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module LambdaCalculus.Evaluator
( Expr (..), ExprF (..), VoidF, Text
, Eval, EvalExpr, EvalX, EvalXF (..)
, pattern AppFE, pattern Cont, pattern ContF
, eval, traceEval
) where
import LambdaCalculus.Evaluator.Base
import LambdaCalculus.Evaluator.Continuation
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError, ExceptT, throwError, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, State, evalState, modify', state, put, gets)
import Control.Monad.Writer (runWriterT, tell)
import Data.Functor.Foldable (cata, para, embed)
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import Data.HashSet qualified as HS
import Data.Stream qualified as S
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Void (Void, absurd)
-- | Free variables are variables which are present in an expression but not bound by any abstraction.
freeVars :: EvalExpr -> HashSet Text
freeVars = cata \case
VarF name -> HS.singleton name
AppFE e1 e2 -> HS.union e1 e2
AbsF n e -> HS.delete n e
ContF e -> HS.delete "!" e
-- | Bound variables are variables which are bound by any form of abstraction in an expression.
boundVars :: EvalExpr -> HashSet Text
boundVars = cata \case
VarF _ -> HS.empty
AppFE e1 e2 -> HS.union e1 e2
AbsF n e -> HS.insert n e
ContF e -> HS.insert "!" e
-- | Vars that occur anywhere in an experession, bound or free.
usedVars :: EvalExpr -> HashSet Text
usedVars x = HS.union (freeVars x) (boundVars x)
-- | Substitution is the process of replacing all free occurrences of a variable in one expression with another expression.
substitute :: Text -> EvalExpr -> EvalExpr -> EvalExpr
substitute var val = unsafeSubstitute var val . alphaConvert (freeVars val)
-- | Substitution is only safe if the bound variables in the body
-- are disjoint from the free variables in the argument;
-- this function makes an expression body safe for substitution
-- by replacing the bound variables in the body
-- with completely new variables which do not occur in either expression
-- (without changing any *free* variables in the body, of course).
alphaConvert :: HashSet Text -> EvalExpr -> EvalExpr
alphaConvert ctx e_ = evalState (alphaConverter e_) $ HS.union ctx (usedVars e_)
alphaConverter :: EvalExpr -> State (HashSet Text) EvalExpr
alphaConverter = cata \case
| AbsF n e' <- e, n `HS.member` ctx -> do
n' <- fresh n
e'' <- e'
pure $ Abs n' $ replace n n' e''
| otherwise -> embed <$> sequenceA e
-- | Create a new name which is not used anywhere else.
fresh :: Text -> State (HashSet Text) Text
fresh n = state \ctx' ->
let n' = S.head $ S.filter (not . (`HS.member` ctx')) names
in (n', HS.insert n' ctx')
where names = S.iterate (`T.snoc` '\'') n
-- | Replace a name with an entirely new name in all contexts.
-- This will only give correct results if
-- the new name does not occur anywhere in the expression.
replace :: Text -> Text -> EvalExpr -> EvalExpr
replace name name' = cata \case
| VarF name2 <- e, name == name2 -> Var name'
| AbsF name2 e' <- e, name == name2 -> Abs name' e'
| otherwise -> embed e
-- | Substitution which does *not* avoid variable capture;
-- it only gives the correct result if the bound variables in the body
-- are disjoint from the free variables in the argument.
unsafeSubstitute :: Text -> EvalExpr -> EvalExpr -> EvalExpr
unsafeSubstitute var val = para \case
| VarF var2 <- e', var == var2 -> val
| AbsF var2 _ <- e', var == var2 -> unmodified e'
| ContF _ <- e', var == "!" -> unmodified e'
| otherwise -> substituted e'
substituted = embed . fmap snd
unmodified = embed . fmap fst
isReducible :: EvalExpr -> Bool
isReducible = snd . cata \case
AppF ctr (Identity args) -> eliminator ctr [args]
VarF "callcc" -> constructor
AbsF _ _ -> constructor
ContF _ -> constructor
VarF _ -> constant
-- | Constants are irreducible in any context.
constant = (False, False)
-- | Constructors are reducible if an eliminator is applied to them.
constructor = (True, False)
-- | Eliminators are reducible if they are applied to a constructor or their arguments are reducible.
eliminator ctr args = (False, fst ctr || snd ctr || any snd args)
push :: MonadState Continuation m => ContinuationCrumb -> m ()
push c = modify' (c :)
pop :: MonadState Continuation m => m (Maybe ContinuationCrumb)
pop = state \case
[] -> (Nothing, [])
(crumb:k) -> (Just crumb, k)
ret :: (MonadError EvalExpr m, MonadState Continuation m) => EvalExpr -> m EvalExpr
ret e = pop >>= maybe (throwError e) (pure . continue1 e)
-- | Iteratively perform an action forever (or at least until it performs a control flow effect).
iterateM_ :: Monad m => (a -> m a) -> a -> m b
iterateM_ m = m' where m' x = m x >>= m'
fromLeft :: Either a Void -> a
fromLeft (Left x) = x
fromLeft (Right x) = absurd x
-- | Iteratively call an action until it 'throws' a return value.
loop :: Monad m => (a -> ExceptT b m a) -> a -> m b
loop f = fmap fromLeft . runExceptT . iterateM_ f
-- | A call-by-value expression evaluator.
evaluatorStep :: (MonadError EvalExpr m, MonadState Continuation m) => EvalExpr -> m EvalExpr
evaluatorStep = \case
unmodified@(App ef ex)
-- First reduce the argument...
| isReducible ex -> do
push (AppliedTo ef)
pure ex
-- then reduce the function...
| isReducible ef -> do
push (ApplyTo ex)
pure ef
| otherwise -> case ef of
-- perform beta reduction if possible...
Abs name body ->
pure $ substitute name ex body
-- perform continuation calls if possible...
Cont body -> do
put []
pure $ substitute "!" ex body
-- capture the current continuation if requested...
Var "callcc" -> do
-- Don't worry about variable capture here for now.
k <- gets $ continue (Var "!")
pure $ App ex (Cont k)
-- otherwise the value is irreducible and we can continue evaluation.
_ -> ret unmodified
-- Neither abstractions nor variables are reducible.
e -> ret e
eval :: EvalExpr -> EvalExpr
eval = flip evalState [] . loop evaluatorStep
traceEval :: EvalExpr -> (EvalExpr, [EvalExpr])
traceEval = flip evalState [] . runWriterT . loop \e -> do
-- You can also use `gets (continue e)` to print the *entire* expression each step.
-- This is a trade-off because it becomes much harder to pick out what changed from the rest of the expression.
e' <- gets (continue e)
tell [e']
evaluatorStep e