I fixed it! Also deleted some unused code, and refactored a little.

James T. Martin 2019-08-15 13:11:17 -07:00
parent fd98d499fe
commit 70b3b7e051
4 changed files with 105 additions and 69 deletions

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@ -19,9 +19,10 @@ This is not guaranteed not to capture free variables.
>> (\D F I. D (F I)) (\x. x x) (\f. f (f y)) (\x. x)
y y
>> (\T f x. T (T (T (T T))) f x) (\f x. f (f x)) (\x. x) y
>> \x. \y. y x
\x. \y. y:0 x:1
## Syntax

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@ -12,12 +12,9 @@ prompt text = do
hFlush stdout
-- (\D F I. D (F I)) (\x. x x) (\f. f (f y)) (\x. x)
main :: IO ()
main = forever $ do
expr <- parse expr "stdin" <$> prompt ">> "
case expr of
Left parseError -> putStrLn $ "Parse error: " ++ show parseError
Right expr -> do
print $ eval [] $ canonym expr
Right expr -> print $ eval $ canonym expr

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@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable #-}
module UntypedLambdaCalculus where
module UntypedLambdaCalculus (Expr (Free, Var, Lam, App), canonym, eval, normal, whnf) where
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, runReader, ask, local, reader)
import Data.Function (fix)
import Data.Functor.Foldable (Base, Recursive, cata, embed)
import Data.Functor.Foldable (Base, Recursive, cata, embed, project)
import Data.Functor.Foldable.TH (makeBaseFunctor)
import Data.HashSet (HashSet, empty, singleton, union, member, delete)
import Data.List (findIndex)
import UntypedLambdaCalculus.Parser (Ast (AstVar, AstLam, AstApp), AstF (AstVarF, AstLamF, AstAppF))
-- | Look up a recursion-schemes tutorial if you don't know what an Algebra means.
-- | I use recursion-schemes in this project a lot.
type Algebra f a = f a -> a
-- | A lambda calculus expression where variables are identified
-- | by their distance from their binding site (De Bruijn indices).
data Expr = Free String
| Var Int
| Lam String Expr
@ -19,7 +22,21 @@ data Expr = Free String
makeBaseFunctor ''Expr
instance Show Expr where
show = cataReader alg []
where alg :: Algebra ExprF (Reader [String] String)
alg (FreeF v) = return v
alg (VarF v) = reader (\vars -> vars !! v ++ ':' : show v)
alg (LamF v e) = do
body <- local (v :) e
return $ "(\\" ++ v ++ ". " ++ body ++ ")"
alg (AppF f' x') = do
f <- f'
x <- x'
return $ "(" ++ f ++ " " ++ x ++ ")"
-- | Recursively reduce a `t` into an `a` when inner reductions are dependent on outer context.
-- | In other words, data flows outside-in, reductions flow inside-out.
cataReader :: Recursive t => Algebra (Base t) (Reader s a) -> s -> t -> a
cataReader alg s x = runReader (cata alg x) s
@ -33,74 +50,81 @@ unbound = cataReader alg 0
alg (AppF f x) = (&&) <$> f <*> x
alg (LamF _ e) = local (+ 1) e
eval :: [Expr] -> Expr -> Expr
eval env (Var v) = env !! v
eval env (App f' x') = case f of
Lam _ e -> eval (x : env) e
_ -> App f x
where f = eval env f'
x = eval env x'
eval env o@(Lam _ (App f (Var 0)))
| unbound f = eval (undefined : env) f
| otherwise = o
eval env x = runReader (substExpr x) env
free :: Ast -> HashSet String
free = cata alg
where alg :: Algebra AstF (HashSet String)
alg (AstVarF x) = singleton x
alg (AstLamF x m) = delete x m
alg (AstAppF m n) = m `union` n
-- | Convert an Ast into an Expression where all variables have canonical, unique names.
-- | Namely, bound variables are identified according to their distance from their binding site
-- | (i.e. De Bruijn indices).
canonym :: Ast -> Expr
canonym = cataReader alg []
where alg :: Algebra AstF (Reader [String] Expr)
alg (AstVarF v) = maybe (Free v) Var <$> findIndex (== v) <$> ask
alg (AstLamF v e') = Lam v <$> local (v :) e'
alg (AstAppF n m) = App <$> n <*> m
alg (AstVarF v) = maybe (Free v) Var <$> findIndex (== v) <$> ask
alg (AstLamF v e) = Lam v <$> local (v :) e
alg (AstAppF n m) = App <$> n <*> m
rename :: String -> HashSet String -> String
rename var free
-- Continue prepending `_` until the name is free.
| var `member` free = rename newVar free
| otherwise = var
where newVar = '_' : var
subst :: String -> Ast -> Ast -> Ast
subst var n o@(AstVar var')
| var == var' = n
| otherwise = o
subst var n (AstApp m1 m2) = AstApp (subst var n m1) (subst var n m2)
subst var n o@(AstLam var' m)
| var == var' = o
-- Alpha-convert as necessary, and then substitute into the body.
| otherwise = AstLam newVar $ subst var n $ subst var' (AstVar newVar) m
where newVar = rename var' $ free n
instance Show Expr where
show = cataReader alg []
where alg :: Algebra ExprF (Reader [String] String)
alg (FreeF v) = return v
alg (VarF v) = reader (\vars -> vars !! v ++ show v)
alg (LamF v e) = do
body <- local (v :) e
return $ "(\\" ++ v ++ ". " ++ body ++ ")"
alg (AppF f' x') = do
f <- f'
x <- x'
return $ "(" ++ f ++ " " ++ x ++ ")"
-- | When we bind a new variable, we enter a new scope.
-- | Since variables are identified by their distance from their binder,
-- | we must increment them to account for the incremented distance.
{-introduceBindingInExpr :: Expr -> Expr
introduceBindingInExpr = cataReader alg 0
where alg :: Algebra ExprF (Reader Int Expr)
alg (VarF v) = reader $ \x ->
if v > x then Var $ v + 1 else Var v
alg (LamF v e) = Lam v <$> local (+ 1) e
alg (AppF f x) = App <$> f <*> x
alg (FreeF v) = return $ Free v-}
introduceBindingInExpr :: Expr -> Expr
introduceBindingInExpr (Var v) = Var $ v + 1
introduceBindingInExpr o@(Lam _ _) = o
introduceBindingInExpr x = embed $ fmap introduceBindingInExpr $ project x
type Eval' = Expr -> Reader [Expr] Expr
introduceBinding :: Expr -> Reader [Expr] a -> Reader [Expr] a
introduceBinding x = local (\exprs -> x : map introduceBindingInExpr exprs)
incrementVars :: Expr -> Expr
incrementVars = cata alg
where alg (VarF x) = Var $ x + 1
alg x = embed x
intoBinding :: Reader [Expr] a -> Reader [Expr] a
intoBinding = introduceBinding (Var 0)
substExpr :: Eval'
substExpr = cata alg
intoEta :: Reader [Expr] a -> Reader [Expr] a
intoEta = introduceBinding undefined
-- | Substitute all bound variables in an expression for their values,
-- | without performing any further evaluation.
subst :: Expr -> Reader [Expr] Expr
subst = cata alg
where alg :: Algebra ExprF (Reader [Expr] Expr)
alg (VarF v) = reader (!! v)
alg (AppF f x) = App <$> f <*> x
alg (FreeF x) = return $ Free x
alg (LamF v e) = Lam v <$> local (\exprs -> Var 0 : map incrementVars exprs) e
-- In a lambda expression, we substitute the parameter with itself.
-- The rest of the substitutions may reference variables outside this binding,
-- so that (Var 0) would refer not to this lambda, but the lambda outside it.
-- Thus, we must increment all variables in the expression to be substituted in.
alg (LamF v e) = Lam v <$> intoBinding e
-- | Evaluate a variable to normal form.
eval :: Expr -> Expr
eval expr = runReader (eval' expr) []
where eval' (App f' x') = do
f <- eval' f'
x <- eval' x'
case f of
Lam _ e -> introduceBinding x $ eval' e
_ -> return $ App f x
eval' o@(Lam _ (App f (Var 0)))
| unbound f = intoEta $ eval' f
| otherwise = subst o
eval' x = subst x
-- | Is an expression in normal form?
normal :: Expr -> Bool
normal (App (Lam _ _) _) = False
normal (Lam _ (App f (Var 0))) = unbound f
normal (App f x) = normal f && normal x
normal _ = True
-- | Is an expression in weak head normal form?
whnf :: Expr -> Bool
whnf (App (Lam _ _) _) = False
whnf (Lam _ (App f (Var 0))) = unbound f
whnf (App f _) = whnf f
whnf _ = True

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Data.List (foldl1')
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
-- | The abstract syntax tree of lambda calculus.
data Ast = AstVar String
| AstLam String Ast
| AstApp Ast Ast
@ -22,18 +23,22 @@ instance Show Ast where
alg (AstLamF v e) = "(\\" ++ v ++ ". " ++ e ++ ")"
alg (AstAppF f x) = "(" ++ f ++ " " ++ x ++ ")"
-- | A variable name.
name :: Parser String
name = do
c <- letter
cs <- many alphaNum
return $ c : cs
-- | A variable expression.
var :: Parser Ast
var = AstVar <$> name
-- | Run parser between parentheses.
parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
parens = between (char '(') (char ')')
-- | A lambda expression.
lam :: Parser Ast
lam = do
char '\\'
@ -43,8 +48,17 @@ lam = do
body <- expr
return $ foldr AstLam body vars
safeExpr :: Parser Ast
safeExpr = var <|> parens (lam <|> expr)
-- | An application expression.
app :: Parser Ast
app = foldl1' AstApp <$> sepBy1 safeExpr spaces
-- | An expression, but where applications must be surrounded by parentheses,
-- | to avoid ambiguity (infinite recursion on `app` in the case where the first
-- | expression in the application is also an `app`, consuming no input).
safeExpr :: Parser Ast
safeExpr = var <|> lam <|> parens (lam <|> app)
-- | Since applications do not require parentheses and can contain only a single item,
-- | the `app` parser is sufficient to parse any expression at all.
expr :: Parser Ast
expr = foldl1' AstApp <$> sepBy1 safeExpr spaces
expr = app