# Lambda Calculus This is a simple implementation of the untyped lambda calculus with an emphasis on clear, readable Haskell code. ## Usage Run the program using `stack run` (or run the tests with `stack test`). Type in your expression at the prompt: `>> `. The expression will be evaluated to normal form using the call-by-value evaluation strategy and then printed. Exit the prompt with `Ctrl-c` (or equivalent). ### Example session ``` >> let D = \x. x x; F = \f. f (f y) in D (F \x. x) y y >> let T = \f x. f (f x) in (\f x. T (T (T (T T))) f x) (\x. x) y y >> (\x y z. x y) y λy' z. y y' >> let fix = (\x. x x) \fix f x. f (fix fix f) x; S = \n f x. f (n f x); plus = fix \plus x. x S in plus (\f x. f (f (f x))) (\f x. f (f x)) f x f (f (f (f (f x)))) >> y (callcc \k. (\x. (\x. x x) (\x. x x)) (k z)) y z >> ^C ``` ## Notation [Conventional Lambda Calculus notation applies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_calculus_definition#Notation), with the exception that variable names are multiple characters long, `\` is permitted in lieu of `λ` to make it easier to type, and spaces are used to separate variables rather than commas. * Variable names are alphanumeric, beginning with a letter. * Outermost parentheses may be dropped: `M N` is equivalent to `(M N)`. * Applications are left-associative: `M N P` may be written instead of `((M N) P)`. * The body of an abstraction or let expression extends as far right as possible: `\x. M N` means `\x.(M N)` and not `(\x. M) N`. * A sequence of abstractions may be contracted: `\foo. \bar. \baz. N` may be abbreviated as `\foo bar baz. N`. * Variables may be bound using let expressions: `let x = N in M` is syntactic sugar for `(\x. N) M`. * Multiple variables may be defined in one let expression: `let x = N; y = O in M` ## Call/CC This interpreter has preliminary support for [the call-with-current-continuation control flow operator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call-with-current-continuation). However, it has not been thoroughly tested. To use it, simply apply the variable `callcc` like you would a function, e.g. `(callcc (\k. ...))`. `callcc` is not a normal variable and cannot be shadowed; `\callcc. callcc` is *not* the identity function, it *ignores* its argument and then returns the *operator* `callcc`. Continuations are printed as `λ!. ... ! ...`, like a lambda abstraction with an argument named `!` which is used exactly once; however, continuations are *not* the same as lambda abstractions because they perform the side effect of modifying the current continuation, and this is *not* valid syntax you can input into the REPL.