Make the parser produce a subtly better AST.

This is done by requiring applications to be at least 2 terms,
and making grouping a syntactic feature instead of a feature of applications.

I also made the code a bit more clear by handling whitespace a bit more cleanly;
now, each parser is responsible for its own trailing whitespace,
and whitespace handling is pushed down to the token level
to avoid cluttering high-level definitions with whitespace stuff.

This all also had the effect of improving error messages,
in part due to me labelling many of the parsers.
James T. Martin 2020-11-03 15:52:04 -08:00
parent 79e054700b
commit 59a55acdc6
Signed by: james
GPG Key ID: 4B7F3DA9351E577C
4 changed files with 39 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# James Martin's Lambda Calculus
# Lambda Calculus
This is a simple implementation of the untyped lambda calculus
with an emphasis on clear, readable Haskell code.
@ -15,13 +15,15 @@ y y
>> (\x y z. x y) y
λy' z. y y'
>> let fix = (\x. x x) \fix f x. f (fix fix f) x; S = \n f x. f (n f x); plus = fix \plus x. x S in plus (\f x. f (f (f x))) (\f x. f (f x)) f x
f (f (f (f (f x))))
>> ^C
## Notation
[Conventional Lambda Calculus notation applies](,
with the exception that variable names are multiple characters long,
`\` is used in lieu of `λ` to make it easier to type,
`\` is permitted in lieu of `λ` to make it easier to type,
and spaces are used to separate variables rather than commas.
* Variable names are alphanumeric, beginning with a letter.

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ extra-source-files:
- BlockArguments
- ImportQualifiedPost
- OverloadedStrings
- ViewPatterns

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@ -9,64 +9,67 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import LambdaCalculus.Expression (Expression, ast2expr)
import qualified LambdaCalculus.Expression as Expr
import LambdaCalculus.Parser.AbstractSyntax
import Text.Parsec hiding (spaces)
import Text.Parsec.Text
import Text.Parsec hiding (label, token)
import Text.Parsec qualified
import Text.Parsec.Text (Parser)
import TextShow
label :: String -> Parser a -> Parser a
label = flip Text.Parsec.label
token :: Char -> Parser ()
token ch = label [ch] $ char ch *> spaces
keywords :: [Text]
keywords = ["let", "in"]
-- | A keyword is an exact string which is not part of an identifier.
keyword :: Text -> Parser ()
keyword kwd = do
void $ string (T.unpack kwd)
notFollowedBy letter
keyword kwd = label (T.unpack kwd) $ do
try do
string $ T.unpack kwd
notFollowedBy letter
-- | An identifier is a sequence of letters which is not a keyword.
identifier :: Parser Identifier
identifier = do
identifier = label "identifier" $ do
notFollowedBy anyKeyword
T.pack <$> many1 letter
where anyKeyword = choice $ map (try . keyword) keywords
T.pack <$> (many1 letter <* spaces)
where anyKeyword = choice $ map keyword keywords
variable :: Parser AbstractSyntax
variable = Variable <$> identifier
variable = label "variable" $ Variable <$> identifier
spaces :: Parser ()
spaces = skipMany1 space
many2 :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
many2 p = (:) <$> p <*> many1 p
grouping :: Parser AbstractSyntax
grouping = label "grouping" $ between (token '(') (token ')') expression
application :: Parser AbstractSyntax
application = Application <$> sepEndBy1 applicationTerm spaces
application = Application <$> many2 applicationTerm
where applicationTerm :: Parser AbstractSyntax
applicationTerm = abstraction <|> grouping <|> let_ <|> variable
where grouping :: Parser AbstractSyntax
grouping = between (char '(') (char ')') expression
applicationTerm = abstraction <|> let_ <|> grouping <|> variable
abstraction :: Parser AbstractSyntax
abstraction = do
char '\\' <|> char 'λ' ; optional spaces
names <- sepEndBy1 identifier spaces
char '.'
Abstraction names <$> expression
abstraction = label "lambda abstraction" $ Abstraction <$> between lambda (token '.') (many1 identifier) <*> expression
where lambda = label "lambda" $ (char '\\' <|> char 'λ') *> spaces
let_ :: Parser AbstractSyntax
let_ = do
try (keyword "let") ; spaces
defs <- sepBy1 definition (char ';' *> optional spaces)
keyword "in"
Let defs <$> expression
where definition :: Parser Definition
definition = do
name <- identifier ; optional spaces
char '='
let_ = Let <$> between (keyword "let") (keyword "in") definitions <*> expression
where definitions :: Parser [Definition]
definitions = flip sepBy1 (token ';') do
name <- identifier
token '='
value <- expression
pure (name, value)
expression :: Parser AbstractSyntax
expression = optional spaces *> (abstraction <|> let_ <|> application <|> variable) <* optional spaces
expression = label "expression" $ abstraction <|> let_ <|> try application <|> grouping <|> variable
parseAST :: Text -> Either ParseError AbstractSyntax
parseAST = parse (expression <* eof) "input"
parseAST = parse (spaces *> expression <* eof) "input"
parseExpression :: Text -> Either ParseError Expression
parseExpression = fmap ast2expr . parseAST

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@ -55,8 +55,6 @@ main = defaultMain $
, testGroup "Parser tests"
[ testGroup "Unit tests"
[ testCase "identity" $ parseExpression "\\x.x" @?= Right (Abstraction "x" $ Variable "x")
-- This syntax is forbidden because it interacts poorly with other syntax, e.g. `let x=in` becoming a valid program.
--, testCase "nullary application" $ parseExpression "()" @?= Right (Abstraction "x" $ Variable "x")
, testCase "unary application" $ parseExpression "(x)" @?= Right (Variable "x")
, testCase "application shorthand" $ parseExpression "a b c d" @?= Right (Application (Application (Application (Variable "a") (Variable "b")) (Variable "c")) (Variable "d"))
, testCase "let" $ parseExpression "let x = \\y.y in x" @?= Right (Application (Abstraction "x" (Variable "x")) (Abstraction "y" (Variable "y")))