Allow defining multiple variables with one `let`.

James T. Martin 2020-11-03 11:33:35 -08:00
parent ced4dbeb7b
commit 05d5abec6d
Signed by: james
GPG Key ID: 4B7F3DA9351E577C
5 changed files with 52 additions and 33 deletions

.editorconfig Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
root = true
charset = utf-8
indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true
indent_size = 2

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Exit the prompt with `Ctrl-c` (or equivalent).
### Example session
>> let D = (\x. x x) in let F = (\f. f (f y)) in D (F (\x. x))
>> let D = (\x. x x); F = (\f. f (f y)) in D (F (\x. x))
(y y)
>> let T = (\f x. f (f x)) in (\f x. T (T (T (T T))) f x) (\x. x) y
@ -29,4 +29,5 @@ and spaces are used to separate variables rather than commas.
* Applications are left-associative: `M N P` may be written instead of `((M N) P)`.
* The body of an abstraction or let expression extends as far right as possible: `\x. M N` means `\x.(M N)` and not `(\x. M) N`.
* A sequence of abstractions may be contracted: `\foo. \bar. \baz. N` may be abbreviated as `\foo bar baz. N`.
* Variables may be bound using let expressions: `let x = N in M` is syntactic sugar for `(\x. N) M`.
* Variables may be bound using let expressions: `let x = N in M` is syntactic sugar for `(\x. N) M`.
* Multiple variables may be defined in one let expression: `let x = N; y = O in M`

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ data Expression
instance TextShow Expression where
showb (Variable var) = fromText var
showb (Application ef ex) = "(" <> showb ef <> " " <> showb ex <> ")"
showb (Abstraction var body) = "(\\" <> fromText var <> ". " <> showb body <> ")"
showb (Abstraction var body) = "(λ" <> fromText var <> ". " <> showb body <> ")"
instance Show Expression where
show = T.unpack . showt

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@ -8,52 +8,58 @@ import LambdaCalculus.Expression
import Text.Parsec hiding (spaces)
import Text.Parsec.Text
spaces :: Parser ()
spaces = void $ many1 space
keywords :: [Text]
keywords = ["let", "in"]
variableName :: Parser Text
variableName = do
notFollowedBy anyKeyword
T.pack <$> many1 letter
where anyKeyword = choice $ map keyword keywords
keywords = ["let", "in"]
-- | Match an exact string which is not just a substring
-- of a larger variable name.
-- | A keyword is an exact string which is not part of an identifier.
keyword :: Text -> Parser ()
keyword kwd = try $ do
void $ string (T.unpack kwd)
notFollowedBy letter
keyword kwd = do
void $ string (T.unpack kwd)
notFollowedBy letter
-- | An identifier is a sequence of letters which is not a keyword.
identifier :: Parser Text
identifier = do
notFollowedBy anyKeyword
T.pack <$> many1 letter
where anyKeyword = choice $ map (try . keyword) keywords
variable :: Parser Expression
variable = Variable <$> variableName
variable = Variable <$> identifier
spaces :: Parser ()
spaces = skipMany1 space
application :: Parser Expression
application = foldl1 Application <$> sepEndBy1 applicationTerm spaces
where applicationTerm :: Parser Expression
applicationTerm = variable <|> abstraction <|> let_ <|> grouping
applicationTerm = abstraction <|> grouping <|> let_ <|> variable
where grouping :: Parser Expression
grouping = between (char '(') (char ')') expression
abstraction :: Parser Expression
abstraction = do
char '\\'
optional spaces
names <- sepEndBy1 variableName spaces
char '.'
optional spaces
body <- expression
pure $ foldr Abstraction body names
char '\\' <|> char 'λ' ; optional spaces
names <- sepEndBy1 identifier spaces
char '.'
body <- expression
pure $ foldr Abstraction body names
let_ :: Parser Expression
let_ = do
keyword "let"
name <- between spaces (optional spaces) variableName
char '='
value <- expression
keyword "in"
body <- expression
pure $ Application (Abstraction name body) value
try (keyword "let") ; spaces
defs <- sepBy1 definition (char ';' *> optional spaces)
keyword "in"
body <- expression
pure $ foldr (uncurry letExpr) body defs
where definition :: Parser (Text, Expression)
definition = do
name <- identifier ; optional spaces
char '='
value <- expression
pure (name, value)
letExpr :: Text -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression
letExpr name value body = Application (Abstraction name body) value
expression :: Parser Expression
expression = optional spaces *> (abstraction <|> let_ <|> application <|> variable) <* optional spaces

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@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ main = defaultMain $
, testCase "unary application" $ parseExpression "(x)" @?= Right (Variable "x")
, testCase "application shorthand" $ parseExpression "a b c d" @?= Right (Application (Application (Application (Variable "a") (Variable "b")) (Variable "c")) (Variable "d"))
, testCase "let" $ parseExpression "let x = \\y.y in x" @?= Right (Application (Abstraction "x" (Variable "x")) (Abstraction "y" (Variable "y")))
, testCase "multi-let" $ parseExpression "let x = y; y = z in x y" @?= Right (Application (Abstraction "x" (Application (Abstraction "y" (Application (Variable "x") (Variable "y"))) (Variable "z"))) (Variable "y"))
, testCase "ttttt" $ parseExpression "(\\T f x.(T (T (T (T T)))) f x) (\\f x.f (f x)) (\\x.x) y"
@?= Right ttttt
, testGroup "Redundant whitespace"