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module LambdaCalculus.Representation where
import Data.Functor.Foldable (cata)
import Data.HashSet (HashSet, singleton, union, delete)
import LambdaCalculus.Representation.Standard
-- | `expr` is a representation of a /closed/ lambda calculus expression.
class IsExpr expr where
-- | Convert an expression to the standard representation.
toStandard :: expr -> Expression
-- | Convert an expression from the standard representation.
fromStandard :: Expression -> expr
-- | Convert an expression from one representation to another.
convert :: IsExpr repr => expr -> repr
convert = fromStandard . toStandard
-- | Retrieve the free variables in an expression.
freeVariables :: expr -> HashSet String
freeVariables = freeVariables . toStandard
instance IsExpr Expression where
toStandard = id
fromStandard = id
convert = fromStandard
freeVariables = cata \case
VariableF name -> singleton name
AbstractionF name body -> name `delete` body
ApplicationF fe xe -> fe `union` xe