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module LambdaCalculus.Representation.AbstractSyntax where
import Control.Comonad.Cofree (Cofree ((:<)))
import Data.Functor.Foldable (cata, histo)
import Data.Functor.Foldable.TH (makeBaseFunctor)
import Data.List (foldl1')
import LambdaCalculus.Combinators (i)
import LambdaCalculus.Representation
import qualified LambdaCalculus.Representation.Standard as Std
data Expression = Variable String
| Abstraction [String] Expression
| Application [Expression]
-- | `let name = value in body`
| Let String Expression Expression
makeBaseFunctor ''Expression
instance Show Expression where
show = histo \case
VariableF name -> name
AbstractionF names (body :< _) -> "λ" ++ unwords names ++ ". " ++ body
-- TODO: this is a weird implementation of re-grouping variables,
-- to the degree that explicit recursion would probably be more clear.
-- Clean this up!
ApplicationF exprs -> unwords $ mapExceptLast regroup regroupApplication exprs
LetF name (value :< _) (body :< _)
-> "let " ++ name ++ " = " ++ value ++ " in " ++ body
where regroup (expr :< AbstractionF _ _) = group expr
regroup (expr :< LetF _ _ _) = group expr
regroup expr = regroupApplication expr
regroupApplication (expr :< ApplicationF _) = group expr
regroupApplication (expr :< _) = expr
group str = "(" ++ str ++ ")"
-- | Map the first function to all but the last element of the list,
-- and the last function to only the last element.
mapExceptLast :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
-- TODO: express this as a paramorphism
mapExceptLast _ _ [] = []
mapExceptLast _ fLast [x] = [fLast x]
mapExceptLast f fLast (x:xs) = f x : mapExceptLast f fLast xs
instance IsExpr Expression where
toStandard = cata \case
VariableF name -> Std.Variable name
-- We could technically just use `foldl' Std.Application i exprs`,
-- since that's the justification for allowing non-binary applications in the first place,
-- but we want expressions using only binary applications
-- to still generate the same expression,
-- not just beta-equivalent expressions.
ApplicationF [] -> i
ApplicationF [expr] -> expr
ApplicationF exprs -> foldl1' Std.Application exprs
AbstractionF names body -> foldr Std.Abstraction body names
LetF name value body -> Std.Application (Std.Abstraction name body) value
-- Again with the intent of generating the canonical form for this representation,
-- we want to convert all left-nested applications into a list application;
-- similarly, we convert nested abstractions into a list of names,
-- and abstractions into `let`s when applicable.
fromStandard = histo \case
Std.VariableF name -> Variable name
-- `(\x. e) N` --> `let x = N in e`.
Std.ApplicationF (_ :< Std.AbstractionF name (body :< _)) (value :< _)
-> Let name value body
Std.ApplicationF (Application exprs :< _) (xe :< _)
-> Application $ exprs ++ [xe]
Std.ApplicationF (fe :< _) (xe :< _)
-> Application [fe, xe]
Std.AbstractionF name (Abstraction names body :< _)
-> Abstraction (name : names) body
Std.AbstractionF name (body :< _)
-> Abstraction [name] body