Make the parser more forgiving, re-add `let`, update README.

James T. Martin 2020-11-02 15:59:35 -08:00
parent 0d821ccce1
commit 3b2dd67fe7
Signed by: james
GPG Key ID: 4B7F3DA9351E577C
8 changed files with 74 additions and 111 deletions

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@ -1,109 +1,32 @@
# James Martin's Lambda Calculus
This project is a tool for me to learn about implementing various concepts from programming language theory, in particular those that relate to the lambda calculus.
I also hope to equip it with enough useful features that it is a usable for real programming tasks, at least as a toy.
Ideally, this will also be a useful tool for *others* to learn about the lambda calculus through experimentation.
This is a simple implementation of the untyped lambda calculus
with an emphasis on clear, readable Haskell code.
## Usage
Type in your expression at the prompt: `>> `.
The result of the evaluation of that expression will then be printed out.
Exit the prompt with `Ctrl-C` (or however else you kill a program in your terminal).
Bound variables will be printed followed by a number representing the number of binders
between it and its definition for disambiguation.
The expression will be evaluated to normal form and then printed.
Exit the prompt with `Ctrl-c` (or equivalent).
### Example session
>> let D = (\x. x x) in let F = (\f. f (f y)) in D (F ())
y y
>> let T = (\f x. f (f x)) in (\f x. T (T (T (T T))) f x) () y
>> let D = (\x. x x) in let F = (\f. f (f y)) in D (F (\x. x))
(y y)
>> let T = (\f x. f (f x)) in (\f x. T (T (T (T T))) f x) (\x. x) y
>> \x. \y. y x
\x. \y. y:0 x:1
>> (\x y z. x y) y
(\y'. (\z. (y y')))
>> ^C
## Notation
[Conventional Lambda Calculus notation applies](,
with the exception that variable names are mmultiple characters long,
and `\` is used in lieu of `λ` for convenience.
with the exception that variable names are multiple characters long,
`\` is used in lieu of `λ` to make it easier to type,
and spaces are used to separate variables rather than commas.
* Variable names are alphanumeric, beginning with a letter.
* Outermost parentheses may be dropped: `M N` is equivalent to `(M N)`.
* Applications are left-associative: `M N P` may be written instead of `((M N) P)`.
* The body of an abstraction extends as far right as possible: `\x. M N` means `\x.(M N)` and not ``(\x. M) N`.
* The body of an abstraction or let expression extends as far right as possible: `\x. M N` means `\x.(M N)` and not `(\x. M) N`.
* A sequence of abstractions may be contracted: `\foo. \bar. \baz. N` may be abbreviated as `\foo bar baz. N`.
* Variables may be bound using let expressions: `let x = N in M` abbreviates `(\x. N) M`.
### Violations of convention
* I use spaces to separate variables in abstractions instead of commas because I think it looks better.
### Additional extensions to notation
Since `\x. x` is the left identity of applications and application syntax is left-associative,
I (syntactically) permit unary and nullary applications so that `()` is `\x. x`, and `(x)` is `x`.
On the same principle, the syntax of a lambda of no variables `\. e` is `e`.
## Roadmap
### Complete
* Type systems:
* Untyped
* Representations:
* The syntax tree
* Reverse de Bruijn
* Syntax:
* Basic syntax
* Let expressions
* Evaluation strategies:
* Lazy (call-by-name to normal form)
### Planned
Not all of these will necessarily (or even probably) be implemented.
This is more-or-less a wishlist of things I'd like to try to implement some day.
* Built-ins:
* Integers
* Characters
* Strings
* Lists
* Type systems:
* all of the systems of the Lambda Cube
* Hindley-Milner
* and the calculus of (co)inductive constructions
* and something based on cubical TT
* and something with universe polymorphism
* and something with insanely dependent types
* and support for tactics
* and something with non-trivial subtyping
* and something with row polymorphism
* and something with typeclasses/constraints
* and something with irrelevance (runtime, true irrelevance, prop)
* and something with iso/equirecursive types?
* (classical?) linear types
* something with lifetimes, like Rust
* something that would work on a quantum computer, at least in theory
* something with proof nets?
* Macros, fexprs
* (Delimited) continuations
* Something based on lambda-mu?
* Effects:
* A (co)effects system.
* Call-by-push-value.
* Representations:
* A more conservative syntax tree that would allow for better error messages
* Evaluation strategies:
* The evaluation strategies documented by Thierry(?)
* Full laziness
* Complete laziness
* Optimal
* Syntax:
* Top-level definitions
* Type annotations
* `let*`, `letrec`
* Pretty-printing mode.
* Indentation-based syntax.
* Features:
* A better REPL (e.g. the ability to edit the line buffer)
* The ability to import external files
* A good module system?
* The ability to choose the type system or evaluation strategy
* Better error messages for parsing and typechecking
* Reduction stepping
* Variables may be bound using let expressions: `let x = N in M` is syntactic sugar for `(\x. N) M`.

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module Main where
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import LambdaCalculus.Expression (lazyEval)
import LambdaCalculus.Expression (eagerEval)
import LambdaCalculus.Parser (parseExpression)
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ prompt text = do
main :: IO ()
main = forever $ parseExpression <$> prompt ">> " >>= \case
Left parseError -> putStrLn $ "Parse error: " ++ show parseError
Right expr -> print $ lazyEval expr
Right expr -> print $ eagerEval expr

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@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ github: "jamestmartin/lambda-calculus"
license: GPL-3
author: "James Martin"
maintainer: ""
copyright: "2019 James Martin"
synopsis: "Implementations of various Lambda Calculus evaluators and type systems."
copyright: "2019-2020 James Martin"
synopsis: "A simple implementation of the lambda calculus."
category: LambdaCalculus
description: Please see the README on GitHub at <>
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ default-extensions:
- OverloadedStrings
- base >= 4.12 && < 5
- base >= 4.13 && < 5
- parsec >= 3.1 && < 4
- text >= 1.2 && < 2
- text-show >= 3.8 && < 4

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ data Expression
instance TextShow Expression where
showb (Variable var) = fromText var
showb (Application ef ex) = "(" <> showb ef <> " " <> showb ex <> ")"
showb (Abstraction var body) = "(^" <> fromText var <> "." <> showb body <> ")"
showb (Abstraction var body) = "(\\" <> fromText var <> ". " <> showb body <> ")"
instance Show Expression where
show = T.unpack . showt

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@ -12,28 +12,51 @@ spaces :: Parser ()
spaces = void $ many1 space
variableName :: Parser Text
variableName = T.pack <$> many1 letter
variableName = do
notFollowedBy anyKeyword
T.pack <$> many1 letter
where anyKeyword = choice $ map keyword keywords
keywords = ["let", "in"]
-- | Match an exact string which is not just a substring
-- of a larger variable name.
keyword :: Text -> Parser ()
keyword kwd = try $ do
void $ string (T.unpack kwd)
notFollowedBy letter
variable :: Parser Expression
variable = Variable <$> variableName
application :: Parser Expression
application = foldl1 Application <$> sepBy1 applicationTerm spaces
application = foldl1 Application <$> sepEndBy1 applicationTerm spaces
where applicationTerm :: Parser Expression
applicationTerm = variable <|> abstraction <|> grouping
applicationTerm = variable <|> abstraction <|> let_ <|> grouping
where grouping :: Parser Expression
grouping = between (char '(') (char ')') expression
abstraction :: Parser Expression
abstraction = do
char '^'
names <- sepBy1 variableName spaces
char '\\'
optional spaces
names <- sepEndBy1 variableName spaces
char '.'
optional spaces
body <- expression
pure $ foldr Abstraction body names
let_ :: Parser Expression
let_ = do
keyword "let"
name <- between spaces (optional spaces) variableName
char '='
value <- expression
keyword "in"
body <- expression
pure $ Application (Abstraction name body) value
expression :: Parser Expression
expression = abstraction <|> application <|> variable
expression = optional spaces *> (abstraction <|> let_ <|> application <|> variable) <* optional spaces
parseExpression :: Text -> Either ParseError Expression
parseExpression code = parse (expression <* eof) "input" code
parseExpression = parse (expression <* eof) "input"

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
resolver: lts-14.17
resolver: lts-16.20
- .

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
packages: []
- completed:
size: 524799
sha256: 1d72b33c0fc048e23f4f18fd76a6ad79dd1d8a3c054644098a71a09855e40c7c
original: lts-14.17
size: 532177
sha256: 0e14ba5603f01e8496e8984fd84b545a012ca723f51a098c6c9d3694e404dc6d
original: lts-16.20

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@ -15,12 +15,19 @@ instance Arbitrary Expression where
instance Arbitrary T.Text where
arbitrary = T.pack <$> listOf1 (elements $ ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['a'..'z'])
-- These are terms which have complex reduction steps and
-- are likely to catch bugs in the substitution function, if there are any.
-- However, they don't have any particular computational *meaning*,
-- so the names for them are somewhat arbitrary.
-- This should evaluate to `y y`.
dfi :: Expression
dfi = Application d (Application f i)
where d = Abstraction "x" $ Application (Variable "x") (Variable "x")
f = Abstraction "f" $ Application (Variable "f") (Application (Variable "f") (Variable "y"))
i = Abstraction "x" $ Variable "x"
-- This should evalaute to `y`.
ttttt :: Expression
ttttt = Application (Application (Application f t) (Abstraction "x" (Variable "x"))) (Variable "y")
where t = Abstraction "f" $ Abstraction "x" $
@ -47,10 +54,20 @@ main = defaultMain $
, testGroup "Parser tests"
[ testGroup "Unit tests"
[ testCase "identity" $ parseExpression "^x.x" @?= Right (Abstraction "x" $ Variable "x")
[ testCase "identity" $ parseExpression "\\x.x" @?= Right (Abstraction "x" $ Variable "x")
-- This syntax is forbidden because it interacts poorly with other syntax, e.g. `let x=in` becoming a valid program.
--, testCase "nullary application" $ parseExpression "()" @?= Right (Abstraction "x" $ Variable "x")
, testCase "unary application" $ parseExpression "(x)" @?= Right (Variable "x")
, testCase "application shorthand" $ parseExpression "a b c d" @?= Right (Application (Application (Application (Variable "a") (Variable "b")) (Variable "c")) (Variable "d"))
, testCase "ttttt" $ parseExpression "(^T f x.(T (T (T (T T)))) f x) (^f x.f (f x)) (^x.x) y"
, testCase "let" $ parseExpression "let x = \\y.y in x" @?= Right (Application (Abstraction "x" (Variable "x")) (Abstraction "y" (Variable "y")))
, testCase "ttttt" $ parseExpression "(\\T f x.(T (T (T (T T)))) f x) (\\f x.f (f x)) (\\x.x) y"
@?= Right ttttt
, testGroup "Redundant whitespace"
[ testCase "around variable" $ parseExpression " x " @?= Right (Variable "x")
, testCase "around lambda" $ parseExpression " \\ x y . x " @?= Right (Abstraction "x" $ Abstraction "y" $ Variable "x")
, testCase "around application" $ parseExpression " ( x (y ) ) " @?= Right (Application (Variable "x") (Variable "y"))
, testCase "around let" $ parseExpression " let x=(y)in x " @?= Right (Application (Abstraction "x" (Variable "x")) (Variable "y"))
, testProperty "parseExpression is the left inverse of show" prop_parseExpression_inverse