# bootproof A hobby x86_64 operating system written in Rust. ## Installation bootproof runs on x86_64 and expects to be loaded by UEFI. You can either boot it using an emulator or on your own computer. ### Building You'll need to the Rust nightly toolchain installed because bootproof relies heavily on Rust nightly features (most of which are directly necessary for OS development). You'll also need the `cargo-xbuild` crate installed so that you can compile for the `x86_64-unknown-uefi` target. Building bootproof is pretty straightforward: ``` cargo xbuild --target x86_64-unknown-uefi ``` You can add the `--release` flag for a release-profile build. This will produce an executable, `target/x86_64-unknown-efi/{profile}/bootproof.efi`. ### Running #### With QEMU You will need QEMU, and OVMF, which provides a UEFI implementation for QEMU. On Debian derivatives, you can install these dependencies with: ``` apt install qemu-system-x86 ovmf ``` *After you have built the crate with `cargo xbuild`*, you can use `./run.sh $profile` to run QEMU with some good presets. `$profile` may be either `debug` or `release`, depending on which you built. If you don't specify, it defaults to `debug`, just like `cargo`. The VM's serial port will be mapped to stdio, which you can use to interact with the OS. #### With real hardware I would strongly recommend against doing this. Copy `bootproof.efi` to your system EFI partition in the EFI folder. You may put it wherever you'd like and select it while booting. Alternatively, you can name it `/EFI/Boot/BootX64.efi`, and it will be loaded automatically, *instead of your regular bootloader or OS*. You do *not* need a bootloader to run bootproof. The UEFI is all you need. ## Goals 1. **Have fun.** Ultimately, I'm doing this *because I want to*. Operating system development can be very difficult and tedious at times, but if I've turned this project into work, I've failed. 2. **Gain experience**, in particular with Rust, large-scale projects, and low-level programming in general. I should always be learning and becoming a better programmer. 3. **Show off.** I want to demonstrate my skills as a programmer, both to employers and to other programmers in general (because at least in my opinion, writing your own operating system gives you some serious cred!) 4. **Make something I'd want to use.** I should always be working towards an operating system that directly addresses my use cases and supports my hardware, so that if I ever managed to get far enough along, I'd actually *want* to use the OS that I ended up making. ## Philosophy 1. **Simplicity.** Getting a lot of stuff done in a simple way is better than getting very little done in an ideal way, especially with a scope as large as an entire operating system. 2. **Maintainability.** Operating system codebases are large, complex, and long-lived. In the long term, good maintainability is absolutely necessary. 3. **Forward-thinking.** Focus on what you'll need tomorrow, not what you need today. By the time you have it, tomorrow will be today and today will be yesterday. 4. **Iterate quickly.** There's a lot I don't know, and ultimately the best way to learn it is to explore the space through programming. It's *okay* to write some crappy code if that means my next attempt will be much better-- as long as I don't let it build up and interfere with maintainability.