# The Ivo Programming Language Ivo (IPA: /aɪvoʊ/) is a programming language intended as a tool for its author to explore interesting programming language features. Ivo is currently in a very early stage of development and most likely is not of any practical or academic interest; however, that may change in the future. This README serves to document the language as it currently stands, not what the language one day hopes to be. ## Using the Ivo interpreter You may run the Ivo interpreter (`ivo`) by installing it to your local path using `stack install`, or equivalently, using `stack run [-- args...]`. For information about `ivo`'s command line arguments, please refer to `ivo --help` (or `stack run -- --help`). Type in your command, definition, or expression at the prompt: `>> `. Expressions will be typechecked, evaluated using call-by-value, and then printed. Exit the prompt with `Ctrl-d` (or equivalent). ### Interpreter commands These commands are available: * `:clear`: Clear all of your variable definitions. * `:load `: Execute a file containing Ivo definitions and expressions in the interpreter. Variables already defined in the interpreter will be defined in the file; variables defined by the file will be defined in the interpreter. The filename may contain spaces, but trailing whitespace will be trimmed. * `:printTypes `: Print to STDERR the inferred types of top-level declarations, of expressions entered into the interpreters, of both, or of neither. This setting defaults to `off`. * `:trace `: * If the argument is `local`, intermediate expressions will be printed as they are evaluated; * If the argument is `global`, the *entire* expression will be printed with each evaluation step. * The default value is `off`. ## The Ivo language ### Syntax The parser's error messages currently are virtually useless, so be very careful with your syntax. * Variable names: any sequence of letters. * Function application: `f x y` * Lambda abstraction: `\x y z. E` or `λx y z. E` * Let expressions: `let x = E; y = F in G` * Or letrec expressions, which can only define variable, but which can be self-referential: `letrec x = ... x ... in E` * Parenthetical expressions: `(E)` * Constructors: `()`, `(x, y)` (or `(,) x y`), `Left x`, `Right y`, `Z`, `S`, `[]`, `(x :: xs)` (or `(:) x xs`), `Char n`. * The parentheses around the cons constructor are not optional. * `Char` takes a natural number and turns it into a character. * Pattern matchers: `{ Left a -> e ; Right y -> f }` * Pattern matchers can be applied like functions, e.g. `{ Z -> x, S -> y } 10` reduces to `y`. * Patterns must use the regular form of the constructor, e.g. `(x :: xs)` and not `((::) x xs)`. * There are no nested patterns or default patterns. * Incomplete pattern matches will crash the interpreter. * Literals: `1234`, `[e, f, g, h]`, `'a`, `"abc"` * Strings are represented as lists of characters. * Type annotations: there are no type annotations; types are inferred only. * Comments: `// line comment`, `/* block comment */` Top-level contexts (e.g. the REPL or a source code file) allow declarations (`let(rec) x = E` without multiple definitions `in ...`), which make your definitions available for the rest of the program's execution. You must separate your declarations and expressions with `;`. ### Types Types are checked/inferred using the Hindley-Milner type inference algorithm. * Functions: `a -> b` (constructed by `\x. e`) * Products: `a * b` (constructed by `(x, y)`) * Unit: `★` (constructed by `()`) * Sums: `a + b` (constructed by `Left x` or `Right y`) * Bottom: `⊥` (currently useless because incomplete patterns are allowed) * The natural numbers: `Nat` (constructed by `Z` and `S`) * Lists: `List a` (constructed by `[]` and `(x :: xs)`) * Characters: `Char` (constructed by `Char`, which takes a `Nat`) * Universal quantification (forall): `∀a b. t` ### Builtins Builtins are variables that correspond with a built-in language feature that cannot be replicated by user-written code. They still are just variables though; they do not receive special syntactic treatment. * `callcc : ∀a b. (((a -> b) -> a) -> a)`: [the call-with-current-continuation control flow operator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call-with-current-continuation). Continuations are printed as `λ!. ... ! ...`, like a lambda abstraction with an argument named `!` which is used exactly once; however, continuations are *not* the same as lambda abstractions because they perform the side effect of modifying the current continuation, and this is *not* valid syntax you can enter into the REPL. ### Example code You can see some example code in `examples/examples.ivo`.