, CheckExpr, CheckExprF, CheckX, CheckXF (..)
, pattern AppFC, pattern CtrC, pattern CtrFC, pattern CallCCC, pattern CallCCFC
, pattern FixC, pattern FixFC, pattern HoleC, pattern HoleFC
, ast2check, decl2check, ast2eval, check2eval, check2ast, eval2ast
, builtins
) where
import Ivo.Evaluator.Base
import Ivo.Syntax.Base qualified as S
import Ivo.Types.Base
import Data.Functor.Foldable (cata, hoist)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.List.NonEmpty (toList)
import Data.Text (unpack)
builtins :: HashMap Text CheckExpr
builtins = HM.fromList [("callcc", CallCCC)]
-- | Convert from an abstract syntax tree to a typechecker expression.
ast2check :: S.Expr Text -> Either Text CheckExpr
ast2check = fmap (substitute builtins) . cata \case
VarF name -> Var name
AppF ef exs -> fmap (foldl' App ef) $ sequenceA $ toList exs
AbsF ns e -> fmap (foldr Abs e) $ sequenceA $ toList ns
LetF scope e ->
letExpr, letPlainExpr, letRecExpr
:: Text -> CheckExpr -> CheckExpr -> CheckExpr
-- | A let expression binding a non-recursive value.
letPlainExpr name val body' = App (Abs name body') val
-- | A let expression binding a recursive value.
letRecExpr name val body' = letExpr name (App FixC $ Abs name val) body'
-- | Choose whether or not the let expression needs to be recursive.
letExpr name val body'
| name `freeIn` val = letRecExpr name val body'
| otherwise = letPlainExpr name val body'
in fmap (foldr letExpr e) $ solveScope scope
CtrF ctr es -> foldl' App (CtrC ctr) es
CaseF ps -> Case ps
AnnF () e t -> Ann () e t
PNatF n -> int2ast n
PListF es -> mkList es
PStrF s -> mkList $ map (App (CtrC CChar) . int2ast . fromEnum) $ unpack s
PCharF c -> App (CtrC CChar) (int2ast $ fromEnum c)
HoleFP -> HoleC
int2ast :: Int -> CheckExpr
int2ast 0 = CtrC CZero
int2ast n = App (CtrC CSucc) (int2ast (n - 1))
mkList :: [CheckExpr] -> CheckExpr
mkList = foldr (App . App (CtrC CCons)) (CtrC CNil)
solveScope :: ScopeF CheckExpr -> Either Text [(Text, Maybe Type, CheckExpr)]
solveScope (ScopeF items) = _
-- | Convert from declaration abstract syntax to a typechecker expression.
decl2check :: Text -> AST -> CheckExpr
decl2check name ast
| name `freeIn` ast = App FixC $ Abs name expr
| otherwise = expr
where expr = ast2check ast
-- | Convert from a typechecker expression to an evaluator expression.
check2eval :: CheckExpr -> EvalExpr
check2eval = cata \case
VarF name -> Var name
AppFC ef ex -> App ef ex
AbsF n e -> Abs n e
LetF (Def nx ex) e -> App (Abs nx e) ex
CtrFC ctr -> CtrE ctr
CaseF ps -> Case ps
AnnF () e _ -> e
CallCCFC -> CallCCE
FixFC -> z
HoleFC -> omega
z, omega :: EvalExpr
z = App omega $ Abs "fix" $ Abs "f" $ Abs "x" $
App (App (Var "f") (App (App (Var "fix") (Var "fix")) (Var "f"))) (Var "x")
omega = Abs "x" (App (Var "x") (Var "x"))
-- | Convert from an abstract syntax tree to an evaluator expression.
ast2eval :: AST -> EvalExpr
ast2eval = check2eval . ast2check
-- | Convert from a typechecker expression to an abstract syntax tree.
check2ast :: CheckExpr -> AST
check2ast = hoist go . rename (HM.keysSet builtins)
go :: CheckExprF r -> ASTF r
go = \case
VarF name -> VarF name
AppFC ef ex -> AppF ef (ex :| [])
AbsF n e -> AbsF (n :| []) e
LetF (Def nx ex) e -> LetFP ((nx, ex) :| []) e
CtrFC ctr -> CtrF ctr []
CaseF ps -> CaseF ps
AnnF () e t -> AnnF () e t
CallCCFC-> VarF "callcc"
FixFC -> VarF "fix"
HoleFC -> HoleFP
-- | Convert from a type to an abstract syntax tree.
type2ast :: Type -> S.Expr Text
type2ast = _
-- | Convert from an evaluator expression to an abstract syntax tree.
eval2ast :: EvalExpr -> AST
-- Because all `ast2eval` replaces all free instances of `callcc`,
-- all instances of `callcc` must be bound;
-- therefore, we are free to alpha convert them,
-- freeing the name `callcc` for us to use for the built-in again.
eval2ast = hoist go . rename (HM.keysSet builtins)
go :: EvalExprF r -> ASTF r
go = \case
VarF name -> VarF name
AppFE ef ex -> AppF ef (ex :| [])
AbsF n e -> AbsF (n :| []) e
CtrFE ctr -> CtrF ctr []
CaseF ps -> CaseF ps
CallCCFE -> VarF "callcc"
ContFE e -> AbsF ("!" :| []) e