An x86_64 UEFI operating system.

Updated 2022-07-25 02:21:44 -07:00

A PC Screen Font (PSF) version 2 parser for Rust.

Updated 2022-07-25 02:22:38 -07:00

A version-controlled copy of my Shadertoy shaders.

Updated 2022-07-25 02:23:58 -07:00

Embed an arbitrary binary blob into an ELF or COFF object file.

Updated 2022-07-25 02:24:36 -07:00

A purely-functional programming language with Hindley-Milner type inference and `callcc`.

Updated 2022-07-25 03:04:00 -07:00

Updated 2023-07-23 20:19:48 -07:00

A single-pass compiler for a simple imperative language.

Updated 2023-07-28 20:04:32 -07:00

The plugin suite made for the Wasteland Minecraft server (supports Spigot and Paper servers).

Updated 2023-07-30 01:40:22 -07:00

My personal page.

Updated 2023-09-20 20:11:30 -07:00

A Minecraft protocol-compatible server written from scratch in Rust.

Updated 2024-01-04 12:25:05 -08:00

Abstract nonsense: category theory, recursion schemes, dependent types, etc.

Updated 2024-01-04 15:12:07 -08:00

The hub for personal pages of jtm's.

Updated 2024-02-14 18:53:54 -08:00