Add support for call/cc (though the implementation's kinda hacky).

James T. Martin 2021-03-05 23:38:21 -08:00
parent f73e78fcdb
commit d7ae1f1294
Signed by: james
GPG Key ID: 4B7F3DA9351E577C
7 changed files with 162 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ This is a simple implementation of the untyped lambda calculus
with an emphasis on clear, readable Haskell code.
## Usage
Run the program using `stack run` (or run the tests with `stack test`).
Type in your expression at the prompt: `>> `.
The expression will be evaluated to normal form and then printed.
The expression will be evaluated to normal form using the call-by-value evaluation strategy and then printed.
Exit the prompt with `Ctrl-c` (or equivalent).
### Example session
@ -17,6 +19,8 @@ y
λy' z. y y'
>> let fix = (\x. x x) \fix f x. f (fix fix f) x; S = \n f x. f (n f x); plus = fix \plus x. x S in plus (\f x. f (f (f x))) (\f x. f (f x)) f x
f (f (f (f (f x))))
>> y (callcc \k. (\x. (\x. x x) (\x. x x)) (k z))
y z
>> ^C
@ -33,3 +37,18 @@ and spaces are used to separate variables rather than commas.
* A sequence of abstractions may be contracted: `\foo. \bar. \baz. N` may be abbreviated as `\foo bar baz. N`.
* Variables may be bound using let expressions: `let x = N in M` is syntactic sugar for `(\x. N) M`.
* Multiple variables may be defined in one let expression: `let x = N; y = O in M`
## Call/CC
This interpreter has preliminary support for
[the call-with-current-continuation control flow operator](
However, it has not been thoroughly tested.
To use it, simply apply the variable `callcc` like you would a function, e.g. `(callcc (\k. ...))`.
`callcc` is not a normal variable and cannot be shadowed;
`\callcc. callcc` is *not* the identity function, it *ignores* its argument and then returns the *operator* `callcc`.
Continuations are printed as `λ!. ... ! ...`, like a lambda abstraction
with an argument named `!` which is used exactly once;
however, continuations are *not* the same as lambda abstractions
because they perform the side effect of modifying the current continuation,
and this is *not* valid syntax you can input into the REPL.

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Main where
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import LambdaCalculus (eagerEval)
import LambdaCalculus (eval)
import LambdaCalculus.Parser (parseExpression)
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ prompt text = do
main :: IO ()
main = forever $ parseExpression <$> prompt ">> " >>= \case
Left parseError -> putStrLn $ "Parse error: " ++ show parseError
Right expr -> print $ eagerEval expr
Right expr -> print $ eval expr

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ default-extensions:
- base >= 4.14 && < 5
- mtl >= 2.2 && < 3
- parsec >= 3.1 && < 4
- text >= 1.2 && < 2
- text-show >= 3.9 && < 4

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@ -1,33 +1,29 @@
module LambdaCalculus
( module LambdaCalculus.Expression
, eagerEval, lazyEval
, eval
) where
import Control.Monad.State (State, evalState, modify', state, put, get)
import Data.List (elemIndex, find)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import Data.HashSet qualified as HS
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import LambdaCalculus.Expression (Expression (..))
import LambdaCalculus.Continuation
import LambdaCalculus.Expression (Expression (..), foldExpr)
-- | Free variables are variables which are present in an expression but not bound by any abstraction.
freeVariables :: Expression -> HashSet Text
freeVariables (Variable variable) = HS.singleton variable
freeVariables (Application ef ex) = freeVariables ef `HS.union` freeVariables ex
freeVariables (Abstraction variable body) = HS.delete variable $ freeVariables body
-- | Return True if the given variable is free in the given expression.
freeIn :: Text -> Expression -> Bool
freeIn var1 (Variable var2) = var1 == var2
freeIn var (Application ef ex) = var `freeIn` ef && var `freeIn` ex
freeIn var1 (Abstraction var2 body) = var1 == var2 || var1 `freeIn` body
freeVariables = foldExpr HS.singleton HS.union HS.delete
-- | Bound variables are variables which are bound by any abstraction in an expression.
boundVariables :: Expression -> HashSet Text
boundVariables (Variable _) = HS.empty
boundVariables (Application ef ex) = boundVariables ef `HS.union` boundVariables ex
boundVariables (Abstraction variable body) = HS.insert variable $ boundVariables body
boundVariables = foldExpr (const HS.empty) HS.union HS.insert
-- | Return True if the given variable is free in the given expression.
freeIn :: Text -> Expression -> Bool
freeIn var = foldExpr (== var) (&&) (\name body -> (name == var) || body)
-- | A closed expression is an expression with no free variables.
-- Closed expressions are also known as combinators and are equivalent to terms in combinatory logic.
@ -50,6 +46,8 @@ alphaEquivalent = alphaEquivalent' [] []
alphaEquivalent' ctx1 ctx2 (Abstraction v1 b1) (Abstraction v2 b2)
-- Two abstractions are alpha-equivalent if their bodies are alpha-equivalent.
= alphaEquivalent' (v1 : ctx1) (v2 : ctx2) b1 b2
alphaEquivalent' ctx1 ctx2 (Continuation v1 b1) (Continuation v2 b2)
= alphaEquivalent' (v1 : ctx1) (v2 : ctx2) b1 b2
alphaEquivalent' _ _ _ _ = False
-- | The binding site of a variable is either the index of its binder
@ -59,6 +57,11 @@ alphaEquivalent = alphaEquivalent' [] []
where maybeToRight :: b -> Maybe a -> Either b a
maybeToRight default_ = maybe (Left default_) Right
quickHack :: Expression -> Expression
quickHack (Continuation name body) = Abstraction name body
quickHack e = e
-- | Substitution is the process of replacing all free occurrences of a variable in one expression with another expression.
substitute :: Text -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression
substitute var1 value unmodified@(Variable var2)
@ -66,10 +69,15 @@ substitute var1 value unmodified@(Variable var2)
| otherwise = unmodified
substitute var value (Application ef ex)
= Application (substitute var value ef) (substitute var value ex)
substitute var1 value unmodified@(Abstraction var2 body)
substitute var1 value unmodified@(quickHack -> Abstraction var2 body)
| var1 == var2 = unmodified
| otherwise = Abstraction var2' $ substitute var1 value $ alphaConvert var2 var2' body
| otherwise = constructor var2' $ substitute var1 value $ alphaConvert var2 var2' body
constructor = case unmodified of
Abstraction _ _ -> Abstraction
Continuation _ _ -> Continuation
_ -> error "impossible"
var2' :: Text
var2' = escapeName (freeVariables value) var2
@ -83,10 +91,11 @@ substitute var1 value unmodified@(Abstraction var2 body)
free :: Text -> Bool
free = (`HS.member` env)
substitute _ _ _ = error "impossible"
-- | Returns True if the top-level expression is reducible by beta-reduction.
betaRedex :: Expression -> Bool
betaRedex (Application (Abstraction _ _) _) = True
betaRedex (Application (quickHack -> (Abstraction _ _)) _) = True
betaRedex _ = False
-- | Returns True if the top-level expression is reducible by eta-reduction.
@ -99,9 +108,9 @@ etaRedex _ = False
-- This is the result of applying eager evaluation.
normal :: Expression -> Bool
-- The expression is beta-reducible.
normal (Application (Abstraction _ _) _) = False
normal (Application (quickHack -> (Abstraction _ _)) _) = False
-- The expression is eta-reducible.
normal (Abstraction var1 (Application fe (Variable var2)))
normal (quickHack -> (Abstraction var1 (Application fe (Variable var2))))
= var1 /= var2 || var1 `freeIn` fe
normal (Application ef ex) = normal ef && normal ex
normal _ = True
@ -110,34 +119,60 @@ normal _ = True
-- but not all reductions to the parameter have been applied.
-- This is the result of applying lazy evaluation.
whnf :: Expression -> Bool
whnf (Application (Abstraction _ _) _) = False
whnf (Abstraction var1 (Application fe (Variable var2)))
whnf (Application (quickHack -> (Abstraction _ _)) _) = False
whnf (quickHack -> (Abstraction var1 (Application fe (Variable var2))))
= var1 /= var2 || var1 `freeIn` fe
whnf (Application ef _) = whnf ef
whnf _ = True
eval :: (Expression -> Expression) -> Expression -> Expression
eval strategy = eval'
eval' :: Expression -> Expression
eval' (Application ef ex) =
case ef' of
-- Beta-reduction
Abstraction var body -> eval' $ substitute var ex' body
_ -> Application ef' ex'
ef' = eval' ef
ex' = strategy ex
eval' unmodified@(Abstraction var1 (Application ef (Variable var2)))
-- Eta-reduction
| var1 == var2 && not (var1 `freeIn` ef) = eval' ef
| otherwise = unmodified
eval' x = x
type EvaluatorM a = State Continuation a
type Evaluator = Expression -> EvaluatorM Expression
-- | Reduce an expression to normal form.
eagerEval :: Expression -> Expression
eagerEval = eval eagerEval
isReducible :: Expression -> Bool
isReducible (Application (quickHack -> (Abstraction _ _)) _) = True
isReducible (Application (Variable "callcc") _) = True
isReducible (Application ef ex) = isReducible ef || isReducible ex
isReducible _ = False
-- | Reduce an expression to weak head normal form.
lazyEval :: Expression -> Expression
lazyEval = eval id
push :: ContinuationCrumb -> EvaluatorM ()
push c = modify' (c :)
pop :: EvaluatorM (Maybe ContinuationCrumb)
pop = state \case
[] -> (Nothing, [])
(crumb:k) -> (Just crumb, k)
ret :: Expression -> EvaluatorM Expression
ret e = pop >>= maybe (pure e) (evaluator . continue1 e)
-- | A call-by-value expression evaluator.
evaluator :: Evaluator
evaluator unmodified@(Application ef ex)
-- First reduce the argument...
| isReducible ex = do
push (AppliedTo ef)
evaluator ex
-- then reduce the function...
| isReducible ef = do
push (ApplyTo ex)
evaluator ef
| otherwise = case ef of
-- perform beta reduction if possible...
Abstraction name body ->
evaluator $ substitute name ex body
-- perform continuation calls if possible...
Continuation name body -> do
put []
evaluator $ substitute name ex body
-- capture the current continuation if requested...
Variable "callcc" -> do
-- Don't worry about variable capture here for now.
k <- continue (Variable "!") <$> get
evaluator (Application ex (Continuation "!" k))
-- otherwise the value is irreducible and we can continue evaluation.
_ -> ret unmodified
-- Neither abstractions nor variables are reducible.
evaluator e = ret e
eval :: Expression -> Expression
eval = flip evalState [] . evaluator

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
module LambdaCalculus.Continuation
( Continuation, continue, continue1
, ContinuationCrumb (ApplyTo, AppliedTo, AbstractedOver)
) where
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Text (Text)
import LambdaCalculus.Expression
data ContinuationCrumb
-- | The one-hole context of a function application: `(_ e)`
= ApplyTo Expression
-- | The one-hole context of the argument to a function application: `(f _)`
| AppliedTo Expression
-- | The one-hole context of the body of a lambda abstraction: `(λx. _)`
| AbstractedOver Text
type Continuation = [ContinuationCrumb]
continue1 :: Expression -> ContinuationCrumb -> Expression
continue1 e (ApplyTo x) = Application e x
continue1 e (AppliedTo x) = Application x e
continue1 e (AbstractedOver name) = Abstraction name e
continue :: Expression -> Continuation -> Expression
continue = foldl' continue1

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module LambdaCalculus.Expression
( Expression (Variable, Application, Abstraction)
( Expression (..), foldExpr
, ast2expr, expr2ast
, pattern Lets, pattern Abstractions, pattern Applications
, viewLet, viewAbstraction, viewApplication
@ -30,14 +30,31 @@ data Expression
| Application Expression Expression
-- | Lambda abstraction: `(λx. e)`.
| Abstraction Text Expression
-- | A continuation. This is identical to a lambda abstraction,
-- with the exception that it performs the side-effect of
-- deleting the current continuation.
-- Continuations do not have any corresponding surface-level syntax.
| Continuation Text Expression
deriving (Eq, Generic)
foldExpr :: (Text -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> (Text -> a -> a) -> Expression -> a
foldExpr varf appf absf = foldExpr'
foldExpr' (Variable name) = varf name
foldExpr' (Application ef ex) = appf (foldExpr' ef) (foldExpr' ex)
foldExpr' (Abstraction name body) = absf name (foldExpr' body)
-- This isn't technically correct, but it's good enough for every place I use this.
-- I'll figure out a proper solution later, or possibly just rip out this function.
foldExpr' (Continuation name body) = absf name (foldExpr' body)
-- | A naive implementation of 'show', which does not take advantage of any syntactic sugar
-- and always emits optional parentheses.
basicShow :: Expression -> Builder
basicShow (Variable var) = fromText var
basicShow (Application ef ex) = "(" <> showb ef <> " " <> showb ex <> ")"
basicShow (Abstraction var body) = "" <> fromText var <> ". " <> showb body <> ")"
basicShow (Continuation var body) = "" <> fromText var <> ". " <> showb body <> ")"
-- | Convert from an abstract syntax tree to an expression.
ast2expr :: AbstractSyntax -> Expression
@ -70,7 +87,7 @@ viewAbstraction x = ([], x)
pattern Applications :: [Expression] -> Expression
pattern Applications exprs <- (viewApplication -> (exprs@(_:_:_)))
{-# COMPLETE Abstractions, Applications, Variable :: Expression #-}
{-# COMPLETE Abstractions, Applications, Continuation, Variable :: Expression #-}
viewApplication :: Expression -> [Expression]
viewApplication (Application ef ex) = ex : viewApplication ef
@ -84,6 +101,7 @@ expr2ast (Lets defs body) = AST.Let (fromList $ map (second expr2ast) defs) $ ex
expr2ast (Abstractions names body) = AST.Abstraction (fromList names) $ expr2ast body
expr2ast (Applications exprs) = AST.Application $ fromList $ map expr2ast $ reverse exprs
expr2ast (Variable name) = AST.Variable name
expr2ast (Continuation _ body) = AST.Abstraction ("!" :| []) (expr2ast body)
instance TextShow Expression where
showb = showb . expr2ast

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@ -44,15 +44,25 @@ ttttt = Application (Application (Application f t) (Abstraction "x" (Variable "x
(Variable "f"))
(Variable "x")
prop_parseExpression_inverse :: Expression -> Bool
prop_parseExpression_inverse expr = Right expr == parseExpression (showt expr)
-- | A simple divergent expression.
omega :: Expression
omega = Application x x
where x = Abstraction "x" (Application (Variable "x") (Variable "x"))
cc1 :: Expression
cc1 = Application (Variable "callcc") (Abstraction "k" (Application omega (Application (Variable "k") (Variable "z"))))
cc2 :: Expression
cc2 = Application (Variable "y") (Application (Variable "callcc") (Abstraction "k" (Application (Variable "z") (Application (Variable "k") (Variable "x")))))
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain $
testGroup "Tests"
[ testGroup "Evaluator tests"
[ testCase "DFI" $ eagerEval dfi @?= Application (Variable "y") (Variable "y")
, testCase "ttttt" $ eagerEval ttttt @?= Variable "y"
[ testCase "capture test 1: DFI" $ eval dfi @?= Application (Variable "y") (Variable "y")
, testCase "capture test 2: ttttt" $ eval ttttt @?= Variable "y"
, testCase "invoking a continuation replaces the current continuation" $ eval cc1 @?= Variable "z"
, testCase "callcc actually captures the current continuation" $ eval cc2 @?= Application (Variable "y") (Variable "x")
, testGroup "Parser tests"
[ testGroup "Unit tests"
@ -70,6 +80,5 @@ main = defaultMain $
, testCase "around let" $ parseExpression " let x=(y)in x " @?= Right (Application (Abstraction "x" (Variable "x")) (Variable "y"))
, testProperty "parseExpression is the left inverse of show" prop_parseExpression_inverse