Add monomorphic type annotations.

James T. Martin 2021-03-26 14:55:23 -07:00
parent 960297e3b5
commit 280096ccb6
Signed by: james
GPG Key ID: 4B7F3DA9351E577C
11 changed files with 301 additions and 182 deletions

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@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ commandParser = do
class MonadState AppState m => MonadApp m where
parsed :: Either ParseError a -> m a
typecheckDecl :: Text -> CheckExpr -> m (Maybe Scheme)
typecheckExpr :: CheckExpr -> m (Maybe Scheme)
typecheckDecl :: Maybe Type -> Text -> CheckExpr -> m (Maybe Scheme)
typecheckExpr :: CheckExpr -> m (Maybe Scheme)
execute :: CheckExpr -> m EvalExpr
type AppM = ExceptT Text (StateT AppState (InputT IO))
@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ instance MonadApp AppM where
parsed (Left err) = throwError $ T.pack $ show err
parsed (Right ok) = pure ok
typecheckDecl = typecheck . Just
typecheckExpr = typecheck Nothing
typecheckDecl ty = typecheck ty . Just
typecheckExpr = typecheck Nothing Nothing
execute checkExpr = do
defs <- gets definitions
@ -148,10 +148,10 @@ instance MonadApp AppM where
liftInput $ mapM_ (outputTextLn . unparseEval) trace
pure value
typecheck :: Maybe Text -> CheckExpr -> AppM (Maybe Scheme)
typecheck decl expr = do
typecheck :: Maybe Type -> Maybe Text -> CheckExpr -> AppM (Maybe Scheme)
typecheck tann decl expr = do
defs <- gets definitions
let type_ = infer $ substitute defs expr
let type_ = maybe infer check tann $ substitute defs expr
checkOpts <- gets checkOptions
if shouldTypecheck checkOpts
then case type_ of
@ -184,10 +184,10 @@ define name expr = modify \appState ->
in appState { definitions = HM.insert name expr' $ definitions appState }
runDeclOrExpr :: MonadApp m => DeclOrExprAST -> m ()
runDeclOrExpr (Left (name, exprAST)) = do
runDeclOrExpr (Left (name, ty, exprAST)) = do
defs <- gets definitions
let expr = substitute defs $ ast2check exprAST
_ <- typecheckDecl name expr
_ <- typecheckDecl ty name expr
define name expr
runDeclOrExpr (Right exprAST) = do
defs <- gets definitions

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ extra-source-files:
- BlockArguments
- ConstraintKinds
- DefaultSignatures
- EmptyCase
- EmptyDataDeriving

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Loops (iterateM_)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, evalState, modify', state, put, gets)
import Control.Monad.Writer (runWriterT, tell)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.Void (Void, absurd)
import Data.Void (absurd)
isReducible :: EvalExpr -> Bool
-- Applications of function type constructors

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module Ivo.Evaluator.Base
( Identity (..)
( Identity (..), Void
, Expr (..), Ctr (..), Pat, ExprF (..), PatF (..), VoidF, UnitF (..), Text
, substitute, substitute1, rename, rename1, free, bound, used
, Eval, EvalExpr, EvalExprF, EvalX, EvalXF (..)
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..))
import Data.Functor.Foldable (embed, cata, para)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Data.Void (Void)
data Eval
type EvalExpr = Expr Eval
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ type instance AppArgs Eval = EvalExpr
type instance AbsArgs Eval = Text
type instance LetArgs Eval = VoidF EvalExpr
type instance CtrArgs Eval = UnitF EvalExpr
type instance AnnX Eval = Void
type instance XExpr Eval = EvalX
type EvalX = EvalXF EvalExpr

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Ivo.Expression
( Expr (..), Ctr (..), Pat, ExprF (..), PatF (..), DefF (..), VoidF, UnitF (..), Text
, Type (..), TypeF (..), Scheme (..), tapp
, substitute, substitute1, rename, free, bound, used
, Eval, EvalExpr, EvalX, EvalXF (..), Identity (..)
, pattern AppFE, pattern CtrE, pattern CtrFE,
@ -10,7 +11,6 @@ module Ivo.Expression
, Check, CheckExpr, CheckExprF, CheckX, CheckXF (..)
, pattern AppFC, pattern CtrC, pattern CtrFC, pattern CallCCC, pattern CallCCFC
, pattern FixC, pattern FixFC, pattern HoleC, pattern HoleFC
, Type (..), TypeF (..), Scheme (..), tapp
, ast2check, ast2eval, check2eval, check2ast, eval2ast
, builtins
) where
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ ast2check = substitute builtins . cata \case
LetRecFP (nx, ex) e -> App (Abs nx e) (App FixC (Abs nx ex))
CtrF ctr es -> foldl' App (CtrC ctr) es
CaseF ps -> Case ps
AnnF () e t -> Ann () e t
PNatF n -> int2ast n
PListF es -> mkList es
PStrF s -> mkList $ map (App (CtrC CChar) . int2ast . fromEnum) $ unpack s
@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ check2eval = cata \case
LetF (Def nx ex) e -> App (Abs nx e) ex
CtrFC ctr -> CtrE ctr
CaseF ps -> Case ps
AnnF () e _ -> e
CallCCFC -> CallCCE
FixFC -> z
HoleFC -> omega
@ -88,6 +90,7 @@ check2ast = hoist go . rename (HM.keysSet builtins)
LetF (Def nx ex) e -> LetFP ((nx, ex) :| []) e
CtrFC ctr -> CtrF ctr []
CaseF ps -> CaseF ps
AnnF () e t -> AnnF () e t
CallCCFC-> VarF "callcc"
FixFC -> VarF "fix"
HoleFC -> HoleFP

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@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
module Ivo.Expression.Base
( Text, VoidF, UnitF (..), absurd'
, Expr (..), Ctr (..), Pat, Def, AppArgs, AbsArgs, LetArgs, CtrArgs, XExpr
, Expr (..), Ctr (..), Pat, Def, AppArgs, AbsArgs, LetArgs, CtrArgs, AnnX, XExpr
, ExprF (..), PatF (..), DefF (..), AppArgsF, LetArgsF, CtrArgsF, XExprF
, Type (..), TypeF (..), Scheme (..), tapp
, RecursivePhase, projectAppArgs, projectLetArgs, projectCtrArgs, projectXExpr, projectDef
, embedAppArgs, embedLetArgs, embedCtrArgs, embedXExpr, embedDef
, Substitutable, free, bound, used, collectVars, rename, rename1
@ -15,30 +17,34 @@ import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, Reader, runReader, asks, local)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, StateT, evalStateT, state)
import Control.Monad.Zip (MonadZip, mzipWith)
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.Functor.Foldable (Base, Recursive, Corecursive, project, embed)
import Data.Functor.Foldable (Base, Recursive, Corecursive, project, embed, cata)
import Data.Functor.Foldable.TH (makeBaseFunctor)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import Data.HashSet qualified as HS
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Kind qualified as Kind
import Data.List (foldl1')
import Data.Stream qualified as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
data Expr phase
-- | A variable: `x`.
-- | A variable: @x@.
= Var !Text
-- | Function application: `f x_0 ... x_n`.
-- | Function application: @f x_0 ... x_n@.
| App !(Expr phase) !(AppArgs phase)
-- | Lambda abstraction: `λx_0 ... x_n. e`.
-- | Lambda abstraction: @λx_0 ... x_n. e@.
| Abs !(AbsArgs phase) !(Expr phase)
-- | Let expression: `let x_0 = v_0 ... ; x_n = v_n in e`.
-- | Let expression: @let x_0 = v_0 ... ; x_n = v_n in e@.
| Let !(LetArgs phase) !(Expr phase)
-- | Data constructor, e.g. `(x, y)` or `Left`.
-- | Data constructor, e.g. @(x, y)@ or @Left@.
| Ctr !Ctr !(CtrArgs phase)
-- | Case expression to pattern match against a value,
-- e.g. `case { Left x1 -> e1 ; Right x2 -> e2 }`.
-- e.g. @case { Left x1 -> e1 ; Right x2 -> e2 }@.
| Case ![Pat phase]
-- | Type annotations: @expr : type@.
| Ann !(AnnX phase) !(Expr phase) Type
-- | Additional phase-specific constructors.
| ExprX !(XExpr phase)
@ -46,23 +52,30 @@ type family AppArgs phase
type family AbsArgs phase
type family LetArgs phase
type family CtrArgs phase
type family AnnX phase
type family XExpr phase
deriving instance
( Eq (AppArgs phase)
, Eq (AbsArgs phase)
, Eq (LetArgs phase)
, Eq (CtrArgs phase)
, Eq (XExpr phase)
) => Eq (Expr phase)
( c (AppArgs phase)
, c (AbsArgs phase)
, c (LetArgs phase)
, c (CtrArgs phase)
, c (AnnX phase)
, c (XExpr phase)
) => ForallX c phase
deriving instance
( Show (AppArgs phase)
, Show (AbsArgs phase)
, Show (LetArgs phase)
, Show (CtrArgs phase)
, Show (XExpr phase)
) => Show (Expr phase)
( c (AppArgs phase)
, c (AbsArgs phase)
, c (LetArgs phase)
, c (CtrArgs phase)
, c (AnnX phase)
, c (XExpr phase)
) => ForallX c phase
deriving instance ForallX Eq phase => Eq (Expr phase)
deriving instance ForallX Show phase => Show (Expr phase)
-- | Data constructors (used in pattern matching and literals).
data Ctr
@ -94,6 +107,41 @@ data PatF r = Pat { patCtr :: !Ctr, patNames :: ![Text], patBody :: !r }
-- | A definition, mapping a name to a value.
type Def phase = (Text, Expr phase)
-- | A monomorphic type.
data Type
-- | Type variable.
= TVar Text
-- | Type application.
| TApp Type Type
-- | The function type.
| TAbs
-- | The product type.
| TProd
-- | The sum type.
| TSum
-- | The unit type.
| TUnit
-- | The empty type.
| TVoid
-- | The type of natural numbers.
| TNat
-- | The type of lists.
| TList
-- | The type of characters.
| TChar
deriving (Eq, Show)
tapp :: [Type] -> Type
tapp [] = error "Empty type applications are not permitted"
tapp [t] = t
tapp ts = foldl1' TApp ts
-- | A polymorphic type.
data Scheme
-- | Universally quantified type variables.
= TForall [Text] Type
deriving (Eq, Show)
--- Base functor boilerplate for recursion-schemes
@ -105,14 +153,29 @@ data ExprF phase r
| LetF !(LetArgsF phase r) r
| CtrF Ctr (CtrArgsF phase r)
| CaseF [PatF r]
| AnnF !(AnnX phase) r Type
| ExprXF !(XExprF phase r)
type instance Base (Expr phase) = ExprF phase
type family AppArgsF phase :: Type -> Type
type family LetArgsF phase :: Type -> Type
type family CtrArgsF phase :: Type -> Type
type family XExprF phase :: Type -> Type
type family AppArgsF phase :: Kind.Type -> Kind.Type
type family LetArgsF phase :: Kind.Type -> Kind.Type
type family CtrArgsF phase :: Kind.Type -> Kind.Type
type family XExprF phase :: Kind.Type -> Kind.Type
( c (AppArgsF phase)
, c (LetArgsF phase)
, c (CtrArgsF phase)
, c (XExprF phase)
) => ForallXF c phase
( c (AppArgsF phase)
, c (LetArgsF phase)
, c (CtrArgsF phase)
, c (XExprF phase)
) => ForallXF c phase
data DefF r = Def !Text !r
deriving (Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Show)
@ -128,12 +191,7 @@ data VoidF a
absurd' :: VoidF a -> b
absurd' x = case x of {}
( Functor (AppArgsF phase)
, Functor (LetArgsF phase)
, Functor (CtrArgsF phase)
, Functor (XExprF phase)
) => Functor (ExprF phase) where
instance ForallXF Functor phase => Functor (ExprF phase) where
fmap f = \case
VarF n -> VarF n
AppF ef exs -> AppF (f ef) (fmap f exs)
@ -141,14 +199,10 @@ instance
LetF ds e -> LetF (fmap f ds) (f e)
CtrF c es -> CtrF c (fmap f es)
CaseF ps -> CaseF (fmap (fmap f) ps)
AnnF x e t -> AnnF x (f e) t
ExprXF q -> ExprXF (fmap f q)
( Foldable (AppArgsF phase)
, Foldable (LetArgsF phase)
, Foldable (CtrArgsF phase)
, Foldable (XExprF phase)
) => Foldable (ExprF phase) where
instance ForallXF Foldable phase => Foldable (ExprF phase) where
foldMap f = \case
VarF _ -> mempty
AppF ef exs -> f ef <> foldMap f exs
@ -156,14 +210,10 @@ instance
LetF ds e -> foldMap f ds <> f e
CtrF _ es -> foldMap f es
CaseF ps -> foldMap (foldMap f) ps
AnnF _ e _ -> f e
ExprXF q -> foldMap f q
( Traversable (AppArgsF phase)
, Traversable (LetArgsF phase)
, Traversable (CtrArgsF phase)
, Traversable (XExprF phase)
) => Traversable (ExprF phase) where
instance ForallXF Traversable phase => Traversable (ExprF phase) where
traverse f = \case
VarF n -> pure $ VarF n
AppF ef exs -> AppF <$> f ef <*> traverse f exs
@ -171,6 +221,7 @@ instance
LetF ds e -> LetF <$> traverse f ds <*> f e
CtrF c es -> CtrF c <$> traverse f es
CaseF ps -> CaseF <$> traverse (traverse f) ps
AnnF x e t -> (\e' -> AnnF x e' t) <$> f e
ExprXF q -> ExprXF <$> traverse f q
class Functor (ExprF phase) => RecursivePhase phase where
@ -226,6 +277,7 @@ instance RecursivePhase phase => Recursive (Expr phase) where
Let ds e -> LetF (projectLetArgs ds) e
Ctr c es -> CtrF c (projectCtrArgs es)
Case ps -> CaseF ps
Ann x e t -> AnnF x e t
ExprX q -> ExprXF (projectXExpr q)
instance RecursivePhase phase => Corecursive (Expr phase) where
@ -236,8 +288,11 @@ instance RecursivePhase phase => Corecursive (Expr phase) where
LetF ds e -> Let (embedLetArgs ds) e
CtrF c es -> Ctr c (embedCtrArgs es)
CaseF ps -> Case ps
AnnF x e t -> Ann x e t
ExprXF q -> ExprX (embedXExpr q)
makeBaseFunctor ''Type
--- End base functor boilerplate.
@ -283,6 +338,34 @@ class Substitutable e where
unsafeSubstitute1 :: Text -> e -> e -> e
unsafeSubstitute1 n e = unsafeSubstitute (HM.singleton n e)
instance Substitutable Type where
collectVars withVar _ = cata \case
TVarF n -> withVar n
t -> fold t
-- /All/ variables in a monomorphic type are free.
rename _ t = t
-- No renaming step is necessary.
substitute substs = cata \case
TVarF n -> HM.findWithDefault (TVar n) n substs
e -> embed e
unsafeSubstitute = substitute
instance Substitutable Scheme where
collectVars withVar withBinder (TForall names t) =
foldMap withBinder names $ collectVars withVar withBinder t
rename = runRenamer \badNames (TForall names t) ->
uncurry TForall <$> replaceNames badNames names (pure t)
-- I took a shot at implementing this but found it to be quite difficult
-- because merging the foralls is tricky.
-- It's not undoable, but it wasn't worth my further time investment
-- seeing as this function isn't currently used anywhere.
unsafeSubstitute = error "Substitution for schemes not yet implemented"
-- These primitives are likely to be useful for implementing `rename`.
-- Ideally, I would like to find a way to move the implementation of `rename` here entirely,

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Ivo.Syntax.Base
( Expr (..), ExprF (..), Ctr (..), Pat, Def, DefF (..), PatF (..), VoidF, Text, NonEmpty (..)
, Type (..), TypeF (..), Scheme (..), tapp
, substitute, substitute1, rename, rename1, free, bound, used
, Parse, AST, ASTF, ASTX, ASTXF (..), NonEmptyDefFs (..)
, pattern LetFP, pattern LetRecP, pattern LetRecFP
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ type instance AppArgs Parse = NonEmpty AST
type instance AbsArgs Parse = NonEmpty Text
type instance LetArgs Parse = NonEmpty (Def Parse)
type instance CtrArgs Parse = [AST]
type instance AnnX Parse = ()
type instance XExpr Parse = ASTX
@ -107,10 +109,10 @@ pattern HoleP = ExprX HoleP_
pattern HoleFP :: ASTF r
pattern HoleFP = ExprXF HoleP_
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppF, AbsF, LetFP, CtrF, CaseF, ExprXF #-}
{-# COMPLETE Var, App, Abs, Let, Ctr, Case, LetRecP, PNat, PList, PChar, PStr, HoleP #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppF, AbsF, LetF , CtrF, CaseF, LetRecFP, PNatF, PListF, PCharF, PStrF, HoleFP #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppF, AbsF, LetFP, CtrF, CaseF, LetRecFP, PNatF, PListF, PCharF, PStrF, HoleFP #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppF, AbsF, LetFP, CtrF, CaseF, AnnF, ExprXF #-}
{-# COMPLETE Var, App, Abs, Let, Ctr, Case, Ann, LetRecP, PNat, PList, PChar, PStr, HoleP #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppF, AbsF, LetF , CtrF, CaseF, AnnF, LetRecFP, PNatF, PListF, PCharF, PStrF, HoleFP #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppF, AbsF, LetFP, CtrF, CaseF, AnnF, LetRecFP, PNatF, PListF, PCharF, PStrF, HoleFP #-}
-- TODO: Implement Substitutable for AST.

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@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
module Ivo.Syntax.Parser
( ParseError, parse
, DeclOrExprAST, ProgramAST
, Declaration, DeclOrExprAST, ProgramAST
, parseAST, parseDeclOrExpr, parseProgram
, astParser, declOrExprParser, programParser
, typeParser, schemeParser, astParser, declOrExprParser, programParser
) where
import Ivo.Syntax.Base
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (fromList)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Prelude hiding (succ, either)
import Text.Parsec hiding (label, token, spaces)
import Text.Parsec qualified
import Text.Parsec.Expr
import Text.Parsec.Text (Parser)
spaces :: Parser ()
@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ token :: Char -> Parser ()
token ch = label [ch] $ char ch *> spaces
keywords :: [Text]
keywords = ["let", "in", "Left", "Right", "S", "Z", "Char"]
keywords = ["let", "in", "Left", "Right", "S", "Z", "forall", "Char", "Void", "Unit", "Nat", "Char"]
-- | A keyword is an exact string which is not part of an identifier.
keyword :: Text -> Parser ()
@ -56,6 +58,9 @@ identifier = label "identifier" $ do
variable :: Parser AST
variable = label "variable" $ Var <$> identifier
tvariable :: Parser Type
tvariable = label "variable" $ TVar <$> identifier
many1' :: Parser a -> Parser (NonEmpty a)
many1' p = fromList <$> many1 p
@ -65,22 +70,29 @@ many2 p = (,) <$> p <*> many1' p
grouping :: Parser AST
grouping = label "grouping" $ between (token '(') (token ')') ambiguous
tgrouping :: Parser Type
tgrouping = label "grouping" $ between (token '(') (token ')') tambiguous
application :: Parser AST
application = uncurry App <$> many2 block
application = label "application" $ uncurry App <$> many2 block
tapplication :: Parser Type
tapplication = label "application" $ uncurry tapp' <$> many2 tblock
where tapp' t1 (t2 :| ts) = tapp (t1 : t2 : ts)
abstraction :: Parser AST
abstraction = label "lambda abstraction" $ Abs <$> between lambda (token '.') (many1' identifier) <*> ambiguous
where lambda = label "lambda" $ (char '\\' <|> char 'λ') *> spaces
definition :: Parser (Def Parse)
definition = do
definition = label "definition" $ do
name <- identifier
token '='
value <- ambiguous
pure (name, value)
let_ :: Parser AST
let_ = letrecstar <|> letstar
let_ = label "let expression" $ letrecstar <|> letstar
letrecstar = LetRecP <$> between (try (keyword "letrec")) (keyword "in") definition <*> ambiguous
letstar = Let <$> between (keyword "let") (keyword "in") definitions <*> ambiguous
@ -89,7 +101,7 @@ let_ = letrecstar <|> letstar
definitions = fromList <$> sepBy1 definition (token ';')
ctr :: Parser AST
ctr = pair <|> unit <|> either <|> nat <|> list <|> str
ctr = label "data constructor" $ pair <|> unit <|> either <|> nat <|> list <|> str
unit, pairCtr, tuple, either, left, right,
zero, succ, natLit, consCtr, cons, charCtr, charLit, strLit :: Parser AST
@ -166,9 +178,62 @@ case_ = label "case patterns" $ do
token '}'
pure $ Case pats
ann :: Parser AST
ann = label "type annotation" $ do
e <- block
token ':'
t <- tambiguous
pure (Ann () e t)
hole :: Parser AST
hole = label "hole" $ HoleP <$ token '_'
tlist :: Parser Type
tlist = between (token '[') (token ']') $ ((TApp TList <$> tambiguous) <|> pure TList)
tinfix :: Parser Type
tinfix = buildExpressionParser ttable tblock
ttable :: [[Operator Text () Identity Type]]
ttable = [ [Infix (binop TAbs <$ arrSym) AssocRight]
, [Infix (binop TProd <$ token '*') AssocRight]
, [Infix (binop TSum <$ token '+') AssocRight]
arrSym :: Parser ()
arrSym = token '→' <|> keyword "->"
binop :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
binop c t1 t2 = TApp (TApp c t1) t2
tctr :: Parser Type
tctr = tlist <|> tunit <|> tvoid <|> tnat <|> tchar
tunit = TUnit <$ (keyword "Unit" <|> keyword "")
tvoid = TVoid <$ (keyword "Void" <|> keyword "")
tnat = TNat <$ (keyword "Nat" <|> keyword "")
tchar = TChar <$ keyword "Char"
tfinite :: Parser Type
tfinite = tvariable <|> tlist <|> tctr <|> tgrouping
tblock :: Parser Type
tblock = tfinite
tambiguous :: Parser Type
tambiguous = try tinfix <|> try tapplication <|> tblock
tforall :: Parser Scheme
tforall = do
keyword "forall" <|> token '∀'
names <- many1 (identifier <* spaces)
token '.'
ty <- tambiguous
pure $ TForall names ty
scheme :: Parser Scheme
scheme = tforall <|> (TForall [] <$> tambiguous)
-- | Guaranteed to consume a finite amount of input
finite :: Parser AST
finite = label "finite expression" $ variable <|> hole <|> ctr <|> case_ <|> grouping
@ -179,7 +244,13 @@ block = label "block expression" $ abstraction <|> let_ <|> finite
-- | Not guaranteed to consume input at all, may continue until it reaches a terminator
ambiguous :: Parser AST
ambiguous = label "any expression" $ try application <|> block
ambiguous = label "any expression" $ try ann <|> try application <|> block
typeParser :: Parser Type
typeParser = tambiguous
schemeParser :: Parser Scheme
schemeParser = scheme
astParser :: Parser AST
astParser = ambiguous
@ -187,18 +258,26 @@ astParser = ambiguous
parseAST :: Text -> Either ParseError AST
parseAST = parse (spaces *> ambiguous <* eof) "input"
type Declaration = (Text, AST)
type Declaration = (Text, Maybe Type, AST)
definitionAnn :: Parser Declaration
definitionAnn = do
name <- identifier
ty <- optionMaybe $ token ':' *> tambiguous
token '='
e <- ambiguous
pure (name, ty, e)
declaration :: Parser Declaration
declaration = notFollowedBy (try let_) >> (declrec <|> decl)
declrec = do
try $ keyword "letrec"
(name, expr) <- definition
pure (name, LetRecP (name, expr) (Var name))
(name, ty, expr) <- definitionAnn
pure (name, ty, LetRecP (name, expr) (Var name))
decl = do
keyword "let"
-- | A program is a series of declarations and expressions to execute.
type ProgramAST = [DeclOrExprAST]

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@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
module Ivo.Syntax.Printer (unparseAST) where
module Ivo.Syntax.Printer (unparseAST, unparseType, unparseScheme) where
import Ivo.Syntax.Base
import Data.Functor.Base (NonEmptyF (NonEmptyF))
import Data.Functor.Foldable (cata)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (toList)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Lazy (fromStrict, toStrict, intercalate, unwords, singleton)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder, fromText, fromLazyText, toLazyText, fromString)
import Prelude hiding (unwords)
@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ unparseAST = toStrict . toLazyText . snd . cata \case
CaseF pats ->
let pats' = fromLazyText $ intercalate "; " $ map (toLazyText . unparsePat) pats
in tag Finite $ "{ " <> pats' <> " }"
AnnF () e t -> tag Ambiguous $ final e <> " : " <> fromText (unparseType t)
PNatF n -> tag Finite $ fromString $ show n
PListF es ->
let es' = fromLazyText $ intercalate ", " $ map (toLazyText . unambiguous) es
@ -95,3 +97,28 @@ unparseAST = toStrict . toLazyText . snd . cata \case
unparsePat (Pat ctr ns e)
= unambiguous (unparseCtr ctr (map (tag Finite . fromText) ns)) <> " -> " <> unambiguous e
pattern TApp2 :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
pattern TApp2 tf tx ty = TApp (TApp tf tx) ty
-- TODO: Improve these printers.
unparseType :: Type -> Text
unparseType (TVar name) = name
unparseType (TApp2 TAbs a b) = "(" <> unparseType a <> " -> " <> unparseType b <> ")"
unparseType (TApp2 TProd a b) = "(" <> unparseType a <> " * " <> unparseType b <> ")"
unparseType (TApp2 TSum a b) = "(" <> unparseType a <> " + " <> unparseType b <> ")"
unparseType (TApp TList a) = "[" <> unparseType a <> "]"
unparseType (TApp a b) = "(" <> unparseType a <> " " <> unparseType b <> ")"
unparseType TAbs = "(->)"
unparseType TProd = "(*)"
unparseType TSum = "(+)"
unparseType TUnit = ""
unparseType TVoid = ""
unparseType TNat = "Nat"
unparseType TList = "[]"
unparseType TChar = "Char"
unparseScheme :: Scheme -> Text
unparseScheme (TForall [] t) = unparseType t
unparseScheme (TForall names t) = "" <> T.unwords names <> ". " <> unparseType t

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@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
module Ivo.Types
( module Ivo.Types.Base
, infer
, infer, check
) where
import Ivo.Syntax.Printer
import Ivo.Types.Base
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
@ -99,6 +100,10 @@ j (Case ctrs) = do
j (CtrC ctr) = do
(t_ret, ts_n) <- ctrTy ctr
pure $ foldr (\t_a t_r -> tapp [TAbs, t_a, t_r]) t_ret ts_n
j (Ann () e t_ann) = do
t_ret <- j e
unify t_ret t_ann
pure t_ann
j CallCCC = do
t_a <- fresh
t_b <- fresh
@ -156,3 +161,13 @@ infer e = do
s <- solve' c
let t' = substitute s t
pure $ runReader (generalize t') HM.empty
check :: Type -> CheckExpr -> Either Text Scheme
check t_ann e = do
(t, c) <- runInferencer do
t_ret <- j e
unify t_ret t_ann
pure t_ann
s <- solve' c
let t' = substitute s t
pure $ runReader (generalize t') HM.empty

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@ -1,30 +1,26 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Ivo.Types.Base
( Identity (..)
, Expr (..), Ctr (..), Pat, ExprF (..), PatF (..), VoidF, UnitF (..), Text
, Type (..), TypeF (..), Scheme (..), tapp
, substitute, substitute1, rename, rename1, free, bound, used
, Check, CheckExpr, CheckExprF, CheckX, CheckXF (..)
, pattern AppFC, pattern CtrC, pattern CtrFC, pattern CallCCC, pattern CallCCFC
, pattern FixC, pattern FixFC, pattern HoleC, pattern HoleFC
, Type (..), TypeF (..), Scheme (..), tapp
, Substitution, Context, Constraint
, MonoSubstitutable, substituteMono, substituteMono1
, unparseType, unparseScheme
) where
import Ivo.Expression.Base
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Control.Monad.Reader (asks)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, first)
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.Functor.Foldable (embed, cata, para)
import Data.Functor.Foldable.TH (makeBaseFunctor)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..))
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.List (foldl1')
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Ivo.Expression.Base
data Check
type CheckExpr = Expr Check
@ -32,6 +28,7 @@ type instance AppArgs Check = CheckExpr
type instance AbsArgs Check = Text
type instance LetArgs Check = (Text, CheckExpr)
type instance CtrArgs Check = UnitF CheckExpr
type instance AnnX Check = ()
type instance XExpr Check = CheckX
type CheckX = CheckXF CheckExpr
@ -79,15 +76,15 @@ pattern HoleC = ExprX HoleC_
pattern HoleFC :: CheckExprF r
pattern HoleFC = ExprXF HoleC_
{-# COMPLETE Var, App, Abs, Let, CtrC, Case, ExprX #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppF, AbsF, LetF, CtrFC, CaseF, ExprXF #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppFC, AbsF, LetF, CtrF, CaseF, ExprXF #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppFC, AbsF, LetF, CtrFC, CaseF, ExprXF #-}
{-# COMPLETE Var, App, Abs, Let, Ctr, Case, CallCCC, FixC, HoleC #-}
{-# COMPLETE Var, App, Abs, Let, CtrC, Case, CallCCC, FixC, HoleC #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppF, AbsF, LetF, CtrFC, CaseF, CallCCFC, FixFC, HoleFC #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppFC, AbsF, LetF, CtrF, CaseF, CallCCFC, FixFC, HoleFC #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppFC, AbsF, LetF, CtrFC, CaseF, CallCCFC, FixFC, HoleFC #-}
{-# COMPLETE Var, App, Abs, Let, CtrC, Case, Ann, ExprX #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppF, AbsF, LetF, CtrFC, CaseF, AnnF, ExprXF #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppFC, AbsF, LetF, CtrF, CaseF, AnnF, ExprXF #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppFC, AbsF, LetF, CtrFC, CaseF, AnnF, ExprXF #-}
{-# COMPLETE Var, App, Abs, Let, Ctr, Case, Ann, CallCCC, FixC, HoleC #-}
{-# COMPLETE Var, App, Abs, Let, CtrC, Case, Ann, CallCCC, FixC, HoleC #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppF, AbsF, LetF, CtrFC, CaseF, AnnF, CallCCFC, FixFC, HoleFC #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppFC, AbsF, LetF, CtrF, CaseF, AnnF, CallCCFC, FixFC, HoleFC #-}
{-# COMPLETE VarF, AppFC, AbsF, LetF, CtrFC, CaseF, AnnF, CallCCFC, FixFC, HoleFC #-}
instance RecursivePhase Check where
projectAppArgs = Identity
@ -125,66 +122,6 @@ instance Substitutable CheckExpr where
CaseF pats -> Case <$> for pats \(Pat ctr ns e) -> Pat ctr ns <$> maySubstitute ns e
e -> embed <$> traverse snd e
-- | A monomorphic type.
data Type
-- | Type variable.
= TVar Text
-- | Type application.
| TApp Type Type
-- | The function type.
| TAbs
-- | The product type.
| TProd
-- | The sum type.
| TSum
-- | The unit type.
| TUnit
-- | The empty type.
| TVoid
-- | The type of natural numbers.
| TNat
-- | The type of lists.
| TList
-- | The type of characters.
| TChar
deriving (Eq, Show)
makeBaseFunctor ''Type
instance Substitutable Type where
collectVars withVar _ = cata \case
TVarF n -> withVar n
t -> fold t
-- /All/ variables in a monomorphic type are free.
rename _ t = t
-- No renaming step is necessary.
substitute substs = cata \case
TVarF n -> HM.findWithDefault (TVar n) n substs
e -> embed e
unsafeSubstitute = substitute
-- | A polymorphic type.
data Scheme
-- | Universally quantified type variables.
= TForall [Text] Type
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Substitutable Scheme where
collectVars withVar withBinder (TForall names t) =
foldMap withBinder names $ collectVars withVar withBinder t
rename = runRenamer \badNames (TForall names t) ->
uncurry TForall <$> replaceNames badNames names (pure t)
-- I took a shot at implementing this but found it to be quite difficult
-- because merging the foralls is tricky.
-- It's not undoable, but it wasn't worth my further time investment
-- seeing as this function isn't currently used anywhere.
unsafeSubstitute = error "Substitution for schemes not yet implemented"
type Substitution = HashMap Text Type
type Context = HashMap Text Scheme
type Constraint = (Type, Type)
@ -210,33 +147,3 @@ instance MonoSubstitutable t => MonoSubstitutable [t] where
instance MonoSubstitutable t => MonoSubstitutable (HashMap a t) where
substituteMono = fmap . substituteMono
tapp :: [Type] -> Type
tapp [] = error "Empty type applications are not permitted"
tapp [t] = t
tapp ts = foldl1' TApp ts
pattern TApp2 :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
pattern TApp2 tf tx ty = TApp (TApp tf tx) ty
-- TODO: Improve these printers.
unparseType :: Type -> Text
unparseType (TVar name) = name
unparseType (TApp2 TAbs a b) = "(" <> unparseType a <> " -> " <> unparseType b <> ")"
unparseType (TApp2 TProd a b) = "(" <> unparseType a <> " * " <> unparseType b <> ")"
unparseType (TApp2 TSum a b) = "(" <> unparseType a <> " + " <> unparseType b <> ")"
unparseType (TApp TList a) = "[" <> unparseType a <> "]"
unparseType (TApp a b) = "(" <> unparseType a <> " " <> unparseType b <> ")"
unparseType TAbs = "(->)"
unparseType TProd = "(*)"
unparseType TSum = "(+)"
unparseType TUnit = ""
unparseType TVoid = ""
unparseType TNat = "Nat"
unparseType TList = "[]"
unparseType TChar = "Char"
unparseScheme :: Scheme -> Text
unparseScheme (TForall [] t) = unparseType t
unparseScheme (TForall names t) = "" <> T.unwords names <> ". " <> unparseType t